“I’m sure Dr. Feng should be well aware of my purpose. I hope you can save this young lady’s life. If this face of mine doesn’t get better, I’m afraid I might lose the will to live on.”

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In their society, a woman’s face could be said to be more important than her life, especially for an unwedded young lady with an engagement like her. If it stayed like this, her fiancé might even dump her. It was her last straw.


Overwhelmed by her emotions, Jiang Ru Yan started weeping with both hands covering her face. She was distressed by her own unfortunate fate.


The maid glared fiercely at Dr. Feng.


(This doctor is really lacking in empathy. Her young lady had already humbled herself and pleaded for his help, but he just stood still like a wooden post.)


Dr. Feng hesitated for a while, before letting out a long sigh and said straightforwardly, “I seek young lady’s forgiveness for my inability to help you. But even if you summoned every single doctor in the entire capital, none would dare to treat this disease, nor would anyone be capable of such a feat.”


From his calm expression and firm words, Jiang Ru Yan could tell that he was not lying. She felt her chest tighten as her body collapsed from the shock.


“Milady! ! What happened to you, milady! ”


When she saw her young mistress faint without warning, the maid freaked out and screamed.


Dr. Feng was flustered too. “Quick, take her into the back room…”


The maid was in a state of panic. If anything were to happen to her young lady, she was afraid that the madam would sell her away. She attempted to support her young mistress up by her shoulders, but she did not have enough strength to keep a stable posture and fumbled to the ground.


There was no way the maid could do carry her lady in her arms by herself either. Neither could she allow Dr. Feng, who was of the opposite gender, to go near and have physical contact with her young lady.


The commotion attracted the attention of other people in the medical hall.


Dr. Feng lifted the window blinds of the cubicle to search for help from the outside. There was only one lady in plain clothes in the hall, but her bearing seemed to be out of the norm. He went directly to Su Jin and made a request.

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“I am the doctor in charge of this Spring Medical Hall. May I request for the assistance of this young lady to help carry a person? The medicine you want to get today will be on the house.”


He bowed to Su Jin.


When Su Jin heard his request, she remembered the two ladies who had just entered, and accepted the request with a smile. It should be a piece of cake for her.


Dr. Feng led Su Jin to the room behind the screen. What came to her view was a young lady wearing a hat and face mask, being supported by her handmaid, nearly falling down. Su Jin immediately stepped forward and lifted the young lady in a princess carry in her arms.


The maid was about to reproach the country bumpkin who came out of nowhere and dared to put her dirty hands on the young lady. But when she saw the peasant girl carry her young lady with ease, she was lost for words.


(This peasant’s strength is extraordinary!)


Dr. Feng recovered from his shock and quickly showed her the way, leading them into the resting room in the inner quarters.


When Su Jin laid the young lady flat on the bed, her hat shifted slightly by accident, revealing the condition of the young lady’s face in clear view.


System#2250 who had been enjoying the show, gasped with an exaggerated tone. “With so many speckles and potholes, her face is as good as ruined. How pitiful~”


The maid quickly put her lady’s hat back on, glared at Su Jin and spoke in an unwelcome tone.


“You better keep your mouth shut. Someone like you is not worthy of speaking about milady.”


Su Jin: “??”


(When did I even open my mouth?)

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Su Jin casually returned her stare, as if to dismiss the maid’s concern.


The maid widened her eyes in disbelief. This… this audacious country girl… How dare she glare back at herself?


But before she did anything, the maid sensed movement from her young lady’s hand. Her mood improved immediately, and she stopped caring about inconsequential matters.


“Milady, how are you feeling? Should I inform the master?”


“There’s no need for that. Help me up.”


She was just momentarily overly agitated by Dr. Feng’s words and could not accept the fact. Reality was too cruel for her. If she had to live with this face for the rest of her life, how was she supposed to endure it?


Jiang Ru Yan had a miserable expression on her face, as she gradually succumbed towards the thoughts of ending her own life.


