Chapter 36: Revenge

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Once Tian Qi slipped away from Yang Xin Palace Hall she went to Qian Qing Palace. Since she didn't feel safe in Qian Qing Palace, she ran away and stumbled about in the HouGong. But now she felt that every tree or bush was an enemy soldier, going to a place that she already thought was dangerous, where the Emperor could grab her and "scare her a bit". When the time came she would have no other choice but be frightened to death.

HouGong = Imperial Harem 
every tree or bush is an enemy soldier - idiom = to panic and treat everyone as an enemy

Tian Qi felt lingering fear remembering those deep cold eyes the Emperor had when he looked at her. She was convince that, no matter what the reason, the Emperor truly wanted to kill her rather than him just trying to scare her.

But why did the Emperor want to kill her? Based on Tian Qi's experience, although the Emperor was petty and insane, he wasn't an evil person treating human life like grass. Now that she thought about it, he could be considered a benevolent master. Only if you made a big mistake would the Emperor punish you with a capital offence. Even more so as he went as far as calling her to Yang Xin Palace Hall wanting to personally bring her end.

treating human life like grass - idiom = to kill people like scything grass

Tian Qi scratched her chin in puzzlement. Could it be what she did yesterday was exposed?

That shouldn't be the case, a. She made sure she didn't leave any traces.

Therefore Tian Qi carefully went through the whole course of events in her mind.

The first thing she did was finding Wang Meng and getting him to help her to secretly develop a new drug. The two divided their work; Tian Qi was to plan how to deliver the drug, whilst Wang Meng was to develop it.

This type of drug couldn't be considered poison, as its main use was to clear up people's lungs of internal heat. There were no side effects and it was safe enough for pregnant women to use. Because it contained no poisonous substances it wouldn't bring any harm when consumed. Because of this it couldn't be found when diagnosing the patient through their pulse and could only be assumed to be a symptom of the lung's internal heat being too high. However, once this white, odourless, tasteless, non-poisonous and without-side-effects small pill was consumed, the result was certainly fun to watch. Because it cleared up the lungs' internal heat, at the time the heat would disperse it would also make one's throat itch. The pill they made was quite strong, hence the person's throat would itch so badly they'd find it hard to endure.

This phase could go on for two (2) - three (3) days. About two (2) days after the onset, the itchy throat ought to be accompanied by thick phlegm. Thick phlegm, o. Could you imagine a scene where a small beauty incessantly coughed and expectorated, ma... So disgusting she could die!

It was only yesterday when Tian Qi put the small pill in the soup meant to be delivered to Wan Pin. Pills dissolved quickly when in scathing hot soup, without leaving any residue. 

Pin = Imperial Concubine (rank)
Wan = graceful, tactful (title)

The Emperor didn't like to visit Wan Pin since the incident with the safflower. Once the Empress Dowager learned of Wan Pin's deeds she also became dissatisfied. However she felt it wasn't easy to become pregnant with the dragon seed, so she wanted to keep the appearance of giving her face. Since Ji Heng listened to the Empress Dowager's suggestion, he right away got the Imperial Kitchen to keep sending soups to BaJiao Pavilion.   

Tian Qi was schemed against by Wan Pin and, even though she didn't want to go too far in her revenge, she still had to find such a disgusting and embarrassing way to handle that stupid woman. In any case, this thing didn't harm one's health. It could be said she was helping Wan Pin Niangniang to take care of her body.

It took one (1) or two (2) days since taking the pill for the itch to flare up; in other words, by the time Wan Pin discovered something was wrong with her, the leftovers would have already been disposed of, the tableware cleaned.

What a perfect pill!

Tian Qi's plan was such that even the gods didn't know and the ghosts didn't realise. As she once again carefully went over the whole scenario, she was certain she did everything with utmost care, leaving no traces. If a problem were to arise it would surely be with Wang Meng, this guy. Either the pill wasn't developed properly, or he wasn't careful and got tricked into confessing.

even the gods don't know and the ghosts don't realise - idiom = top-secret

Anyway, now Tian Qi completely believed in Wang Meng's medical expertise. As for his character, he was so-so, but reliable. So he shouldn't have fallen through and stand exposed.

