Shou-wife didn’t live in his current house for one year as per the lease agreement so he gave the land lord a month of rent to compensate him for the breach of contract. 

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He then freely moved into the house across from Broken-Leg Gong’s place.

When Broken-Leg Gong came back from work one day, he noticed that the door of the house across from him was left open, so he realized that someone had moved in and wanted to go over and say hello.



Shou-wife was busy cleaning inside. He packed up a bag of garbage and was about to throw it out when he met with Broken-Leg Gong .

“What a coincidence!” said Shou-wife with a big smile. 

Broken-Leg Gong took a moment to reply, but then he nodded and said, “Yes, what a nice surprise.”



The two of them have similar working hours and would often walk together for a good while when leaving home in the morning.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Broken-Leg Gong told him that he had quit his previous job.


He has started a small company with some of his friends.

Shou-wife nodded and said: “No wonder you came home so late every day.”

Broken-Leg Gong wondred saying: “How do you know that?”


Shou-wife went speechless. 

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He actually paid keen attention to the movement from the opposite side every day.

But there is no way he would say this.


Shou-wife baked some cookies at home, he then picked a few good-looking ones, put them in a small bag, sealed it with heart-shaped stickers and gave them to Broken-Leg Gong. 

Broken-Leg Gong liked them very much and praised Shou-wife for being so generous.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Vtbe-klof kjr nfgs qifjrfv jcv ogbw atfc bc tf kbeiv boafc wjxf rbwf rcjmxr jcv rfcv atfw bnfg ab Dgbxfc-Ofu Xbcu.


Yc atf kffxfcv Vtbe-klof rfca tlw rbwf rbeooiér yea Dgbxfc-Ofu Xbcu kjrc’a jibcf. 

Lf tjv akb batfg qfbqif bnfg.

Dgbxfc-Ofu Xbcu lcagbvemfv atfw jr atf oglfcvr klat ktbw tf tjv rajgafv tlr yerlcfrr.


Shou-wife greeted them, and went back to his house to bring a few more soufflés over.

Broken-Leg Gong bragged in front of his friends about how good his neighbor was. 

Shou-wife thought they were discussing work matters and did not want to disturb them.
He never expected Broken Leg Attack to ask him this: “Can you play mahjong, we are three so we are missing one.”

Shou-wife answered: “I can play a little.”

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That afternoon, Shou-wife never lost a round. 

Broken-Leg Gong was impressed by Shou-wife’s skill so he jokingly kept saying: “No more playing, enough. If we continue, I am afraid I will even loose the pants I have on.”

Shou-wife pouted and thought longingly, “That’s just right!”


Shou-wife was sorry to win their money and wanted to invite them to dinner. 

Both of Broken-Leg Gong’s friends had plans for the evening, so the only one who agreed was the man himself.

Shou-wife asked him where he wanted to eat.

Broken-Leg Gong said he was tired of eating out every day and asked: “Can you cook?”

Shou-wife nodded. 

Broken-Leg Gong was once again very impressed.


The two went to the market together and bought some groceries.

Broken-Leg Gong’s kitchen was barely ever used, and there was nothing available so they had to move to Shou-wife’s house. 

Though Shou-wife’s house was also just rented but it gave a cozy feeling and felt more like a home than Broken-Leg Gong ‘s place.

Broken-Leg Gong squeezed in the kitchen with him to give him a hand. Shou-wife asked him to pass him the salt and Broken-Leg Gong handed him a bowl of white sugar instead.


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Shou-wife soon chased him out of the kitchen.


Shou-wife’s cooking was really good. Broken-Leg Gong attack ate two bowls of rice even though he was such a body-conscious person who rarely ate so much for dinner.

Shou-wife was going to serve him a third bowl, but Broken-Leg Gong hurriedly stopped him.

“My belly is already bulging.” Broken-Leg Gong said as he lifted his shirt for Shou-wife to see.

His eight-pack were clearly exposed. 

Shou-wife got a nosebleed from the sight.


Shou-wife couldn’t feel any more embarrassed.

Broken-Leg Gong helped him sit down. 

“Do you often get nosebleeds?” Broken-Leg Gong asked.

Shou-wife said yes.

He couldn’t really say that he was bleeding because he saw his naked body that would be too indecent.

Broken-Leg Gong looked at him worriedly and got pretty close to him to apply some cold compresses on him. 

Shou-wife’s nosebleed became even more vivid.


Shou-wife felt that this could not go any longer, because as long as Broken-Leg Gong was there, his nosebleed will never end.

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He asked Broken-Leg Gong to go back first, saying his nosebleed was not a problem and that he is used to them. 

Broken-Leg Gong did not comply and wanted to take him to the hospital to get checked. He said that frequent nosebleeds are not good for the body.

Shou-wife was determined not to go.


It turns out that what Broken-Leg Gong said was not unreasonable.

Later on, after the two got officially together, every time they undressed for their usual strenuous exercise, Shou-wife would get a little nosebleed. 


The next day afterBroken-Leg Gong came home; he went straight to Shou-wife’s door and knocked.

Shou-wife was at home alone wearing a small undershirt and showing a large amount of white and tender skin.

Broken-Leg Gong could not help but steal some looks. 

Shou-wife asked: “What is wrong? Do you need something?”

Broken-Leg Gong answered: “I bought you some vitamins, which might help you with your nosebleed.”

Shou-wife was very grateful and asked him if he has eaten dinner.

Broken-Leg Gong said he has not yet and that he would order takeout later. 

Shou-wife shook his head and said: “Eating out is not healthy, I made a lot of dishes today, how about eating together?”

Broken-Leg Gong was not polite and took him up on his offer. The two went in to share a meal.


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