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A gift is a special ability. It is a quality bestowed by nature. It is also something special that one has and should be grateful for. We should note that gifts are blessings, and blessings are gifts. There exist exceptional gifts like creativity, sports, academics, acting, speech, leadership, debating, drawing, dancing, singing, humour, and so on. They are innate and can be worked upon. There are also spiritual gifts like prophecy, healing, interpretation of dreams and speaking in tongues that we have no control over. Sometimes, you don't have an idea of why you have that special ability or talent but somehow, you just have it. It is God given.

Apart from physical skills, we experience God's gifts, or better still, His blessings, in many other ways: being a father or a mother; having parents or having children or siblings. This is the gift of family that should not be taken for granted. Being in a good position, having freedom, strength, and victory, are also gifts because you never know how special they are until you lose them. In the same way, love is a gift from God which is what He is; God is love. Love gives you joy and an unexplained feeling, which makes you happy.

Everyone has a gift for something, even if it is the gift of being a good friend, according to Marian

Anderson, one of the best American contraltos (women with lower singing voices) of all time. A friend is a gift from God, because God gave you this precious person to remind you that you are not alone. This can be classified under the gift of friendship. Your gift makes room for you and brings you before great men. Therefore, you need to acknowledge the gifts you have.

The worst crime anyone will commit is to think he is cheated by nature. If you feel you are cheated by nature, try to look around you and find out the number of people who are endowed with what you have. Of great note is the statement by Helen Keller, an American prolific author, political activist, and lecturer, who was the first deaf and blind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree, "l cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet." If you are relegating yourself to the background, you need to be motivated by this emotional speech which is really encouraging. William Arthur Ward, a motivational speaker, author, and one of America's most quoted writers of inspirational maxims, posed a relevant question, thus: "God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say 'thank you'?"

This is food for thought, and should cause you to be grateful.

Abundance of Gifts

The various gifts that exist set people apart from one another. Gifts have been shared to everyone in a way that no one will have monopoly of all the gifts. A particular gift may be favourable to one person, while another type of gift will be favourable to another. A person may have a lot of money, but she may not have children who will partake in the wealth. Another person may be poor and wretched, but with an uncontrollable number of children. Another one may have wealth and children, but may be lacking good health. Looking at all these prevalent situations will make us feel thankful for the various gifts we have. Voltaire, one of the greatest French writers and philosophers, famous for his wit, equally admonishes us that God gave us the gift of life, it is up to us to give ourselves the gift of living well.

However, human beings are insatiable and selfish. This is why people keep dying of envy and jealousy. Thank God for your abilities and blessings, rather than complain of another person's own. There is this practical example: a certain woman, gorgeously dressed, was riding a jeep and passed by a woman who was shabbily dressed and begging in the street with her triplets. The gorgeous woman murmured: "God, look at this woman, blessed with triplets, when I don't have even one. Oh! This world is cruel to me." Equally, the shabby woman cried out: "God, look at my fellow woman, driving such a big car, and l am dying of hunger here, with my kids!" This builds a picture of our forgotten blessings, and our insatiable wants. The truth is that none of them is cheated and we cannot always have it all. Each one of them has her own gift to cherish; only that they decided to ignore this and concentrate on what they don't have.

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Every Day Is A Gift From God You have the special gift of producing something tangible for both yourself and others as long as you are alive each day. It is up to you to hold on to the gift of each day. Joel Osteen, a famous American preacher, in his book, Every Day Is A Friday, says we have to realise that every day is a gift from God which we need to celebrate. Why waste the gift by gnashing your teeth, grumbling about vanities in life, thinking about things that do not really bring positive changes in your life?

When you decide to shun all the negative aspects of life around you, you will automatically be swimming in the gift of joy and happiness. Instances abound where certain poor or sick people, despite their wretchedness and what may seem to be a hopeless condition, never allow such to weigh them down. Rather, they start thinking of what benefits they have derived from life. That is the reason why Joel Osteen admonishes us thus: "Faith is always in the present. Your attitude should be: I'm excited to be alive at this moment. I'm excited to be breathing today. I'm excited about my family, my health, and my opportunities. I have plenty of reasons to be happy right now… You may have some setbacks and your circumstances may change, but don't let that change your mind… Keep it set on happiness. It is your choice to be happy. Make up your mind to enjoy this day, to have a blessed, prosperous and victorious year." If we recount all the gifts we are bestowed with, we shall always think positively and act positively. Accept each day in your life as a gift from God.

