Your Majesty, Please Calm Down - Chapter 28: Leading away

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PPS: I see a lot of you have missed the little comment at the end of chapter 26. So I'll just say it again now: because novel planet keeps copying my translations, I decided to copy/paste the Chrome automated translations of the chapters and post them one day prior to the day the translation is supposed to go up.

All everyone needs to do is simply read the translation on the day stated on the Index and Summary page or one day after it's posted on novel updates. 


Tian Qi waited for everyone to leave before she swam from the centre of the pond to climb ashore. Dai SanShan swam by her side, thinking she came in to play. Once she saw her climbing on the shore, she also got out of the pond. 

Tian Qi patted its big, hard shell, "You go back first."

Dai SanShan seemed to understand what she said, as it raised its big head and slowly returned to the pond.

After Tian Qi asked around, she found that the Emperor took RuYi to Ci Ning Palace. Only this way did she dare to return to Qian Qing Palace. She quickly dried herself and changed her clothes, afraid that, if she stayed too long, the Emperor will be back. She left Qian Qing Palace and went for a walk in the opposite direction from Ci Ning Palace.

Whilst she was strolling, she reached the Imperial Gardens.

The Imperial Gardens were bustling with noise and excitement. Everyone came out to play to celebrate the festival. The Imperial Concubines were actually hoping for a chance encounter with the Emperor and what not. After all, it was the day of the festival, the Emperor needed to loosen his body and his mind too. Unfortunately, they've been waiting for a long time, but the only one arriving was an eunuch.

Everyone was aware Tian Qi had the good fortune of having the Emperor's trust. The Imperial Concubines attached importance to everyone from the top management so they all came to have a look. If this person could say a word in their favour to the Emperor, that would be very useful, and they wouldn't have to suffer waiting this long. Therefore, the masters were very polite to Tian Qi, bestowing rewards one after another.

Touching her full and bulging embroidered pouch, Tian Qi became very happy. She didn't think she had such "prestige". Anyway, it was other people taking the initiative to give her things. She could not make any promises, she mustn't be vain. 

Walking past a fake mountain, Tian Qi passed a pavilion where she saw several palace maids accompanying a beautifully dressed Imperial Concubine Wan. She suddenly lowered her head, conveniently pretending not to see them.

The beautiful woman shouted for her to stop. "Wait a minute, eunuch Tian. What's so urgent? Even if you don't fear the sun, you have to take care not to suffer from this heat." Her voice was soft and sweet, containing a trace of a smile.

Seeing she could no longer pretend she was invisible, Tian Qi turned around, bowed and said "This servant asks forgiveness from Imperial Concubineniangniang... I was in a hurry because I dread the heat so I wanted to quickly go and find a place that was nice and cool. Unexpectedly, I didn't noticeniangniang was here. I beg niangniang for forgiveness."

niangniang = queen, empress, imperial concubine, goddess.

Imperial Concubine Wan used her handkerchief to hide her lips and smiled "Ben Gong doesn't have any leisurely mood to find fault with you. You must not have it easy what with the festival going on. Here are a few coins for you to take and go and grab a tea, ba." As she said this, she glanced at the palace maid besides her. The palace maid understood what she meant without being told a word. She grabbed two small gold nuggets and handed them to Tian Qi. Tian Qi said her thanks as she received them.

Ben Gong = this palace; term used by imperial concubines/empress/princess to refer to themselves

Even though Imperial Concubine Wan appeared to get along with Tian Qi, this was the first time she held a conversation with him. Meeting him now, she thought the rumours were misleading, as he didn't appear witty nor did he say any good words. She also thought this little eunuch was arrogant and he looked down on her. When all was said and done, the last time she received favour was two months ago, and these servants were used to flatter the favoured ones and step on the lower ones; they change loyalties with the wind. To say nothing of the eunuchs who work at the top, who see these scenes every day.

Because of these thoughts, Imperial Concubine Wan felt a bit suffocated, but she still managed to maintain her smiling expression. Excusing him, she let him go away. 

Actually, Imperial Concubine Wan was mistaken. Tian Qi was never a short-sighted person. Second, she would never give the cold shoulder to an Imperial Concubine. She did not want to commit any offences, nor did she wish to reveal her contempt.

