Zisui Zhi Chen

Chapter 8

Chapter 8: Duan Yang1

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The fragrance of wine in the palace’s grand banquet emanated even before delicacies were served. The fragrance of wine coupled with the scent of powder was making Xin Yi light in the head. By a pronouncement, they entered the hall and saw vermillion curtains draped on all four sides. Everyone had been segregated by ranks, joined under the same roof as seats were strictly divided and arranged in a way that civil and military officials faced each other. The two of them were considered to have arrived late as almost everyone else had arrived except for the one seated at the highest. Upon hearing the pronouncement, many turned to their direction and whispered to one another. Their eyes shifted from Bai Jiu to Xin Yi before turning away.Xin Yi looked at Zhang Taiyan first and the elder was on his seat, listening to what the person beside him was saying with a squint. Seeing Xin Yi looking over, he waved his hand as a way of greeting. Xin Yi smiled at him and shifted his eyes to He Anchang next. Among the group of ministers, this person was truly eye-catching. Apart from being austere and aloof, he also did not converse with any of his fellow officials. He nodded slightly at Xin Yi and just as Xin Yi was about to smile in return, Bai Jiu unexpectedly turned to him and said, “Even if you’re without an official position, you’re nevertheless the only attendee from Bei Yang. Even if His Majesty is not willing, your seat will still not be any lower than others. It’ll probably be close to Xie Jingsheng’s so he’ll look after you should there be any incident.” As soon as he finished, he placed his hand on his shoulder and discreetly, he gave his shoulder a tight squeeze.Xin Yi understood that this was Bai Jiu’s reminder for him not to speak and he promptly answered with a nod.Both of them took their seats separately. The moment Xin Yi took his seat, the tapping of fingers against the table sounded from beside him. He looked up to see Xie Jingsheng, fully clad in his official robes. Xie Jingsheng was an important outside minister2 and to have been called back to the Capital for the palace’s banquet was enough to see his value to the court. Xie Jingsheng raised his cup of wine and gave Xin Yi a smile. Inherently, this person was born handsome and upright but merely did not conduct himself with propriety. Xin Yi smiled back and Xie Jingsheng said, “Although this seat isn’t too far back, it still won’t easily catch the attention of His Majesty. Your Highness need not be too formal, simply enjoy the food.”On hearing his words, Xin Yi felt like laughing until he heard the light clinking of a cup from beside Xie Jingsheng all of the sudden. Xin Yi looked over to see He Anchang whom he had just met earlier. Xie Jingsheng raised his cup of wine at He Anchang and said, “Isn’t this Ruxu? Long time no see, long time no see.”He Anchang did not give him as much as a glance and merely made a toast to Xin Yi before downing it. As he placed the cup down, Xie Jingsheng held it still with the tip of his finger and proceeded to pour wine from his own cup into his and laughed, “No need for formalities, allow me pay my respect first. Ruxu, this is filled with your senior’s affections so you must drink it all up without leaving a single drop.”Xin Yi knew those under Bai Jiu and the left faction were at odds but he certainly did not expect Xie Jingsheng to act this pompously towards He Anchang. The history between these two was probably not as simple as it seems.He Anchang eyed him coldly and Xie Jingsheng simply looked at him with his head propped, “What? We haven't seen each other for a few months and you can’t recognize me already?”“It indeed took some strenuous effort to remember.” He Anchang picked up the cup of wine and turned it over, spilling it on Xie Jingsheng’s leg that had stretched to the side of his table. He said nonchalantly, “What a coincidence, my hand slipped.”Xie Jingsheng grabbed the ends of the other’s robes, casually using it to wipe his robes then looked up at him with a smile. He Anchang could tell that he was holding back his curses, not letting a word of it slip because Xin Yi was here.

