The first weekend after confirming their relationship, Broken-Leg Gong took Shou- wife to meet his college classmates. 

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When his classmates sitting at the table saw the person Broken-Leg Gong was leading their way, they all said in unison:

“Wow, he looks just like Bai Yueguang ah!”



Shou-wife awkwardly smiled.


Broken-Leg Gong stopped them, saying that only his face looks like him, his character though is completely different; Shou-wife is certainly lovelier.


After saying this, he held Shou-wife’s hand in front of his everyone.

Broken-Leg Gong’s hand was big and being held by him would give a feeling of security and reassurance.

But Shou-wife’s heart could not calm down. He realized that Broken-Leg Gong had agreed to date him only because of this face.



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The two took a walk home together after dinner. Shou-wife stayed quiet the whole way with his head down.

Broken-Leg Gong could see what was on his mind. He kissed Shou-wife’s forehead said in a soft voice:


“Don’t think too much, the fact that I agreed to be with you has nothing to do with what you look like, I agreed to give this a chance because you are a very nice person.” 

“I might not be able to reciprocate your feelings equally for now, but since I promised to be with you, I will treat you well in the future.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Vtbe-klof cbvvfv tlr tfjv byfvlfcais.

Lf ofia atja tf rtbeiv yf mbcafca, tf tjv jigfjvs ubaafc Dgbxfc-Ofu Xbcu ab vjaf tlw jr tf klrtfv; tf rtbeivc’a yf jr ugffvs jr ab jrx obg tlr tfjga abb.


Snfc atbeut atfs kfgf cbk vjalcu, atflg vjlis gbealcf vlv cba mtjcuf wemt. Ktfs ralii rff fjmt batfg fnfgs vjs yfobgf ublcu ab kbgx, fja abufatfg joafg kbgx, jcv olcjiis rjs ubbv cluta ab fjmt batfg jcv ub ab atflg gfrqfmalnf yfvgbbwr ab riffq.

The feeling of love is not so strong, but it is still there.

Broken-Leg Gong will send a message to Shou- wife every day at work sharing his day with him, telling him what places he went today and what kind of customers he met.

When he eats a dish he likes at lunch, he will take a picture of it and show it to Shou-wife asking him if he knows how to make it. 

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He would also buy a cup of milk tea for Shou-wife on his way back from work because he knows Shou-wife liked it.

Though Broken-Leg Gong limited him to a maximum of one drink a week saying that drinking more will make him go bald.


Shou-wife however felt that he was just spouting nonsense.


The department in which shou-wife was working organized a trip to the province for two days and one night, and allowed them to bring a family member too.

That night, Shou-wife mentioned this matter to Broken-Leg Gong when they were having dinner.

He poked at his bowl of rice as he nervously and expectantly asked Broken-Leg Gong:”Would you like to go with me this weekend.”

Broken-Leg Gong stopped moving his chopsticks and did not answer immediately. 

Shou-wife flustered tried to go back on his words: “Ah, it’s okay if you don’t want to go; I just think the money for a double room is a bit of a waste, and also if you don’t want to go with me, then you have to fix your own meals for the weekend ……”

Broken-Leg Gong chuckled, “What are you thinking; of course I’m up for it.”


The night before the departure, Shou-wife was at home packing for their trip. 

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He originally wanted to take a plain undershirt, but then he thought it would be too unattractive, so he changed to a set of pink bear pajamas.

He also prepared a milk-scented body wash and body lotion to make his body smell fragrant.

He didn’t forget to cut some fruits as well, so he could share them with Broken-Leg Gong on the road.

This was their first time traveling together, and they would also be sharing a room for the first time. Shou-wife was so excited that he couldn’t sleep, just like a schoolboy on his first spring trip. 


The next morning the two pushed open their apartment’s door at the same time. Shou-wife brought a small suitcase while Broken-Leg Gong had a shoulder bag.

Broken-Leg Gong pinched his face and laughed at him, we are just staying for one night why bring so many luggage.

It was only on the high speed train that Broken-Leg Gong knew that Shou-wife’s suitcase was a treasure chest. 

When Broken-Leg Gong said he was thirsty, Shou-wife took out a box of watermelon with picked seeds.

When he said he was hungry, Shou-wife took out a bag of his own marinated beef.


His office colleagues all came over to eat; praising Shou-wife for being so virtuous. Broken-Leg Gong sitting on the side proudly shook his leg up and down.


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When they arrived at the hotel to check in, Shou-wife lowered his voice and asked the receptionist for a standard room.

Although in his heart he really wanted a single bed room.

Broken-Leg Gong pulled out his wallet to get his ID card for the check in; Shou-wife then took the chance to sneak a peek and found an empty spot in the wallet.

Previously there was a photo of Bai Yueguang placed there, Shou-wife had seen before. 

Shou-wife suddenly thought of something and said to Broken-Leg Gong: “Let’s take a picture together.”


The place of the event was in the mountains. Shou-wife called a straight colleague who used to work in a studio to help them take pictures.

The straight colleague made them stand in the lush green tea plantation. 

He then asked them to get a little closer.

“Smile, smile.”

Broken-Leg Gong put his hand on Shou-wife’s shoulder and said with a smile in a volume that only the two of them could hear:

“This looks like a wedding photo shoot.” 

Shou-Wife: “!”


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