Editor: Evie

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 After they were separated for training, the members of the sixteenth company finally couldn’t resist, and raised their arms up.


    “Captain, how did you get your powers?”


    “Yeah yeah yeah! Captain, was there some way? Can we too awaken abilities?”


   Meanwhile due to the exposure of those supernatural powers, the fear of the coming apocalypse was swept away in an instant. Each and every person had their eyes glowing as they looked at Lu Xuan in awe. To them, Lu Xuan was carrying the hope of their survival.


    Lu Xuan looked at the enthusiastic Sixteenth company in silence. 


The stark contrast was so distinct, no one might have believed that these people below were the ones who had previously resisted him becoming the captain. This really made the now clueless captain squawk.


    “If you persist and prevail after being infected, you acquire the powers.” Lu Xuan didn’t hide it, rather felt that it was a good thing to say it now, so they could avoid an unexpected loss of hope if anyone in the future ever gets infected. Because in that case, once a person gives up, they can’t be saved anymore.


    But now he was afraid, this group of newborn calves, they did not know how to fear the tiger yet! He felt that they might even deliberately go outside and get infected. Thus, he continued. 


    “However, the chances of pulling through after being infected are slim. So don’t try to get caught by a zombie on purpose or make an effort by getting in contact with an infected water source with the idea that maybe you’ll get some sort of supernatural power. Besides, once you are infected, perhaps the downfall is to become a zombie.”


    “Of course, the pain experienced during the  transformation is not less at all. It’s going to be excruciating, more painful than the feeling of being thrown into a fire and burned alive, maybe more.”


    At that moment, more than a hundred people sucked a cold breath and their bodies shivered.


    The idea of being burned alive, who could stand it? Damn! They didn’t want to experience this, not even as a last resort,

    What’s more, out of the number of infected people that they had seen, who else had survived besides Lu Xuan! 


    The first of September, there were a whole 5,000 or so people in the school, but now only half of them were left. Those who got infected, none of them turned into ability users… 


 The transformation from ordinary to extraordinary was a good thing, but after learning how, they dared not think about it.


    “Any more questions?” Lu Xuan scanned the hundred or so people and divided them into ten standing rows, the first one in line of each column was the leader of that squad.


   Lu Xuan was an art student, he had a lean body and while everyone’s been under the mercy of the blazing sun every day for half a month, they haven’t even seen him get tanned like they all did.

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Lu Xuan’s red lips and white teeth, combined with his charming looks, was very pleasing to look at.


It wasn’t good looks that gave him a sense of majesty but the fact that he was an ability user did: making people unconsciously feel the need to lower their heads. 


    It was clear that his face was still the same as usual, even so no one could help but feel that it was very majestic at this time.


    “Reporting, no more questions captain!”


    They all said in unison and systematically, thanks to the half month of training.


    Lu Xuan nodded, “Squad leaders, take your team members and start training. First squad, follow me.”


    “Yes!” Even though their hearts were filled with doubt, when they caught a glimpse of the expressionless Lu Xuan, no one dared to make a scene like before.


    However, Lu Xuan still patiently explained, “After two days, the first squad will march out with me to find supplies, while those who don’t, will train in the school. Teams will hunt in rotation, whenever a squad will proceed to go out , I’ll train them in advance.”




    All eyes on the first squad gradually changed as they looked at them in envy, hoping it was them who could train under Lu Xuan. However, all they could do was support their hearts with the fact that they were about to go out for supplies in danger, not for fun.


    After all, the world outside was obviously much more dangerous than how it was in school, and that was for all the world to see.


    Lu Xuan brought the first squad to a large room, where the desks and benches had all been emptied before. There were 18 people standing inside the room including the first squad and their captain, but even then the whole room looked very empty.


    However, Lu Xuan never had the thought to teach them the standard drill.


    “In two days, we will head out for the first time. Everyone will have their lives on the line and an intimate involvement with danger.” Lu Xuan looked at everyone: ”I know, you all are scared, but right now it’s the most useless thing. The more you are in fear, the calmer you must be. Never panic! Or you will end up losing your life.”


   Although Lu Xuan was training in school during this time, he still wandered outside a lot.


    On the first night he roamed outside, if not for Zhang Zhongmin’s timely arrival, maybe he really would’ve been trapped and eaten up by zombies. 


Later, Zhang Zhongmin would follow him out everytime.

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    During this time, he slowly worked out the dangers and weaknesses of the zombies.


    Zhang Zhongmin also felt that it was beneficial to fight against the zombies, so in the evening, several instructors would take turns going out to hone their skills and understanding.


    As for the crystalline nuclei dug up during training, Zhang Zhongmin would go back to Fu Cao’s place to exchange it for something in return. It wasn’t much, but it was a lot better than nothing.


    While Lu Xuan seldom sent the crystal nucleus over, he found out that Fu Cao would not accept his own things, instead she would just give the crystal nucleus to him. 


Now he rarely sent crystal nuclei over, since Fu Cao said that he could absorb the crystal nucleus. He too believed that he could. In the beginning, it was difficult for him to grasp the method, and only later did he realize the method of absorbing the energy from the crystal nucleus was to turn into a crumbling cinder with a pinch.


    These days they don’t go out at night either, only because the zombies around the school were cleaned up and they don’t dare go too far during the night.


    Anything that could be eaten in the shops around the school have all been raided by them a long time ago, if not, the school’s two thousand or so people wouldn’t have lasted till now.