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Both of them never got along the very first time they saw each other. Xie Jingsheng followed Bai Jiu in the Embroidered Uniform Guards for many years since his early days so even if he did not possess the same ruthlessness as Bai Jiu, he had more or less learnt most of it. But this person on the other hand was outwardly a scoundrel. It was after Bai Jiu showed his potential to the Emperor while serving as the Commander of the Embroidered Uniform Guards that he had unexpectedly followed Bai Jiu in climbing up the ranks. He Anchang was different. Even though the He Family hasn’t shown much of their talent in the Capital over these past couple of years, they could still shake the foundation of the Capital with just one move. He came from the main branch of the He Family and right now, he was also the one receiving the most attention in the He Family. To have Zhang Taiyan by his side to guide him and to be part of the Left Councillor’s retinue to partake in government affairs, to say there hadn’t been any fights for this golden opportunity would’ve been impossible. It was really a coincidence for these two people to have the background and temper that each despised, so much so that every time they met, swords were drawn and bows were bent.And now that they were seated together, the chief steward in charge of the seating arrangement for tonight unfortunately won’t be around for long.When Bai Jiu turned for a look, both Xie Jingsheng and He Anchang were the same as usual. He had expected Xie Jingsheng to not have a peace of mind but since the latter knew his own limits, he didn’t look too much into it. He looked at Xin Yi and just from that look alone had made Xin Yi faintly recall his dream from last night. He immediately dropped his eyes to the decorative pattern on the table but was still not able to hide away. Bai Jiu’s eyes seemed to have stopped at the tip of his ear for a moment and it was only when he turned away that Xin Yi relaxed.Not long after they had been seated, the Emperor arrived.When the eunuch’s pronouncement sounded, everyone at the banquet stood up and kneeled down. On top of the hall, the Twelve Symbols of Sovereignty’s yellow robes rustled from the side before the actual person strode in. Xin Yi took a quick glance and was overcome by surprise. He held his tongue down in the nick of time and dropped his eyes after collecting himself. If not, he would’ve made contact with the Emperor’s eyes that just shifted towards him. At this moment, thousands of thoughts flooded his mind.The Emperor sat at the highest seat and said, “All ministers, as you were.” He cleared his throat before continuing, “All has gathered here tonight for this festive celebration. A feast in the palace is a time for the sovereign and ministers to chat and enjoy oneself. There is no need to stand on ceremony.” Everyone below paid their respect and with a smile, he said, “Let the feast commence.” It was now that the palace’s Duan Yang banquet truly began.Directly below the Emperor were Bai Jiu and Zhang Taiyan who were seated side by side. Even though he was the most powerful minister in court, Zhang Taiyan was still a minister to two emperors in addition to being one of the three great advisors and three great tutors3, having been honored as the only teacher to the crown prince. Zhang Taiyan was worthy of this veneration so arguably, Bai Jiu’s new promotion to being a second-rank prince was not something Zhang Taiyan could tolerate. Since the two of them were seated side by side on the Emperor’s seats of honor, there wasn’t anyone who would dare raise a question. Even Prince Qin’s seat had been moved back a little to create some space.The Emperor was in a pleasant mood today. He first happily exchanged a few words with Zhang Taiyan before calling for Prince Qin. Prince Qin was remarkably good at gauging people’s expressions and despite having yet to say a word, he was able to brighten up the mood in an instant. Many made the best use of this time except for Bai Jiu who had rarely spoken a word. Xin Yi’s eyes unconsciously drifted over to see Bai Jiu tracing the side of the wine cup with his fingers. With lips extending to a smile, he stared at the wine in his cup as if engrossed in the chattering and laughing of those around that even the way he sat had become somewhat laid-back. Xin Yi was reminded of his words “putting on airs” and couldn’t help but to lower his head with a smile.Once the mood of the banquet livened up, all those below would naturally feel a little more unrestrained. Despite Xin Yi not being able to talk, Xie Jingsheng while pouring wine, would still tell him about all the amusing stories of the officials here in the banquet no matter how big or trivial. Xin Yi peeled a sweet orange, smiling the whole time.The Emperor did not bring Xin Yi up so naturally no one would bring him up out of boredom either. Even if Xin Yi was the sole heir to the Army of Bei Yang, it would only come after being ordered to return to Bei Yang. Xin Yi was not in a rush. His main purpose of entering the palace today was not because of the Emperor. No one paid any attention to him so he was glad about not needing to socialize either.