The reason why Tian Qi did not like Imperial Concubine Wan was because she was Sun Fan's biao jie. Sun Fan's mother was Imperial Concubine Wan's close paternal aunt.

biao jie = older female cousin from the female line.

Imperial Concubine Wan's dad's and brother's official positions weren't high, hence the whole household relied on the Sun family. Since Tian Qi disliked Sun Fan, naturally she also wasn't too fond of this biao jie.

At this time, Imperial Concubne Wan wasn't aware the reason she wasn't flattered by Tian Qi was because her own biao di dug a hole for her. She could only secretly clench her teeth, thinking if one day she will enjoy success, she will want to look down upon these small people and press them under her foot.

biao di = younger male cousin via female line


Ultimately, RuYi did not manage to state his complaint, because his Emperor father warned him that, were he to complain to the Empress Dowager, Tian Qi will be in trouble.

RuYi didn't dare not to believe him again. By the time Ji Heng forced his way into Ci Ning Palace, he was already weeping and hiccuping so hard his words didn't make sense. He had no choice but to say one word at a time. 

The Empress Dowager was awfully distressed. Seeing him like this, she picked him up in her embrace and asked him what happened.

Ji Heng's face remained expressionless as he lent him a hand and explained "Tian Qi fell into the pond. RuYi felt sorry for him and wept until he became like this." None of the words uttered were lies. He merely ingeniously removed himself out of the events.

The Empress Dowager gently caressed and stroked RuYi's back, supporting the little guy on one hand and sighing on the other "Our RuYi is an affectionate and loyal child. That servant is simply too rash, how could he fall into the pond?"

RuYi lifted his finger and pointed it towards Ji Heng. Because he wasn't courageous enough, his finger slowly curled up. "Father Emperor..."

Ji Heng narrowed his eyes and interrupted him "What about Zhen?"

"You, you..." As RuYi sensed the menace in Ji Heng's gaze, he leaned in and put his hands around the Empress Dowager's neck and said "you, when you were four (4) years old, were still wetting your bed."

Ji Heng "..."

Empress Dowager "..."

Seeing his father Emperor's complexion turning dark, RuYi finally felt his voice returning. He kept both hands around the Empress Dowager's neck, drooped his eyes and decided not to say anything anymore.

The Empress Dowager was a bit embarrassed. She asked RuYi in a  low voice "Didn't we agree you are not allowed to talk to anyone about this?"

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"Mother Empress..." Ji Heng took a deep breath. "Zhen will explain this one last time. That wasn't Zhen's urine. The wet nurse spilled some tea, but she didn't dare tell you about it."

The Empress Dowager never believed this explanation. She couldn't believe a four (4) years old child could remember things this clearly. Naturally, in order to preserve the Emperor's face, she pretended to be convinced every time.

Now being told by RuYi, in a moment of desperation, all she could manage was to cough once loudly. She bowed her head to help RuYi fix his hair and took out a handkerchief and cleaned his face. After she did all this, she calmly raised her head and looked at Ji Heng "It was merely a child's small sentence, nothing but a joke. He took it seriously, and you also got serious. Are you a child too?"

Ji Heng was left speechless. Even if he was the Honourable nine (9) - five (5), he crawled out of his mother's belly. Being told off by his own mother, there was nothing he could say in return.  

The Empress Dowager stroked RuYi's little head as she looked at him from head to toe again. He was really pretty wearing a dress. She lamented "My little RuYi is truly more adorable than a little princess." She sighed and spoke in a faint voice "I don't know if Aijia will still be alive by the time a granddaughter is born."

Ji Heng reasoned "On this festive day, why does mother Empress have to speak this way?"

"Aijia is saying this for your benefit. You are not young anymore, but still only have RuYi, this one child. How can this be good?"

Ji Heng didn't like to hear these words. He forced himself to speak a few more sentences to the Empress Dowager, then he simply said his goodbyes and left.

Ji Heng returned to Qian Qing Palace, had dinner, then went to the bath room to have a hot bath. The bath water wasn't the usual, everyday, plain hot water. Rather, different fragrant flowers have been boiled in the water used today. On Dragon Boat Festival day, the tradition dictated he had to bathe in water in which these fragrant flowers have been boiled, hence this day was also known as Orchid Bath Day.