Show Gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful life virtue. When you are not grateful for what you have, even that may be taken away from you. The mouths of some people are filled with only complaints. Remember the popular saying that "If you complain, you remain, but if you praise, you'll be raised." When your mind starts grumbling, the best approach is to pick a pen and paper and start writing down the things that are working right for you. Other people around you may not even have such endowments, they may not have such opportunities, but you do. Is it not a special gift? Think about your health: you can see, you can walk, you can make use of your hands and legs, you can hear, and so on. Which begs the question: Are gifts only material possession? No. You need only to think of how you would be without certain attributes like your sight for you to get an idea of this.

Have you ever pondered that a healthy person is said to be a wealthy person? If you are in doubt, pay a visit to patients of various degrees of sickness. Get an idea of how much they spend on drugs alone. Even if you are sick, what about people who have passed on, through such sickness?

Complaints will not change your situation; rather, they will pull you down. Restrain from such practice, and be grateful. Being grateful can change your life. Reminding yourself to be grateful is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Being grateful will earn you a lot of goodies in such a way that you will live longer, you will be more popular, you will be in a better mood, you will be more resilient, you will be more generous, and you will attract more realisation of your wishes. Gratitude helps you realise what you have and this naturally lessens your need for wanting more all the time. When you are grateful, your health improves, and this reduces stress. This practice helps you see the good in every situation so that you will be in the right mood not to complain and stay stuck.

Your Gifts Should Not Be Taken For Granted

We fail to realise the true value of many things in our lives until they get missing. It is like the popular saying: you don't miss the water until it runs dry. For instance, a person may be blessed with hardworking and caring parents. Such a person might spend all the time gallivanting about town and 'enjoying' life not adhering to his/her parental instructions. The day such a person loses them, the person will hate the person's self and consequently, live a life of regret. Equally, some parents may have a promising young child, but they will never think of taking proper care of the child, in terms of his daily needs, and probably, educational requirements. When death or any other ugly incident takes away that child is when they will realise they have lost a precious jewel.

There is a popular saying that "You don't know the value of what you have until you lose it." Some people take their gifts for granted, and do not ever like to use them to make positive impacts. The unfortunate thing is that such people do not realise this until the opportunity has come and gone.

You may be endowed with the special gift of empowering people with your wealth, but you decide to be selfish and wicked. What happens when you lose it? You were probably thinking that wealth was meant for you alone. There is a reason for every gift. Ask yourself why you are privileged to be blessed in any special way. The answer will enable you never to take your gift for granted. Use it wisely for it to be fruitful and beneficial to others. But what if you decide to be selfish and wicked?

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What happens if you lose your wealth? Who do you turn to?

In relationships, some people take their spouses for granted. A person may be very hardworking, trustworthy, responsible, and caring, but may unfortunately be taken for granted by his or her partner. Endurance may prevail for a while but the person taken for granted may also get tired of enduring.

Always appreciate what you have, and never relegate it to the background. Appreciating the gift of having someone who cares for you and makes your life comfortable will do you real good. Do not ever take things for granted, because they might not be there tomorrow.

Dump The Quantity And Uphold The Quality It is not really how much, but how well, that matters. Whatever you find worth doing should be done well. In essence, whatever you do should not be done for the simple sake of doing it, but for the worth of doing it. The story is told of an old man, aged 112 years, who went to consult a medical doctor, and the following conversation ensued:

Doctor: Papa, what can I do for you?

The old man: Doctor, my problem is that l can no longer see clearly. Doctor: (Laughs) Papa, at the age of 112 years! What have you not yet seen?

This sounds funny, but the fact remains that the old man still desired quality life.

I do not believe in ordinary numbers, but the content. I would rather buy an expensive drug which will give me lasting satisfaction, than a cheap one which will give me lasting misery. The irony is that the joy of buying a cheap drug disappears immediately and imposes a long-lasting bitterness on the patient. On the other hand, the bitterness of buying an expensive drug does not last long, as this is easily replaced with the joy of regaining your health.

