I jolted. “When did you get here?”

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“Just now.” Lennox, who was standing by the door, strode in, his long legs narrowing the distance in an instant and bringing a familiar-yet-not scent with him like a wave.

He bit his lip and drew closer. I backed up, our steps mimicking a dance until an unyielding surface hit the backs of my thighs.

’Damn this sofa.’

Right in front of my face was his chest, his loosely fastened shirt ties with muscles peeking through them.

I couldn’t breathe, but neither could I look away.

His well-defined muscles were so perfectly sculpted that I wanted to touch them, even just once.

“Do you like it?”

Surprised, I pulled back the hand that was slowly moving upwards.

“Why are you so surprised?”

“No, it’s just…” My face heated as I realized how much I had been staring. A strange sense of shame washed upon me, the warmth in my face spreading to my ears and the back of my neck.

“Olivia.” The unspoken question in his voice was unmistakable.


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Cool fingertips touched my cheek and I grabbed onto the hem of his shirt instinctively, craning my neck to see his face.

Lennox’s red eyes were darker than I had ever seen them. I had the distinct feeling that my whole body would burn from his gaze.

And that the gap between us was collapsing in on itself.

’This is cheating, Lennox.’

“Your cheeks are red. Very red.”


A strangled, gasp-sigh sort of sound slipped from his lips.

It was disconcerting to see the occasional emotion from a man who always seemed to be cool and above everything.

He caressed my cheek, feather-light and overly slow, so much that I could feel it burn into my skin like a brand. It was too warm, I was too warm.


“Wait a minute.” He nibbled on his lower lip, another new expression on his face.

Heavy and intense, but not unwelcome. There was no discomfort accompanying his persistent touch. My heart began to pound faster and faster.

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Meanwhile, his hand reached the shell of my ear.

He tucked my hair behind it delicately. “Here. It’s done,” he said and pulled back.

I sucked in a much-needed breath. “Why are you suddenly doing something you haven’t done before? I was surprised.”

“Your hair was messy, so I was just taking care of it,” he replied casually, poker face back in place although his eyes still looked like they were about to catch fire. “Besides, you didn’t hate it, did you?”

’Oh, now I get it.’

Lennox was seducing me, and I didn’t know what to feel about it. Something had changed between us.

“What’s going on?”

“What do you mean?” His brows furrowed and he tilted his head, dark hair falling across his face. He smirked. “There’s something important we need to do.” He stepped closer even as I had no more room to retreat.

I sat back down on the sofa, and he leaned in slowly like a prowling leopard.

“Olivia.” His burning eyes made me feel all sorts of things.

Still, I couldn’t push him away. There was no denying that we both wanted what was happening. His movements were slow enough that I could have avoided him if I wanted to.

Lennox’s arm slipped around my waist.

The world went still.

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My composure was completely lost. Our eyes met and I couldn’t resist the urge.

“What’s the reason for this? What do you want?”

“You,” he answered instantly, eyes filled with something that could only be desire. “Olivia, I want you.”

“This kind of thing doesn’t fit us—ah!”

His arm tightened around me, easily pulling me against him. He was firm and warm and exceptionally built.

Lennox buried his face in my neck. His hot breath brushed my ear, startling against the cool evening air.

This wasn’t what I had been expecting. He and I were business partners. I shouldn’t have been so easily swayed. As soon as one party in a transactional relationship caught feelings, they would become the weaker one.

I closed my eyes tightly. “…But we’re not a normal couple.”

“I don’t know why we can’t be.” He pulled back enough for me to see his face. His lips were bent in a graceful arc.

A fuzzy feeling filled me when I saw his beautiful smile. Overwhelming and intense, his newfound charm wasn’t intimidating at all.

“Don’t get careless.” He licked his lips.

Instinctively, I closed my eyes in surrender.

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His breath caressed my cheeks and the tip of my nose, and then softness touched my lips. Unlike his slow hands, his lips were searing.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as if I was drowning.

Lennox was indeed an apt student. He deftly pushed me back into the sofa, deepening the kiss without hesitation. It felt like being devoured, but also like being the one doing the devouring. Breathing became difficult, my sobriety doing nothing to ward against the heat and languor.

My legs trembled, and I was grateful that I had sat down earlier.

The kiss continued until I had to pull away. He pursed his lips in disappointment.


“I reminded you to breathe”

“Not everyone learns as quickly as you do,” I panted.

He smiled again, the rare sight making my stomach churn. I turned my head to calm down, then shifted to try and put some distance between us.


Lennox lifted me from the sofa and into his arms and began to walk. In the quiet room, his footsteps were like thunderclaps.

Immediately after he stopped, softness touched my back.

As he laid me on the bed, his eyes shone strangely once more.

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