Chapter 3: Emperor Trust

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At the third watch standing above the gatehouse looking all surround direction feel like the boat lost in the vast of the ocean,from afar the hanging lanterns emit glow dim light in the dead of night like a lighthouse shore.It looked like a sea mist prying eyes.

Tianqi could not help shivering not because of cold at midnight is the weak time for human vigor. A cold wind blow while standing in the height ,cool breeze coming down along the navel stomach,she felt her internal organs like being soak cold water felt extremely uncomfortable.

Imperial inside and outside the household were asleep only unfortunate remainder,as she climbed the night before the gatehouse,to knock on a few clapper.

After finished knock the first clapper Tianqi look up the sky starry skies,silver moon like hook. Blue sky upside down like a big bowl of blue glaze bits and pieces of stained white rice bowl.

……………….she hungry.

It easy to stay up late at night hungry. She should have thought of that,but came out in hurry,did not bring food.

She remembered once read “Some residual star geese cross plug,flute sound people yilou(寒星几点雁横塞长笛一声人椅楼)” the poem felt intriguing. Now it seem this person is bound to go eat,another time go fed yilou otherwise miserable.

Tianqi sighed,rub the belly while on the way down to gateway,back at the quarter room,saw a thin eunuch cover with blanket being crooked sleep soundly. Tianqi filled with anger,wanted to kick his legs,resume and sit next to him,pull over the quilt,cover the legs.

Tianqi lean her head back at the wall,thinking she must come early tomorrow.

Lately don’t know why the eunuch behave themselves, In the nightwatcher branch only left two of them and another one oversee them. Although Tianqi rushing over but it too late,let the other person got first.

First come first served,so settled through discussion,he take early role,Tianqi will be late at night.

Because during the day,sleeping was just awhile can’t sleep at all until almost midnight,was about to fall asleep,could barely rouse herself:Her turn to nightwatcher.

Walking out was still vacantly haggard climbing up to the gatehouse,she sober up by a sudden cold.

Now finished a three -shift,Tianqi return back yet did not dare to sleep. She familiar with the eunuch on duty,afraid they will not call her on time in case oversleep. It also a crime if over slept perhaps at that time if unlucky.

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Well drag on sleepless nights of work ba.

Tianqi afraid cannot control herself due to lack of sleep,so going outside walk around feel sleepy,a gust of cold wind blowing then drowsy then again a gust of wind blowing again……………

That suffering not to mention it!

It not very easy to stayed up all night until just before dawn over one third,finally is over duty. She run back to thirteen branch,not in the mood to eat,she lie down cover with quilt went to sleep. She awaken in the afternoon went to kitchen looking for food, pack a bit,running while eating some bits and pieces arrived at nightwatcher  waiting room.

…………….This time you will not believe I earlier than you!

That person really has not come yet. Tianqi felt little proud.

He was a fine man name Wang Meng same as her also received a punishment,his look is not energetic,thin like a fleeing victims. Tianqi once saw him she subconsciously wanted to give him something to eat.

Such a weak chicken yet still dare to anticipate with her Tian daye( 田大爷 Lord Tian) flip you backward!

Tianqi earlier bought two literature books,while reading andwaiting.Wang Meng quickly enter station in short time,he didn’t say anything sit next to Tianqi,took another literature book to read.

Tianqi: “………..”he really do not think himself as an outsider.

The other were so calm,she find it embarrassing until narrow-minded. In the evening finish reading and watching yourself the whole night. She tossed the other book for Wang Meng,sit a one side crossed her arm and eyes tightly closed.

However not slightest sleepy because daytime slept too much.

To the contrary with her,Wang Meng whole body is weariness,walking while eyes partly close,a few halting steps. He finished the task,afraid himself fall asleep,he sit next to Tianqi for a while then walk out to continue with his work.

Tianqi look upon with empathy (感同身受),felt a bit please but more is not to drop tolerance(不落忍). Everyone in the same boat,not necessary need to step on each others. To some extent,she regards as a good-hearted person. So she said to Wang Meng ” I have enough sleep during the day,want me to replace you ba.”)

If someone say such words to Tianqi,she will be the first to suspect then hesitated and decline. However now this weak little chicken heard the words says thanks and fall asleep.

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In a flash a snoring sound up. Do not look down on people does not grow strong but the snoring it is mighty powers almost like spring thunder hit kang(春雷砸在炕上). Tianqi almost feel a slight vibration wall.

Tianqi : “………..”

She felt purely have nothing better to do to say such a sentence(吃包了撑的). But to say this words out is like poured out of water can not be taken back(泼出去的水),she feel embarrassed to take advantage to make mischief. Anyway I do not feel sleepy just regard as do a kind deed.

This time she simply did not think that herself would act as a life saving.


After duty as usual Tianqi went straight to thirteen branch her nest to catch up some sleep,unfortunately barely sleep for a while was roused by someone. She open her eyes and looked at these person,this eunuch is from Qian Qing gong(乾清宫). Why did the imperial eunuch come here? A split second Tianqi felt a bad premonition.

The eunuch said “The Emperor summon you for questioning,hurry ba.”

In Tianqi mind humming is heard,slowly under the kang brick bed(1抗) a draped of clothes,while at the bottom small brick pull out a pieces of silver,quickly slip the silver for him. “Excuse me trouble you to running this trip……why the Emperor asking for me?”

