Tian Qi went to Dali temple after careful consideration. She wanted to look up her father’s case file to see if she could find some clues. As a eunuch, it’s not easy to get close to the Dali temple. Tian Qi can’t steal or rob. If she wants to see the files, she needs to bribe officials of Dali temple or pass on the imperial edict.

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Tian Qi chose the latter. The comprador official, the other party may not be completely reliable, and the more people know about it, the more insecure she is. A fake imperial edict is a dangerous move, but as long as no one pokes it in front of the Emperor, she will be OK.

Moreover, as a eunuch, the conditions for her to fake the imperial edict are unique. She doesn’t need to write any secret edict. She just needs to say it’s the imperial edict. If she shows a little confidence, no one will doubt it.

She has already checked that the official in charge of the files in Dali temple is Tang Ruoling’s relative party, so even if this person has doubts about suing her, he will ask Tang Ruoling first, and Tang Ruoling will not allow his allies to suffer such heavy losses. To put it bluntly, Tian Qi is of great use to him.

From this point of view, this step is quite dangerous.

The official in charge of the files knew Tian Qi, and when he saw her coming, he asked her politely which year, which month or whose files the Emperor wanted to transfer.

Tian Qi started to look for the old God. “You don’t have to work. You just need to tell me the file display inside. I can see it for myself. ”

The officials are very good. Anyway, everything in the world is so good as long as it is related to the Emperor. He did not dare to ask again. He led Tian Qi into a room. After a brief introduction, she turned it over by herself. He quit waiting for her.

This room is used to store the unsettled files. Ji Zheng didn’t see Ji Qingyun when he went through the files of the exiled prisoners, because Ji Qingyun’s case was transferred here after Ji Heng ascended the throne.

Tian Qi soon found what she was looking for, and her fingertips trembled slightly when she turned them out.

This stack of files is very thin, new and old. The old one is the case analysis and closing report given by the local officials shortly after the murder. The analysis is full of loopholes. It can be seen that the officials at that time were cursory to close the case as soon as possible. The conclusion is that Ji Qingyun’s family fled to the enemy country for killing the guard.

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“Ridiculous! ” Tian Qi’s eyes were red, and she said with a gnashing of teeth.

Then she opened up a little new content. These should have been investigated again after Ji Heng ascended the throne. Unfortunately, two years later, the scene of the case had been destroyed, the body had been buried, and only bones were left when the case was the dugout. In short, there were very limited clues to be found.

Tian Qi was disappointed. Turning to the last page, she found that this was some conjectures put forward by the person in charge of the case. Although they had not been confirmed, they were put here together without knowing why. Several of those guesses were denied by Tian Qi on the spot, but one point caught her attention. This person said that the case of Ji Qingyun is probably related to Chen Wuyong. One is that Ji Qingyun was exiled because of Chen Wuyong, and the other is have confirmed that Chen Wuyong sent a team of killers to Liaodong in the days when the case happened, but all of these people, like Ji Qingyun, they are missing.

When Tian Qi saw this, she felt strange. The killer killed people. Naturally, they should come back to find Chen Wuyong. How could they disappear? Even if they have any new problems, should they at least send someone back? Why is it all gone?

So what about Fang Jun, who is likely to be one of the killers? Why does he lose his memory? Fang’s mother seems to have said that Fang Jun hurt his brain seven or eight years ago. Will his injury be related to this case? What happened to them after their original murder?

Tian Qi has a headache. Her memory of this period has been a bit messy, mixed with too many emotions. She could not find any useful clues from the confused memory, so she had to stop. She arranged the files and put them back in their original positions. Then she went out with a profound expression and left in the official’s “farewell”.


Returning to the palace, Tian Qi became a servant who always playing safe. She knows what she thinks of the Emperor, and she always “offends the Emperor” unconsciously, just because she wants to be closer to him. She even deliberately does not control herself and allows herself to treat him like that.

But this kind of disobedience is only after leaving the palace. When she comes back to the palace, she will come back according to the rules. The imperial palace is a ruler. After measuring the way for her, she can’t walk one step more or one step less. He is still the high one. Now she has something in her heart. She dare not even look at him with emotion. She only carefully makes the appearance.

Of course, it’s in front of people.

Today, Tian Qi came back to find that the Emperor was not very happy and turned black.

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She knew why, because she dumped the man who went out to “protect” her. But the Emperor’s worry is always something she can’t guess.

“Are you looking for ah Zheng?” Ji Heng asked her.

“No, if you don’t mention Lord Ning, I can’t even remember him. ” Tian Qi deliberately left the relationship with Ji Zheng.

Ji Heng looks at her, then slightly frowns, “what did you do? ”

Tian Qi looked around and saw no one nearby. She took it out of her arms and said mysteriously, “Emperor, I have bought you something good. ” Then she took out a slender thing and held it to him.

