after a while, Shou-wife fell asleep in Broken-Leg Gong’s arms without realizing it. 

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Before falling asleep, he vaguely smelled a milky scent on Broken-Leg Gong.

Shou-wife confusedly thought: “He must have secretly used my body wash.”




The next morning, when they woke up, Shou-wife was still in the same position from last night. 

When he raised his head, he found Broken-Leg Gong looking at him with a smiling face.


“You’re awake?” Broken-Leg Gong asked.

Shou-wife shyly said: “Good morning.”

Broken-Leg Gong also greeted him a good morning, and then gave  him a little kiss on his cheek.



After coming back from their trip, Shou-wife felt that Broken-Leg Gong was not quite the same, how should he put it, it felt like he became a bit clingy.

Usually by 8 o’clock, Broken-Leg Gong would go back to his apartment after having dinner but nowadays he will stay longer to watch a bit of TV with Shou-wife.

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Shou-wife loves to watch family dramas; Broken-Leg Gong would then keep him company. 

Shou-wife was not used to it so he told him to do his own thing and to not mind him.

But Broken-Leg Gong replied: “It’s okay, I also need to watch these family dramas describing the mother-in law relationship with her daughter-in law for future reference. You need to meet and get along with my mother, right?”


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

At ten O’clock, Shou-wife started to get sleepy but he did not say it, because he did not want Broken-Leg Gong to go back. 

Dgbxfc-Ofu Xbcu rjk atja tf kjr yjgfis xffqlcu tlr fsf bqfc, rb tf rabbv eq, qlmxfv tlw eq jcv ygbeuta tlw yjmx ab tlr yfvgbbw.

Dgbxfc-Ofu Xbcu atfc aemxfv tlw lc jcv rjlv: “Tbe jgf abb iluta, sbe tjnf ab fja wbgf, ibbx ja atfrf rwjii jgwr jcv ifur, atfs kbeiv ygfjx klat pera j aklra.

Shou-wife was not convinced he wanted to open his mouth to refute but was stopped by Broken-Leg Gong  kissing his lips.

“Good night.” 


Broken-Leg Gong has not played basketball for a long time. The other day, he finally gathered enough people and returned back to the court. He also asked Shou-wife if he wanted to join them.


Shou-wife, of course, nodded his head and said yes. Hence, just like in college, he stood outside the court and just quietly watched him play.

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During the break, Broken-Leg Gong was sweating a lot so Shou-wife took out a towel he had prepared for him and helped him wipe it off. 

Broken-Leg Gong said that it feels different to play now than it did back in college.

Shou-wife’s hand paused, thinking that he was going to say that he was not used to play without having Bai Yueguang on the court with him.

Yet Broken-Leg Gong smiled shyly and said: “I’m nervous because, now, you’re watching me from the sidelines.”


In addition to  having a good body, Broken-Leg Gong looks are also very attractive, the kind that would draw flowers and butterflies.

A couple of girls, whom they don’t know, came over and asked for his contact information.

Earlier that day, Shou-wife had noticed that these two girls had been sheering for Broken-Leg Gong on the court.

Now they’re even hitting on him. Shou-wife was so upset that he flattened his mouth showing his displeasure. 

Broken-Leg Gong took one look at Shou-wife and said to the girls, “Sorry, I have a boyfriend.”


On the holidays, Broken-Leg Gong took Shou-wife to Disneyland.

Why choose Disneyland? 

Well, because Broken-Leg Gong has always wanted to go.He had always thought that he would definitely go if he found someone to accompany him.

Now he finally got the chance to do it.

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Shou-wife realized that Broken-Leg Gong surprisingly has an innocent, sensitive heart.

He was excited to bring Shou-wife to ride the Carousel. The two big men were sitting hand in hand on a small wooden horse. 

Someone on the side covered their mouth and laughed at the sight.

Shou-wife got really embarrassed so as soon as the Carousel stopped, he pulled Broken-Leg Gong and fled.



Broken-Leg Gong still wanted to continue though. 

Along the way, he also bought Shou-wife a Mickey Mouse hair band.

Shou-wife wondered: “Why don’t you wear it?”

Broken-Leg Gong said: “My head is too big.”

“And it would look cuter on you.” 


One day after work, Broken-Leg Gong sent a message to Shou-wife, saying that he met with a particularly difficult customer today and he was asked to accompany him for a drink tonight.

Shou-wife said: “You should take care of your body and not drink too much.”

Broken-Leg Gong was rather pressured, saying that he looks so handsome that he would surely get taken advantage of after drinking too much. 

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Shou-wife laughed out loud when he read that line.


Broken-Leg Gong really drank until very late. Once he came back, he knocked on Shou-wife’s apartment door.

Shou-wife let him into the house and gave him a cup of honey water. 

Broken-Leg Gong drank a lot, but he was not drunk. He sticky held Shou-wife’s hand and did not let go.

Shou-wife asked, “Did you get taken advantage of today?”

“No.” Broken-Leg Gong replied with a smile.

“But you can take advantage of me,” he continued. 

After saying that, he held the back of Shou-wife’s head and kissed him.



Although their second kiss also tasted like alcohol, but Shou-wife felt it was very sweet.

Because this time Broken-Leg Gong was sober and did not call Bai Yueguang’s name again. 

Broken-Leg Gong pressed Shou-wife to the sofa and kissed him deeply for a long time.

Shou-wife’s lips became red as he stared at Broken-Leg Gong with watery eyes.

A certain leg of Broken-Leg Gong stood up.

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