
Xuanyuan’s old and wrinkled face showed no signs of lethargy. He gave Su Jin a sharp and irritated look, criticizing her in a deep tone.

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“Pray tell, what kind of important business do you have that could keep you occupied throughout the night? To be capable of losing even your own child… How about getting yourself lost outside and don’t come back!”


His melancholy eyes seemed as though they were about to fire lasers and pierce through her.


Su Jin stood on the spot shocked and dumbfounded. She… was being reprimanded?


Was that really the same aloof old man who was full of intellect, yet could not even be bothered to interact with other people in his daily life?


Could he be an imposter?!



Aside from his clothes, his appearance had not changed from her memory of the old man. But for some reason, the atmosphere around him was somewhat different. Su Jin could not find the specific words to describe it. It just felt somewhat darker and more oppressive.


After Xuanyuan Fu finished speaking, he flicked his sleeves and walked out of the main hall in big strides, continuing to stare daggers at Su Jin until he was no longer physically there. That was his sole purpose for staying up all night and waiting for her return.


Su Jin: “…”


With the main source of the overbearing pressure gone, the tension in the hall eased.



“Mom, what happened here? Did you guys stay up all night? Hadn’t my messenger provide an update on the situation? Guaibao is safe and sound, so you guys don’t need to worry anymore…”


Qin Shi, who was carrying the sleepy Dabao in her arms, breathed out a sigh of relief and explained.


“The old gentleman returned yesterday afternoon, accompanied by a large group of people. When he heard that Guaibao had been kidnapped, he flew into a rage and immediately ordered those people to search for her. The search was only called off after your messenger had arrived with the news.”


She took a step closer and whispered in Su Jin’s ear: “He felt very different upon his return. Because of his intimidating aura, no one dared to approach him.”


Qin Shi could not explain the reason, but intuitively felt that his gaze was now very wild and dangerous. His solitary but carefree attitude of the past was nowhere to be found.

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Erbao dextrously jumped off the chair and looked up to ask Su Jin, “Mom, where is Guaibao? Did she not come back with you?”


Although he did not show any expression on his face, his eyes evidently revealed his worries.


Su Jin crouched down and hugged him, gently reassuring him.


“Don’t worry, Erbao. Guaibao is perfectly fine. She just went on a trip to the capital.”


Su Jin then explained everything that happened, including their meeting with the father of the kids, Ming Jue.


Erbao listened in a daze, unable to maintain a calm expression. He bit his lips, evidently having a few questions to ask, but ended up remaining silent.


Qin Shi and others listened to her story in surprise. Did they really meet up with the children’s father?


Didn’t he abandon her in the past?



“Jin-er, who on earth is that man? Is he that trustworthy that you could leave Guaibao with him?”


Qin Shi had conflicted feelings. On one hand, she was delighted that the kids could finally reunite with their father, but on the other hand, she was worried about whether the man could be relied upon.


“Don’t worry, mom. I plan to relocate to the capital soon. He is Guaibao’s dad after all. Since Guaibao voluntarily chose to follow him, I will not stop her. I don’t want her to have regrets in the future by depriving her of this opportunity.”


She then turned to Erbao. “The same goes for Dabao and Erbao. I will bring both of you to meet him. Regardless of whether I stay with him in the future or not, you all have the right to decide for yourselves.”


Su Jin was a straightforward person. Since it was now possible to get in contact with the kids’ father, she had no intention of secretly plotting or using underhanded means to manipulate their relationship or cause any misunderstandings.


She just wanted to bring all her children to him and proudly declare in front of him: “Look … I gave birth to all three of them!”

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In her previous life, it was customary for the women of her tribe to show off their talents and skills, to attract and appeal to the men of their dreams. Being good at conceiving could also be considered as a form of talent… right?


Su Jin reined herself back from drifting further into her own fantasy. She squatted down to cuddle Erbao, who had remained silent throughout the entire time.


She felt a little heartbroken. After all, she was aware that this child was way too mature for his age and that he was smarter and more sensible than the other two.


The little child leaned forward and clung onto Su Jin as he opened his mouth: “I want to stay with mother. I won’t go anywhere without mom.”


