Your Majesty, Please Calm Down - Chapter 30: Traces of a spring dream

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Ji Heng saw a body.

  The woman's body, soft and delicate, is held in the hand, like a warm snake. She turned her back to him, a trace/no hang, his waist was squatting by him, and he twisted uncomfortably.

  Ji Heng pressed on her, panting and waisting, in exchange for her depressed low.

  The woman suddenly looked back and turned a smile at Ji Heng, and she was very charming.

  Ji Heng was suddenly shocked. Because that face is not someone else, it is Tian Qi. Ji Heng only felt a roar in the brain as if it were thunderous, and he couldn’t move when he was on the road. Then the brain was blank and lost consciousness.

  After a while, Ji Heng woke up and turned into a dark candlelight through the yellow bed. He was lying on the side of his clothes, his hands were holding the summer quilt, his legs tight and close together, squeezing his bedding.

  He moved his body, and the things between his legs were slightly rubbed by the trousers and the bedding. He reached down and touched it, and it was really wet.

  There was a faint aroma of dragon scorpion floating in the room. Ji Heng turned over and lay down. The thinness was shaken, and the smell covered under the quilt floated out. The bed was filled with a faint musk smell, which made people smell hot.

  Ji Heng sighed in a low voice.

  As an emperor, it is a dream of a spring dream, and even dreamed of an eunuch.

  Ji Heng feels a little embarrassed. He closed his eyes, but the fascinating body appeared in front of him, and it was such an embarrassing face.

  He had to open his eyes and gently press his temples with both hands.

  It must have been confessed by Tian Qi during the day, and he accidentally dreamed of him at night. Ji Heng thought, to find a reasonable explanation for himself, people's dreams are strange, not to care.

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  However, although he thought about it, he still had some awkwardness in his heart.

  Get up in the morning, the early minions on the dry palace are coming to the emperor to ask for security. Tian Qi was cheeky in the middle, and looked at the emperor's look.

  It seems not so good?

  I was looking at it. I didn't expect the emperor to suddenly look at her. The gaze, like a small flying knife, seemed to cut her off and have a look.

  Tian Qi hurriedly buried his head, thinking that the emperor was not happy today, and he must be careful. Although she was confessed yesterday, the emperor’s heart may not be suspicious. She has to find an opportunity to show her loyalty.

  One morning, nothing happened. Ji Heng went down to the Empress Dowager, and went to the Yangxin Temple as usual.

  But when he saw Tian Qili on the side, he was a little confused. He never thought of the ridiculous dream of last night. He thought about it. He didn’t even have a good face on Tianqi, and he couldn’t help but glance at him.

  Tian Qi: "..."

  She really didn't know what she was doing wrong. In the heart, she made a self-review. Tian Tian remembered something. She took out a neatly folded piece from her sleeve and handed it to Ji Heng. "The emperor, this is your son. Thank you for your kindness." Borrowing and minions, this is the party. The royals, the slaves are not allowed to hide, have been washed. Fortunately, in summer, things are doing fast." She still remembers that the last time the emperor was not angry with her because of a parch, this time. He is jealous of him, probably because of the son.

  I didn’t want the emperor to take a pen and looked at her in danger. "Is that a stingy person, isn’t a piece of a parchment rewarding people?"

  Tian Qi felt that the emperor and the former emperor were probably not an emperor. She had to put the puppet away and laughed. "It is the slave who is wrong, the slave is stupid, and the slave is thankful."

  Seeing that she was so humble, Ji Heng frowned, and Zhu pen did not pick it up again, but stood up and planned to go out.

  Sheng Anhuai is not here at the moment, Tian Qi naturally topped his position and served with Ji Heng. The group walked around, unconsciously passing through the Zhonghuamen, and saw two or three scorpions in the door leading the ladies to kick.

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  Many people know that when the emperor is a prince, he likes to be jealous, but now the saint is very majestic, and naturally he will not play it anymore. But the hobby may not be gone anymore, and some people want to make a fuss about it. Tian Qi has done this, and the effect is very good.

  In front of these scorpions, although the starting point may be to please the emperor, but now they probably feel that it is fun, because they played too much, they did not find Ji Heng.

  Tian Qi followed the emperor and glanced at the group of people. One of the three nephews had a beautiful woman, and the one with the highest position was awkward.

  Tian Qi knows that the emperor has a bad habit of stealing others. Now that he sees the emperor's face, he will not scream at the scenery and yell "the emperor is driving."

  At this time, the ball was suddenly kicked and kicked out by a mighty grandmother. The people present finally found the emperor along the track of the ball. They were shocked on the spot and looked at the ball straight. emperor.

  Tian Qi responded quickly and jumped forward in front of Ji Heng. "The Emperor is careful!"

  Being smashed by the ball will not kill people, but you can also show your loyalty in front of the Holy Spirit. Tian Qi was still slamming the moment when the ball was about to shoot the door.

  She is too loyal now.

  However, the pain of being photographed in the face did not appear. Tian Qi was pulled back by the shoulders of Ji Heng, and immediately escaped the attack of the ball. Then, Ji Heng touched his shoulder slightly, and the ball was topped into the air. This action is too fast, Tian Qi did not see clearly, just barely standing on the heel, the eyes will be shaking the brown-red figure.

  The people around him were shocked by the rapid reaction of the emperor and the agility of action.

