Edit – Just figured out how to add TL notes in quotes.

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Hi everyone! New translator here picking up a series that which I had enjoyed, and hope to share it to a wider audience in another language! If you spot any mistakes or errors, please do let me know in the comments or shoot me a message in knoxT discord server. Without further ado, I hope you enjoy your time reading.

In an isolated courtyard located within the Chen family residence, two servants of burly physique were dragging a woman into a corner. Even while being manhandled roughly, the woman did not cease in her cursing.


“Hey… what do you think this lady had done to incur the wrath of our mistress, warranting such punishment even harsher than death?” one of the servants asked in curiosity.


“God knows. Who gives a crap about her well-being? Putting that aside, this lady does seem quite attractive… shall we….”


At that point, the other man ended his reply. Instead, the unspoken words were expressed through his actions as he rubbed his chins while the edges of his mouth curved into a disgusting grin.


“Our mistress had only given us the order to disfigure her face and to dump her to the brothel thereafter. If any mishap were to arise from any independent actions of our own volition, it will be difficult to explain to the mistress,” the first servant dissuaded him.


“Tch… What rotten luck,” cursed the servant who was harbouring immoral thoughts.


“Let’s settle the job here swiftly before anyone spots us, I am craving for a drink after this,” the disciplined servant urged the other.


As the despicable servant reluctantly came to terms with the fact that he would not be able to get a taste of the ripe fruit in their hands, he vexingly tossed the woman onto the hard ground. The woman landed headfirst, suffering a heavy impact directly to her skull.


At that very moment, the sky abruptly turned dark and the atmosphere became eerily sunken and gloomy. Only the muffled rumblings of thunder could be heard. Invisible to the naked eye, a beam of white light flashed overhead and circled around the perimeters of the Chen residence. Upon noticing the woman lying motionless in the courtyard, it paused momentarily, as though it was performing some sort of verification process.


“Beep… this system has detected a soul that resonates!”


The beam (system) danced around in elation, celebrating the success of its virgin mission. There should be no mistake, the individual is found within the Chen family residence. Therefore, the resonating soul must belong to the female lead who had just transmigrated!


The system self-affirmed the results of the positive signal it had detected, as it narcissistically complemented its own capabilities. With a quick whoosh, the beam then swiftly flew into the woman’s head.


“Beep… Alert! Warning!! Error encountered with host binding! Beep… Forced ejection has failed!”


After a series of corrupted codes, the system fell into a dormant state.

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Due to the sudden outbreak of thunder, the two servants had been frightened to a brief standstill. The daggers in their hands were shaking due to the trembling from the surprise.


“God damn freaking weather that changed out of the blue, giving me a fright. What an ominous omen.” As he voiced out his complaints, the servant lifted his leg and stomped heavily at the body on the ground.


The unconscious woman’s hand began to show signs of reaction.


As she gradually recovered her awareness, Su Jin began to feel slight aches over her body. The moment when her eyes opened, she was greeted by two sharp knives rapidly approaching towards her face, swung by two men emitting ostensible malice. Sharpening her eyes, she flipped herself back up onto her feet and threw a kick in retaliation against the aggressors.


As she fought against the assailants, numerous questions crossed her mind. For lowlifes of this calibre to make an attempt on her life, had their brains been filled with excrement? Which tribal group sent them? No, that can’t be it. Something was definitely amiss. Currently, she should have been at the succession ceremony to become the matriarch of her tribe. The tribe shaman had bestowed a blessing on her just a split moment ago, so how did she end up in this unfamiliar environment the next moment? Where exactly is this place?


Keeping herself on her toes, she carefully observed her surroundings. Despite the dilapidated state of the attics, she could vaguely visualize the original appearance of the structure she is now located within. Her heart skipped a beat as she vigorously dashed towards the entrance, thoroughly inspecting the surroundings again for a second time…


Su Jin: “Did I… transmigrate?”


Why had she experienced transmigration again?? From her memories, she was merely receiving an ordinary blessing for good fortune from the great shaman. What kind of formidable blessing was that? To be so potent that it sent her on another trip of transmigration….


Su Jin’s mind blew up while trying to process the messed up reality.


Before she had the time to recompose her thoughts, the two servants who were previously lying on the ground in pain had gotten back up to their feet. After exchanging hand signals with each other, the servants assumed a pincer formation from both sides, cautiously approaching her with their daggers raised.


Without sparing a single glance, Su Jin rotated her body and threw out a powerful cross punch behind her, sending a shockwave containing a murderous aura. With a flip of the man’s wrist, she seized the dagger off his hands and viciously stabbed it towards his chest with a cold smile. After piercing through her first target, she pulled out the dagger and instantaneously swung it towards the opposite direction, finishing off the other man in a similar fashion.


A loud thud resounded as both servants collapsed lifelessly to the ground, signalling the end of the battle. Since these bastards were so eager to throw their lives away, the obvious response would be to grant their wish and send them off with a smile.


Brushing off the matter, Su Jin headed towards the building exit without looking back. She had to gather information and re-evaluate the new environment where she is now in. But just as she was about to step out of the courtyard, a strange sensation surged throughout her body and her brain began buzzing with discomfort. Su Jin yanked her collars in frustration, as fragmented scenes of memories flashed across her mind, causing her footsteps to come to a complete halt.


“Are these… the memories of the original owner of the body?”

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She caressed her own face in doubt as she inspected her current body. With the exception of the clothes on the body, the original owner was extremely similar to herself in all other aspects. It was also the moment when Su Jin understood the cause of physical discomfort from the body as she massaged the bump on her head.