The eunuch return back the silver to Tianqi. “Once you see the Emperor you will know, I only a messenger,other unknown.”

Tianqi understand cannot be revealed,this matter should not be small and the attribute is not good too. She wondered,she didn’t make any mistake in nightwatcher branch,is it because the Emperor regret that my punishment is too light,wanted to add some more?

This might be trouble.

Nervously along the way,arrived at Qian Qing gong with the young eunuch,Sheng Anhui guide Tianqi to Nuange(暖阁 2), bow in courtesy while facing Ji Heng.

Ji Heng sweep a glance and ignore her.

An action was better than a static(一动不如一静), the Emperor did not speak, Tianqi behave oneself kneeling and silent. Seven years in the Forbidden City as a eunuch,in facts she particular understand the rules,able to withstand in kneeling and straighten back in motionless. She also not afraid of knee pain.

Ji Heng is reading a book,a wonderful book to read until do not want to be interrupted,completely ignored Tianqi.

Tianqi looked at the surrounding area. Huge Nuange,no one else, Sheng Anhui waiting outside. Emperor’s bed is large,bright yellow curtain hook up,obviously on top is the same color of the embroidery dragon. Tianqi is very curious,so bright colors, at night the Emperor able to sleep at ease ma.

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Ji Heng crooked before kang table,put a pillow over his arm,shoulder against the edge of the table,both legs naturally cross above the kang,the boots did not take off,resting on the upper kang edge.

From this angle view,he happened to lie down in front of Tianqi,soft cloth attached to the body and sketched out the lines of his body,waist emerged in a natural concavity,waist hung a piece of jade hanging bright yellow tassel laying on the kang. His both legs stretched out it looks straight and slender.

Tianqi mind instantly flash out an idiom.

Lounging (玉体横陈 3).


This kind of thought yield irreverent of the Emperor body,Tianqi quite terrified as if the heart linked as one, Ji Heng suddenly lift up his eyes took a glance at Tianqi.

Tianqi blushed and hurried looked down.

Ji Heng continue to read,a short while the indoor was quite only the flip pages sound.

Nuange room was warm,comfortable and quite,no breeze can blow in. At the beginning Tianqi was alert,later on as the mind gradually kind of heavy.

According to her regular work and rest routine,now she really yawning,been stayed up all night,people will particularly tired. Her mind drowsy self-control decreased.

Ji Heng flip over and over the pages,suddenly realized whole indoor emits slightly sound snoring.

He was distracted,put the book down,looking left and fight finally set his eyes on someone kneeling while the head hang down.

So this way to fall asleep?yet also snoring?

Ji Heng could not believe,he get up from the bed walk in front of Tianqi,squat down and looking at her. The person right in front,both eyes closed,breathing steadily,cheek glowing light red. It appears to be really asleep,eyebrow furrows,it seem the sleep is uncomfortable.

The have ability to fall asleep on his knees,really got a skill in itself and how will be comfortable.

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Ji Heng perused her face,oval face,fair complexion reveal a flush of red,full forehead,eyebrows showing arc shape as slender as willow,long eyelash turn up quite long with a curve arc,small delicate nose,delicate full red lip,no need a speck of rouge,actually rouge is difficult to apply.

That features no matter how you look at,how you see,somehow is clearly,will forever be in this eunuch face.

Ji Heng shook his head regretfully. He held out his finger poke her long eyelashes,she winked did not wake up.

Indeed is too tired,her head hang down neck bent down,weighing the chin down as the result turn into snoring.

Being look delicate,too delicate to called snoring,low and soft like the lazy cat nestled in the porch sleep peacefully.

Ji Heng stood up remember someone make a secret report,cannot help but shook his head. Song Zhaoyi preterm reports came out as odd,death also strange. Imperial harem principal throughly investigate,comes to nothing,he have to personally take over. At beginning does not think of Tianqi to be suspect,but yesterday someone give an opinion,say that eunuch very closed in contact with the other eunuch. Song Zhaoyi began to appear sign of preterm labor after Tianqi arrival,so then Ji Heng call him over to for questioning.

Never thought of him would be this way,kneeling can fall asleep. Never see such audacious nucai(奴才servant),but these also prove the key problem : This person rest with a clear conscience. If he really cause Song Zhaoyi death and what is involved,no matter how well disguised it is impossible to sleep before your good self so calm.

So Ji Heng did not wait to ask,already believe in Tianqi. He kick Tianqi knees, ” Get up.”

Tianqi sip saliva,continued sleep.

Ji Heng had to take hold behind her collar and lift her up. Tianqi slowly open her eyes,clearly see the face in front of her. Immediately scared until hair stand up,her big eyes stare at him.

Facing each other this person round eyes look like two pit apricot. Ji Heng could not help but laugh,his mood became good,so he excuse her punishment,no need to investigate. He release her, ” You go back .”

Tianqi do not know herself fall asleep,what the outcome is still in doubt. She was a little puzzled,did not know why the Emperor call out for release,got a little scared,as if feel like folly?

No what it says,this can safety escaped. Tianqi thought the Emperor was childish pranks(人来讽). But with a good-hearted and generous.

At a later days she will lead a stroke after two draw on a lots of cross(两项一笔一笔划上好多叉4).


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