You’ll Regret It

Chapter 2


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“Ah, hey, Herette…..”


The sky had darkened before she knew it. Since she came back from avoiding people, time had passed more than she thought.


When Yuri arrived at the entrance to the temple, the sun had already set for a long time.


She looked at the woman, who called her by a strange nickname. She was one of the kitchen maids who mainly took care of the meals for the Paladins and Priests.


“You are late.”


“Yes Yes. Fes, festival… There are a lot of people.”


“Yes. Were there many people on the street?”


“Yes, yes!”


Mrs. Herette sighed, raising her hand and stroking Yuri. Looking at Yuri, who closed her eyes tightly after seeing her rising hand, the old woman made a sad face. Seeing such a woman’s face, Yuri smiled awkwardly.


“Sorry, I’m sorry…… .”


“No. Oh. I have something to give you.”


Then, the woman began to rummage through her handbag and took out a small pocket. The pocket decorated with bright red ribbons was very cute.


“It’s a chocolate cookie.”


“Yes, Yes?”


“Today, isn’t it your birthday?”


At that time, Yuri said, “Ah…” and let out a small sigh. With shame and gratitude, her cheeks began to turn red like a peach.


‘Grandfather gave me bread and medicine…… It must have been a gift.’


Now Yuri understood the old man’s kindness.


“Ha, thank you. …. I will eat well.”




Yuri bowed her head and said goodbye. Maybe it was because she bowed too deeply, her right leg, which was a little shorter than the left, was a little hurt.


“Happy Birthday.”


Mrs. Herette said so and patted Yuri on the shoulder. Yuri nodded her head a few times as if embarrassed.


Mrs. Herette soon said, “Oh yea! Look at my mind,” and took the herbs that Yuri had brought.


“Oh. How was that gentleman?”


“Ah yes. He seemed to be doing well.”


“I see.”


“Grandpa… …He seemed to miss his wife.”




Everyone called the woman ‘Mrs. Herette’, but she had never married. Seeing Mrs. Herette, who was a bit shy and openly annoyed, Yuri laughed, as if embarrassed. Mrs. Hereret was the only one who took care of and liked her grandfather, who was called a geek in the village.


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“Okay. It’s late.”


“Yes Yes. Oh, goodbye.”


“Okay. See you tomorrow.’


Thump, thump. The sound of Yuri’s footsteps seemed strangely bright.


‘You must be in a good mood.’ (Herette)


Yuri carefully placed the cookie bag that Mrs. Herette had given her into the basket, and hurried to her room. 




Her room was old and small. The bitter winter wind blew in through the narrow window. In winter like this, her fingers were cold as they would freeze.


It was a room that was unbelievably empty for someone who would soon become an adult. All she had in her room was a blanket, a closet with a few clothes, and a small desk and chair.


‘Oh. I almost forgot.’


Yuri put her hands together toward the statue of the goddess on the desk and began to pray. As the priests do, it was a reverent, low voice.


“Goddess of all things.”


How many times did she pray? A loud noise started coming from outside the window.


“It’s already starting!”


Yuri took out the bread and cookies from her basket. The heating was not good, and the room was small and old, but for Yuri, this room was good. To be precise, she liked the view of the village through the small window.


People sang excitedly at the festival, and clowns were performing in the square. Warm lights were flashing.


‘Everyone looks happy.’


Light lanterns began to flow along the river. The sight of people floating their lanterns in the water and making wishes was spectacular. That was Yuri’s favorite scenery.


Sitting at her desk, she watched the lanterns float down the river through the narrow window.


“Thank you for this food.”


Yuri took a bite of the cookie. There was a round tooth mark on the triangle-shaped cookie. An unfamiliar sweetness lingered on the tip of her tongue. Yuri smiled as she ate the cookie with a happy face.




The wind blew through the crack in the window. A few minutes ago, it was cold as a ripple of flesh, but now it just felt strangely cool.




There were times when she thought she was unlucky. But there were always people around her who treated her favorably. She did not want to abandon this world just because of some people who were hostile to her and tormented her.


Yuri began to say the unfinished prayer in a voice as sweet as the chocolate cookie.


 “…And with a compassionate heart.”


Ding. A long bell rang. It seemed like the holy star had completely risen.


As she listened, Yuri said the last part of the prayer.


“Oh, protect the little ones and love them.”




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At that moment, a strong wind blew. The candle went out, and the window that was opened slammed shut with a loud noise. Nothing was visible. Yuri fumbled through the desk, looking for a match that seemed to have been left somewhere.


“Uh, where are you…….”


“Here it is.”


A voice spoke to her from the darkness. Yuri was startled and fell backwards. Her lower back hurt as she hit the floor.


“Who are you…… !”




“Who are you! Uh, where are you?”


Without even feeling the presence, a creepy voice came from the darkness. It spoke in a pretty friendly voice. Yuri could see that something like a human hand was touching her head.


“You may not remember me, but I do remember you. Yuri Slevard.”


“No, no……”


“Baby. It’s time to play with fate.”


“Yes, Yes?”


A black hand gently stroked her hair.


‘It’s not a person.’


Yuri bit her lip to keep from losing consciousness. The hand that was stroking her hair was hair. Yuri’s hands were cold and numb. Frost began to bloom where the darkness touched.