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Although the wine Xie Jingsheng had poured for He Anchang was not lacking in any way, the two of them had also unknowingly drank an inconsiderate amount as they went about their war of words. Oddly, the more Xie Jingsheng drank, the more proper and upright he sat while on the other hand, the more He Anchang drank, the more alluring and enticing he became, gradually unveiling a different side of him. Once the coldness of his eyes had dissipated, it was truly a sight of coquet that was incomparable to the usual. He Anchang tilted slightly to one side and with just a push from Xie Jingsheng, he handily fell into Xie Jingsheng’s arm. He said, breathing hot air into Xie Jingsheng’s ear, “Could I trouble you in helping me to the toilet?”Xie Jingsheng brought him along as he got up and gestured towards Xin Yi. With a nod from Xin Yi, they headed to the lavatory.Xin Yi needed to keep an eye out once the seat was empty. It was not long before someone staggered over and drunkenly stumbled against the side of Xin Yi’s table, making the plates on the table clatter. He apologized immediately and raised his head to stare at Xin Yi drunkenly. Confused, he asked, “Buddy, c-c-can I ask wh-which ministry you’re from?”Xin Yi merely smiled without a word.Seeing that he did not say anything, he asked again and after not getting an answer, he scowled. He leaned over the table, wanting to take a closer look and Xin Yi retreated a little to avoid his outstretched hand. He hadn’t expected this man to throw himself over as the smell of alcohol hit his face, creating a scene of chaos. From the impact, the table flipped over and the sound of crashing filled the air. In the midst of chaos, Xin Yi could clearly feel this man’s hand fervently rubbing his thigh. Once Xin Yi’s gentle gaze fell, he coincidentally met eyes with this man.“Look what we have here, Official Guan is blind drunk!” Xin Wen laughed out loud, waving off a palace attendant who was about to give a helping hand and said while staring at Xin Yi, “Be off with you, Official Guan has Hereditary Prince Yi to support him. Your Highness best supports him well. If you do a good job, Official Guan wouldn’t be able to thank you enough.”Bits of laughter resounded throughout the banquet as the sleeves and front of Xin Yi’s robes were stained inside out. With a benevolent smile, he proceeded to help Official Guan up. From the other side, even the Emperor and Zhang Taiyan looked over. The Emperor asked, “What’s going on?”Xin Wen stood up and said with a smile, “Official Guan has had too much to drink. Hereditary Prince Yi and I were about to help him leave for a change of clothes.” The Emperor glanced over at Xin Yi indifferently and only told them to hurry up. He turned back to Zhang Taiyan to continue the conversation that had been interrupted earlier. Xin Wen ushered him and walked over to support one side and said to Xin Yi with a smile, “Let’s go.”The palace maids led the three of them to the side hall of the palace. Up ahead the hall, it was dark and Xin Wen signaled for others to retreat with a wave of his hand. After the palace maids walked some distance away, Official Guan who had been drunk all this while suddenly grabbed Xin Yi’s hand. Xin Wen turned around to kick him in the stomach and Xin Yi let out a muffled grunt, crouching down at once. Xin Wen threw fists and kicks on his back as he cursed, “You goddamn mute mutt of Bei Yang! How dare you kick this noble one! Daring to watch to boot! I’ll beat you to a pulp today!” Guan Si tightened his hold on Xin Yi’s wrists and together with Xin Wen, they pinned him against the ground. Xin Wen had already prepared something in advance. He took out a jiechi4 that he had tucked away in his sleeves today and struck Xin Yi’s back mercilessly.Xin Yi did not let any sound out the entire time and after a while, Guan Si turned his face over for a look and saw that he had passed out. He couldn’t help but to mock, “He’s supposingly the Hereditary Prince of Prince Yan and yet, he can’t even endure this much beating.”

