The long hair was tied with gold threads, and the brocade boots were hung with red beads.

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Dressed in black and white and with a handsome appearance. Wen Chan took a look at him and immediately became angry.

This person was the man who had shown him the way to the mountain bandit’s nest before.

After Zhong Wenjin saw him, he immediately rolled up his sleeves, “It turned out to be you! Get down here and I’ll beat you to death!”

The man also recognized Wen Chen and Zhong Wenjin. A look of surprise flashed on his face, and then he smiled and said, “I never thought we would have such a fate.”

Wen Chan was silent, but in his heart, he began to calculate how to take revenge.

Xie Zhaoxue didn’t yet know what was going on. He stopped Zhong Wenjin, who was about to get out of control, and frowned slightly, “Do you have a problem with this Young Master?”

“He was the one who pointed us the wrong way that day and pointed us to the mountain bandit’s nest!” Qiao Yanci complained to Liang Yanbei angrily, “He is really vile!”

As soon as Dan Ke saw the reactions of the few people, he immediately figured it out. He forced himself to hold back his laughter and pointed to the man on the wall and said, “You are such a bad person. You have done such an utterly heartless thing!”

“Tang Yixiao, come down and speak.” Liang Yanbei leaned back with a sore neck and shouted directly.

Zhong Wenjin was stunned when he heard it and looked at him in surprise, “Do you know this person?”

The man leaped up, jumped off the tree, and landed lightly on the side. He dusted his clothes and said, “This humble one did really wrong that day. If I knew you were Liang Yanbei’s friends, I would not have pointed you to that place.”

“This is Tang Yixiao. Our childhood playmate.” Dan Ke walked up to Tang Yixiao and thought of putting his arms around his shoulders, but unfortunately, he failed due to the big difference in their stature.

Situ Zhoulan was also a little happy to see him and walked out from behind the people, “Brother Tang, I thought I would meet you on the road, but I didn’t expect you to come so early.”

“People at home were urging me hard.” Tang Yixiao said helplessly.

“You are really courageous. Do you know who the person you almost killed is?” Liang Yanbei looked at him with a half-smile.

Tang Yixiao had known him for some years, and he knew the meaning of his smile. So he immediately said, “It’s so hard for us to meet each other. So it’s not good to fight each other.”

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“I didn’t mean that either.” Liang Yanbei said, “It’s just that you guided the way first, and then your Tang Sect’s people hurt him later. You have to get back his justice no matter what.”

“I have heard about that too. If you want to get justice, I will tie that girl up on another day, and you can beat her up to relieve your anger, okay?” Tang Yixiao was very reasonable, and he didn’t defend his own people at all.

Wen Chan thought that this was a good idea. Although she didn’t hit any women, his nose had been smashed for no reason, and she couldn’t just let it go.

Out of the corner of his eyes, Liang Yanbei caught a glimpse of Wen Chen’s eyes lighting up after hearing these words. So he pretended to say reluctantly, “It’s necessary to relieve our anger. For the sake of our relationship, I will not be hard. Just don’t interfere when the time comes.”

“Liang Yanbei, you still don’t know what kind of person I am? When did I ever interfere when you were fixing someone?” Tang Yixiao patted him on his shoulder, “Don’t let them lose an arm or a leg. Otherwise, I won’t be able to explain when I go back.”

The two discussed how to beat a girl openly, which surprised Wen Chan. In his memory, although Liang Yanbei was not a gentleman who would never attack a woman, he had never seen him really beat a woman.

Liang Yanbei narrowed his eyes with a smile, “You can go.”

At this moment, a man’s cry came from next door, “Little Martial Uncle!”

Tang Yixiao glanced back and said, “Okay, okay, okay. I’ll go first.”

His posture was very light. He leaped to the top of the wall, and easily climbed over the wall, causing Dan Ke to be envious for a while.

After the other left, Wen Chan looked straight at the place where he had left, thinking about some unknown matter.

Dan Ke looked at him, then at Zhong Wenjin. He coughed to attract their attention, and said, “Don’t even think about taking revenge on him. If you want to go, you have to go with my cousin.”

“Why?” Those words had really poked Zhong Wenjin’s mind. He was just the kind of nasty person to seek revenge over a dirty look and he had been thinking about how to repay Tang Yixiao’s favor of showing him the directions.