A quality life, using your gift, matters a lot. Bring out the best in you, to enjoy life's great potentials. Taking what is just good for you will improve your life quality. It is not the number of years you live that matters, but the positive achievements you have been able to record. Don't be quick to say: "Do you know how long I have worked here?" You may be there, but the place is still empty! Think instead of the input you have made.

Are You At Your Best?

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You can become 'unstoppable' if you decide to do the work you wish to accomplish. Tupac Shakur, an American rapper, songwriter, and actor, one of the best-selling music artists of all time, once said: "I want to grow. I want to be better. You grow. We all grow. We're made to grow. You either evolve or you disappear!" Your personal growth is dependent on how eager you are to be at your best. You may be presently blessed with a certain skill, but you can still learn new skills and habits.

In the school system, for instance, after exams, the teachers are expected to make entries of the results of the students inside the report booklets. Such teachers, counsellors, form teachers, and head teachers, are expected to make comments regarding the students' performances in the class. The comments that are common include: "You can still do better"; "Work harder next time"; "Do not relent in your efforts"; "There is room for improvement," and so on. All these are geared towards motivating someone to be at his/her best. You can always do better.
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Dance To The Tune

Are you obeying your calling or neglecting it? It is interesting to see a dancer performing well, but awful to notice another dancing out of sync with the music. This is equally the same with our gifts. Some people foolishly follow others to do what they are doing, without knowing that they have their own specific type of music they are called to dance to. We need to know that it is one's gift that paves way for one. As is stated in the Bible, "A man's gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men" (Proverbs 18:16). If you are called to play football, for example, and you reject it, to move over to acting, the likelihood of succeeding is minimal. On the other hand, if you are gifted in acting, and you want to turn to 'Mikel Obi' overnight, just because you have heard of the number of honours or trophies he has won, what is the guarantee that you can make it?

Dr. Steve Maraboli, a life-changing speaker, bestselling author, and Behavioural Science Academic, in his book, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience says: "You have a unique gift to offer this world. Be true to yourself, be kind to yourself, read and learn about everything that interests you, and keep away from people who bring you down. When you treat yourself kindly and respect the uniqueness of those around you, you will be giving this world an amazing gift... You!" What an inspirational quote!

Every song has a dancing step. You can avoid missing the steps when you know the style. Nobody will expect me, for instance, to go and start singing, because I will surely disappoint that person since I cannot sing well. But I will gladly accept to write the wordings to the song or even dance to that!

Talking of dancing, dancing to someone else's tune might send you to uncomfortable bondage if you do so blindly. You have your own muscle, your own motion style, so why not dance to your own tune and bring out that hidden gift in you?

Your Gifts Influence Others

One important thing about your gift is that it encourages others. When people around you witness how you are positively using your gifts, they will be pushed to open their hearts to find out their own gifts. By this practice, the society is filled with gifted people, who are really reaching others positively, enriching them. As a matter of fact, God gave us gifts to benefit others. Likewise, other people's gifts are for our benefits.

A musician's influence for example, is that the people around him are made happy. Music is used to entertain people. Music can equally be used for relaxation of the body and soul. A person endowed with the gift of cooking well naturally endears people to herself. People will eat and enjoy the meal to nourish their bodies. The gift of a great farmer is such that people around him can never die of hunger. Food, we all know, is a necessity of life.

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One who can easily express himself or herself in writing is a worthy gift to the nation. That is why we shall continue to hail great writers like Wole Soyinka, Chinua Achebe, Mabel Segun, Anezi Okoro, Buchi Emecheta, O. C. Nwana, Zaynab Alkali, Maria Ajima, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Teresa Oyibo Ameh, to mention but a few.

The gift of inspirational speech makes an occasion very lively. It is not everyone that is gifted in talking. Someone who is talented in speech can make the audience go bananas, because of the excitement he will inject into them. So, how is your gift influencing others? Negatively or positively? Allow your gift to touch someone today, and influence people positively.

~ Opportunity In Ability ~

1. Making good use of your ability Gives you room for great opportunity

If you apply your own integrity You will not wallow in inferiority.

2. You will be empowered to access The very true road to success But if you decide to digress

You're not going to progress.

3. If you make your time precious And then decide to be serious Your life will become so gorgeous That people will become jealous.

4. It takes only your courage To release what is in storage You have yourself to encourage To strive for the juicy package.

5. Life is worth being celebrated And people need to be decorated But people should really be devoted For them to be fully elevated.

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