Yu Ren

Chapter 33

“Elder sister! Elder sister Baiguo, wait for me!” The voice of a young girl was crisp and sweet and sounded somewhat similar to Bai Fuling.

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Yang Heng and Lie Dang glanced at the direction of the voice. It was a maid that was always by Bai Fuling’s side, Bai Guo, and a little servant girl who served Yang Heng in Heling Lake, she seemed to be called Gan Lian. Prior to staying at Xing Courtyard, he got along with Gan Lian like a pair of brother and sister.


Bai Guo, who was walking in front, heard the shout, turned around and asked, “Gan Lian, what’s wrong?”


Gan Lian bit her lip and said, “Sister Bai Guo, did I do something wrong… So that you want to transfer me to another errand? Tell me, I will definitely change.”


The two stopped to talk at the intersection of the path in front of the woods, Yang Heng and Lie Dang that were in the woods earlier unexpectedly couldn’t leave.


Outside the woods, Bai Guo thought for a while and said, “You didn’t do anything wrong, it was Miss who personally ordered you to transfer…His Highness has teased you several times, right?”


Gan Lian was flushed red and hesitantly said, “I…I…” She wanted to say that she wasn’t tempted and didn’t take it to heart, but under Bai Guo’s clear eyes, she couldn’t utter a single word.


Because Gan Lian’s voice sounded somewhat similar to Bai Fuling’s, Yang Heng did intentionally tease her. Lie Dang glanced at Yang Heng, and the meaning in his eyes was very clear: Miss Bai seemed to be very defiant toward you. She not only is playing hard to get, but she is also a vinegar jar, she can’t even tolerate a few words of teasing toward that little servant girl.

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Yang Heng couldn’t help but have similar thoughts, still with a faint smile on his face, he couldn’t help but feel a little more pleased.


But when he heard what Bai Guo said next, he was no longer happy.


“You know what the status of the Sixth Highness is, even if he really takes a fancy toward you and redeems you to restore your commoner status. Entering his fu is extraordinary and all, but you are still a concubine. What Miss loathes the most is those that have no self-respect and willingly delivered themselves to be a concubine.” Bai Guo said bluntly.


It turned out that it was his wishful thinking, and that she merely didn’t want to see someone under her be a concubine. Yang Heng shook his head and smiled bitterly. How could she have the ability to be the concubine of a prince? Being a concubine of an official and a concubine of a wealthy merchant are simply two different things. This maid named Bai Guo’s way of thinking is too simplistic. Being a concubine to a prince like him, her miss does not even qualify. There are many high-ranking officials and influential clans in the capital who want to marry their di daughters to the imperial family; the act of marrying a concubine precisely requires thousands of approvals.


He had already thought of this, Gan Lian over there had already said his thought: “His Imperial Highness has a noble status. Being his concubine is just one step away from being a ce fei. How could it compare to being a concubine of a common household…”


Bai Guo snorted: “No wonder Miss is so anxious to transfer you away, you are really muddled! Don’t say that you are just a prince’s concubine. Even if you are married to an emperor, putting it nicely, you’re an imperial concubine, in reality, you are still a concubine. For the rest of your life, you will never be able to hold your head up in front of the main wife, if they want to make you suffer, it would be very easy!”


Gan Lian has been in Bai manor for many years and has a good relationship with Bai Guo, and the Bai manor does not pay attention to the distinction of ranks in private, so she did not hide her disapproval, and argued: “Sister Bai Guo, the more you talk, the more outrageous you are. How can you say such horror?”


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Bai Guo hated that iron can not become steel and poked her on the forehead: “It will only be more terrifying than what I said! What place is the imperial palace? What place is the prince’s mansion? What is the richest and most honorable place in the world? The wives and concubines of the local wealthy landlord have already fought to death for that bit of property and wealth. Let alone a place where the wealth and power of a country are gathered? How much effort do you have to spend to defeat other women? To win the favor of the master, how much luck and how prudent can you be to keep your child safe from being secretly killed by other concubines and wives? Don’t you remember what happened to Auntie Ke? She innocently stayed in her small courtyard but she got accused by the di wife and outsider that she had an affair with the steward. She got dragged out without being able to wait for the master to come back and she almost secretly got killed. At that time, Auntie Ke was only the concubine of a minor official of seventh-rank. That first wife didn’t even have a title yet still dared to take human’s life lightly. Any woman in the imperial family is hundred times more noble than her. If you’re dead, I’m afraid that you won’t even be able to find your corpse!”


Auntie Ke, whom Bai Guo spoke of, is the second-in-charge of the Bai Embroidery Village. She was skilled in needlework and many of Bai Fuling’s clothes are made by her. She is also responsible for tailoring new clothes every season for people up and down Baili Mountain, so many maids are familiar with her.


Gan Lian was so frightened by her words that her face turned pale, she blinked her eyes in horror and said, “I…I will listen to Miss, I-I don’t want to serve the Sixth Prince anymore!”


“It’s good that you understand Miss’ painstaking effort.” Bai Guo was very satisfied with her changed attitude and sent her back to work.