“He is the Dark Sleeved Yama that you have heard about along the way. Remember?” Dan Ke looked very serious, and he also mixed in some threatening tones, “In fact, you should know the name of that Dark Sleeved Yama if you had listened to it comprehensively.”

“What’s his name? Is he called Tang Yixiao?” Wen Chan asked suspiciously.

“Exactly.” Liang Yanbei interjected, “Tang Yixiao’s poison is very difficult to cure. At the last Meeting of the Heroes, he poisoned a very important figure in the Yao family to death in full view of the public, but no one saw how he was poisoned.”

“So powerful?” Zhong Wenjin was a bit unsure. How could heroes be afraid of poison? Once you are poisoned, you can be seriously injured if not fatally, so it was really not a risk to take.

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“Do you think that the title of the dark sleeved Yama is just something that people call him blindly? Even if he doesn’t poison you fatally, he can still make you suffer for a day or two, so don’t mess with him.” Dan Ke glanced at Liang Yanbei and changed the thread of discussion, “Except for Liang Yanbei, no one here can do anything to him.”

Several people looked at Liang Yanbei at the same time, only Wen Chan turned his eyes to look at Situ Zhoulan, thinking: Could it be that there is someone by his side who can cure all poisons? Is that why he isn’t afraid of Tang Yixiao’s poison?

But very quickly, Dan Ke gave the answer, “His punches are hard.”

After chatting together for a while, everyone dispersed and went back to their assigned rooms.

The room where Wen Chan was staying was spacious, large, and tidy, with a large window facing the sun, lighting up the room. Ah Fu, Qin Qi, and Shu Hua discussed the matter and decided not to sleep in the warming pavilion, but to set a bed and sleep on the floor of the main room.

“That won’t do! What kind of floor do you want to sleep on that you don’t want to sleep in a nice bed.” Wen Chan firmly denied after hearing this.

“Young Master, they have repeatedly emphasised that this place is not necessarily safe. Not to mention that there are people from the Tang Sect next door. And that Tang girl last time had a fierce temper and is selfishly oversensitive. She must have held a grudge after having her arm broken by Young Master Liang. What if she sneaks in and poisons you in the middle of the night?” Ah Fu began to persuade patiently.

“Yes, that girl has a very venomous heart. What if she decides to torment you, Young Master? And poison you so that your liver and guts will be cut to pieces and you will be so in pain that you wouldn’t want to live? Then you will be half paralyzed and have slurred speech after the poison is removed.” Qin Qi also fanned the flames1.

“Please think twice, although Ah Fu and Qin Qi’s words are exaggerated, there is still some truth to them. Last time, Young Master had also seen her even threaten to torture Young Master Liang to death, which shows that her mind is vicious.” It was the first time that Shu Hua had said a woman was vicious, but it was said very smoothly and without any difficulty.

The three of them said one sentence after the other and looked very determined as if they would talk all night long if Wen Chan did not agree to the three of them sleeping on the floor. And finally, he compromised only when he was persuaded in turns by them that there was no other way.

Wen Chan felt that he had not compromised but rather came to terms as there was no choice all the way.

With a low sigh, he sat down at one side and after thinking for a while, he said to Ah Fu, “Find a way to find out how many Tang Sect people came next door and who was the one who smashed my nose on that day.”

“Is Young Master going to attack the Tang Family’s people?” Ah Fu asked in a low voice.

“I’d like to, but what if I get poisoned?” Wen Chan said, not in a good mood.

“Well, I’ll go and ask Young Lady Situ for some anti-poison pills. So we can be prepared, just in case.”

“Don’t go!” Wen Chan stopped him immediately, and added, “In the future, whatever Situ gives you, you won’t take it. You understand?”

“Why?” Ah Fu looked confused.

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Wen Chan felt that he had spoiled his subordinates too much since he was reborn, and now Ah Fu dared to ask him questions. So he put on a tiger2 face, “Why do you ask so many things? You are not allowed to ask!”

Although the tone of his master’s voice was not very harsh, it was the worst he had ever seen in a long time. So Ah Fu hung his head and stood up, “It is this servant who has overstepped the mark.”

