A worn out mule cart was travelling slowly in the direction of the Su family’s house. Throughout the whole journey, the wheels kept creaking as if the cart would break at any moment.

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A fair-skinned, gloomy looking man in a long gown jumped out of the cart anxiously and ran towards the Su family’s home. Beads of sweat trickled down his forehead and his back profusely as he maintained a hurried pace. The slightly oversized shoes nearly fell out of his feet.


When he arrived at his destination, he was already out of breath. Pushing the door open, he saw the back of his mother and a lady, bent down to clean the yard.


Was he too late?


The gloom in his eyes deepened. Veins appeared on the hands clutching the door frames tightly. Although a disaster had befallen on his older brother, no one thought to inform him.


Su Ce understands that his mother was worried that this would have a negative impact on his studies. Even so, he hated it. He resented his incompetence. He loathed himself for being a burden to his family.


He hung his head and immersed himself in depressing thoughts, while his whole body exuded a negative atmosphere.


Su Ce, the second son of the Su family, was born with a weak constitution. In order to pave the way for his better future, Qin Shi decided to send him to a private school to receive education.


When he passed the preliminary examinations for young scholars at the age of 14, Qin Shi strengthened her determination, even though it would worsen the financial condition of the family. As long as Su Ce hasn’t graduated as a scholar, Qin Shi would endure everything and continue to provide for his education.


He was the only hope for this family. Even if her days were tough, she had to persevere.


“Erlang…? Why did you return?”


When Qin Shi heard the noise and turned around, she sighed heavily. It seemed that she could no longer hide the matter with Su Dalang from her second son. She blamed herself for the weak constitution of her second son. When she was pregnant with him, she had an accident and had to give birth to him prematurely.


But even if she revealed it to him, it’s not something that can be solved. Her eldest son was already out of commission. She could not afford to lose another one now.

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“Mom, I’ll stop attending the private school. From now on, I’ll take care of my eldest brother. The work that big brother was doing before, I can take his place.” Su Erlang looked at Qin Shi firmly with black eyes that contained a strong determination.


“You… you found out what happened?”


The next moment, she instinctively slapped her son.


“Stop spouting nonsense. What do you think you can do except to study? How much do you think the whole family has sacrificed to sponsor your education? Do you want to drive me crazy?”


“Why didn’t you inform me of what happened to brother? Because I am weak? I don’t want to continue living as a burden to my family. Now that my eldest brother has fallen to this situation, someone will have to step up and take care of the family. Mom, I have made up my mind…”


Su Erlang lowered his head. Although no one could see his eyes, the words were said with resolve.


System#2250 took out a small handkerchief and wiped its tears.


“Host, the state of this family is too harsh, sob sob.”


Su Jin rolled her eyes silently. She had already gotten used to the system’s unique temperament.


In a light-hearted tone, she interrupted the conversation between the mother and son.


“I’ll figure something out for elder brother’s legs. Second brother should focus on and resume your studies…”


Su Erlang immediately raised his head and turned towards the unexpected voice. This person is… Su Jin?

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She really came back?


From what he could see, Su Jin appeared to be doing well except for losing some weight.


“Don’t leave us without saying a word in the future!”


(If you decide to leave again, never come back!)


“Mmkay! I won’t do that again.” Without any other thoughts, Su Jin nodded solemnly to reassure her family.


Not long after, the clapping sound of a horse carriage could be heard from outside. A group of men had arrived, bringing an old man with a white beard to the Su family’s home.


“We have arrived. Here he is – the doctor that we have brought over…. Great-Aunt, please take a look…” Sanye said with an exaggerated smile on his face, as he catches his breath while fiddling with his hands.


Su Jin ignored him and led the old man into her brother’s room.


Half a day later, Doctor Mo wiped his hands and packed up his medical kit with a serious expression. As he stroked his beard slowly, he turned his head and looked at the Su family behind him.


Everyone was looking at him expectantly without making a sound.