Since she was unable to understand what exactly happened, she unexpectedly decided to not concern herself with it anymore. After walking aimlessly for half a day she tried to find Dai SanShan and played for a while. Only in the evening, after having her dinner, did she stealthily walked back to Qian Qing Palace. Once she remembered she had to work the night shift, Tian Qi became anxious and scared. Who knows if the Emperor will crawl out of bed in the middle of the night and choke her to death?

Tian Qi was really depressed. She secretly looked for Sheng'An Huai wanting to find someone to switch shifts with.

Sheng'An Huai was also just about to go look for Tian Qi, ne. His expression was even more mysterious than Tian Qi's as he pulled her to the side and asked "You should be honest and confess to me, ba. Have you recently angered ShengShang?"

ShengShang = courtier's pr minister's form of address for the current Emperor = First/Top (Shang) Holy/Sage (Sheng)

"I have, ba..." 'Although I don't know the reason, he wants to choke me to death' Tian Qi thought dumbly.

Looking at Tian Qi's dispirited face, Sheng'An Huai finally understood. He was mistaken before, thinking the Emperor wanted to transfer Tian Qi to another post to show him great regard. So Sheng'An Huai couldn't understand why the Emperor instructed him to not allow Tian Qi on night duty. But now he understood. Basically, Tian Qi made a mistake and angered the Emperor.

Believing he understood the situation, he quickly handled everything properly and Sheng'An Huai threw Tian Qi back to Xian Cha Residence. At last he became aware of the Emperor's actual meaning when he asked to give Tian Qi individual tasks. This way everyone was very happy, and Tian Qi also managed to avoid the Emperor for several days.

As far as Ji Heng was concerned, his mood could not be described with simple words such as "happy" and "worried". Currently he was looking forward to seeing Tian Qi, his reasoning having vanished. He forced himself not to think but he still often carelessly thought of him. During the day he kept thinking of the scene of Tian Qi trembling in fear and the tears he shed landing on the palm of Ji Heng's hand, which has long been imprinted in his mind. As soon as Ji Heng thought about this he instantly felt endless remorse. He also didn't understand what he said and regretted treating Tian Qi that way, trying to kill him all of a sudden.

However, he became aware his hand couldn't squeeze harder. Even if he had another opportunity, he still couldn't do it. Once he thought this person might die he immediately felt so distressed it was difficult to endure.

Whilst he was lost in his thoughts a person from BaJiao Pavilion came to inform him that Wan Pin niangniang's throat was itchy and an imperial physician has already been invited over.

Originally Ji Heng wasn't in a good mood. He found that he was even more impatient having to deal with Wan Pin. Before he could become angry he said "Since an Imperial Physician has been invited already, make sure she is properly looked after. There's no need to go back and forth for Zhen."

When the servants returned they couldn't tell the truth. They could only say the Emperor was busy and he couldn't come and visit. He asked niangniang to properly take care of her health.

As Wan Pin heard this she knew the Emperor probably didn't want to see her. She covered her throat with her hand as she shed tears. She wanted to say something but she couldn't speak as her throat was too itchy. Once she spoke she added hail to snow. The Imperial Physician couldn't find anything wrong, just saying that the internal heat in her lungs was too extensive as he turned to prescribe her medicine to moisten the lungs and clear internal heat.

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to add hail to snow - idiom = to make things worse in a bad situation

Wan Pin endured it for one night. On that night she couldn't sleep at all and woke up very early the next morning, her complexion wan and sallow. Even though she took her medicine twice, her throat's condition didn't improve. On the contrary, the itching got even worse. Her itch got so bad she was rolling all over her bed. Two of her personal maids saw this and they were so scared they started crying. Whilst she was being tormented, Wan Pin arrived at a sudden conclusion. Her itch was way too abnormal. This surely was the effect of someone trying to poison her.

Tian Qi was the most suspicious since she had recently started a feud with this person.

Thus Wan Pin ran to Qian Qing Palace to find Ji Heng and wail accusingly. Although she wasn't certain Tian Qi was the culprit, but going to the Emperor to cry and weep was not a bad thing, as it could earn his sympathy. Men, ma, women ate them precisely with this set of actions.