From the memories of this body, the original owner had initially shown up at the Chen residence to seek for her relatives, but she had unfortunately bumped into the young lady of Chen family. Falling for the sweet words of comfort from the young lady, she had been conned out of the wooden plaque which served as the only proof of her identity.


As Su Jin reviewed the memories, she also recalled the event where the original owner of this body had consumed a cup of tea served by the young lady and lost consciousness immediately after that. Thinking back to the scene now, things started to make sense. That tea… had been drugged on purpose.


“Young lady of the Chen family, was it..? Tch.”


But for now, there were more important matters at hand to address, mainly to fix the physical condition of this body. As she thought about this, feelings of frustration seeped out from her heart.


Never in her wildest dream would she imagine that an ordinary person in a modern society like herself would experience a reincarnation into a matriarchal tribal group struggling for survival on a continent overrun by wild ferocious beasts. After struggling for a long period of time, she had finally succeeded as the matriarch of her tribe and was just about to harvest her rewards of a blissful life of marriage with a beloved pet husband. But that dream was thwarted the very next moment, when she landed in the current situation.


Su Jin: “……”


Dear great god of transmigration, why did dear heavenly god bless this same pitiful sheep twice to dance in the grand tunes of thou. An excessively sheared sheep would succumb to the weather from baldness! Alas alack, where on earth was she now supposed to hunt for a coy youthful male to nourish her poor soul (body)?


“Couldn’t you at least let me enjoy some hand holding sessions with my lover boy candidates before throwing me here? Did you expect me to receive a full experience package at one go!?” Su Jin lamented endlessly to the skies.


The sky began to turn dark signalling the arrival of nightfall.


Fortunately, the deserted courtyard was located right at the outskirts of Chen family’s territory. Su Jin furrowed her brows and estimated the height of the walls in the courtyard, before propping both hands and casually vaulting over the walls.


Despite attracting the gazes of the passers-by with her sudden entrance, her feet never stopped as she headed out of the city gates. The crowd began to thin out the further away she got from the city.



Eventually, a river stream came into view as Su Jin’s eyes brightened up.


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She dived into the stream without a speck of hesitation and relaxed her body as the cooling water washed away the physical discomfort. However, it was only a temporary relief and not a proper treatment.


“How great would it be if a coquettish gentleman could fall from the sky.” Right after Su Jin voiced out the nonsensical request;


“Plop… Splash…” A loud plunge was heard following the silhouette of someone descending from the sky. A temporary indentation appeared on the water surface as it sent out waves of ripples from the point of impact.


Su Jin wiped her face mechanically… unable to process her thoughts.


Is this for real?


“Wishes do get granted?”


Oh almighty God! Could thou fulfil another wish of mine? Or could it be the blessing from the great shaman showing its potent effects?


“In that case, I wish to return! Send me back to my tribe! My lovely hubby candidates are waiting for me back there!”


With her disappearance, the pitiful bunch of sugar boys left behind in the tribe must have had their eyes brawled out in sorrow.


Her continuous pleas fell on deaf ears and only ended with the sound of a muffled cough behind her, bringing Su Jin back to her reality. She continuously splashed herself with water to calm herself down, before turning around to find a man clad in black attire.


“Seems frail… there is no way he could be useful to a matriarch to support the family.”


Before the rational part of her could finish with the evaluation, an outburst of desire welled up within her. Feeling that she could no longer contain herself, she creased her eyebrows, abandoned all needless concerns and proceeded to pin the man down.



Delightful whistles could be heard as Su Jin fixed her own attire in satisfaction. She smacked her lower lips lightly in a good mood. Her eyes rolled over to the man who passed out in the midst of the sacred deed, but it no longer contained any feelings of negativity or despise towards him.

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At a preliminary glance, the man in front of her might not be as well-trained compared to the males back in her tribe, but he was well endowed in other areas. Furthermore, his good-looks despite having a small frame was an added bonus.


There was no demerit in taking him in as her husband. Furthermore, she was not an irresponsible scum who would fool around, starting and ending body relationships on a whim. Since she had taken the chastity of the man, this big sister would take responsibility for it!


In a single motion, she lifted the man into a princess carry. Astonished by how light the man was, she noted to herself to feed him well in the future.


“Please gain more meat, for the sake of prosperity to the household.”


Just as she was starting to worry about their accommodation, a Taoist temple conveniently came into her view. Su Jin picked up her pace towards the building.


Spreading out the stacks of straw which she had collected with ease, she gently placed her man onto the sole stone slab available in the temple. Only after that, did a sigh of relief escape her mouth.


The man’s complexion was extremely pale, visibly in a bad condition. That should not have been caused by her… right?


As she was plagued by the slight prick in her consciousness, Su Jin’s eyes darted back and forth while patting her chest. She thought to herself, “I have treated him with extreme care and tenderness, so it shouldn’t be my fault.”


Most probably…. the man had already been in a bad state when he fell from the sky. The fault definitely lies on what happened prior to that!


There was no way she could doubt herself and accept any remote possibility of her being the cause of his poor condition. Hence, she conveniently concluded that the blame should be attributed to external factors.


“I won’t tolerate being made a scapegoat for this!”


A cold gust of autumn wind blew past as the surrounding temperature began to fall.


Su Jin brought herself to her feet and searched around the vicinity for firewood but to no avail. She then scratched her head in slight frustration but still decided to go out to collect firewood for the sake of keeping them warm.


After taking another glance at the still unconscious man, she then pushed open the creaking door. Upon stepping out, Su Jin reluctantly closed the doors and with a sigh of resignation, she advanced into the darkness.

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