Gan Lian took two steps and suddenly ran back to Bai Guo’s side: “Elder sister Bai Guo, please also transfer Li Zhi and Liu Xu away! His Sixth Imperial Highness has such an amorous appearance. If he wants to do something to them, then what could be done….they treat me so well, I can not watch them fall into a living hell ah!”


Hiding in the shadow of the woods, Yang Heng didn’t know how to describe this feeling— He had never been so thoroughly disdained by anyone when he grew up, especially the one who disdaining him was a lowly little servant girl who was previously quite attracted to him. That little servant had just listened to what that maid called Bai Guo said, and immediately turned against him mercilessly. Treating him like an evil spirit and great scourge, as if being his concubine is like falling into a living hell….Isn’t she changing too quickly?!


If it wasn’t for his excellent self-control, at this moment, he would likely go crazy on the spot.


This Bai family is really too eccentric! From top to bottom, from master to servant, no one is normal! All of them are impudent, ignorant of the so-called seniority!

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No wonder those little servants are so respectful and courteous toward him with no hidden motives. They were probably brainwashed and could only regard him as a demon who eat humans.


Until the two servants left, Lie Dang didn’t dare to make eye contact or conversation with the Sixth Highness. In his heart, he scolded the Bai for their arrogance and disobedience, but could not deny what Bai Guo said. Yang Heng’s mother concubine who was in the imperial palace died of a sudden illness. A beloved concubine suddenly contracted an obscure disease and within a month, a beauty passed. The imperial hospital has been unable to find the real cause of the disease, for this reason, some imperial physicians had lost their heads.


And with the death of his mother concubine, Yang Heng had quickly become forgotten by the emperor. From the most intelligent, most talented, and most favored prince, he became one of the many insignificant princes…Maybe that’s why he’s so lucky to be alive today.


Yang Heng fixedly looked straight ahead, and after a while, he expressionlessly said, “Go”


Lie Dang dared not to presume what he was thinking at the moment and silently followed him back to the courtyard. When their figure faded on the end of the path, a green shadow on a distant tree shook, without a sound, a young girl dressed like a servant jumped down. The young girl is Bai Guo, she smiled triumphantly in the direction of Yang Heng and spoke to herself: “Heaven truly has helped me. It’s good for you to understand what Miss thought, it would help save everyone’s trouble in the future.”


On the surface, the Bai Manor wholeheartedly treated Yang Heng with hospitality, but at the same time, they also secretly observed him. It’s necessary to guard against others, even if Yang Heng is easy-going, the Bai dared not take him lightly.


The Bai has a secret medicine used for tracking, Yang Heng’s bath water and clothes contain this secret medicine. No matter where he goes, specially trained birds would easily find him by the faint scent of the medicine but the scent easily dissipates and becomes useless after a day or two.

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Just now, when Bai Guo and Gan Lian were talking, she accidentally saw the bird following Yang Heng jumping and skipping on the treetop. She immediately knew that Yang Heng was nearby. Although those words were sincerely admonishing Gan Lian, but they were also intended for Yang Heng to hear. In order to confirm the effect, Bai Guo deliberately left then quietly go back to the vicinity to spy, and sure enough, she saw Yang Heng and Lie Dang emerged from the woods.


Bai Guo does not know what Yang Heng had experienced and so she didn’t expect the fierce effect of her words to be completely beyond her imagination.


Back in the courtyard, Yang Heng’s state had recovered back to normal. In the evening, Lu Ying sent his trusted aide to report that the imperial envoy’s quarter had been prepared. The ceremonial weapon and the entourages had reached the Qing Tong courier station that was 80 li outside the Bei Guan city. The imperial bodyguard will arrive soon tomorrow. Requesting imperial envoy daren to go to Bei Guan early tomorrow morning to join with the imperial guards. Lu Ying will personally welcome the imperial envoy and his entourages 50 li outside Bei Guan city.


Lu Ying’s action was very fast and also full of courtesy. According to the country Qi’s custom, the border guards only need to leave the city for ten li to greet the imperial envoy, but Lu Ying took the initiative to wait at 50 li which was a grand welcome gift, enough to give face to Yang Heng.


Before, Yang Heng would have thought that this person was very courteous, quick-witted, straightforward, and swift in his action. He is a rare talent, but after the two days of “fighting” with Lu Ying and the Bai family, he had to seriously doubt it. With such efficiency, is it because they want to sweep him out of the Bai manor as soon as possible?


Being despised to this extent would make anyone angry, let alone a prince of a noble birth. Yang Heng reflected that he had developed a little interest in Bai Fuling, even if the other party had no desire, he wouldn’t force it. The most important thing between man and woman is whether both parties are willing. But these people immediately showed a nervous look, treating him with every kind of exclusion and wariness, for what? He is not a pervert that has never seen a beautiful woman, those people think too highly of themselves and think too poorly of him!


Yang Heng was inwardly angry but he didn’t lose his rationality. From all those signs, he could confirm that the rumors were correct. Bai Fuling was indeed an important character to control the Bai family and Lu Ying. If he managed to persuade her, his plan would easily be accomplished! But it’s a pity that he lost his desire to talk to Bai Fuling at the moment.


What kind of beauty does he need? There was really no need to pester such a brash and condescending little girl.

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