  Tian Qi hasn't returned to the taste yet, only to feel the strength of the hands on her shoulders suddenly.

  Ji Heng’s body has already vacated, and his hands are still dominated by Tian Qi. He supported Tian Qi, his waist was strong, his legs turned a half circle, and he found a suitable position. One leg stretched and balanced his body, and the other leg volleyed to the ball that just fell from the sky. The ball whirls to the air. The windy eyes in the door, in the eyes of everyone, crossed a strong dark red curve, as if a long knife, straight into the prey throat.

  Everyone is watching.

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  The whole process is like a flowing stream, leaving no flaws. The figure of the emperor's flying is more flexible than the eagle, and more fierce than the scorpion. This series of actions is completed in a very short period of time, but it can be clearly engraved in the mind, every detail is incomparably clear, as if time Slowed down for him.

  Tian Qi did not see this wonderful picture because she was in the center of the picture. Her shoulders were held by him, and his face was very close. She saw his brilliance and saw a chuckle in his mouth. His body swirled in a circle in midair, and the breeze that blew his hair blew his hair. She saw the ink on her lips, and the background behind him changed with the rotation of the body. , blue sky, green trees, yellow glazed tiles.

  When Ji Heng landed, Tian Qi’s body was forced to twist. She stood unsteadily and instinctively raised her arm and hooked it to Ji Heng’s neck.

  Ji Heng felt that Tian Qi’s body was going to fall down, and he quickly supported his waist to prevent him from falling.

  When the two stood firm, the posture was already very embarrassing. One hooked the other's neck, the other embraced the other's waist, and the four eyes were opposite, each without words.

  Everyone saw the ball crashing into the eye of the wind, and I was going to cheer. I just opened my mouth, saw the picture in front of me, and silently heard the sound.

  There were a few reactions that were slow and half-shooting, and I didn’t have time to stop, so there was a round of applause around.

  Ji Heng supported the waist of Tian Qi, only felt that the waist and the lower limbs were soft and slender, unable to hold a grip, and then looked down at the person, seeing Tian Qi almost completely plunged into his arms, hooking his neck with one hand and holding his arm with one hand. . Probably too shocked, at this time his eyes widened, and the lips of cherry red were half-small, spitting a hot and humid breath.

  Silent lure.

  The sun is a little big, and the sun is getting better. He looked down at Tian Qi and asked, "I don't want to let go?"

  Tian Qi’s face was red and he quickly let go.

  Ji Heng loosened her, stood straight, and her hands were slightly deliberately backed up. Tian Qi thought that the emperor had abandoned her, and quickly made a step back and opened a little distance with him.

  Tian Qi’s face was not reduced, and he looked down at the ground. Ji Heng sees that his earlobe is red and almost dripping, can't help but smile.

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  Ji Heng found that he was often embarrassed by eunuchs. He had some habits and was not as disgusted as he expected. This consciousness made him awkward, so he snorted and stopped looking at Tianqi and turned to Zhonghuamen.

  The people in the door have bowed to Ji Heng. Ji Heng saw that his face was pale, and he greeted him. He didn't expect him to ask for it. This question, he was directly down. Fortunately, the palace lady around her was moving fast and helped her.

  Ji Heng told the people to help him back to the palace, and passed the doctor to see her. I thought that I was only because of the heat in the heat of the day, but I did not expect the return of the doctor: I was pregnant.

  Tian Qi was with Ji Heng, so he heard the news for the first time. After listening to a burst of screaming, this luck is also very good, only to be pampered once there will be pregnant.

  Ji Heng is also somewhat surprised, of course, more is happy. The happiest thing is that nature has to count the Queen Mother. I only remembered my little granddaughter a few days ago. This time I was pregnant.

  When I heard this, my heart didn't like it. What do you mean, why must you be a daughter?

  Frankly speaking, Ji Heng also hopes to be a daughter. He has a child and a daughter. He has already had a son, and he has a degree of wishfulness. If there is one more, he is afraid to smash the palace.

  Besides, the good things that Ji Zheng’s mother-in-law did, he and the Queen Mother remembered. The status is not low, and the family and the Sun family are close and close, and there is also a big backing. Even if Ji Heng wants to have more sons, he does not want his son to climb out of the belly of such people. Even if he knows that he can't do the good things he did in the past, he always has to leave more room for his wishfulness. If he is not afraid of 10,000, he will be afraid of it. Who knows what will happen in the future.

  Ji Heng’s mind is not understood by a few people. Tian Qi is one of them. However, she does not care about this for the time being. What she cares more about is whether this embarrassment will be detrimental to her.

  In the past, I was not a pet, and Tian Qi was not afraid of her. Now that she has goods in her stomach, it is not the same immediately. The emperor stayed in the palace for two days. Although he could not bear the grace of being pregnant, it was also a decent thing that other people could not dream of, so there was a lot of scenery on the face, although pregnant, walking. It was a lot lighter than usual.

  Tian Qi carefully compared the pros and cons and felt that he should not start with her. The people who want to move the pre-war, the risk will be relatively large, not worth the candle. Second, she and Sun Fan’s grudges may not be known. Sun Congrui is not a fool. How can he expand the influence of his son's stupid things, and it is even more impossible to break the matter into the palace for a moment of anger.

  But Tian Qi soon found out she was wrong. She can't think of a woman as a man, and she can't imagine everyone as much as Sun Congrui.


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