Ji Heng takes a look. It’s a hairpin. It’s made of ebony. It’s simple in shape. It’s painted with gold powder with lines that you can’t understand. Although it’s OK on the whole, it’s nothing new. He took a hairpin and turned it gently between his fingers for two times, deliberately staring at Tian Qi. “You give me this kind of thing? ”

Tian Qi ​​smiled, “what … my money… Isn’t it still in your hands? ” She didn’t let go of any debt collection opportunities.

Ji heng pretends not to hear that. Playing with the hairpin, he suddenly remembered that Tian Qi had done something stupid about buying six charms as a gift. He asked, “how many have you bought? ”

“Two. ”

Ji Heng’s eyes are dim, and he is always ready to be angry. “What about the other one? ” Don’t tell Ji Zheng

Tian Qi took off her hat and showed him with her head askew. “Here, I put it on. These two are a pair. ” She said with smiled, secretly observing the Emperor’s face. She knew that she was over the top, that she didn’t deserve to have the same thing as him, but she just couldn’t help it. Anyway, this thing is not dignified enough, and the Emperor will not wear it, she thought.

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There was no expression on the Emperor’s face.

Tian Qi was a little worried. “Are you angry, Emperor? ”

He suddenly pulled her into his arms and kissed her hard.

Tian Qi hugs his waist and responds to him. Kissing, she was carried to the Dragon bed by him.

Tian Qi is afraid, “there are people outside! ”

Ji Heng peels her clothes recklessly. She wraps too much cloth around her chest. He pulls it open in circles and watches her chest turn red slightly because of the poor blood flow. He feels hurt and moves gently.

He took off a white jade hairpin on the top of his hair and threw it on the ground. Then he put in a black sandalwood hairpin. The two were not inched long. They only wore hairpins of the same style on their heads. They were entangled together and fell. This time, Tian Qi’s feelings were different from the first time. She was shocked by his sharp movement. She wanted to scream, but she didn’t dare. She was forced to sob. Finally, she couldn’t help but bite him on the shoulder.

Ji Heng is more excited.

A hearty joy came down, and Tian Qi’s strength was used up again. There was a layer of sweat on both of them. Tian Qi’s white body was covered with a layer of light pink, which looked delicious. Ji Heng’s shoulder was bitten with two rows of teeth marks. There was a little bit of blood seeping out, but he didn’t care. He lowered his head and kissed her round shoulder. After kissing for a while, he sat up and took a pair of handkerchiefs, cleaned them carefully, folded them again, and prepared to throw them away. As an Emperor, these traces can’t be left, otherwise, it is easy to be doubted.

After that, Ji Heng pulls Tian Qi into his arms, chatting with her and gently kneading her chest. He kneaded very seriously. The place has been entwined for too long, so it needs to live. Tian Qi also felt that it was very tiring to be wrapped around her chest. Now he massaged her, which was very comfortable.

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Tian Qi’s chest worries Ji Heng. This pair of breasts are very beautiful, which is smaller than his ideal. He would like them to grow up, but if they get bigger, Tian Qi will be more tiring to wrap up. Now, he felt sorry for her at the thought of her forcing them flat every day. The best way is to get Tian Qi back to a woman as soon as possible, but he doesn’t have a complete plan now, which can not only keep her around but also attract right and wrong because of the change of gender. Besides, the little pervert refuses to confess to him until now

Think of here, Ji Heng quite grudges, looked down at the neck of Tian Qi, and took a bite.

Tian Qi has pain and screams. Just experienced the feeling – her voice is full of a charming sweet, Ji Heng almost can’t hold it.

Ji Heng is not willing to talk with Tian Qi about her identity at this time. Since she is not willing to talk about it, he can wait until the day she is willing to talk about it. Now, he has a new focus, “isn’t it tired to wrap it every day, you need to massage it ”

Tian Qi shook her head. She always felt that it was strange that she rubbed her chest.

Ji Heng then climbed along the pole, “so I have to work harder. Rub it for you every day, OK? ”

Tian Qi doesn’t think it’s very good. Of course, her opinion is unimportant to this issue.

The next day, when Tian Qi was on duty, she saw the Emperor and was shocked. Because the Emperor even wears the black sandalwood hairpin. What’s fatal is that she also wears it now. If someone sees it, she will be ruined. Now she felt that the hat on her head was not safe enough. She unconsciously wanted to press it.

“Coward. “Ji Heng smilingly replaced the hairpin.

Tian Qi is relieved. At this time, a eunuch came outside to report that Sun Congrui was waiting to see the Emperor. Ji Heng announces Sun Congrui to come in, Tian Qi returns to go out wisely.

Tian Qi doesn’t know if it’s her illusion. He always thinks Sun Congrui’s eyes are not right. She is not interested in what Sun Congrui is going to report to the Emperor.

But this time she was not interested, because Sun Congrui not only discussed some political affairs with the Emperor but also complain about her.

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