Touched by his sentiments, Su Jin pecked his cheeks, sneaking up on his ear as she secretly whispered, “Don’t worry, we won’t be going anywhere. Mom has already started preparing dowry to propose to your dad’s family. If anything, your father would be the one marrying into our family – after all, that is the domicile of a wedded husband.”


Erbao initially blinked at his mom in disbelief. But that same pair of eyes subsequently turned into one filled with admiration and reverence.


(My mom is a genius!!)


Relieved that Erbao’s mood had improved visibly, Su Jin picked him up and took the sleeping Dabao from Qin Shi’s arms. She headed towards their room.


“Mother, big brother and the rest of you should go and catch up on sleep. We can discuss this matter in detail later.”


Qin Shi was a little hesitant. She wanted to ask more about the children’s father, but decided to heed her daughter’s words and postpone the talk. She sighed inwardly and prayed that the man would turn out to be a decent man.



The next morning, at the main gate of the Su family residence…


“Liao Qing, from now on, you shall stay by Guaibao’s side and ensure her safety.” Su Jin looked at the youth in front of her and meticulously instructed.


“Roger that, Boss. Please rest assured!”


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Having received his new mission, Liao Qing paid homage to Su Jin and mounted his horse.


As he was about to leave, a voice came from their back.


“Hold on!”


Old man Xuanyuan strode towards them with a dignified expression on his face.


“Take my insignia with you. If you ever run into a problem beyond your capabilities, present this to the concierge at any branches of Cradle Moon Trading Company. They will know how to proceed from there. Got it?”


The old man unilaterally imposed his instructions without seeking any input or permission from Su Jin. He glared at Liao Qing menacingly, implying that he would not take no for an answer. He then directed that same gaze towards Su Jin.


Su Jin fearlessly met his gaze and even smiled back while secretly urging the System.


“Hey, quickly check if this old man had been taken over or possessed by another transmigrated soul or something. Something feels off about him.”


The system narrowed its eyes and wiped its glasses, putting its hands clasped behind its back to imitate the act of a genius scientist before giving a replying: “How the hell would I know!”


Su Jin: “…”


(Why waste my time with those antics if you have no idea!)


“You seem to be having a lot of fun fooling around, System. Should I file a formal complaint against you for fun as well?”


Su Jin retorted casually.


The System was so shocked that it almost leaked out garbled text bubbles. How did the host… find out that she could lodge a complaint?


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Was it going to end up being quarantined in that pitch black room?


Tears instantly welled up and the System started to brawl its eyes out…


“How can you be so heartless, host!” the System complained while crying miserably untill a sudden idea crossed its mind… Keeping in mind to continue its act of struggling internally, the System continued speaking: “Actually… I would like to confess that I’m not #2250. My real ID code should be #3380 – System#3380. Don’t make a mistake and report the wrong System when you submit your complaint!”


The System deviously attempted to sabotage its longstanding rival by mentioning its rival’s ID number.


(Heh! Go ahead and report all you want! Get that annoying snob locked up in the dark room!)


Su Jin massaged her forehead and was left speechless.


(Is there any place that sells computer chips to upgrade cognitive ability? Please give me an entire container for this little fool!!)


Meanwhile, Liao Qing had accepted the insignia from old man Xuanyuan and kept it carefully. He cleared his throat and briefly glanced towards Su Jin. Seeing her nod in agreement, he quickly straightened his back and said firmly: “Please rest assured, Sir. Even if it costs me my life, I vow to protect the young miss and ensure her safety!”


Old man Xuanyuan’s poker face remained unchanged. No one could figure out what was going on in his mind. He took out the brocade box he had brought, shoving it into Liao Qing’s hand and ordered: “Give this to Guaibao. Pass her the message that if it is not completed, watch out for her behind.1TL Note: some ass spanking awaits her”


Liao Qing was puzzled by his words, but did not dare to probe any further under the old man’s intense gaze. He quickly nodded and set the brocade box aside. He had no idea what was inside but it was surprisingly heavy.


Su Jin scratched her nose, having an inkling of what it contained. She observed a moment of silence to mourn for her daughter. Never in Guaibao’s wildest dreams, would she expect that her homework would chase after her all the way to the capital, even before she had set foot in there…


Alas, what a tragic life!


TL Corner: I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Do let me know in the comments or discord if there are any errors or mistakes.
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Thank you!

1TL Note: some ass spanking awaits her

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