Looking at Ah Fu’s downcast look, Wen Chan, who had planned to be angry for a while, softened up again.

He originally had a docile temper. After he became the emperor, although he usually faced the civil and military officials with a sullen face, it was just an act. Otherwise which emperor was playful and smiling all day long? But since his rebirth, he had always felt that this was a chance that the gods had given him to start all over again.

Therefore, Wen Chan’s temper was even better than before, and he felt that what he had now was a lost and found treasure. So he could not bear to treat them with anger.

He sighed and explained, “The main reason is that we are not familiar with those people. What do you think they would say if we always accept things from a girl?”

As soon as Ah Fu heard his tone soften, the aggravation in his heart was instantly reduced by a large margin, and he nodded seriously, “What Young Master said is right. This humble one will never take anything from Young Lady Situ without permission again.”

In the end, he was still somewhat young. Although he had grown up in the palace since childhood and had long since developed the instinct to act according to people’s faces, having stayed by Wen Chan’s side for a long time, he had rarely been reprimanded. So he did not act as timid and obedient as the other eunuchs in the palace.

“Young Master, it’s time for lunch.” A messenger suddenly came at the door, interrupting their conversation.

When Wen Chan had eaten the congee and steamed dumplings this morning, he was actually not very hungry. But by this time, his stomach already felt empty. When someone came to call for having a meal, he immediately stood up and walked out.

When he reached the door, he suddenly remembered something and asked the servant, “What time do you usually have your meal?”

The servant replied respectfully, “Three minutes past noon.”

“Then please trouble yourselves to prepare a meal for my three subordinates at that time.” Wen Chan pointed to the three subordinates behind him.

The servant said, “Yes, this humble one got it.”

After arranging a meal for the three, Wen Chan said, “You don’t have to follow me, lest you get hungry watching us eat.”

The pavilion was very close to the house, just a hundred or so steps away. So Ah Fu and the three of them did not force to follow him this time and waited obediently in the room.

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The City Lord was generous with his hospitality. There was a large table full of steaming meals, sweet, salty, hot, and cold. By the time Wen Chan went, Zhong Wenjin had already settled down and his eyes were taking in the food with a serious look.

“Your mouth is watering. Put them away.” Wen Chan reminded amusedly.

When Zhong Wenjin heard this, he said not feeling happy to do it, “What kind of delicious food have I not eaten? How could these possibly be crave-able to me?”

“Yes. Whatever you say is the truth.” Wen Chan nodded, “Who made you the Youngest Master of the Zhong family?”

He snorted and did not argue, anxiously waiting for everyone to come.

The last person to be seated was Situ Zhoulan. She had changed into clean clothes, wore a vermilion tassel hairpin on her head, and some rouge on her lips. She looked very attractive.

As before, Wen Chan felt uncomfortable in all kinds of ways at the sight of her: We are obviously going to eat food and she still smeared things on her mouth……

After seeing that everyone was there, he picked up a pair of chopsticks and casually picked up a piece of potato to put it into the bowl. He was about to stuff it in his mouth when he saw that everyone at the table hadn’t done anything, and a few were even staring at him.

“Why aren’t you all eating?” Wen Chan asked as he put down the potato piece.

Zhong Wenjin had been waiting impatiently for a long time, “Hurry up and eat. They are all waiting for you to take the first bite.”

Wen Chan was really shocked. He didn’t expect them to still keep such rules for him, so he said, “You don’t have to do this. Just treat me as an ordinary person.”

“Even if you agree, certain people would still disagree.” Dan Ke said from the sidelines.

“Am I holding your chopsticks to stop you from eating?” Liang Yanbei’s voice was heard faintly. He raised his eyes and looked at Wen Chan for a moment, then picked up his chopsticks and picked up a piece of potato too.

Dan Ke laughed out loud, “It’s not you biaoge. I just said it without thinking. Look at this broken mouth of mine……”

“All right, eat up.” Liang Yanbei said, “Eat without saying a word.”

The meal was eaten in complete silence, and the very interesting point was that Xie Zhaoxue was not very hungry, but watching Zhong Wenjin eat heartily, he unknowingly ate a lot too.

When everyone had almost finished eating, an unexpected guest suddenly arrived in the courtyard.

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