Ji Heng sank in the Orchid Bath Water and narrowed his eyes because of the steam. He was looking at the palace maid who busied herself around the bath room. Looking at her pure white skin, he unconsciously recalled Tian Qi falling into the pond in the afternoon. He couldn't help laughing, scaring the palace maid who was just by his side, pouring more water into the tub. The palace maid's hand shook and splashed some flowers over the Emperor's face. 

The palace maid quickly put the bucket down, "Your Majesty, please forgive me!"

Ji Heng hardly cared about the splash on his face as he wiped it off. "Take some Lan Tang to bestow to Tian Qi, let him use it for his bath."

Lan Tang = the water where the fragrant flowers were boiled

The palace maid quickly withdrew to carry on the decree, getting another maid to step forward and continue replenishing the Emperor's bath water. After she was done, she drooped her head and stood in attendance at the side, waiting for instructions.

The palace maid's hair was rolled in two buns to the side, similar to the hairstyle RuYi had in the daytime. Ji Heng recalled his son dressed up as a little princess, then thought of Tian Qi again. He caught his mind spurting one utterly dreadful thought.

What would Tian Qi look like if he were to wear women's clothes?

He sized up the palace maid present; she was wearing a pale pink dress, her body well proportioned. Only, if Tian Qi were to wear these clothes, he would certainly add a bit of natural charm. 

Once he became aware of where his thoughts took him, Ji Heng touched his nose uncomfortably.


Since Tian Qi was bestowed the Lan Tang, she was aware the Emperor forgave her. In high spirits, she took a bath and, the next day, went to work right on time, pretending nothing happened.

After finishing work, she went out of the Palace to play. This time she once again run into Ji Zheng on her way to the bank, as he was guarding a tree stump, waiting for rabbits.

guard a tree-stump, waiting for rabbits - idiom = to wait idly for opportunities (basically, JZ was waiting around, hoping he'll meet TQ). 

Ji Zheng didn't look for Tian Qi to hang out. Rather, there was something important he wanted to discuss with him.

Of course, before he opened his mouth to talk about the issue at heart, Ji Zheng took Tian Qi to a lot of places. Banks, workshops, tea houses, restaurants, spice shops, medical shops and so on. 

As they visited all these shops, Tian Qi was confused, so she asked "WangYe, what exactly do you want to buy?"

"These are all properties belonging to the WangFu." replied Ji Zheng.

WangFu = prince's mansion

Sure enough, Tian Qi's eyes went wide with envy. "WangYe, you are quite wealthy."

"Not really. Just now, the places we went to, that was only about 10% of it. I have a lot more shops and other businesses, all bought at the time the Fu was barely established. However, now there is no one to manage them."


"The housekeeper is old, so he wants to go to the countryside to enjoy his retirement."

"It's not easy to find a new housekeeper right away."

This was precisely the sentence Ji Zheng was waiting for, hence he looked at Tian Qi and asked sincerely "Tian Qi, are you willing to come to Ning WangFu,ma?"

Tian Qi pointed at her own nose. She couldn't quite believe this. "Me, ma?"

Ji Zheng repeated his question.

"I am no good." Tian Qi felt embarrassed as she waved her hands around. "I have never managed these types of things. What's to be done if the business goes wrong and you end up suffering a financial loss? I can't compensate for it."

"It doesn't matter. Any financial loss we'll regard it as mine alone. Whatever profit you make, you earn three 3%."

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Tian Qi started drooling as she heard his offer. She quickly swallowed her saliva and asked excitedly "Three (3), three percent (3%)?"

"En. If you're not satisfied, we can still negotiate."

"No no no. That's not what I meant." Tian Qi clenched her teeth and still refused. "I'm not strong enough to dig into this job. I don't dare take on this porcelain work."

Ji Zheng felt a bit desolate. "I already said all the losses are mine. Moreover, you are quite bright. I believe in your abilities, which is why I asked you. You don't have to be so modest with me."

As Tian Qi saw the hurt in his eyes, she felt a bit uneasy in her heart. She plainly asked "That... WangYe, can I ask you a question? Of all the people, why me?"

"I haven't been able to find a capable and trustworthy person for a while now. Without any other option, I had to try my luck and ask you."

