Has anyone wondered what the most handsome man in the world would look like if he faced a crazy person?

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‘What the? He still looks so handsome.’

Lennox stared at me as if he had heard something impossible before he smiled vainly.

“You don’t think when you talk, do you?”

In short, if you drew out his core, it would be like he was screaming, “Stop having crazy ideas!”

It wasn’t impossible to understand how he felt.

If I were in his shoes, I would have responded similarly.

But I found someone to trust.

Ruminating through the newspaper headline stating, [ uke of Kravant looking for his Special Bride!], I thought I hit the jackpot.

“An Epure is the person whose special ability you are looking for.”

However, the words I brought up confidently faced an unexpected contradiction immediately.

“I didn’t publish that article.”


“It’s a fake rumor. It has been days since the corrected article was published.”

Only then did I open my mouth in bewilderment after checking the date of the article that was more than a week earlier.

“But, then, the bride…”

“I’ve never looked for her and I don’t think I’ll be looking for her in the future. Apologies for disappointing you unintentionally.”

I had no words for his blunt answer.

In the meantime, Lennox stood up from his seat and straightened up.

“That’s all for my business here. Hope you take care of yourself.”

“Hold on!”

I urgently called after him, who was on his way to the balcony.

I couldn’t even get a hold on the only golden rope I had here.

I quickly stated the conditions I could offer.

“The power of Epure, it could help Your Highness.”

Lennox stared at me silently.

I couldn’t read his expression, but I waited for his answer with a little expectation.

But, his response was cold.

“Not at all.”

He rejected brazenly. But I didn’t give up.

“It’s because I haven’t fully honed my skills, right?”

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I shouldn’t have just given up when my life depended on it.

“Though my powers have only awakened, it wouldn’t be long before I reach the next stage. It doesn’t take much long to–”

“You seem to misunderstand.”

He cut me off.

The speck of kindness that he showed me earlier was nowhere to be seen in his cold look.

“I don’t need the power of an Epure.”

“If not right now, you might need my skills someday.”

As if there was nothing more for him to hear, Lennox opened the balcony door.

“Your Highness might get hurt while dealing with the evil spirits of the Rutoru forest!”

That stopped him.


The door—which was slightly opened —was closed as the latch was locked again.

I swallowed my breath as he slowly turned around.

“What did you say?”

His momentum was far different. The flash of his bloody red eyes was threatening.

But my situation was too dire to be scared of him.

“I can heal your wounds. Would it be too much for Your Highness to ask of me?”

“You amuse me.”

The man strode heavily and narrowed the distance between us. I didn’t even have time to reply.

He leaned down close to me, faces threatening to touch any moment.

“Which way will it be?”

His glare was so sharp that it made me wonder if it could penetrate my body like a sword.

I bit my lip in an unknown tension, catching his straight gaze.

After what felt like an eternity, a low voice rang out of the man’s smooth lips.

“Do you know about me, or just happen to be right without your knowledge?”

“What are…”

“Get to the point. Have you heard about the craze of Duke Kravant?”


My eyes widened to the sudden question.


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The word didn’t match him.

If the word had the same meaning in this world, that is.

“What’s wrong with you?”

“To be exact, I’m going crazy.”

My breath hitched.

“There’s no way you won’t get tired of living with a madman and wish to get away.”

Lennox cocked a brow, looking down at me as I pouted my lips.

“Did you say I might get hurt while dealing with evil beings? Nothing in the Rutoru forest can touch the tip of my hair.”

Finishing his speech, he waited for a while before relaxing his expression.

“I guess you had no idea.”

No wonder I was out of breath.

I searched for air while I met his eyes.

“Should I have known?”


Lennox chuckled softly.

But his smile had a hidden feeling.

“If you knew my secret and tried to pry,”


“I would’ve ended your life here.”

My heart dropped. I could feel goosebumps all over my body.

Despite the mild weather, I felt a chill as if I was standing in the middle of a glacier.

I felt the skirt crumple under my palms.

For the very first time, I faced the ferocious nature hidden under the elegant and noble outer shell of this man.

‘I’m so stupid.’

When I thought about it again, it did sound weird.

‘Why would I trust a person I’ve only met twice….?’

I thought I could easily have Lennox on my side.

I let my unconscious mind make decisions, without a doubt.

I was going to trust someone I knew nothing about.

But I still couldn’t understand something.

‘I shouldn’t be missing this man.’

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The yearning was too strong to be explained logically.

“I hope you don’t miss me, Your Highness.”

“Olivia Brienne.”

Did his patience reach its limit? His voice was violently low.

The surroundings felt horribly weighed down. The sharp power of his blade pricked my skin. It felt like I was getting repeatedly stabbed.

Strong. This man was really strong.

Lennox’s minimal courtesy was not seen in good eyes to other people.

The reason was that they could not raise their voice or get angry.

Just like how people didn’t care what ants did under their feet.

“Let’s stop joking around.”

“I’m not joking.”

But that’s the reason I was so sure. So I could hold on to Lennox.

I didn’t have any other cards to gamble.

If I lost Lennox, I would not be able to make it for long.

I didn’t hesitate anymore.

I did what I had to do.


He looked down at my hand touching his sleeve and raised his head again.

“What are you doing?”

“If you don’t want to, you can slice off my arm.”


“Feel free to do so.”

If it wasn’t tempting to Lennox, I wouldn’t have touched a part of his hair.

But, he just stood still and watched me.

His large hand was slightly colder than mine.

I slowly, very slowly, intertwined my fingers with his.

I could vividly feel the energy being created, rising from my fingertips and being sucked into him.


Lennox sighed in relief.

“The glory and sublimeness of one’s youth come with sacrifices. But if there’s a way to avoid it, is there a need to pay for it?”

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“My power can help Your Highness.”


“As an Epure, I’m sure I can heal whatever is troubling you.”

Everything needed courage to be fulfilled.

Especially if it was a life-threatening gamble.

“So let us make a deal.”

Lennox warned quietly,

“I may be forced to use my abilities to Viscount Brienne’s advantages.”

“I don’t think he would do that to a woman whose life is in danger.”

“What do you know about me?”

“At least I know that I will get paid for my price.”

I didn’t miss the change in his gorgeous bright red eyes.

“There’s only one thing I want. Safety from the threat of evil spirits and other enemies.”

Carinne Brienne.

Even though we never saw each other, she was a possible threat to my life.

“Of course, I’m not asking us to stay married for the rest of our lives. Our marriage would last until my powers are completely awakened and I heal your craze.”

We just needed to endure it somehow.

After the end of the original novel. Until the end of the story. Until the curtains of the stage fall.

Until the section where I could twist the writing of Olivia’s death.

If I just lasted until then.

“After that, our contract will be neatly cleared.”

The moment Lennox’s lips curled into a fascinating smirk, I felt myself winning.

“You’re clever.”

“Let’s say I’m strategic.”

Finally, he lifted his imposing power.

I felt the weight in the air lifting slowly.

“Let’s be clear about one thing.”

Lennox spoke in a clear tone.

“My duty is neither honorable nor sublime.”

It was a cynical statement, but we both knew I had no choice but to accept.

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