However, it was quite unfortunate. Since Ji Heng had recently been troubled by "men" he didn't eat this set of actions. Moreover the Imperial Physician already said Wan Pin's condition wasn't threatening, yet this woman wanted to assume an air of "everyone in the lands under the heaven wanted to kill me". It really spoiled one's appetite.

Tian Qi heard Wan Pin went to Qian Qing Palace to make noise so she wanted to enjoy watching a bustling scene. She still didn't dare get too close so she hid outside to listen to the conversation.

Even though all she heard from start to finish was just Wan Pin's wails and didn't hear the Emperor talk at all, Tian Qi was still very happy. She looked at Wan Pin to her heart's content until she came out of the palace.

Wan Pin wept until her eyes were red and swollen, frowning in humiliation as she walked out. Once she raised her head and saw Tian Qi, her eyes almost spat fire.

Tian Qi smiled gently as she stepped forward to help her "Niangniang, you're walking so slow. With so many people wanting to harm you you could barely get some time to catch your breath."

Wan Pin ruthlessly flung one arm aside, paying no heed to Tian Qi.

Nevertheless, Tian Qi caught up with her on purpose, her voice extremely low as she spoke in her ear "This slave was the one who did this. It could also serve as a demonstration that I have the ability to harm somebody without the gods knowing and without the ghosts realising."

Looking at Wan Pin, sure enough, her complexion changed completely. Tian Qi walked away smiling.

She wasn't worried Wan Pin would complain. First, because there was no evidence. And second, from what she saw today, the Emperor already didn't likeWan Pin, so much so that he was somewhat fed up with her. Therefore, even if she complained it would be in vain. The more she calmed down and thought about it, the more proud and contented she was, happily humming a ballad. With her hands clasped behind her back, she was just about to  leave when she took one last look behind her and discovered the Emperor was standing just beside the door, looking out.

His face was wooden, like a statue, expressionless.

At first Tian Qi's heart trembled, then she didn't even exhale as she turned around and ran, so she could quickly leave the Emperor's line of sight. 

Ji Heng only got to see his figure from behind as his footsteps stumbled because he ran too fast. His chest felt stifled on top of a thread of loneliness and disappointment. He lowered his eyes as he laughed at himself mockingly, then he turned around and walked back inside.

Tian Qi hid in her room all morning, without anything to do. After lunch she decided to go out of the palace to play. Although Tian Qi went round and round in a circle, Sheng'An Huai didn't have the authority to deprive her of her right to "gather the wind"(A. this phrase was translated mot-a-mot. I really don't know what exactly meant. Maybe it meant she had the right to see the Emperor?). If she wanted to cancel she had to ask for the Emperor's permission. Sheng'An Huai wasn't somebody to shoot his mouth so he didn't ask anything. Hence, even though Tian Qi was currently in dire straits, she still had to go where to wind was gathered if she wanted to get out of the Palace.

Tian Qi has been so stifled in the palace these days she was going to break down. It was naturally important for one to go out and hang out with their friends. She first went to the bank* to meet Ji Zheng. She didn't have to deposit money, but the bank became their fixed meeting spot. Ji Zheng was angry since the last time when Ji Heng wanted to beat him and he hadn't seen Tian Qi ever since. He was awfully worried about him, getting his trusted aides to ask around, only able to feel relieved once he learned he was fine.

*QianZhuang = money farm (deaing in illegal foreign currency of money laundering) A. assuming it means bank in here. Just finding it funny how the dictionary chose to translate it

Ji Zheng still felt his elder brother Emperor's fury that day was extremely unusual. There was an outrageous conjecture in his mind thus he tried to feel out Tian Qi by asking "Do you know why elder brother Emperor got so angry that day?"

Tian Qi said "WangYe, this is precisely what I wanted to talk to you about. The Emperor might suspect you are broken sleeves, ruining the family principles. He also thought that all along I have wanted to seduce you. Therefore, a, you wanting to allow me to live in your home, such good intentions, I appreciate your kindness. However, I really dare not accept it if I want to keep my head."

