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It's currently 1:12 am. Star, who can't sleep kept tossing and turning. She can't stop thinking about what happened on the restaurant. Why does Axel hate his father so much? She feels a chill down her spine as she remembers how Axel's expression darkened when Kade said something about Axel's father. She remembered how Axel's eyes were full of hatred and anger at the thought of his father. She wondered what his dad did to make Axel hate him so much.

Since she can't sleep she opened her phone to check her social media account and it was full of tags and messages from her fans. She clicked the first one she saw and was surprised at was she is seeing. It was a picture of her and Axel. In the picture, she is entering his car. It was the time when Axel brought her at the beach. There are about 500 thousand comments and 700 thousand likes. She immediately read the comments.

"Wow. Is that Star? Who's car is that? It looks expensive"

"Must be her sugar daddy. What a slut"

"I'm guessing it's her boyfriend's car"

"It must be her sugar daddy. Well, now wonder she got famous quickly. She has a sugar daddy backing her up"

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"Y'all are so assuming. Maybe it's just her manager's car"

"I've seen her manager's car once. It does not look like that. Her manager is not that rich"

"Ohhhh. Finally, a scandal of Star"

She threw her phone to the table beside her out of anger. She can't believe someone took a picture of her just when she was about to enter Axel's car. And she also can't believe that some people think he's her sugar daddy. People nowadays. They have nothing to do except interfere with someone's life. She sighed, out of frustration. Just when they have an interview tomorrow. She sighed even more.

"I can't believe my luck" she whispered to herself, trying not to wake Aluna and Etilia who is sleeping peacefully. She pulled her blanket up to her neck and tried to sleep away the frustration that she feels.

Star felt the sunlight's heat on her face. She opened her eyes and was blinded by the rays of the sun emitting from the window of their bedroom. Feeling hungry, she got out of the bed and went straight to the kitchen. While she is getting ready to cook her breakfast, Madelia and Lily came running towards her.

"Star! Have you seen it yet?" Lily asked. Star nodded nonchalantly, looking like she doesn't care about the news.

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"Why are you so calm? The paparazzi just took a picture of you entering Mr. Easton's car" Madelia said with a concerned look on her face.

"And people are concluding that he's your sugar daddy" Lily said.

"Let them think what they want" Star answered trying not to stress about it too much.

"Well, just so you know Ms. Halston, we have an interview this evening" Aluna entered the kitchen and joined the conversation.

"And it's Pricilla who will interview you. You know she hates you. She will try to get the information out of you and use it against you" Etilia also joined their conversation. Pricilla Rose Lafayette, known as the most sexy girl in the entertainment industry but to girls she's known as the most sly girl. She uses men to get what she wants. Sleeps with all kind of men, especially old ones. If someone does have a sugar daddy, it would most likely be her . Pricilla had hated Star ever since Star entered the entertainment world and she's not even trying to hide her hatred for her. She would always try to bring her down but fails anyway.

"It's okay, I'm used to her" Star said calmly. Yes, she does have a reason. And another reason just in case.

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"Fine, okay" All the members said. They know how Star handles Pricilla but they can't help but worry. Knowing Pricilla, who knows what kind of methods she will use.

Meanwhile, Axel is sitting on the dining table, drinking his coffee when his grandfather suddenly enters the dining room to tell Axel about the news.

"That's your car right? Who is that girl?" Axel's grandfather, Eleazar Dartagnan, showed Axel the picture of Star entering her car.

His brows furrowed at the picture in front if him. Who took this picture?

"It's scattered all over the internet, they're saying that you're this woman's sugar daddy" Eleazar said with a serious look in his face.

Just when Eleazar said that, Axel is taking a sip from his coffee. His eyes was about to pop out of his head and he choked at his coffee. He coughed and patted his chest. He, then, laughed at what his grandfather just said.

"Sugar daddy? Pfft HAHAHAHAHAHA" he laughed which made his grandfather even more confused.

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While in the middle of laughing, his phone rang. When he checked the caller ID, it was Cage calling him. He answered it while wiping away his tears from laughing too much.

"Hey have you seen it? The picture of you and Star"


"She's in trouble. She's about to get interviewed by Pricilla tonight. Pricilla had hated Star ever since Star started her career. She will use this chance to bring her down"

Axel chuckled. Bring Star down? Knowing Star, she probably already have a solution. Star doesn't let other people bully her. Ever since they were kids Star knows how to defend herself. He doesn't worry about Star but she does worry about that other girl. She's very unlucky.

"Let's see about that"

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