The male couple the research group had been following for two years was a heart-warming pair. It was remarkable because the couple walked together steadily for three years straight.

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According to the information they received, Odis and Alexander had already started making preparations for the spring and the trek up the mountains.

Odis’s hunting intensity had reached an unprecedented peak level the past month. He not only ate more himself but also ‘required’ Alexander to eat more.

This ‘requirement’ took place similar to when Alexander was a cub and was forcibly fed by Odis.

This feeding made the researchers worried if Alexander would experience a psychological shadow.

This couple really made people worried for them always.

Qiao Qixi: They did?

Odis had been hunting seals intensely these past few days. If the seals had a mind of their own, they would have probably given him the title of ‘Perverted Seal Serial Killer’.

Half of the hunt was eaten by Odis himself and the other half was given to Alexander.

Watching the increase in size of the meal and the number of meals per day made Qiao Qixi panic a little as he knew why Odis was hunting so fiercely. Although he was no less familiar to going up the mountain, thinking of the reason, he couldn’t help but feel his fur tighten.

After all, this year, they had both reached puberty. He couldn’t help but be nervous thinking if they would only rub and lick each other like previous years.

Qiao Qixi felt embarrassed and hoped that Odis would not suddenly get any creative and strange thoughts to cross this base. It was not bad to masturbate every day.

If any other human had transmigrated into a polar bear, they would probably even feel disgusted to masturbate with another bear let alone take it further.

What Qiao Qixi felt though, was that when feelings could resonate, he would not mind if the other person was a human or an animal.

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After Qiao Qixi completed eating the seal his ‘untalkative’ partner had brought over, he thought that Odis would still continue to catch seals. Against his expectations, Odis picked up the little yellow bucket and started walking further inland, ignoring any smell of food along the way.

Qiao Qixi followed behind without any objections and guessed which snowy mountain they would go to for spring this year.

It seemed that Odis did not like to spend the breeding season at the same place every year. He liked fresh, unexplored places.

Of course, this was something guessed by Qiao Qixi. He, who didn’t have genetic memory of a polar bear, was like someone with natural defects. He did not have the instincts of polar bears.

The day he crossed into a polar bear, he had been given a death sentence.

Without Odis’s genetic memory and care, he would not have known what to do when in this place with snow all around. But Qiao Qixi didn’t think it was something to be pitied. After all, Odis also did not know what his beloved bear was thinking right now.

Both of them had their own mysteries, so their love was balanced.

“….” To be able to think from this kind of tricky angle, that person could only be a genius.

Qiao Genius Qixi swaggered leisurely around the North Pole as he would in his own back garden.

The researchers all think that there would probably be no other polar bear in the entire Arctic Circle as arrogant as Alexander.

They couldn’t wait to see what would happen if a female polar bear came to the couple with the intention to mate after smelling Alexander’s scent.

The Little Bear’s reaction to female polar bears wanting to mate with Odis could be observed during the past two years and there didn’t seem to be any adverse disgust.

Was it the same with Odis?

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Both Odis and Alexander were diamond bachelors in the prime of their life. They had a lean and strong body and also exuded a rich and domineering male scent. Unsurprisingly, they attracted many female polar bear suitors.

What was funny was that when the female polar bear who came following their scents saw that there were two strong and handsome male polar bears, it faltered. It seems that this bear was a little picky and confused on whom to choose.

The hesitant gaze of the female bear swept over the bears with two different personalities.

This made Qiao Qixi a little nervous. This bear sister would not fancy him, right?

Although strange, Qiao Qixi would rather the female bear fancy Odis. This was because Odis was ruthless and his experience in rejecting his courters over the past two years had reached an extraordinary level. He also never had any psychological guilt.

Qiao Qixi had just reached maturity this year. He is now officially a member of the polar bear matrimony alliance and quite confident that he was a diamond bachelor. He didn’t want to reject and hurt the female polar bear.

Don’t choose me, don’t choose me…

Seeing that the female bear was about to decide, Qiao Qixi hurriedly walked ahead of Odis, almost burying his face in the snow in his haste to leave. Let the steel-hearted Odis carry this guilt.

Odis had seen the female polar bear approaching them but didn’t pay it any attention until suddenly, it ran after Qiao Qixi, even crying out to him coyly.

Things suddenly got complicated.

Qiao Qixi panicked seeing the female polar bear running after himself.

Wasn’t Odis not handsome enough? Or was Odis’s figure not good? Or was he not running fast enough? What taste did this female bear have to fancy an unreliable player like him?!

Qiao Qixi: No, no, I don’t want you!

Right. The female polar bear skipped past Odis and directly chased after Alexander, surprising even the researchers. Although happy at the development, they were worried for Alexander. After all, they had seen Alexander grow up from the time he was a cub. It didn’t matter whether he was 500 pounds or 1000 pounds, he would always be a little bear cub for them.

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Odis was obviously not in such a good mood. He walked between the female polar bear and Alexander exuding a low air pressure. He gave a low roar accompanied by a deterring warning roar.

Odis behaved as if the female polar bear was not courting but attacking Alexander. He displayed fierceness he would have if he was truly enraged. Even his eyes were bloodshot.

The change came by surprise, and the place that seemed to be filled with pink bubbles only a moment ago suddenly turned into a battlefield.

The female polar bear shrunk back and retreated. It was frightened because the male bear indeed had an absolute advantage and could kill it easily.

“ROAR”, Odis’s roar shook the snow and viciously drove away the female bear.

This female polar bear probably never came across a gentlemanly polar bear like Alexander during spring. Unfortunately, it had no choice but to give up and leave.

Qiao Qixi was behind Odis and couldn’t see the female bear. He only had one thought in his mind right now. Odis was so fierce that even he as his boyfriend was afraid of him.

Qiao Qixi was a little ashamed too. During the past two years, he had to watch many love rivals brazenly court Odis. This change was a little refreshing.

No, no, it was not jealousy.

Along the way, Odis mercilessly drove away one suitor after another, some after him and some after Qiao Qixi in around seven to three ratio.

Qiao Qixi: As if! It was obviously five to five.

Odis simply drove away the other if they were females but when one of the males pursued Qiao Qixi, it was chased by Odis for two miles.

Qiao Qixi put his hand to his forehead and lamented the situation.

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In short, this trip up the mountain was quite bizarre.

It was not unforeseen though. They were both high quality diamond bachelor bears after all.

Perhaps this is what caused Odis to be slightly irritable. Whenever they stopped for a rest, he couldn’t help but come over to Qiao Qixi and get some relief together.

Qiao Qixi is already an adult, he would get turned on if he was rubbed like that.

Since he is not someone of human society anymore, Qiao Qixi wanted to explain what a polar bear felt during the mating season from an academic standpoint.

It felt as if there were countless ants, each holding a flame, crawling chaotically in the blood, in the bones, heart and brain.

It was itchy and felt hot all over, stimulating the brain and tempting to do something soothing.

This discomfort can be forcibly pressed down but if it was Odis doing something to him, it would obviously feel pleasurable. The pleasure slowly accumulated making them breathe heavily and growl and finally gave relief.

But that was all they did. Odis didn’t seem to know that there could be something after this.

The two polar bears only ever licked and rubbed each other.

What an easy to satisfy boyfriend.

Qiao Qixi would think this with emotion everyday after rubbing off each other.

No matter how irritable and unpleasant Odis was during the day, he would always adjust himself before going to bed. It only took spending some time with Alexander to turn his mood from gloomy and unhappy to bright again.

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