Yuri Empire

Chapter 29

029 God Statue Room

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When High Priest Badantere opened the heavy door and stepped into the cathedral, they immediately entered a fairly wide space, and it was cool.

The amount of light shining through a simple and small window is small, and the room is a little dim. However, perhaps because of the thorough cleaning, Yuri couldn’t feel the gloominess of a dark place from this space, which was kept sufficiently clean.

(I thought it was a more gorgeous place, but … it’s a simple and pretty good place)

Looking around, Yuri had a good feeling.

The cathedral has an atmosphere that seems to suit the word simple and sturdy, and although the decoration is poor, it makes the entire space simple and good. At least, it seemed to be a place that was frankly favored, much more than the lord’s house, which was lined up with a lot of expensive furniture at the beginning of the occupation. No extra splendor is needed for faith. ――― It seems that this space itself is appealing. A glimpse of the will of the priests who work at this shrine could be felt.

“It’s a good place. I have respect.”

“Thank you. I’m glad to hear that from Her Majesty Yuri.”

Badantere high priest responds with a smile to the impression that Yuri honestly said. The undecorated cathedral, however, seems to be thoroughly cleaned, and the entire space is kept very clean. That also impressed Yuri.

“There is a “God Statue Room” at the back of the cathedral. Please go here.”

“Thank you, Viscount Badantere”

“… If you don’t mind, could you treat me as a priest rather than a viscount? I don’t want to have a conflict with the kingdom, so I won’t refuse to be a nobleman in appearance. Originally, I didn’t need a title. ”

“I see … I’m sorry for this.  High Priest Badantere.”

―――― A priest does not need a position.

Understandable. It can be seen that the word is true by looking at this cathedral.

“By the way, it seems that the children of ‘Water Lilies’ are indebted to you at the cathedral. Everyone goes on a daily basis… I hope it doesn’t burden the priests who work and Badantere High Priest.”

“Oh — don’t worry about that. After all, what we are teaching is only trivial knowledge. Rather, I am thankful to the water lily who is a subordinate of Her Majesty Yuri. I am learning a lot more from them.”

“A lot …?”

“Yes, I am learning what I should do as a priest. Excuse me, I hear that the people of the Yuri Empire are from a different world than here.”

“… Did you hear from Sera?”

While wondering a little, Yuri looks back at Sera, the captain of “Water Lilies”. She is by no means a light-hearted person.

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“That… I’m sorry, Yuri-sama. I didn’t know if it was a good fact to reveal to others at my discretion …. In explaining to the high priest Badantere that the gods we believe in are different, etc. I really need to tell him. ”

“I see. If Sera thinks so, of course you can talk.”

According to the information sent by President Rubetta of Rostine Shokai, at least in this “Mekia Continent”, only the seven main gods are worshiped. However, everyone in “Water Lilies” knows and believes only in the in-game world of “Atros Online”, the god of “Leangard”.

If people with completely different beliefs talk to each other, it will be clear that various discrepancies will inevitably occur in the conversation. After all, it’s difficult to even explain the reason for the discrepancy, unless you reveal the facts that came from another world.

“In the first place, I never say not to talk about it.”

“Yuri-sama… Thank you.”

Yes, Yuri isn’t forbidding everyone in the “Yuri Empire” to talk. So if they decided to speak, of course it was okay.

“I would like to ask Her Majesty Yuri. I wonder if the people of “Water Lilies” are much higher rank as priests than I am.”

“… Oh, why do you think so, Badantere High Priest?”

“It’s no exaggeration to say that “I’m learning a lot”. When I talk to the water lilies, the “faith” that they have in their hearts is more than what I have. I realize that they are more sophisticated and superior than the form of faith I have.
That’s why I can understand it somehow. Even like this, I am also recognized as a “high priest” by the Pope, and I am on a higher rank. How to say it — although the gods we believe in are different, I can naturally understand that the water lilies are far higher as priests than I am. ”

“I see”

Yuri nods in response to the words of High Priest Badantere.

Honestly, she didn’t understand it very well, but the point is that there is something like a clear difference that can be understood only by the same “priests”.

“The profession (class) or the “vocation” if using this world term, of “water lily”is called “saint (Adela)”. This is the one who became an apostle of God as a result of increasing faith. That’s right. ”

“Are you an apostle of God! No way, that high …”

“Now they’re losing power because of the transfer of the world… The sacred magic they use can treat the injuries and illnesses of all the people living in the city of Nildea together, and still enough to revive a large number of the dead together.
If there is a priest in this world who can cause the same miracle, it would be nice if you could think that water lilies are roughly the same as that person. ”

“That i … maybe even the Pope can’t…”

The high priest Badantere said that he couldn’t believe it. From the perspective of Yuri, the feeling (that’s of course) is stronger. “Level 200”, which can only be reached after 20 incarnations, is not just decoration.

