When Tian Qi went out of Yangxin hall, her legs were still slightly quivering, and she could not walk too fast.

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The sun is just shining outside, which makes her warm. Ji Heng is still in Yangxin Hall. They are afraid of being detected, so they don’t come out together.

Just out of the Yangxin Hall, Tian Qi saw a big one and a small one golden children like coming. The big one is like a bright moon, with a white robe embroidered with a light blue auspicious cloud pattern; the small one is made of powder carving jade, wearing a red dress, with gold thread embroidered with a group of patterns. The collar and cuff are covered with white velvet, I don’t know whether it’s rabbits or foxes. The child is adorable, like the boy who gives the money in the New Year picture.

It’s Ji Zheng holding Ruyi. He was initially in the CiNing palace. But Ruyi wanted to come to the Yangxin Hall to find his father. Ji Zheng withdrew and came with Ruyi for the reason of visiting his brother.

In fact, the goal of both of them is not the same

Ruyi is obediently held by Ji Zheng at the beginning. When he sees Tian Qi, he is delighted and starts to show his coquetry to Tian Qi.

At this time, Tian Qi herself was a soft-footed shrimp, and she did not dare to hold him. Instead, she smiled at the two of them. “Did Ning Wang and his highness come to find the Emperor? The Emperor is in Yangxin Hall. ”

Ruyi unflinchingly opens his arms, “Tian Qi, hold me. ”

Tian Qi hangs her hand and refuses to take it.

Ji Zheng looks at Tian Qi, and he has some doubts. Tian Qi’s eyes are red as if she had just cried. Is she wronged? He was a little distressed and wanted to ask Tian Qi, but there were so many eyes and ears around him that he couldn’t speak, so he just smiled and said, “how is the Emperor’s body recently? ”

“Reply to Ning Wang, the Emperor is very healthy. He often talks about you. ”

She spoke with a nasal voice, a little hoarse, Ji Zheng more sure she cried. He said three or two sentences to her absently, and Tian Qi answered them thoroughly. She wanted to wait for the two of them to leave so that she could leave. However, Ji Zheng was reluctant to let her go. Even if he listened to her perfunctory words, he would like to.

Ruyi opens her hand and looks at Tian Qi wrongfully without saying a word.

Tian Qi couldn’t stand his poor appearance, so she had to pick him up and try to cuddle him. Before, she didn’t think it was too much, but now Tian Qi feels that she has a big little meatball in her arms. She holds him and stands still.

Ruyi’s chubby little hand touched her face and said strangely, “Tian Qi, are you crying? ”

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Even Ruyi can see it. Ji Zheng pinches his fist. Although Tian Qi is not high-ranking, only a few people can bully her as a eunuch. The biggest suspect is Ji Heng, And the emperor brother seems to have that idea about Tian Qi. Ji Zheng frowned, and a lousy guess suddenly appeared in his heart. He now hopes that Tian Qi is just beaten and scolded by his brother.

Tian Qi wants to let go of Ruyi. Suddenly, she sees people around her salute one after another, saying “long live.” Then she knows that the Emperor is coming. She didn’t expect him to come out so fast. Tian Qi wanted to let go of Ruyi’s and salute. She didn’t want to bend down. She only felt her lower leg was sore and fell sideways.

Ji Zheng is very close to her. But Ji Heng reaches for her hand in a hurry. He doesn’t want Ji Zheng to move much faster than him. He runs three or two steps to the front and picks up Tian Qi. Ruyi, in Tian Qi’s arms, is ready to fall. Ji Heng grabs Ruyi with one hand. His actions were too fast, and others could not respond. When he looked closely, he saw that Tian’s Gonggong shoulder was encircled by the Emperor, and the whole man almost fell into the Emperor’s arms. The treatment of your highness is not so proper. He is being carried in the air by the Emperor with his clothes on his back. The Emperor’s arm stretched out straight, like carrying a disgusting rag, ready to throw it away at any time.