"But I am working for the Emperor. This..."

"Don't worry about it. Elder brother Emperor is a magnanimous person, he shouldn't be unwilling to part with one or two servants."

Of course they all believed so. Tian Qi scratched her head in puzzlement. She still wanted to refuse, but Ji Zheng quickly covered her mouth with his finger to stop her from speaking further. "Don't rush to refuse. I am doing this for you. You're restrained all day in the Imperial Palace, when you could be free and unfettered in my WangFu. However much you earn there, you can earn the same here, possibly more. Also, there are no things to worry about in my palace, you should be clear about it too. To tell you the truth, for you I pulled my face down and am willing to ask the Emperor. Since I think there is predestined affinity between me and you, I earnestly wanted to ask you, even if you might decline. Let's put off the discussion for later and think about it seriously. Just remember to also consider my kindly feelings, all right?"

This one speech made Tian Qi unable to say half a word. She had no alternative but to lightly nod. 

Ji Zheng took his finger away. His fingertips rapidly followed the shape of her soft lips, stopping slightly at the corner of her mouth. He kept it there for a brief moment, then he removed his hand unobtrusively. 

Tian Qi was still thinking about their discussion, completely unaware of his actions. 

Ji Zheng gently smiled. With his hands clasped behind his back, he walked shoulder to shoulder with Tian Qi. Seeing that Tian Qi looked pensive, he didn't go anywhere else to play, rather said his goodbyes and let him return to the palace.

Tian Qi's figure was getting smaller and smaller. Ji Zheng turned around and started walking. He bowed his head to look at his right hand.

He lifted his finger, closed his eyes, and carefully kissed the fingertip.


PPS: I guess the author gave TQ a good excuse (growing up as a supposed eunuch) so she doesn't end up hated by the readers for misleading people. But still! How can she not feel someone touching her lips?! It's the lips!!! They're quite sensitive to begin with. How can she not feel someone messing with them uninvited because she was thinking too hard? This scenario isn't plausible for me.




Chapter 28 Digging the wall

  Tian Qi waited until the people left, and she climbed ashore from the lake. Dai Sanshan was swimming around her. I didn't know what she was playing. When she saw her ashore, it also followed.

  Tian Qi patted its big hard shell. "You go back first."

  Dai Sanshan seems to be able to understand people's words, and with its big head, slowly returning to the water.

  Tian Qi asked someone to inquire about it. He knew that the emperor had gone to the Cining Palace with her wish. She dared to go back to the Qing Palace, dry her body, change her clothes, fear the emperor to come back, dare not stay for a long time, and went out to the Qing Palace. Ci Ning Palace slipped in the opposite direction.

  The yo-yo is coming to the Imperial Garden.

  The Royal Garden is very lively. For the holidays, everyone is coming out to play. Some of them are actually looking forward to seeing something happening with the emperor. After all, it is a festival, and the emperor also needs to relax. It is a pity that they are looking forward to a long time and only hope to come to an eunuch.

  For the blessing of the emperor, everyone knows Tian Qi. Anyone who is close to the emperor will have a high look. If this person can help to say the same sentence, it will be much more useful than waiting for themselves. So the masters were very polite to Tian Qi, and they gave a reward.

  Touching the bulging pouch, Tian Tian is happy. She did not expect that she had such "prestige" now, but it was given by others. She did not agree what to do, and she did not want to be white.

  Turning over the rockery, passing a gazebo, Tian Qi saw three or five palace ladies in the pavilion accompanied by a palace girl. She pretended not to see, bowed and slammed.

  The woman stopped her. "Tian Gonggong is slow to go, what is urgent, not afraid of the sun, and the heart is in the heat." The voice is soft and sweet, with a faint smile.

  Tian Qi can no longer be invisible, and the body turns around and walks up and says, "The slaves asked the goddess Jin An... Just because they were afraid of heat, they wanted to go to the cool place soon, but they did not see the goddess. Therefore, I also hope that the goddess will forgive her."

  He grabbed his handkerchief and covered his lips and smiled. "There is no sin in this palace. You are not easy under the big festival. Let's take some tea for this money." Then, look at the palace lady next to me. At a glance, the palace lady would like to take two small golden cakes and hand them to Tian Qi. Tian Tian took it and thanked him.