"Tian Qi, in the future, whenever we are alone, you have to call me by my name. You have to stop calling me WangYe, it really feels estranged."

"..." That would mean she'd offend her superiors, ba.

Ji Zheng saw she was unwilling then he tried to persuade "I asked you to call me by my name then you call me by my name. If you don't, wouldn't that mean you're not doing what you're told and offending your superiors?"

Tian Qi merely nodded "Then... Ah Zheng..."

Ji Zheng nodded in satisfaction, then gently and lightly patted Tian Qi's head. He took advantage of this and his hand slid down to her face and pinched her cheek. Ji Zheng was content to have his wish fulfilled. He could feel the elasticity of the smooth and tender skin under his fingers and he became even more pleased. He looked at Tian Qi beaming with smiles.

This is... frivolous? Tian Qi covered her face with her hand as she looked at Ji Zheng with suspicion "WangYe, you wouldn't really be broken sleeves, ba?" However, she was currently an eunuch.

"No." Ji Zheng chopped the nail and sliced the iron and denied, then turned to ask "How did elder brother Emperor treat you recently? He... Was there anything he did you found odd?"

to chop the nail and slice the iron - idiom = resolute and decisive; unhesitating; categorical

"Yes, there was!" As Tian Qi said this she immediately assumed an air of saying everything on her mind, her face full of grievance, her eyes flooded with tears.

Ji Zheng's heart went cold at once "He really treated you that way?"

"Really, you see," as Tian Qi spoke, she untied the scarf around her neck, "he wanted to choke me to death!"


Tian Qi looked at him discontentedly "What is that expression of yours, are you taking joy in calamity and delight in disaster?"

to take joy in calamity and delight in disaster - idiom = to rejoice in other people's misfortune; schadenfreude

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Cough "No," Ji Zheng felt a little embarrassed, but he was truly glad. He was certainly both distressed and felt lingering fear. Thus, he leaned a little closer to Tian Qi to see what he wanted to show him. A fair neck on top of which there were two sudden lumps, extremely purple. Seeing them made one feel incessantly distressed. 

Ji Zheng couldn't help himself from reaching out and touching the bruises. He frowned as he asked "Do they hurt, ma?"

"They're fine now, they're not hurting much anymore." There were very few people to be so concerned about Tian Qi, so now she allowed herself to enjoy what was near. Ji Zheng's fingertips were dry and soft. It felt strangely good to feel him touching the skin on her neck, hence she squinted her eyes in comfort.

'This isn't right, men and women shouldn't be in direct contact'. As Tian Qi suddenly realised this she wanted to avoid his hand.

However, Ji Zheng smiled and said "It won't hurt anymore if I blow on it." speaking up to there, sure enough, he lowered his head and buried his face in Tian Qi's neck, his lips almost rubbing on her skin. As soon as he was close enough, he blew two puffs of air. The moist, hot air on her neck felt somewhat peculiar.

Tian Qi's first reaction was 'WangYe, you can be really childish, ma'. However, she didn't try to dodge him this time, rather her nose went sour. Tian Qi touched her nose as she told Ji Zheng "Did you know, ma, I have a younger brother who's very much like you?"

Ji Zheng bottled up his feelings as he resisted the urge to kiss her, at last raising his head away from her neck, smiled, and said "Is that so, ma, but I don't want to be your younger brother."

"I'm sorry, WangYe. I was rude. This wasn't what I meant."

"Call me Ah Zheng." 

"Ah Zheng..."

Ji Zheng nodded. He thought to himself a small leak could sink a great ship. Anyway, presently he first needed to think of a method to have elder brother Emperor to release him. 




A.: I think our little JZ just got family-zoned *cries pitifully*. Why, TQ, why?! Look at how sweet he is as compared to that monster waiting for you at 'home'.

As expected, JH is regretting his actions, but only in light of 'now TQ will see him in a bad light', not because he shouldn't try to kill people. Don't like him, don't like him, don't like him!!! Thee only joy is that he's now regretting his actions (for the wrong, selfish, reason) and is crying himself to sleep every night, missing TQ.




A.: if you are reading this on any other websites, come to tunemywebsite dot com / translated-books and read the proper edited chapters.

