
The members of the Dark Reaper Guild paced back and forth with heavy hearts. Their initial conceited attitude had long since disappeared without a trace.

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“Boss, this… Why has there been no news from Shui Sheng for two days?  It can’t be… right?”


Yan Xing tugged his collar, feeling extremely irritated. Although he did not want to believe it, he understood Shui Sheng’s personality and way of working. The prolonged radio silence clearly suggested that he had met with mishap.


The Dark Reaper Guild had never failed in their missions before. Overconfidence from their track records had come back to bite them and caused a lapse in their judgement, leading them to underestimate their opponent.


“For now, let’s wait and see. When night falls, I will act personally.”


A hint of ruthlessness flashed across his eyes as he said that.



He was unwilling to acknowledge that it was a misjudgement on his part. Deceiving the child to join them out of free will was supposed to be a piece of cake. If it wasn’t for this excessive obsession to obtain the child’s loyalty and trust, they would never have needed to take this approach.


Now that the situation had unfolded like this, he had no choice but to take matters into his own hands. It was a pity that his plan to entrap a promising budding had not worked out.



The torrential storm pelted against the ground, accompanied with the occasional rumbles of thunder, heralding the long and eventful night that would soon unfold…


A bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, causing the woman in the dilapidated straw shed to tremble slightly as she gradually looked up to the sky.



Her once long, lustrous hair had now been tangled up like withered grass. One could tell that she was suffering from extreme exhaustion from her weary expression. Her dark, dull eyes were completely devoid of any hope and life, as she stared blankly outside the shed.


Suddenly, a familiar rhythm of knocks came from the outside and caught her attention. Her lifeless eyes immediately lit up.


Hua Lian hurriedly crawled towards the door and searched around with expectant eyes.


When she ascertained the identity of the other party, tears welled up in her eyes. At that moment, all of the emotions that she had bottled up till now came flooding out. Her saviour had finally arrived.


She’s had enough of cleaning manure! She only had one wish, and that was to return home. Everyone in she had met in the manor was no different from the devil’s incarnate!



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Yan Xing saw a crazy woman with bloodshot eyes approaching him suddenly, and almost reactively struck her down. But upon closer inspection, he realized…


(This person… Hua Lian!?)


“How did you end up in this state? What’s that smell? Stay away from me!”


Yan Xing took two steps back with a disgusted look. The true identity of the filthy woman in front of him was… the Poison Ivy from his Dark Reaper Guild, the mysterious and bewitching Hua Lian!? It couldn’t be…


Hua Lian felt her heart wrenched up at that instant. She squeezed out whatever strength she had left in her body and lamented. “That woman is a demoness! Boss, you must destroy them all! Please wipe them from the surface of the earth!”


It was the purest form of desire. She wanted Su Jin, that fiend disguised in human skin, to suffer a fate worse than death!


The woman’s face contorted as she roared furiously.



“Don’t come any closer. I can hear you clearly from here. Stay where you are and clean yourself up. I’ll make a quick work out of them.” With that said, Yan Xing’s figure disappeared into the wind.


In a pitch black room with no source of illumination, Su Jin stood quietly by the window with her hands crossed behind her back. She stared at the downpour outside with an emotionless expression.


“Reporting to boss, Liao Ping and the other guards have been assigned to their posts accordingly. The defence system to protect the old madam, young masters and young missy is properly in place.”


Su Jin turned around and faced housekeeper Xiao. In absolute darkness, an eerie light flashed across her eyes as she spoke coldly. “Good. Avoid getting into any direct confrontation. Concentrate on ensuring the safety of the people in the manor. You may dismiss now.”


After a while, a soft voice broke the silence in the midst of darkness.


“It’s about time…”


As she had predicted, her opponent was coming straight for her.


The door was gently pushed open from the outside, and a cold gleam of light flashed across the room as the intruder swiftly lunged towards the bed.


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“You’ve kept me waiting for long.”


Yan Xing was startled by the unexpected voice and immediately leapt back. His heart rate accelerated.


With a wave of her hands, the candles in the room mysteriously lit up, illuminating the entire area. A figure of Su Jin sitting calmly by the window came into view, and she was staring at the intruder with a sharp, condescending gaze.


“Such audacity. Did you expect this sneak attack?” Yan Xing momentarily froze when he saw the fearless expression on his opponent’s face. He furrowed his eyebrows and feelings of unease began creeping into his heart.


“Leader of the Dark Reaper Guild, Yan Xing.” Su Jin jumped off the windowsill with a playful smirk, but her piercing gaze sent shivers down one’s spine.


“Showing yourself despite being aware of my identity… are you confident that you can escape from my grasp?”


