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Once you are able to recognise that you have a gift, then, you are on the path of greatness. It is left to you to develop that gift, because, that is your power! Your neighbour out there may not be so lucky to possess what you have, so, why waste your own?
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As a human being created by the all-knowing Creator of the universe, you need to acknowledge that you have been endowed with a special gift. This gift is your talent, so to say and you need to use it to unlock the potential in you, for the greatness in life you so much desire. Be conscious of dangerous games people play, so that you will not be a victim of such. In your bid to climb the ladder of life and success, do not forget your positive impact on others will make much difference. Through creative thinking, you will be able to jump the difficult hurdles that trail everyone on the path to success.

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Note too that as you embark on this journey, you are bound to make mistakes. But do not live in the past. Focus on the future, by building on your mistakes. Learn from failure and build on it to be better. Since you desire success, you need to identify fully with it. It is important to share also because you don't know who will help you find a solution to certain problems you might have or who your story might help. So, endeavour to share your experience with others, so that learning can take place: either yours, theirs or both parties'.

The need to always be yourself will always make you to be up and out. As you make humility your watchword, you will find out that you can easily adapt to strange environments and always move with trends. Equally, as you become friendlier, people will cherish you and refrain from hurting you. You also have to take charge, be firm and resolute in all your ways. This will shield you from intimidation, as you will always stand firm and be yourself. As you strive to be a role model, you will find out that you will be making judicious use of your time, being always conscious of time. This evidently makes time your good friend, as you will always be guided by it. While determining your goal in life, you will see yourself initiating a selling point that will catapult you to your El Dorado.

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Of course, as you get committed to finding a firm ground, no form of idleness will – or should - locate you. With the spirit of optimism fired by enthusiasm, you will find out that all your disappointments will turn into blessing for you. With all these traits, you will be in a position to show the light to others, and, equally, be on guard, to maintain the discipline that has taken you to that height. Realising that it is through the divine inspiration and empowerment from God that you can scale through in life, you will be automatically drawn close to Him. Fully embracing God will equip you with all the necessary keys that will unlock your potential, thereby leading you to your destination point, which is success.

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Come on, showcase your gift. Just as your vote during elections is your right and power, so also, your gift is your power. You are the one to bring it into limelight. A golden fish has no hiding place; so, do not make any attempts to hoard that gift. Use it, and make it your power. Always be motivated and bask in the knowledge as you work to make it count that, your gift is your power!

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