I will mention this again: come back tomorrow for the proper translation (the one that makes sense as opposed to the chrome automated translation that gives one a headache).


YMPCD - Chapter 36: Revenge


  Tian Qi came out from the Yang Xin Temple and went back to the Qing Palace. Then I felt that it was unsafe to dry the Qing Palace, so I ran out of the Qing Palace and slid around the harem. However, she is now a grass-roots soldier. When she goes there, she feels dangerous. The emperor may take her back to "scared and scare" at any time. At that time, she can only be scared to death.

  Thinking of the cold immersed eyes when the emperor looked at her, Tian Qi was afraid after a while. She believes that for whatever reason, the emperor is not really just trying to scare her, but actually murdered.

  But why did the emperor want to kill her? According to Tian Qi’s understanding of these days, although the emperor’s petty Bara was insane, he was not a wicked person who was a human being, and he was kind in the master. As long as it is not a big event, the Holy Spirit will generally not punish people for death. What's more, he even called her to the Yang Xin Dian, and she personally came to her!

  Tian Qi scratched his head and thought, isn't the thing she did yesterday exposed?

  No, she can make sure there are no traces left.

  But when I think about it, the most likely thing she has done in the past few days is the one that has led to the devastation.

  So Tian Qi carefully recalled his own crimes.

  First, she found Wang Meng, and Wang Meng plotted to develop a drug. The two divisions are clear, Tian Qi is responsible for conspiracy, and Wang Meng is responsible for the development.

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  This kind of medicine is not a poison. The main effect is to help people clear the lungs and have no negative impact on other parts of the body. Pregnant women can also eat. Because it is not poisonous, it is harmless to eat, so the basic diagnosis on the pulse can not be seen, only the symptoms of the lungs of the consumer are seen. However, this white odorless, non-toxic and side-effect-free pill is eaten into the stomach. The effect can be interesting, because it cleans the lungs, so when the lungs are divergent, it will be accompanied by the itch of the throat, and because the effect is strong, the scorpion will Itchy and unbearable.

  This phase will last for two or three days. Probably the next day from the itching of the scorpion, with the itching, there should be crusting. Suppose, can you imagine a picture of a little beautiful woman coughing and coughing, and disgusting her!

  Just yesterday, Tian Qi put the pill in the soup that was given to him. The pills are quickly opened in the hot soup without leaving any residue.

  Since the safflower incident, the emperor has not waited to see you. The Queen Mother knew about the good things that she did, and she couldn’t look at her eyes, but she felt that it was not easy to have a dragon. The face still had to be given, so Ji Heng also listened to the advice of the Queen Mother, and the royal dining room was sent to the banana plant. The soup is still the same.

  Tian Qi was smashed by the pit. I really didn't want to go very far. I had to find such a way to disgust the stupid woman. Anyway, this thing has no harm to the body, it is to help the niece to nurse the body.

  It takes about a day or two for the pill to go from eating to attacking. That is to say, when the cockroaches find that something is wrong, the remaining soup should have been dumped and the tableware has been cleaned.

  What a perfect pill!

  Tian Qi’s idea is that God does not know what it is. She carefully recalled the whole process and determined that she was doing very well. If there must be a problem, then the problem can only be found in Wang Meng’s kid. Or the pill is not done, or accidentally recruited.

  However, Tian Qi is now very convinced of Wang Meng’s medical skills. As for the character, he is also very reliable, so it is impossible to get things done.

  I couldn't figure it out, she didn't want to, and she wandered outside for a long time, looking for Dai Sanshan to play for a while, and after eating dinner, she sneaked back to the Qing Palace. When I think of the night and the night, Tian Qi is very upset. Who knows if the emperor will climb down from the bed and kill her in the dead of night?

  Tian Qi was particularly embarrassed, secretly found Sheng Anhuai, looking for someone to take the class.

  Sheng An Huai just wants to find Tian Qi. His expression is more mysterious than Tian Qi. He said, “Thank you for me. Have you ever angered the Holy Spirit?”

  "Yes..." He wanted to kill me, although I don't know why, Tian Qi thought quietly.

