Important Notice: This is the second last scheduled chapter for now (next release would be on 8th Feb.). I have undergone a hand surgery this week and am unable to type for a while, so I will be taking a break from translating to recuperate. It might take probably around two months before I can resume typing normally again. (hopefully by late August or early September). Thank you for support and following the series up till now, and I hope to be able to return to translate this series as soon as possible.

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Su Jin stood at an elevated spot from afar, observing the scene with the help of the system’s “broadcasting” capability. She was intrigued by her little brat’s actions of skipping out her nap and sneaking out secretly, and wanted to find out what kind of monkey business her little brat was up to. Su Jin found the situation to be amusing when she realized that Guaibao merely wanted to hide some money from her.


However, the event that followed afterward left her with mixed emotions as a mother! That dialogue she exchanged with the boy… why did it come off as though she was a wanton lady in the making? Was it simply a figment of her imagination?


That shouldn’t be the case… right? After all, Guaibao was not even three years of age…



It was almost the time of the year to celebrate Shangsi Festival(TL Note: An ancient and traditional Chinese spring festival that may vary in customs, depending on the time period and geographical region. The common theme was the commemoration of their ancestors, with the customary purification ritual involving bathing in the river to rid themselves of the impurities and malevolence. The follow-up activities were pretty diverse in general, such as spring outings, picnic, wine and poetry appreciation, flower and/or lantern festival, romance etc. It’s somewhat like an ancient version of Valentine’s Day, but with a wider assortment of activities instead.) A large-scale carnival would be organized in the temple grounds at Fengyuan County on the day of the festival every year, and Su Jin had promised to bring her kids there this year.


The children were still developing their ability to walk last year. But this year, they would have no issues attending and enjoying the festivities.


The trio were filled with enthusiasm for the festival, and eagerly completed their homework early in the morning before attending to the needs of the adorable pair of wolf cubs. After completing their tasks, they sat down obediently, dangling their calves as they waited for the time to depart.


Su Jin chuckled at the scene and instructed housekeeper Xiao to get the carriage ready for departure with her three kids.


When they arrived at the County at noon, they headed directly to their restaurant for lunch. Several pairs of eyes locked on to Su Jin and her group. Sensing that something was amiss, the system immediately alerted Su Jin, “Host, you are being observed. There are multiple individuals.”

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Su Jin replied coolly with an indifferent expression, “Has there been a single day where I have not attracted gazes?”


However, she remembered that she was accompanied by the three cubs today, and decided to remain vigilant, “Monitor those individuals and notify me immediately if they start approaching.”


The system thumped its chest proudly, “Leave it to me!”



In a semi-open private room at the west wing, sat five individuals with distinct personalities, periodically surveying their surroundings.


“Boss, when should we make our move? Su Jin had been extremely cautious. It took us quite some time to finally track her down. Let’s settle this job quickly. The employer’s patience is wearing thin.”


A gruff looking man scowled and slammed his mug on the table in annoyance, “What’s the hurry? We’ve finally caught up to her. Do you think she has the ability to escape from our grasp? Tell that person that if he attempts to rush us again, I will abandon this job request. Has the Dark Reaper Guild ever faced any difficulties accomplishing the jobs which we accepted?”


As he spoke, a glint of ferocity flashed across his eyes.


“Exactly as you said, Boss! With your direct involvement this time, everything is guaranteed to be smooth,” echoed a pale-skinned man with a grin on his face.

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Yan Xing smirked as he lifted his mug filled with alcohol. What a bunch of idiots they were! The reason he rose to become the leader of the Dark Reaper Guild was not solely due to his practical abilities, but also his intelligence. There were certain jobs that should be avoided, and individuals who they should never touch. His ability to perceive this was unparalleled among the group.


When it came to their current target, Su Jin… the woman who revolutionized the entire industry with her secret recipes, there was no way that she would be an ordinary woman.


He swirled his mug and went deep into his own thoughts. He had some feelings of unease, and this same instinct had previously helped him avoid death on several occasions. He decided to observe for now before making any moves.


Su Jin and her group had their fill of food and drinks, before ordering a bunch of snacks for takeaway, and departed for the Qingyuan private academy. It was a good opportunity to pay a visit to Su Jin’s younger brother, Su Nian, before the festival started.


Su Nian was close to turning fourteen now. He had developed into a handsome youth with facial features that resembled Qin Shi’s, albeit slightly less refined. He had a clear and refreshing appearance, and his physique had developed well.


He completely shed off his previous shy and frail demeanour, and became confident and cheerful. After passing the examination earlier this year to become an undergrad scholar, he had a promising future ahead of him.


“Small uncle, we brought lots of food for you, including your favourite mille-feuille pastry!”


Su Nian was elated to see his nephews and niece. He lifted Guaibao up and playfully threw her up in the air as she giggled along.


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After briefly conversing with him to check his situation and well-being, Su Jin departed soon after.


Before evening fell, the streets were already adorned with elaborate decorations such as lanterns of various shapes and sizes, suspended with ropes on both sides of the road. The venue was abuzz with activity as vendors who started operating early went all out to draw in a larger crowd. Afraid that her little ones would get separated and lost in the crowd, Su Jin instructed them to always maintain a firm grip on each other’s hand and to never get separated.


“Mommy, we would like to go over there.”


“Alright, go ahead.” After granting her permission, Su Jin signalled to housekeeper Xiao, who was following closely behind.


Housekeeper Xiao nodded back in acknowledgement. He had made prior arrangements and assigned guards to keep a discreet watch over them and protect them in the shadows.


Fully aware of how clever these little brats were, and with the system keeping an eye on them, Su Jin had no particular concerns and always gave them the freedom to enjoy themselves.


“Look Brother, a game of solving poems over there! I want that huge tiger lantern!” said Guaibao with a gleam in her eyes, as her plump fingers pointed towards what seemed like the largest lantern on display at the topmost platform of a booth.


(That big headed tiger lantern is most suitable for Guaibao!)


The vendor heard her and looked down to find the trio standing in front of his booth. If it weren’t for their voice, he would have remained unaware of their presence due to their height and obscured position.

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He assumed that they weren’t from the County as he did not recognize them. It was rare to come across children with exquisite appearances, and three of them had appeared together!


He leaned down and spoke to them gently, “If you are interested, you can ask your parents to sign up for the competition. The winner can bring that tiger lantern home!”


Guaibao tilted her head and asked, “What kind of competition?”


“It’s a test on topics such as poetry and arithmetic. But I doubt you would understand even if I elaborated on it. Go call your parents over,” the store vendor kindly explained to her since she was adorable, but he felt silly afterwards. How would a young kid understand what he just said?


Guaibao grinned when she heard the explanation from the vendor. Dimples appeared on her face as she cheerfully replied in a sweet voice, “Then assist us to sign up! My second brother will participate in the contest.” Guaibao pushed Erbao towards the vendor.


Her second brother would put up an impressive show!


TL Corner: I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Do let me know in the comments or discord if there are any errors or mistakes.
Also, if you wish to support my translations, feel free to leave a comment below or in novelupdates, or send me a Ko-Fi.
Thank you!

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