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The world cannot move forward without innovations. Innovations come through ideas from people. This has been demonstrated in the pages of this book, through the author's use of ingenuity, humour, citations, personal, and professional experiences, to reach the readers.

The various topics treated in the chapters of this book are realistic and captivating, as they all deal with contemporary issues which we all need to face squarely. This makes the book invaluable. It is like a wonderland which will take anyone that reads it, on an interesting journey of pleasant discovery of the jewel one possesses. No chapter is less important than the other. Consequently, I urge the readers to pay attention to every chapter, as they are all encapsulated with juicy packages.

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The book is unique in many ways: every chapter of the book is blended with a poem originally composed and written by the author herself. This is an indication of how creative and innovative she is. This action, I believe, is to fully capture the attention of the reader, to the reality of the facts she expresses in every chapter. This is quite interesting as students and general users will fully enjoy and appreciate the rhyming nature of all the poems here. Equally, the concrete and humorous citations by the author, of real and daring life experiences, will place readers in a very comfortable mood, to relax and assimilate the facts and the entire contents of the all inspiring work she did in the pages of this book.
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I feel this is a book for everyone, because the author has carefully addressed issues that pertain to everyone, irrespective of their areas of affiliation - students, teachers, administrators, parents, public servants, political office holders, girl-child, boy-child, the unemployed, and so on. What I see in this book is a thorough piece of work geared towards making everyone realise his or her worth in the society, so that the nation will be a truly sanitised one, devoid of rancour, corruption, restiveness, and, most importantly, illiteracy. It is a book one has to open again and again in order to answer the question of what one has to offer to himself, the family, and, the society at large. It opens our eyes to the fact that every one of us, from cradle to adulthood, was delicately fashioned and created by God, with unique gifts and abilities which, when explored, make us awesomely beautiful and excellent.

Experience, we often say, is the best teacher. This expression is fully demonstrated by the author, as she takes us down the memory lane of her professional work in the education of the young ones, who are truly the leaders of tomorrow. To learn from a truly experienced teacher and administrator is a thing of joy and satisfaction, because, one is drinking from the correct source of water. This is why I highly recommend this book to all students, teachers, administrators, and even other public servants, as they all have relevant issues tackled in the pages of this inspiring book.

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Helen Uche Ibezim has proven through Your Gift Is Your Power that she has the prowess of words and expressions to state her concern for the unlocking of potentials, which are caged in individuals, especially, the young ones. I observe that this is a worthy approach to inspiring each one to realise, not only that he/she has a gift, but also, the power of that gift! It will really amaze you to find out that the 'little' gift you possess can bring about huge success for you, and showcase you to the world. The knowledge you acquire from this book will help you to be a positive impact maker. It is left to you to do something positive now, in order to be an asset, not a liability, in your own generation.

The book is commendable, and, is a great and valuable companion. I heartily congratulate the author, Helen Uche Ibezim, for her boldness in expression, thorough research, sincere creativity, and beautiful layout of the book.

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Dr (Mrs.) Catherine Ezeilo


FCT Universal Basic Education Board, Abuja.

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