  Looking at the depression on the seven sides of the field, Sheng Anhuai finally figured out. He wanted to screw it before, thinking that the emperor let Tian seven transfer his job to raise him, but today the emperor specifically told me not to accept the Tianqi night, Sheng Anhuai can not figure out, and now he understands, it is simply that Tian Qi made a mistake to provoke the emperor Not happy.

  If you want to understand it, it will be easier. Sheng Anhuai will throw Tian Qi back to the leisure place. He consciously tried to figure out the meaning of the emperor. Tian Qi also happened to be able to hide from the emperor for a few days.

  As for Ji Heng, his mood can no longer be summarized by simple words like joy and worry. He is now emotionally looking forward to seeing Tian Qi, but his reason is absolutely refusal, forcing himself not to think about it, but he often thinks about him. In the daytime, Tian Qi’s picture of trembling tears under his palm has already been printed into Ji Heng’s mind. Ji Hengyi thought of this and regretted it. He also said that he did not know that he regretted treating Tian Qi like that, but he still did not have a result.

  But he knows that he can't go. Give him another chance, he still can't go. When he thinks that this person may die, he will feel bad.

  Being entangled, the people of the banana plant came to report that the scorpion scorpion was itchy and had already invited the doctor.

  Ji Heng was in a bad mood, and he felt more impatient with his treatment. So he didn't have a good air. "I have already invited a doctor, so I can show her that I don't have to go back and forth."

  The people below didn't dare to answer the truth. They only said that the emperor was busy, and they couldn't take time to visit, so that the goddess could survive.

  Hearing, I know that the emperor probably didn't want to see her, so she screamed at the eyes of her nephew and couldn't tell her. The scorpion was too itchy, and it made it worse. There is nothing to be diagnosed by the doctor. It is only that the lung fire is too strong, and the medicine for clearing away heat and moistening the lungs is opened.

  I endured for one night, and I almost didn't sleep at night, and when I woke up the next morning, I looked very good. Although she had eaten the medicine twice, the scorpion did not look good at all, but the more itchy. Itching her straight in the bed, the two close-knit ladies met, scared to tears. In this kind of torture, I suddenly became blessed to the soul, and the itch was too abnormal. This must have been poisoned by someone.

  The primary suspect is Tian Qi, because she has only one person who has recently avenged.

  So I ran to the Qing Palace to find Ji Heng and cried. Although she is not sure that the murderer is Tian Qi, she always goes to the emperor to cry and cry. A sympathy is not a bad thing. A man is not a woman.

  But unfortunately, Ji Heng has been plagued by "men" recently, so he does not eat this set. Moreover, the doctors of the Taiji have said that they are not serious, but this woman has to pretend that the face of "all the people in the world will kill me" is really a bad appetite.

  Tian Qi heard that he had come to the Qing Palace, so he also wanted to watch the excitement, but he did not dare to come near, and secretly hid outside.

  Although I heard only the crying of the cockroach from beginning to end, I almost didn't hear the emperor talking, but Tian Qi still felt very enjoyable and looked at it with satisfaction.

  I cried and my eyes were red and swollen, and I frowned and went outward. As I looked up, I saw Tian Qi, and my eyes almost spurted.

  Tian Qi smiled and walked up to help her. "The girl is slow to go, so many people want to harm you, you can have a little leisure."

  Take a look at your arm and don't take care of Tianqi.

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  Tian Qi deliberately scraped it in, and pressed her voice very low in her ear. She said, "The slaves do this to make a demonstration for the goddess. How can we harm people without knowing it?"

  Looking at the cockroaches, the face changed a lot, and Tian Qi smiled and walked away. She was not afraid of sue, and there was no evidence. Secondly, it can be seen from today's situation that the emperor has not liked it, and even bored her, so she confessed. The more she wanted to get rid of her anger, the more she screamed at the little song, the hand she was about to leave, and when she turned back, she found that the emperor was standing inside the door and looking at her.

  He has a wooden face, a sculpture, and no expression.

  Tian Qi’s heart trembled, and he ran away without any interest. He left the emperor’s sight at the fastest speed.