  Although I have seen Tian Qi, it is the first time to talk to him. Seeing him today is not as good as the rumor, but it is also the snobbery of this little eunuch who looks down on her. After all, her last petition was still two months ago, the minions used to hold high and step on the low, looking at the wind to make the rudder, not to mention the imperial princes that were held every day.

  Therefore, there was some blockage in the heart, but there was still a smile on the face, which saved him from the ceremony and let him go back.

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  In fact, I guess wrong. Tian Qi is not such a short-sighted person, and she is reluctant to offend or show her contempt.

  The reason why Tian Qi did not love to take care of it was because this person was the cousin of Sun Fan, and the mother of Sun Fan was a close aunt.

  The eunuch's eunuch was not big, the family relied on the grandson's family, and Tian Qi hated Sun Fan, and naturally he would not like the cousin.

  At this moment, I still don't know that my cousin was pitted because of Tian Qi. She just secretly gritted her teeth. I thought that if I had the ambition, I would have to step on my feet.


  Ruyi did not succeed in the end, because the father told him that if he complained to the Queen Mother, Tian Qi would die.

  Ruyi did not believe and did not dare. When Ji Heng forced himself into the Cining Palace, he was already crying and snoring. He said that he was unfavorable, and he could only swear one word at a time.

  The Queen Mother was so distressed that she was going to die, took him in her arms and hurriedly asked what was going on.

  Ji Heng face did not change the color to help explain, "Tian Qi fell into the water, wishful distress, then cried like this." Every word did not deceive, but cleverly picked himself out.

  The Queen Mother stroked the wishful back and helped the little guy to sigh and sighed, "We are a child of affection and righteousness, but the slave is too rash, how can it fall into the water."

  If you want to raise your finger in the direction of Ji Heng, because the courage is not enough, the index finger is slightly squatting, "Father..."

  Ji Heng blinked and interrupted him. "What happened?"

  "You, you," wished to feel the threat of Ji Heng, he leaned his head on the neck of the Queen Mother and said, "You, four years old, still, bedwetting..."

  Ji Heng: "..."

  Queen Mother: "..."

  Seeing the father's face black and dark, Ruyi finally got a sigh of relief, his hands licking the neck of the Queen Mother, and squinting.

  The Queen Mother felt very embarrassed and whispered. "Is it not good to tell others?"

  "After the mother..." Ji Heng took a deep breath. "The last time I explained it, it was not the urine. It was the tea that the mother had sprinkled. She didn't dare tell you."

  The Queen Mother never believed in this explanation. She does not believe that the four-year-old child can remember things so clearly, of course, in order to take care of the emperor's face, she pretends to believe every time.

  Now she was told by her eagerness. She coughed and bowed her head, helped her to manage her hair, and wiped her little face with a slap. Then she looked up and looked at Ji Heng calmly. "It’s just a joke with the children. If he is serious, you are serious? Are you a child?"

  Ji Heng will not speak. Even if he is the honor of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, he also climbed out of his mother's stomach. He was arranged a few words by his mother-in-law. He really couldn't help it.

  The Queen Mother touched the cute little brain and looked at him in a beautiful little skirt. He sighed, "My little wishfulness, how cute it is to be a little princess," said a sigh and sighed. "I don't know." The mourner can still live to see the little granddaughter born."

  Ji Heng said, "Why are you talking about this after your mother?"

  "The mourner is saying this for you too. You are not too young, and you only have a baby. How can this be good?"

  Ji Heng didn't like to listen to these words, and tried to persuade the Queen a few words, and then he left.

  Back to the dry house, used dinner, Ji Heng went to the bath room for a hot bath. The bath is not the usual hot water, but the bath soup cooked with bluegrass. The Dragon Boat Festival is a tradition of bathing with blue soup, so this day is called the Bath Lan Festival.

  Ji Heng squinted comfortably in the hot steaming of Lan Tang, looking at the busy palace lady, unconsciously thinking of Tian Qi who fell into the water in the day. He couldn't help but laugh, but he was shocked by the palace lady who was adding water, shaking his hand, accidentally splashing a few splashes and falling on the face of the emperor's armpit.