She doesn’t know how far the ability of people who High Priest Badantere called  the “Pope”, but it’s probably literally different from the children of “Water Lilies”.

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“…Ooh, we’ve arrived. This is the ‘God Statue Room’.”

While talking about that, Yuri and the others arrived at the innermost part of the cathedral.

The door is as heavy as the one at the front entrance of the cathedral. High Priest Badantere took out a key from his bosom and unlocked the door.

“Originally, it’s a room for one person to use, but … well, that’s okay. Everyone, please come in.”

When prompted by the high priest Badantere to step into the room, the lights in the room automatically turned on, probably because there was a magic tool or something installed.

It was a circular room. Seven god statues are enshrined so as to surround the room. No — Since there is only one empty pedestal, it was immediately clear that eight god statues were originally placed.

(… I wonder if there are 4 gods and 3 goddesses)

Yuri thinks so when looking at the whole god statue.

However, there seems to be a god statue with a slightly neutral face and body, so this prediction may be wrong.

《―――― Yuri》

The name was suddenly called, immediately Yuri looked at her surroundings.

However, it felt that the voice was different from the voice of anyone in this place.

Besides, Kiri, the escort, calls Yuri the “lord”, and if there are four water lilies, including the captain Sera, they call her “Yuri-sama”. High Priest Badantere would call her “Her Majesty Yuri” … In the first place, the voice she heard was clearly female.

《―――― We finally meet again, Yuri》

When listening quietly, Yuri heard the voice again.

The ears did not pick up the voice. It was the voice of a calm adult woman who spoke directly into Yuri’s head like a telepathy.

(But it seems to be familiar somewhere …)

When listening to this voice, she felt a slight trembling in my chest.

An important part of Yuri’s memory certainly remembers this voice. It felt like that.

(……who are you?)

Yuri decided in her own mind and asked that question.

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The lord of the voice laughed for a moment and responded to Yuri’s words.

《You don’t seem to remember, it can’t be helped. Yuri probably heard my voice before, probably during the most painful pain.》


(The most painful, pain …?)

《Yes, that’s right. To remind Yuri, let me once again give you exactly the same words as at that time. 》

There are a total of 7 god statues in the “God Statue Room” where Yuri is now.

Among them, there’s the god statue on the far right. The statue of the goddess with the least exposed skin, dressed in something like priesthood clothes — now Yuri couldn’t take her eyes off of it.

Eventually, the god statue. Gently say one word to Yuri.


《―――― Let’s make your wish come true》


“……… !!”

Involuntarily, Yuri couldn’t stand the words that struck her memory, and she knelt on the spot.

Yes, why didn’t I remember? This voice is — the voice of this goddess. At that time, I was prepared for a sad farewell, and it was the voice I heard at that time when my heart was the most painful.

“Lord !? What happened!”

“Oh …. It’s okay, Kiri. Thank you.”

Supported by the escort Kiri, Yuri stands up on the spot.

Then I turned to the side of Badantere High Priest.

“Sorry, High Priest Badantere. I will talk to God for a moment.”

“Yes, yeah. Of course.”

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After asking in advance, Yuri approaches the goddess statue.

Yuri only knows her voice, so she has never seen her before.

I see — She was the one that helped me at that time, and I thought she was a goddess with a very kind face.


Yuri, who is 5 steps away from the statue of the goddess, kneeled at her own will. For Yuri, she is a great benefactor. So there’s no resistance to bow her head.

―――― This god,  this goddess voice.
At that moment, Yuri, who was run over by a car, prepared to say goodbye to everyone she loved. Only the voice of that goddess reached out to Yuri.

(… I’m living like this now because of you, the god.)

When Yuri thinks so, the god statue flickers small to respond. Seeing that, the high priest Badantere screamed “Oh …!” behind her.

《It seems that you remembered me, Yuri. But unfortunately I haven’t helped you. As a proof of that, you who are living here now is “yuri”, not “Horaiji Yuri”.》

Although it was a healing god, it was a pitiful story, wasn’t it? — The goddess laughed a little.

Yuri slowly shakes her head to that word.

(No, thanks to you, I was saved. I was prepared to say goodbye, but I am still able to be with everyone I love. I haven’t lost anything.)

《…… Thank you, Yuri. I’m glad if you say that.》

The god statue blinks several times again as if expressing joy.

Seeing that, the high priest Badantere shouted “wonderful!” behind her…… Honestly, it’s noisy and it makes Yuri feel uncomfortable, so she’d like him to stop.

《Fufufu……. Yuri, why don’t we talk by two of us alone? 》

(I understand. What should I do?)

《You just need to touch my statue and leave your consciousness》

Yuri stands up again and walks up to the immediate front of the god statue.

Reaching for the god statue ―――. There, Yuri’s consciousness was cut off.

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