The moment she heard the friendly voice of darkness, she felt strange emotions even though it was the first time she heard it.


It was kind of a longing and sad voice.


‘I’ve definitely heard this voice somewhere before.. .’


But Yuri couldn’t remember. The moment she heard the voice, she felt like crying. For the first time in her life, she felt a wave of emotions, and she couldn’t do anything. Her bones were grieving and she missed someone she didn’t know.


“How could my precious baby’s hands hurt like this…….”


Darkness gently grabbed Yuri’s hand. It was cold as if her hand would freeze, but somehow it was a very familiar feeling. Tears seemed to come out.


‘It’s wrong.’


It was clear that it was wrong. She couldn’t be swayed by this. Yuri soon clenched her teeth and held back tears. She knew that it was something wrong, she should not be shaken by the words.


“Baby. Let’s make a bet with me.”


“I, what I have … .”


“Baby. It’s okay. I’m your old friend…Will I bother you?”


“That’s, that’s a lie.”


A friendly arm wrapped around her. It was as cold as if the flesh would fall off, but somehow her heart kept moving. The desire to be embraced for the rest of her life was raised.


“Baby. You must have been in a lot of pain.”


“Oh, no. I, I.…”


“Why is my baby so sad… she’s such a pretty kid. It must have been very painful……”


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The moment the darkness said that and gently patted Yuri on the back, tears began to flow. It was a pain she had never felt in her life. It hurt as if someone was holding her organs and twisting them. It felt like her head was going to break. Yuri soon began to weep like a child. She cried so much, no more tears came out.


As Yuri began to squirm, the fingers as thin as a branch wiped the tears from her eyes.


“Baby, I want to make you happy.”




“I know. It was hard. It must have been painful.”


“No, it’s just…… ”


“What kind of feelings would a child have to sit on the street on a snowy day and wait for her parents who would not come?”




“How hard it must have been to be ignored by everyone.”


Then the talking stopped like a lie. Yuri’s throat started to swell. She reached out to the darkness. It immediately held Yuri and shook her affectionately.


She soon felt at ease. Her mind started to blur.


“Baby. Will you play a fun game with me?”


Who in the world would treat her so affectionately like this? Yuri smiled. As she hugged the darkness, the deep emotions that Yuri had been holding in began to flow out.


The feeling that someone completely understood the heart that she hid deep down because she couldn’t even understand it herself was more comforting than anything else. Feeling like she was being compensated for all the hardships of the past 18 years, Yuri answered as if possessed.


“I’ll do it….”


Then the darkness laughed. Others wouldn’t know, but Yuri knew. Darkness smiled sweetly at her. She liked it, so Yuri laughed along with it.


“Baby. You will soon marry the greatest man in the country.”


“Wedding… ”


“Because he is your destiny.”


Yuri immediately answered in a slurred voice. Darkness said, ‘You’re a smart kid.’ It sat Yuri down on its lap and talked as if singing a lullaby.


“You just need to be promised eternity from that person. It’s okay if it’s a lie.”




“His mind doesn’t matter. You just have to hear that from him.”




The face of darkness looked sad. Yuri didn’t want to bother the darkness that comforted her. She wanted to do anything for the darkness.


“If you do my favor… … … … I’ll be really happy.”




“If you don’t like it, you can say no…”


“I, I…I’ll do it all. I will.”


“Yeah? You’re a really good kid.”


Darkness began to hug Yuri as if she was a very adorable little child. It swept her cheeks and patted her affectionately.

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‘Like a mother.’


Yuri recalled her mother, who was buried in her memory. She couldn’t remember anything about her mother. She only knew it from rumors. But if there was such a thing as a mother, it seemed like this.


“If the baby succeeds… I will grant all her wishes.”


“It’s okay. It’s really, really, really okay….”


“You’re really nice.”


“I’ll do it… So…”


“Yes, yes.”


“Beside me…Please stay.”


Yuri soon fell into the arms of darkness. A sweet voice rang in her ear.


“But if you give up, you will have to give me everything.”


“I can still give it to you.”


“Thank you. But you have to be careful with those words.”


‘Ah. Nagging is just like mothers.’


A smile crept across Yuri’s lips. Just like the mother she imagined. Her mother exists, sewn into her imagination like rags. The fantasy was sweet. It was so sweet that it was almost bitter in her mouth.


“Baby, would you like to bet with me then?”


“I will….”


“Okay. Good girl. Sleep tight.”


The darkness covered Yuri’s eyes. Like that, Yuri penetrated deeper and deeper into the darkness. It was not cold at all now. The stillness she had just longed for settled down beside her.




Her eyelids were heavy. Yuri thought she had a good dream last night. Who was talking to her? Was it just a dream?




The only strange thing was that she couldn’t move her body. It was difficult to move even a single finger.


“Ha, brother…!”


“No, She opened her eyes, she woke up……!”


It sounded like someone was screaming. Yuri looked around. Soon a lot of people rushed towards her.


She forcibly grasped the distant mind.


“Oh……! God!”


“The grace of the Goddess is clear!”


The large hands of the priests wrapped around Yuri’s small hands.


‘Are they talking to me…?’


Their gaze was filled with countless favors. An unfamiliar world was unfolding before her eyes for the first time.

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