  The palace lady hurriedly put down the bucket, "the emperor forgives!"

  Ji Heng did not care to wipe his face. "Go to Tian Tian to give some Lan Tang and let him bathe."

  The palace lady had the will to go down, and another palace woman went on to add the water that had not been completed. After the addition, she hanged her head and waited.

  The palace woman combed a double-sided vertebrae, similar to the hair style during the day. Ji Heng thought of the son dressed as a little princess, and then thought of Tian Qi, and then there was a terrible thought in his mind.

  What would Tian Qi be like wearing a women's dress?

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  He fixed his eyes on the palace lady in front of him, a light pink dress, and the flesh was well-proportioned. However, if Tian Qi wears this dress, it will definitely add a bit of wind.

  Realizing that this idea is not normal, Ji Heng unconsciously touched his nose.


  Tian Qi was given a bath orchid soup. He knew that the emperor was forgiving her, so he took a shower and went to the next day to pretend that he did not happen.

  After the next value, I went out to play in the palace. This time, she met the sign of waiting for the rabbit in Qianzhuang.

  Ji Zheng did not come to Tian Tian to play this time, but something to discuss with him.

  Of course, before the opening, he took a lot of places with Tianqi, Qianzhuangbufang, restaurant teahouse, as well as spice shops, medicinal shops, and so on.

  Tian Qi wandered and turned, "What do you want to buy from Wang Ye?"

  "These are the industries of the palace." Ji Zheng replied.

  Tian Qi really has wide eyes and envy, "Wang Ye, you really have money."

  "Where. You only saw one or two. I have a lot of shops and Granges, which were all set up when I was just built, but now nobody cares."


  "The housekeeper is old and wants to go back to the countryside to support the elderly."

  "You can't just ask a housekeeper."

  Ji Zheng and so on is this sentence, so he sincerely looked at Tian Qi, "Tian Qi, are you willing to come to Ning Wangfu?"

  Tian Qi himself pointed at his nose, and some could not believe it, "I?"

  Ji Zheng focused on the head.

  "I can't," Tian Qi said with embarrassment. "I have never managed to do this. What can I do if I lose your business?"

  "It doesn't matter, if you lose me, if you earn, you will be divided into 30%."

  Tian Qi’s mouth was sour and sour, and a lot of body fluid was secreted in the mouth. She swallowed her mouth and asked excitedly, “Three or three?”

  "Well, if you are not satisfied, you can discuss it again."

  "No, no, I don't mean this." Tian Qi bit his teeth and still refused. "I don't have the diamond, I can't take it for life."

  Ji Zheng is a bit lonely, "I said, I lost my money. Besides, you are very smart, I believe in you, I invite you to come. You and I do not need to be so polite."

  When Tian Qi saw his injured eyes and his heart was a little embarrassed, she asked, "That, Wang Ye, can you ask me why, why is it?"

  "I couldn't find a competent and credible person for a while, so I had to tell you."

  "But I am a predecessor, so..."

  "It doesn't matter, the emperor is a generous person. One or two slaves should be willing."

  You can think about it. Tian Qi scratched his head and wanted to refuse. Ji Zheng raised his index finger and blocked her mouth. "You should not rush to say no. I am for you, Zhenri is in the palace, but I am not happy in the palace." How much money do you want to earn, earn as much as I can, and more? I don’t have any bad things in the palace, you know it. To be honest, just for you, I just pulled my face down and the emperor, I I have a fate with you, and I want to ask you seriously. If you refuse, you will seriously think about it, and you should be considerate of my heart, okay?"

  This remark made Tian Tian never say a half "No" word, but he nodded first.

  Ji Zheng will put down the index finger. His fingertips swiftly slanted down the edge of her lips, slightly at the corners of the lips, leaving a short, brief friction, and then hanged his hands without a trace.

  Tian Qiqi thought about himself and didn't notice it.

  Ji Zheng chuckled, carrying his hand and Tian Qi alongside. When he saw Tian Qi thoughtfully, he would not take him to play elsewhere, but he would leave with him and let him go back to the palace.

  Seeing the back of Tian Qi’s back, Ji Zheng turned and looked down at his right hand.

  He lifted his index finger, slowly closed his eyes and carefully kissed his stomach.

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