“Some time had passed since the injury. Some of the broken bones have reattached out of place, but his leg can still be treated. It just needs more effort to realign the bones in the right position first. The treatment will be painful and the medicine must be carefully administered in a specific manner. You need to be mentally prepared for this. If you want to proceed with the treatment, the medicine would also be expensive.”


Doctor Mo told them his diagnosis and gave a frank response after he observed the situation in the Su residence. He could not bear to raise their hopes up only for it to be shattered later down the road due to the unsustainable cost of treatment.

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The corners of Qin Shi’s mouth twitched. Before she could give an answer, Su Jin patted her hands and replied on her behalf.


“Treat him. No matter how much it costs! Please prescribe the medicine, Doctor Mo.”


After seeing the doctor off, the entire Su family gathered and sat in a circle for a meeting. Even the three-year-old Niu Niu had straightened her chest and sat down on a small stool by the side. Under the tense atmosphere, Su Jin took the lead and spoke up.


“Big brother’s leg must be treated. As for the treatment costs, I will make the people from the gambling house foot the bill. If it is insufficient, I have money on me as well. There will be no delay in the treatment.”


The atmosphere at the table lightened. Lu Shi tightly held Su Jin’s hand and said in a hoarse voice,


“Younger sister, this sister-in-law apologizes for treating you badly in the past. I should not have called you lazy or reprimanded you in private. From now on, I’ll treat you the same as my own sister. This sister-in-law’s life will be at your disposal.”


With her large body build that she had been born with, she hugged Su Jin in her arms so tightly that even Su Jin would have a hard time breaking free from it.


Su Jin felt a little stuffy as she gasped for breath. The gratitude from her sister-in-law was kind of… enormous1(tl note: pun on her body size)…


Sensing that her mother also had something to say, Su Jin quickly changed the subject. “Mom, I’m hungry! Is there any food at home?”


“Yes, there is. Mom will whip something up…” She thought of the half a bag of corn grits left in the house and made up her mind to cook it all. After a long hectic day, their stomach should be rewarded.


Lu Shi wiped her tears and quickly went over to her mother-in-law who was going to the kitchen.


“Mother, leave this to me.”

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Despite her bulky build which made her larger than an average woman, Lu Shi’s limbs were unexpectedly nimble. In one go, she had finished adding the firewood to the stove, starting the fire, boiling the water and washing the corn grits.


In no time, the meal was ready. Although it was just a pot of ordinary corn gruel, it was the best meal the Su family had eaten recently.


Su Dalang and Lu Shi had been married for several years and have one son and one daughter. Due to the recent turmoil in the Su family, Lu Shi forcefully sent her eldest son, Su Yan, to her mother’s house. Originally, their daughter Niu Niu was supposed to follow along as well. But because she was too young and made a scene crying, Lu Shi gave up the idea.


At this moment, Niu Niu was seated with her tiny back straightened. Her gaze alternated between the pot of porridge on the wooden table and the almost empty bowl in front of her as she swallowed her own saliva.


Su Jin’s younger brother, Su Nian, was famished too, but he couldn’t concentrate on eating. His mind was occupied as he quietly observed his sister who had just returned.


This sister today seemed to be different from usual. He couldn’t help but feel a little curious, and at the same time a little suspicious.


Su Jin played with Niu Niu’s pigtails, smiling as she twirled the hair that was abnormally dry for her age.


“Eat as much as you like. In the future, Aunt will feed you more delicious food.”


She looked at the impoverished family and made up her mind. It seemed that she had no choice but to improve the family’s financial situation. She didn’t mind people suffering, but she couldn’t bear to see children suffer. She resolved herself to improve the lives of her malnourished young relatives.


Niu Niu looked at Su Jin with her confused, small beady eyes. This porridge was the best food for her. It had a delicious taste every time she chewed on it. How could there be anything better than this? She did not trust Su Jin.


As her eyes turned into a look of disapproval, she thought that although her aunt who had just returned was very powerful, she was not good at telling lies.


Su Jin: “……”


1(tl note: pun on her body size)

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