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“He was only raised by Prince Yan for a few years.” Xin Wen tucked back the jiechi, pointed to the small lake beside the corridor of the hall and said, “This mute mutt kicked this noble one into the pond the other day so let’s have him have a taste of it tonight.” He smirked, “He’s been hiding in Yama’s manor all this while but tonight, he finally fell into this noble’s hand. Just be rough as you want. I can’t speak for everyone in the palace but towards him, His Majesty will not spare a single shred of kindness. Even if he drowns to his death in the lake, His Majesty will definitely not investigate.”Guan Si kneaded Xin Yi’s cheek with a thumb until it turned red and said, “Since he provoked you, there’s nothing he can do tonight but to die. I would’ve wanted to keep him for a few more days, taming him to my taste would’ve been fun. Once I tame him until he’s head over heels for me, what’s there to worry about him still being disobedient?”Xin Wen grimaced and rebuked, “Even if he deserves to die, he’s still not someone you can toy with! He’s still a member of the royal family so how could he possibly fall that low!”Guan Si knew he always liked boasting about being royalty so he couldn’t afford to provoke him any further on this and kept quiet, not daring to be overly brazen with his hands either. They dragged Xin Yi to the small lake and Xin Wen splashed him with water a couple of times first. He felt relieved after seeing that he didn’t regain consciousness. Xin Wen said, “Strip him naked, bound his hands and legs and just toss him in. We’ll go back to the banquet later and naturally, someone making their rounds will report it.”Guan Si hesitated for a moment and asked, “Since he was living in Yama’s manor for some time, what if Yama looked into what happened tonight?”Xin Wen snorted, “Why don’t you think about Yama having a change of heart and is cultivating to become Buddha instead? He only kept this mute mutt for the authority over three hundred thousand of Bei Yang’s army. If not for inheriting that army, this mute mutt wouldn’t even be able to climb over the gates of the Capital. Besides, it’s clear as day right now how His Majesty treats the owner of this mute mutt. Those who’re smart enough won’t be exploitative so upfront.” He patted the back of Xin Yi’s head as he said, “This life of his, if it’s not me who takes it tonight, it wouldn’t be just a small beating that he will receive in the future. The Capital is a treacherous place. It beckons a mountain of betrayals.”Guan Si listened to him, his hand already on Xin Yi’s belt. Xin Wen was occupied with talking as his eyes scanned the surrounding of the lake. In just a matter of a second, Xin Yi unexpectedly rose to his feet and kicked Xin Wen into the bushes then turned around and twisted Guan Si’s wrist until it broke. Before Guan Si could cry out in pain, Xin Yi had grabbed hold the back of his head and pushed him head on into the lake. Guan Si struggled violently as he laid against the edge of the lake. Xin Yi’s hand on the back of his head was not weak in the least as he plunged his entire head into the water.“Let, Let go——” Xin Wen quickly shrank back as he watched Guan Si struggle for his life. Xin Yi pursed his lips and with the red imprint made by Guan Si earlier still on his cheek, he looked up and stared at Xin Wen. Xin Wen was so frightened by the look in his eyes that even as he took another step back, he dared not open his mouth.The look in Xin Yi’s eyes told him that if he dared open his mouth, it would be him next.As Guan Si’s struggle gradually weakened, the bubbling ripples on the surface of the lake became subtle, looking as if he wasn’t going to last any longer. Xin Yi grabbed his hair and pulled his head up. Guan Si choked on the water, aggressively gasping for breath. Xin Yi patted his face with the back of his hand and gave him a smile. This smile alone sent shivers down Guan Si’s spine that his teeth started chattering and he didn’t know if it was from the cold or out of fear. Faced with Xin Yi’s gentle expression, he actually broke into a tremble. As soon as Xin Yi let go, he fell to the side of the lake gasping. Even though the hand he had used to touch Xin Yi throbbed from having been broken, he still couldn’t bring him to make a sound.

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It wasn’t until Xin Yi left that they finally relaxed. In just a few steps, Xin Wen dragged Guan Si up and growled, “How could you allow him to retaliate!”Guan Si, still trembling, could not bring himself to answer. Xin Yi hadn’t looked Xin Wen in the eye up close and Xin Yi hadn’t stifled him in the water either so Xin Wen couldn’t possibly understand why he was numbed all over and getting cold feet at this moment. After this scuffle, he wasn’t scared of Xin Yi but rather, death!Today he finally understood that he was a Yama in the making. If it hadn’t been for Xin Wen being here, the one floating in the lake tonight unfortunately would’ve been him. Xin Yi had genuinely intended on killing him just now. There wasn’t any part of his fingers that weren’t clamoring with ferocity.Xin Wen spat in anger, “Useless! I won’t spare him for what happened tonight!”Guan Si felt chills running down his spine. He shook his head, enduring the throbbing pain of his wrist and said, “Only a dog that can’t bark can bite one to death. I’m afraid…… This isn’t over yet.”-Notes:1. Duan Yang is another word for Duan Wu Jie which refers to the Dragon Boat Festival ⤴2. Ministers from the outside are officials who hold posts outside of the central government, belonging to provincial or local administrations ⤴3. 三公 and 三孤 respectively. 三公 refers to the three highest civil posts which serve as a tutor and advisor for the Emperor. 三孤 refers to the three civil posts which serve as a tutor and mentor for the crown prince and other princes ⤴4. 戒尺 (jie chi) is a type of ruler used by teachers to beat students in the past. It looks something like this: ⤴*

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