Chapter 08: Something Worse Than Animals!

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"Simply put, when I took Xiaohuan to the town at noon, Mrs. Ye and Ye Bao'er confronted us and insulted us. I couldn't really defy them since one is my supposed grandmother and the other is my aunt. No matter what they said, I endured it. But they went too far. Bao'er even disregarded her elder status and threatened to tear my mouth apart. Could I just stand there and let her bully me? So I took Xiaohuan and ran away. Who knew that when Xiaohuan and I came back from the town, their whole family was squeezed into our house, accusing me of deliberately tripping Bao'er and causing her to fall. They even brought out Ye Xiaoyu to testify against me. Mayor Wan, many people witnessed the incident at noon, they can all testify for me. Besides, if I really tripped Bao'er, why didn't she mention it at noon? Why did she wait until now, several hours later, to come to our house and threaten and intimidate me? Even if it was my accidental tripping that caused Bao'er's injury, it's just a minor scrape, isn't it? Is it necessary for me to compensate them with my house and land? They want to force us to death, Mayor Wan, Elder Pan, please stand up for the two of us brothers. If these despicable relatives continue to persecute us, we'll have no way out."


This time, Ye Zhou didn't stir up trouble again. He tearfully explained the cause and effect of the situation, and even forced out two tears, but the effect wasn't quite satisfactory. Fortunately...


"Wuwu... Grandpa Wan, what my brother said is true, please believe him... wuwu..."


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He couldn't cry, but the little bun in his arms could. Sure enough, Ye Huan cried loudly, and Ye Zhou took the opportunity to pretend to be distressed and hugged him, even shaking his shoulders a couple of times, indicating to them that he was silently shedding tears as well.


Anyone with a bit of humanity would feel sorry for them when they saw the two brothers in this state, and Mayor Wan was no exception. His heart, which had already leaned toward them, undoubtedly leaned even further.




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Another slap fiercely landed on the table. Mayor Wan's face had turned darker than the bottom of an old pot. The people from the Ye family hurriedly denied, "No, Mayor, it's not like that, we..."


"What 'not like that'? Ye Daniu, aren't you still human? They're your own nephews. Do you have to push them to death? I know you didn't get along with the fourth brother when he was alive, but he was still your own younger brother. Now that the fourth brother and his wife have passed away, only these two children are left. If you say you're poor and can't support them, then fine, but why do you interfere when Xiaozhou goes to work in the town to support his younger brother? What does it have to do with you? It's embarrassing enough that you come to their house to take things when you need them. Now, you even want to occupy the house and land that the fourth brother left for them. Aren't you afraid that the couple will come to haunt you in the middle of the night?"

Without giving Ye Daniu a chance to finish, Mayor Wan stood up angrily and pointed at them, his words sharp and piercing, almost scolding them as less than animals.

"No, Mayor, it's not true. Ye Zhou tripped me..."

"Shut up! Men speak, women stay aside."

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Ye Daniu seemed a bit ashamed, bowing his head under the Mayor's reprimand. Ye Bao'er quickly jumped out, but her fate wasn't any better than her brother's. Mayor Wan gave her a stern glare, and even though Ye Bao'er was fierce, she didn't dare confront the Mayor head-on. She could only resentfully glare at the huddled Ye Zhou brothers and lower her head, holding onto her mother for support.

"I've heard about the incident at noon. It's clear that Bao'er fell by herself. If you cause any more trouble, I'll call the village security team to throw each of you out. Get out of here!"


Mayor Wan roared angrily, and the frightened Ye family members, whose legs were already weak, almost kneeled and begged for mercy. They quickly supported the injured old lady and tried to leave.


But just as they were turning around, Ye Zhou stood up and blocked their way. The frightened old lady lifted her head and glared fiercely at him, while the others had equally unpleasant expressions. But Ye Zhou didn't even give them a glance, his gaze passed over them and looked at the puzzled Mayor Wan. "Mayor, this kind of thing has happened not just once or twice. Today, Xiaohuan was clever enough to seek help from Elder Pan, but what about the future? What if they block Xiaohuan along with us next time? Who can we turn to for help?"

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He had made so many preparations beforehand, finally bringing the matter to this point. How could he let them leave so easily?

"We haven't even pursued the fact that you wanted to kill my mother. What more do you want?"

Ye Erniu, the second son of the Ye family, raised his brows angrily. Don't be fooled by their current appearance, they weren't stupid. If it really reached the point where the Mayor had to sever ties with them, their reputation would be greatly damaged.

"I don't want anything more. I'm just seeking a way out for myself and Xiaohuan."

Giving him a casual glance, Ye Zhou led his brother to stand in front of Mayor Wan. "Mayor, I don't deny that I did harm Mrs. Ye in a fit of anger just now, but it was all because they forced me. As the saying goes, even a rabbit will bite when it's cornered, not to mention a living person. I don't want to die, I still want to live a good life with my brother. I'm asking Mayor and Elder Pan for a favor, to help us write a document that severs all relations with the entire Ye family, including Ye Xiaoyu, a document that declares we will have no further contact until death."

Perhaps a thin piece of paper like that had little meaning to those shameless people, but without that piece of paper, it held vital significance for him. For example, if someone randomly barged into his house in the future, he could treat them as thieves without worrying about any blood or kinship ties, simply by pointing to the document.

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