Ruyi suddenly hangs in the air, flapping his hands and feet uneasily, like a small turtle with a shell pinched. He looked up at his father painfully, but he didn’t seem to pay attention to him, but he stared at his uncle? Ruyi’s neck is twisting towards Ji Zheng again, turning almost half a circle, and his eyes reach the destination. He saw that his uncle was also staring in this direction. Was he looking at Tian Qi? Ruyi wheezes his neck back again

Tian Qi doesn’t even stare at him. Ruyi is disappointed. However, he was a little worried soon because Tian Qi turned white as if she was scared.

Of course, Tian Qi is scared. She is scared to death! It is an offense to plunge into the Emperor’s arms. And she and he still have that kind of thing, now more need to keep distance in front of people. Now, this move is too intimate, an Emperor and a eunuch.

She can’t tell!

She knelt down hurriedly. “I should die for my sins! ” ‘Well, I won’t say what kind of crime it is.’

Ji Heng took back his eyes, looked at the man kneeling at his feet, and said in a deep voice, “go to get the punishment. ”

“Compliance. ”

“Do you know who will punish you? “He asked again.

” Yes. “Tian Qi voice trembled slightly, and her pale face rose to a faint blush.

Ji Heng nodded with satisfaction. He put Ruyi in his hand up, just like he was not his own, Ruyi flew up and down, but Ruyi was not afraid of it, and he had the heart to laugh. Ji Heng catches Ruyi again, holds Ruyi’s legs, and lets him lie on his shoulder. Then turn around and leave.

Ruyi holds his father’s shoulder and waves to Tian Qi. “Tian Qi, please come to play with me. ”

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Ji Zheng stands still and stares at Tian Qi with his eyes dyed red. Sure enough, what he was most worried about happened. The Emperor took Tian Qi.

He was unacceptable and unwilling to believe, but he had to accept the facts before him. The first reaction of the person is always the most real. Just right now, the Emperor embrace Tian Qi. Tian Qi’s red eyes alone won’t be doubted, but when she stands with the Emperor, she looks like a flower just shaken by wind and dew. Ji Zheng felt that his heart was cut by a knife. He lowered his eyes sadly, and his eyes fell on Tian Qi trouser legs outside her robe, which was stained with a wet mark. The outer robe is not wet, but the inner trousers are soaked. It can be seen that it’s not because of the splashing of tea. Moreover, the robe is wrinkled

Ji Zheng closes his eyes painfully. He can’t look anymore, he can’t think anymore

Ji Heng, who had gone a long way, suddenly turned around and shouted, “ah Zheng, are you not leave? ”

“Emperor brother is joking. “Ji Zheng opened his eyes and replied calmly. As he spoke, he retreated, and his eyes still fell on Tian Qi. He was reluctant to leave.

Ji Heng stops and stands. When Ji Zheng comes to him, he goes on, chatting with Ji Zheng. Ji Zheng bowed his head, and there was no abnormality, but Ji Heng felt that he heard the sound of grinding his teeth. They went to the gate of Yuehua, and Ji Heng warmly invited Ji Zheng to have lunch together. However, Ji Zheng bowed down and said, “I didn’t dare to say goodbye when the Emperor gave me a meal. But today, I have no appetite. I’m afraid that it will affect my brother’s appetite. I’ll leave now. “He left without waiting for Ji Heng to speak.


his is a blatant violation of the imperial edict and contempt for imperial power. Ji Heng also didn’t investigate. The more he win, the more he likes to play. However, when he ran away with the stimulation of his rival, it was needless to say that he was happy. Ruyi is thrown up by him again. This time, he catches Ruyi and carries him directly on his shoulder. Ji Heng then took his son and ran to the palace. Sheng Anhuai is preparing to arrange lunch for the Emperor in the Qianqing palace. When he looks up and sees the Emperor carrying an unidentified object, he runs into the door frame directly.

Ji Zheng went back to the prince’s mansion in desperation. He tells the truth. He had no appetite. The housekeeper was worried about the Ning wang and urged him to eat something. Ji Zheng waved his hand and ”called Wei Ziming to me. ”

Wei Ziming is the one he sent to trace Tian Qi’s origin. This man’s work is not going well recently. At this time, he was called by the Ning Wang and thought he would be scolded. However, the Ning Wang said, “what I want to check must be in Dali temple.”. He didn’t believe that Tian Qi would really go to Dali temple to buy antiques.