When she reminisced on the memories with her father and her beloved cousin, her eyelids drooped and tears began to roll down the corners of her eyes. She shifted her hat to cover up her state of misery.


She felt unworthy of accepting and returning her cousin’s affection. Their fate was not destined to be in this life. She could only pray for a chance for their paths to cross in the next lifetime.


Dr. Feng sighed again. He lowered his head with a fist-and-palm salute and spoke up, “Miss Jiang, my apologies for inaccurately framing my opinion as the absolute truth. There may still be hope for a cure if you manage to find some hermit medical practitioners training in seclusion.”


Jiang Ru Yan originally held some kind of expectations from his subsequent statement, but it ended up dealing a larger blow to her. If it had been that easy to find and invite a hermit medical practitioner, she would not have to wait till now.


Those words strengthened her resolve, and she had forgone all hopes of curing her face.


With the support of her maid, she slowly walked out with heavy steps. When she passed by a lotus pond, her feet stopped and she stared at it.

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System#2250: “Let’s get out of here. It is obvious that a life is at stake here. I fear she no longer has any will left to live.”


Su Jin was aware of that too, but she had a different idea. She arched an eyebrow while rubbing her chin with her hands, evaluating the pair of young lady and her maid. The young lady was obviously from a rich family. Wasn’t this a godsend opportunity for business?


The system realized that the eyes of its host had lit up. Why would she..?


Then, as if it had figured everything out, the system put its hand over its mouth and exclaimed, “Host, you don’t mean to…”


“That’s right! It is exactly what you think it is. She’s a perfect candidate, isn’t she?”


“Host, you’re a genius!”


Su Jin smiled and nodded. “Yeah, I totally agree.”


Su Jin made up her mind. She stepped forward to block the path of young lady Jiang and stated her intentions.


“I wish to have a discussion with this lady in private regarding your skin. There may still be hope for it. Would you be willing to hear me out?”




The maid interjected angrily and stared at Su Jin.


(This peasant must be lacking in proper upbringing. How could she be so rude? Who does she think herself to be, to dare to talk to milady in this attitude?)


“Right back at you? I’m talking to your young lady, so do not interrupt us. Step aside before I lose my temper and slap you…”

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Su Jin casually pushed aside the maid and looked straight at the young lady whose face was intentionally obscured.


“Do you understand what you are saying?” Jiang Ru Yan had already lost the flame within her soul. She looked blankly at the woman who stopped her.


“Naturally, if you trust my words, follow me. If not, you can continue your preparations to dive in. However, I will give you a piece of advice. Nothing is absolute in this world, and your life is in your own hands.”


Su Jin turned around and walked into the resting room they were previously in. She sat down leisurely with her legs crossed.


After knowing that Su Jin had seen through her intention to end her own life, Jiang Ru Yan’s eyes trembled. She felt that the fog in her mind had cleared up and the impulse to commit suicide had subsided.


Had she been possessed a while ago? Why did she almost…


She raised her head and looked towards the direction where Su Jin went. Jiang Ru Yan tightly clenched the handkerchief in her hand. Although that woman had a delicate face and extraordinary manner of speech, it was obvious from the quality of her clothes that…  Jiang Ru Yan hesitated for a while, but her feet guided her slowly.




Jiang Ru Yan pushed the half-open door and saw Su Jin resting her cheeks on her palm while looking back at her with her feet tapping on the ground. Jiang Ru Yan took a deep breath and stepped into the room after ordering her maid, Qiu Shui, to wait outside by the door.


Seeing that her young lady believed the words of the peasant girl, Qiu Shui stomped her feet in dissatisfaction, but did not dare to go against her young mistress’s orders.


How dare a vulgar peasant girl behave so arrogantly? If it hadn’t been for her young lady’s presence, she would have taught her a lesson or two.


TL Corner: I hope you enjoyed the chapter. If you liked my translation and wish to support me, you could leave a comment below or in novelupdates, or send me a Ko-Fi. Thank you!

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