Broken-Leg Gong asked: “Where are you going to meet on Saturday?” 

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Shou-wife replied: “It’s not decided yet.”

“Then let them come to our house.”



Shou-wife agreed to this.

As long as Broken-Leg Gong was there, Shou-wife would be at peace. 



On Saturday, Shou-wife’s parents arrived as promised.

The couple of husband and wife obviously did not expect that Shou-wife would live in such a high-end neighborhood, and they couldn’t help but take a few more looks before entering through the door.

Shou-wife had not seen his mother in many years. When they met again, he found that she looked much older and that her hair has already turned gray.


Shou-wife with a sore heart, shouted: “Mom.”

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His mother’s eyes reddened instantly.

After all, he was still her own flesh and blood.


At that time, after Shou-wife left without looking back, his mother secretly felt sad for a long time. 

So what she said on the phone that day about missing him was not a lie.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


Qtlif atf wbatfg-rbc gfeclbc qijsfv bea atfgf, Vtbe-klof’r rafqojatfg ktbrf ojmf ofia ribqqs klat ugffv rafqqfv eq ecxcbklcuis.

Llr rafqojatfg’r rwlif kjr rb qifjrlcu atja atf mgbrr-oifrt bo tlr ojmf jgmtfv qgbwlcfcais. 

Lf rjlv: “Ct Hl, kts vlvc’a sbe mjii obg Gjv.”

Vtbe-klof ogbkcfv jcv qgfafcvfv cba ab tfjg tlw.

Broken-Leg Gong came forward and stood next to Shou-wife to show his support.


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It was only then that the couple noticed Broken-Leg Gong standing on the side.

Broken-Leg Gong looked like a talented person, but since he was leaning on a crutch, his image dropped quite a bit.


His stepfather didn’t take him seriously and casually asked: “Who are you?”

Broken-Leg Gong answered: “I am his husband.” 

Shou-wife stepfather’s expression instantly looked like he’d swallowed a fly.


The stepfather said to Shou-wife:

“The main reason we came this time is to discuss the matter of your brother studying abroad.” 

“Actually, it’s for your own good, you see, your kind of people cannot have a child in the future, and when you are old and have no one to rely on, won’t you need to have your brother by your side to support you?”

“If you treat your brother well now, he will repay this kindness in the future when you need him.”


The stepfather said some more words to convince him but Shou-wife just listened silently. 

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The stepfather looked like his acting on a show; his face had a greasy smile on it.

“Ah Qi, so…”

“So when you were treating Ah Qi badly, why didn’t you think you’d need him one day in the future?” Broken-Leg Gong forcefully interrupted him.


The stepfather’s face looked a little uncomfortable but firmly said:

“How can this be the same? At that time, the family conditions weren’t any better than now, and it was not easy to raise two children. The elder brother had to concede to the younger one.”

Broken-Leg Gong laughed and said: “Oh, it’s different alright. The current situation is that we have money, but we won’t give it to you.”

The stepfather’s face immediately darkened. 

He put away the fake smile, jumped up from his seat and pointed at Broken-Leg Gong’s nose while cursing him out.

“Who the fuck do you think you are? Getting arrogant because you have a bit of money? Listen, if it weren’t for his mother I wouldn’t have come nor would I have asked for your money!”



Broken-Leg Gong who was just waiting for him to get annoyed, felt rather good and said: “We won’t be seeing you out.” 

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Shou-wife’s mother had just been sitting quietly, all along feeling really embarrassed. But now she couldn’t sit back anymore and do nothing.

She got up and started pulling her husband out of the house.

The stepfather couldn’t swallow his anger, so as he reached the door, he shook off his wife’s hand and spit on the floor, shouting at Shou-wife: “You damn homosexual, you will catch a disease sooner or later and die!”

Broken-Leg Gong raised his plaster leg fiercely and violently kicked the stepfather’s ass to get him out. 


Broken-Leg Gong then slammed the door shut and clapped his hands proudly.

However, when he turned back, Shou-wife was standing behind him with his head hanging down.

Broken-Leg Gong panicked, what he said just now was a bit harsh; they are still Shou-wife’s parents. He was venting his anger without considering his wife’s feelings? 

Broken-Leg Gong hurriedly apologized: “I’m sorry, baby, I was a little impulsive just now. In fact, we can give them the money they need.”

Shou-wife still did not say anything.

Broken-Leg Gong hugged his wife while persistently coaxing him: “Baby, Xiao Qi, wife…”

Shou-wife finally laughed and raised his head helplessly: “Stop shouting, I am not angry with you.” 

Broken-Leg Gong only inches apart from his face said: “Then give me a kiss.”

After saying that, he pressed Shou-wife against the wall and kissed him deeply.

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