Broken-Leg Gong has a couple of plastic brothers. 

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These brothers had sent congratulatory messages when he had broken his leg, and now they sent another congratulatory message after learning the happy news of his marriage with Shou-wife.

They also said they wanted to have a congratulatory meal with them to celebrate their good fortune.



After hearing this, Shou-wife wanted to make some special dishes for them.

But Broken-Leg Gong refused, saying that those people eat like pigs: “Baby, it is troublesome to cook, so let’s just take them out to eat.” 

Shou-wife pouted and said it was his own wedding banquet and he wanted to host it himself.


Of course, Broken-Leg Gong had no choice but to agree.


Broken-Leg Gong said that his wife can’t work for free, so he asked his plastic brothers for a big red envelope, saying it was their congratulatory gift.


The plastic brothers did not take long to transfer the money to his account.

Broken-Leg Gong received the red envelope’s money, divided into several 520 and sent it to his wife.

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Broken-Leg Gong has the good habit of handing over his income to his wife, because he doesn’t really care much about money.


It is only safe if it is placed in Shou-wife’s hands. 


Shou-Wife was better at managing their daily living expenses.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

When Shou-wife went to College, he had no financial resources to help, and his life had been relatively difficult.

Ciatbeut Coafg ufaalcu j pby, tlr lcmbwf kjr cba mbcrlvfgfv rwjii, tf ralii gfajlcr tlr ogeuji ilofrasif. 

Pc bgvfg ab yes ogfrt jcv mtfjq nfufajyifr, tf kbeiv kjix jc fzagj atgff xlibwfafgr ab jcbatfg nfufajyif ojgw.

Lf kbeiv jirb qlmx eq ogff qgbwbalbcji mbcvbwr ja atf mbwweclas ujaf.


Dgbxfc-Ofu Xbcu lr vloofgfca; tf gfjiis vbfrc’a mjgf jybea tbk wemt tf rqfcvr. 

Insist on buying expensive items instead of the cheap ones.

For condoms, he would buy an imported set and would never pick any free ones.


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Anyway, as a result, even though he had worked for several years, he still didn’t save much money.


Once, while out shopping together, Shou-wife saw an expensive watch at the shopping mall window, and couldn’t help but look at it a few times.

The next day, Broken-Leg Gong bought it for him.

Shou-wife was very happy after receiving it, but also very regretful.

He politely told Broken-Leg Gong that he didn’t actually need to buy him such an expensive item. 

Broken-Leg Gong said willy-nilly: “It’s okay; I won’t give you such a thing in the future.”

Shou-wife sensing that he had hurt Broken-Leg Gong’s feelings hurriedly explained: “It’s not that I don’t like it, but I don’t want you to spend such a huge amount on me.”

Broken-Leg Gong then replied: “It’s because I am broke.”


The next two months that followed that incident Broken-Leg Gong led a very frugal life.

At lunch, he would avoid the expensive meals and go for the cheap ones; his colleagues at the company asked him how he became so poor.

Broken-Leg Gong said: “I bought a watch.”

His colleagues got angry, cursed him out for his stupidity and then left one after another. 

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Since then, Broken-Leg Gong decided to give all his money to his wife for safekeeping, and instead of splurging at everything he strived to become a civilized youth.


Shou-wife will collect Broken-Leg Gong’s money and manage both their expenses, he will also give an allowance every month to his husband.

Over time, Broken-Leg Gong got used to such a simple life. 

Now instead of buying the most expensive one, he will choose the item the most easy to use.

As for condoms, he no longer buys the imported set because he just doesn’t need them.



On Broken-Leg Gong’s birthday, which is also the anniversary of their first year together, Shou-wife gave his husband a global limited edition car model. 

It was the model missing from Broken-Leg Gong’s collection.

Because it was already out of production, Shou-wife had a hard time getting it.

Broken-Leg Gong was so excited that his words became slurred and incoherent, he then curiously asked: “Baby, Why did you spend so much money all at once?”

Shou-wife smiled and said: “Because I want to keep the best for you.” 


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In short, Broken-Leg Gong has kept the good habit of giving his income to his wife.

However, this time Broken-Leg Gong did not hand all of his money to Shou-wife, but secretly hid a little, commonly known as private money.

The purchasing fee for buying the engagement ring had not been settled yet, so Broken-Leg Gong had to save up and return the money to Bai Yueguang who lent it to him at the time. 

Bai Yueguang is also quite miserable.


On the weekend, Broken-Leg Gong’s friends came to their wedding banquet to celebrate their engagement.

As soon as they entered the door, they referred to Shou-wife as “sister-in-law”. 

Shou-wife got shy and hid in the kitchen.

Shou-wife who was wearing a red apron and busy preparing their meal, gave them a lot of entertainment.

Broken-Leg Gong felt distressed, he took his wife in his arms and kissed him.

He then declared that his baby is too tired and needs to get some rest. 

Shou-wife returned the kiss, but still protested saying that their guests are still enjoying their meal.

Broken-Leg Gong fiercely looked back at his friends and asked: “You are not full yet? “


Friends: “We are full.”

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