  Ji Heng looked at the back of his footsteps because he was running too fast, and his heart was blocked with a trace of desolateness and disappointment. He lowered his eyes, smiled self-deprecatingly, turned and walked back indoors.

  Tian Qiyi morning, hiding in the value room, doing nothing, eating lunch, can go out to play in the palace. Although Tian Qi came back in a circle, the power of "selling the wind" was not deprived by Sheng Anhuai. If he wanted to cancel, he would have to ask the emperor. Sheng An Huai will not ask more questions, so Tian Qi is now out of the limelight, but still in the wind, can go out of the palace.

  Tian Qi is also ruined in the palace these days, so go out and find a good fun. She went to the Qianzhuang and Jizheng confluence first. Although she did not save money this time, Qianzhuang has become a fixed meeting place for them. Ji Zheng has been beaten since the last time Ji Heng was angry, and he has not seen Tian Qi since. He is very worried about him, asking someone to inquire, knowing that he is fine, this is reassuring.

  However, Ji Zheng always felt that the anger of the emperor's brother was not normal. There was a bold guess in his heart, so he tried to ask Tian Qi. "Why do you think the emperor got angry that day?"

  Tian Qidao, "Wang Ye, this is exactly what I want to tell you. The Emperor probably suspects that you are broken sleeves and corrupts the door. He always feels that I want to seduce you, so ah, you want to give me a place to stay. I am so kind to my heart, but for the sake of my head, I really can’t pick it up."

  "Tian Qi, after nobody, you can call me the name. Wang Ye came to the prince to go, it is a real point."

  "..." is too much to commit.

  When Ji Zheng saw that she didn't want to, she advised, "I told you to call you, if you don't call it, it's not the same."

  Tian Qi just nodded. "That... A sign."

  Ji Zheng nodded with satisfaction, gently patted the head of Tian Qi, and the hand fell down, pinching her face. Ji Zheng was satisfied with his wishes, feeling the flexibility and smoothness of his fingertips. He was more satisfied and looked at Tian Qi with a smile.

  Is this ... being thin? Tian Qi squinted and looked at Ji Zheng with suspiciousness. "Wang Ye, aren't you really broken sleeves?" She is now an eunuch.

  "No," Ji Zheng categorically denied, and then asked, "What happened to the emperor recently? He... Did you do something strange for you?"

  "Yes, there is too!" Tian Qiyi said this, immediately put up a gesture of confiding, face grievances, tears in his eyes.

  Ji Zheng’s heart was cold. "He really is like that to you?"

  "Really, look," Tian Qi said, unbuttoning a tulle scarf around his neck. "He wants to kill me!"


  Tian Qi looked at him dissatisfied. "What is your expression, gloating?"

  "Cough, no," Ji Zheng was a little embarrassed, but he was really lucky, but he was somewhat distressed and scared. So he got closer to see the show that Tian Qi gave him. There were two very abrupt blue eyes on the white neck, which made people feel distressed.

  Ji Zheng couldn't help but reach out and touch the bruise, frowning, "Is it painful?"

  "It's okay, it doesn't hurt very much now." Tian Qi is rarely so cared for, and it is used very tightly. Ji Ji's fingertips are dry and soft, touching the skin on the neck, feeling strange, so she comfortably I blinked.

  It’s not right, men and women don’t give up. Tian Qi suddenly realized this and wanted to escape.

  Ji Zheng smiled. "I won't hurt if I blow you." Suddenly, he lowered his face and buried his face in the neck of Tianqi. His lips almost wiped her skin and blew two breaths. The hot and humid breath hits the neck and it feels a little different.

  The first reaction of Tian Qi is that you can still be a little more childish, but this time she did not hide, but the nose was sour. Tian Qi touched his nose and said to Ji Zheng, "Do you know, I have a younger brother like you."

  Ji Zhengqiang resisted the urge to kiss, and finally looked up and left her neck and smiled. "Yes, I don't want to be your brother."

  "Sir, I am sorry, I am abrupt. I don't mean that."

  "Call me Ah."

  "A sign..."

  Ji Zheng nodded. He thought, if he couldn't bear it, he would make a fuss. In any case, he must first find a way to let the emperor release.

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