    Fu Cao held a cookbook in her hand and seriously studied what was written on it.


    “Five-flowered meat, scallion and ginger…….” every time Fu Cao recited, something appeared on the table, all straight out of her space.


    “Yellow wine?” Fu Cao blinked and hummed, it looks like she does not have any yellow wine in the space.


    “Salt, raw soy sauce, old soy sauce, star anise, iced sugar…”  except the yellow wine she had everything available.


    With a small wave of her hand, all of the things sitting on the table went back right into space.


    Yellow wine, maybe there will be some in the supermarket?


    The small supermarkets near the school were swept clean by the same group of people at the school. They had already moped everything clean and did not leave a single thing behind.


    It was as if this small circle around the school had turned into zombie repellent.


    There was also a large supermarket located ten minutes away by electric car, the school group also hadn’t swept the area there yet, but Fu Cao was not sure if the things there remained the same or not.


    She wanted to make that exotic dish, um, maybe learn how to do it. So what if the seasoning was not complete!? Naturally it meant a trip to the supermarket.

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    After saying that dryly, Fu Cao locked the double glass door only, there was nothing to question about the roll-up door. She hadn’t closed it for once since the last time Liu Guoan had said it.


    She reached there quickly and saw the supermarket had it’s gates closed tightly.


    Fu Cao reached out and pulled open the roll-up door, the gateway behind the roll-up door was not locked. Fu Cao gently pushed, and the door opened.


    She paused, the first thing she saw was the still elevator, since there was no power for it to operate. 


    She glanced upstairs and it was all pitch black, the same as how it was on the negative first floor of the supermarket.


    But, she was Fu Cao, a 10th-ranked Spiritual King, how difficult could it be for her to check if anyone was there? Her ears perked up.


    Fu Cao walked straight in, the darkness in the supermarket could not faze her at all. It won’t be an exaggeration to say that it made very little difference to her be it day or night.


Walking down from the escalator, the large shopping mall was full of gold and silver cabinets, but the counters only had silver decorations, and no gold.


    Things that were useless to her, Fu Cao did not respond.


    She walked towards the entrance of the supermarket. It was a large supermarket with a great selection of things inside, including clothes and shoes, as well as everyday necessities. Fu Cao suddenly had a feeling of catching up with the supermarkets.


    Pulling a trolley from the side, Fu Cao smiled and walked in. When she saw toothbrushes, toothpastes, Fu Cao collected most of it inside the trolley when she thought that she was running out of them.


    The toothbrushes and toothpastes stood tall and dwindled inside the cart. Towels, cups, including the lunch box cling film, Fu Cao did not let anything go.


    She cleared it all, none of the humans in their right mind would think to collect them because for them, it was the food that was the real material.


    Fu Cao also collected a lot of sanitary napkins into the space, then glanced at the various snacks on the snack table, she hesitated, although she did not wipe then clean, she still collected a lot.


    Since there was a problem with the water supply nowadays, humans hardly ever pick on rice and millet and such, this time Fu Cao didn’t hesitate this time, anyways it still needed to be cooked with water. 


    In space, Fu Cao used her consciousness to quickly cut down some trees on the mountain and build a warehouse of almost a thousand square meters in a few minutes.


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    The space was so large that the land used inside was simply nothing to compare with, even with such a large warehouse, it only covered a miniscule fragment.


    Fu Cao didn’t suppress the stomping of her feet, instead she stepped heavily.


    Walking to the spice section, Fu Cao did not think much and directly removed the area. That’s right, even the cabinet was moved inside her space.


    Because she could sense that there was a pair of mothers and daughters hiding further, she could not be seen from their spot yet.


    So there was no fanfare, pots and pans, and bathing utensils left. As long as she felt that humans would not take these things, she took them in droves.


    After all, if it doesn’t work now, no one can guarantee it won’t work later. Persistence is the key! 


    Except the food left inside the supermarket, the whole supermarket was almost emptied by Fu Cao. If someone walked in right now, they would be shocked to see what was going on in the supermarket.


    They both hid under a cabinet at the cash register beside the piles of water and snacks, but Chen Ju neither dared to eat too much, nor did she dare to give her daughter too much.


   She was too afraid to go out, afraid to get something.


    Although she knew that the group had been locked inside the staff lounge, she felt that it was never too late to be cautious, fearing that the door might break anytime soon, yet there were even more zombies outside.


    So the pair of mother and daughter hid carefully, ate carefully. Chen Ju wouldn’t even go out with Lin Xiaoya if it wasn’t urgent.


    There were ten cash registers in the supermarket, and Fu Cao’s shopping cart only contained a bottle of yellow wine and few snacks to cover it up.


    However, even with so many cash registers, it was not difficult for her to accurately walk towards the cabinet where Chen Ju and Lin Xiaoya were hiding.


    Chen Juxin’s heart got stuck in her throat, she wasn’t sure if it was a human or a zombie outside. She could only cover her daughter’s mouth and wait for their deaths. 




    The sound of her heartbeat was very clear in this silence, so clear that Chen Ju thought the whole supermarket could hear it.


    Fu Cao smiled as she looked at the frightened mother and daughter, who shivered due to the occasional sound of crashing from the lounge side.


    With her spiritual power, she naturally saw the zombies being held in the lounge, who would gnaw on each other when they were hungry, and then gnaw on themselves when they couldn’t gnaw on other zombies.

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