“Nope, not at all. You might be misunderstanding the situation. Have you ever found out what happened to the people who came at me with ill-intent in the past?”


With that, she threw a punch straight at him, but Yan Xing was already prepared for it. He evaded it by a narrow margin, leaning his body towards one side and immediately launched a counterattack, leveraging on the inertia force from that position.


As expected from the leader of the top assassination guild, Su Jin was thrilled when her opponent survived the first blow. Her eyes curved into arc shapes as she threw another punch at her opponent.


Yan Xing belittled the scrawny, tender blow approaching him, and casually matched the blow with his own fist.


Contrary to his expectations, he was sent flying upon impact instead.




A mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.


(What on earth?)


Fear could be seen in his eyes.


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(Where did that immense strength come from? That soft and untrained punch seemed weak, but the force behind it was even stronger than the impact from being smashed by a large boulder.)


He knew instinctively that he had to retreat immediately. He was unable to assess the strength of his opponent and was no longer confident if he would win this fight, let alone killing her by himself tonight.


Without hesitation, he quickly dashed towards the exit.


Su Jin did nothing and watched him attempt to escape. Her eyes began to emit a fluorescent glow as she locked on to the back of the escaping target.


“System, bring out my archery set!”


The System materialized a set of bow and quivers from its spatial storage without delay and sat quietly so as not to disturb her concentration.


The System had witnessed Su Jin’s archery skills on multiple occasions in the past, but it still could not get used to the uncanny feeling emanating from that ominous pair of eyes.


The same scene was unfolding at this moment. Su Jin calmly nocked an arrow and drew the strings, locking her sights in the direction where Yan Xing had gone. Her eyes changed instantly, emitting a faint light which was both mesmerizing and eerie at the same time.


Everything in the surrounding became distorted as though entering limbo through the lens of her transformed eyes, and the only thing which remained clear and unaffected, was the target she had locked on to, as if it was stationary in front of her.


She gently released her fingers, and the arrow went out with a quiet “swoosh”. In no time, a muffled groan was heard from a distance, followed by complete silence.


These unusual pair of eyes was an ability Su Jin had received in her previous life. Each tribe on the continent had its own Sacred Beast God that they worshipped. On the day they came of age, they would receive various blessings from their god, endowing them with divine powers and empowering their physique.


This pair of eyes was granted to Su Jin when she turned into an adult, enabling her to lock on to any prey within a kilometre. Any target she designated within that range, regardless of distance and obstacles, was no different from non-moving targets.


Although the current bow she was using only had an effective range of up to five hundred meters, she could sufficiently compensate that gap with her raw abilities.


Her current body appeared to have synchronized perfectly with her past body. Not only did the scars from her past life gradually reappear, even the pair of otherworldly eyes had materialized after the birth of her triplets.


Was her second transmigration really a coincidence?


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The sky was clear and the sun was shining brightly in the morning, in contrast to the heavy storm that persisted throughout the night. The morning dew glistened on the lush green leaves, embellishing the surroundings with glittering sparkles from the reflection of sunlight. All traces of the menacing chaos that had occurred several hours ago had disappeared.


Life went on for the Su family in peace and serenity.



“Is there any result?”


A man dressed in green clasped his fists and answered respectfully with a straight posture, “Boss, we have extracted information on the location of the Dark Reaper Guild’s base. Do you want to dispatch someone…” Liao Ping asked in a low tone.


After the demise of the leader, housekeeper Xiao dragged Yan Xing’s corpse to the shed where Hua Lian was staying in last night. Without resorting to any additional measures, the terrified woman had revealed everything in detail.


Su Jin had originally intended to order Liao Ping to lead a team to destroy the base, but a different idea crossed her mind at that moment. She went into deep thoughts.


An image of the distinguished and refined gentleman flashed across her mind. The more she thought about it, the more embarrassed she felt.


She had been living like a sloth for the past few years. It might not seem like it from an outsider’s perspective, as Su Jin did manage to amass quite a fortune. But Su Jin knew herself that she merely managed the shop as a hobby to kill time. It was no challenge for her, a sweet and easy life that she accomplished simply by abusing the cheat abilities and resources at her disposal.


This mustn’t go on. She had to change. She couldn’t afford to live like a wastrel anymore!


“How can she proudly claim herself as head of the family if she could not even earn enough to feed her future husband?”


Shifting her gaze to Liao Ping who was still waiting for instructions beside her, she issued the revised orders. “Bring more personnel with you to take over the entire Dark Reaper Guild. Subdue those who resist or refuse to yield and submit, then relocate to the capital after the clean up.”


TL Corner: I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Do let me know in the comments or discord if there are any errors or mistakes.
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