He looked determined, paused, and said, “it must be that we didn’t look carefully. You can start with Su Qinghai. ”

Ji Zheng ordered a few more words, and Wei Ziming left.

He went to the table, picked up his chopsticks, looked at this and that, but he still had no appetite. Just think of that scene, his heart was burning, his arm swept hard, many cups and plates in front of him were directly swept to the ground, and fell into a mess.

A few servant girls who serve rice are scared to get down on their knees and say in unison, “Ning wang, calm down. ”

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Ji Zheng sat on the stool, glanced at the people on the ground, and finally pointed to one of them, “you, come here. ”

The servant girl stood up and followed the Ning wang with fear. She thought that the Ning wang would punish her. Unexpectedly, he took her into the bedroom and pushed her to the bed.

“Wang Ye! “Cried the little servant girl.

Ji Zheng came up and tore her clothes regardless. The little servant girl is sixteen or seventeen years old. She is familiar with some personnel. Now she is treated like this by the Ji Zheng. Although she is afraid, she cannot refuse. Ji Zheng held her waist, kissed her neck for a while, then raised his head, and looked at her face obsessively. He called her Ah Qi.

The little servant girl immediately feels aggrieved, “Wangye, the servant girl is not Ah Qi. ”

‘Yes, you are not Ah Qi. There is only one Ah Qi in the world.’

No one can compare with Ah Qi.

Ji Zheng sat up, took a long breath, his face faded, “go out. ”

The little servant girl stared at him.

“Get out,” he repeated. Seeing that she was still motionless, he growled, “get out! ”

The little servant girl put on her clothes, covered her face, and cried and ran out.

Ji Zheng lies back in bed with his arms folded on his back. In front of his eyes, Tian Qi’s eyes were moist, and her face was like a peach blossom petal. All of a sudden, he gave a cold smile.

“Even if I can’t be your first man, I will be your last one. “He muttered to himself.

Tian Qi sneezes twice in the palace. As the saying goes, “one thinks, two scolds and three recites.” Tian Qi wiped her nose and thought that someone might have scolded her. If you let her know, she must scold back.

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Ruyi sits in Tian Qi’s arms. He looks up at Tian Qi and remembers Tian Qi’s crying at noon. “Tian Qi, why are you crying?”

Tian Qi didn’t know how to answer. She gently pushed Ruyi’s shoulder, pointed not far away, and said, “look, here comes! ”

There was a big round winnow basket full of grain. They wanted to catch some birds in this way to play. Tian Qi hasn’t pulled the rope yet. Ruyi sees a sparrow falling under the winnowing basket. She jumps down from Tian Qi’s arms and runs to catch the sparrow. Naturally, sparrow can’t wait for him to find and fly away.

Tian Qi laughs and chases Ruyi, protecting him from falling.

Many eunuchs who serve Ruyi are watching the activity in the distance. Tian Gonggong is the person in front of the imperial court, so there is no threat of robbing them. They are also happy to be introspective.

Two maids leaned against a rockery and talked to each other.

“Well, don’t you think Tian Gonggong it’s strange today? “Palace maid A.

“What’s strange? “Asked palace maid B.

“Is ….” The idea of palace maid A is a little indecent. She can’t say it directly. She spoke in the ear of palace maid B and said it secretly.

When palace maid B heard this, her face suddenly turned red into an eggplant, and she gave her a gentle push. “You have no hooves on your mouth, and your mind is full of dirty activities! I’m so ashamed to listen to you! ”

Palace maid A is serious, “I’m telling you the truth. Tian Gonggong is just like those concubines who have been revealed. Isn’t it strange that you look at how the Emperor treats him? It was like the Emperor plying around with eunuch.”

“Shut up now,” said the maid B, looking around. “If this kind of word is spread out, you will die! ”

Palace maid A also knew about that, so she quickly stopped.

Not far away, the laughter of Tian Gonggong and his highness came again, covering up the subtle footsteps behind the rockery.

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