Editor: Eve Du

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Chaos broke out, heart-wrenching screams and honking of vehicles filled her ears.


The man kept nibbling at the woman in his arms in front of her and looked around greedily as if he wanted to eat more. Soon, the area around the man was empty. Fu Cao felt her legs go soft.


She immediately panicked and the adrenaline rush took her on its own course, she could feel her blood pumping again and run away as fast as her wobbly legs would take her, although still frightened even when she reached home. She settled down a little. After washing the wound with water multiple times, she laid down on the bed and shivered.


What was that? Were people escaping from mental hospitals? 


It didn’t take long for her consciousness to gradually become chaotic, making her dizzy. She took out a thermometer from the drawer and measured her temperature.


Thirty-nine degrees. She actually had a fever. Fortunately, she usually had cold and anti-fever medicine on hand. She took out the antipyretics and lied down on the bed.


Apparently, at that time it was when she had gradually become a zombie, her memories disappeared completely. It wasn’t until she became a fifth-order zombie that she could regain a small part of her memory back.


Fu Cao stretched out her hand, looking at the ceiling.


Her eyes soon went to the snack sitting on the window sill, a bag of potato chips flew over. She reached out to hold the potato chips, and this confirmed one of her suspicions, her power was still there…


She hurried to the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. Her shoulder-length, hair and the small face with plump cheeks from her memory were still the same. 


A pair of big bright eyes stared back at her.


“Huh … That’s great.” 


Her power didn’t disappear, and it was instead promoted to level 10. whereas She almost thought she was still a zombie. She felt so relieved to see that her face was not that terrible zombie-like face, and her eyes had returned to normal black pupils.


She soon ripped the packet of potato chips open and stuffed a potato chip in her little mouth.


After chewing twice, she frowned. Her face was a little unsightly as she hurriedly spat out the chip in the trash. It tasted a lot different from her memory, where it was salty, oily yet undeniably delicious. But right now all She felt was as if she had eaten dirt!


Just to be sure, After eating two more chips, i. Her stomach heaved and she vomited out the contents. She rinsed her mouth with water, stretched out her hand, and a jar of eight treasure porridge flew over.


She hurriedly took a spoonful. Once more Her expression turned weird, and she couldn’t force himself to swallow it for a while. Hence,  Ended up spitting it out again!


Obviously, this was very wrong.

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Fu Cao was a little confused. She took her key and went out. 


She went to the restaurant she usually ate from, the one where she got to eat Dongpo meat. After ordering Dongpo meat and packing it, Fu Cao’s face became more solemn.


The familiar scent permeated the air.


This scent and its temptation was a wide awakening for her, that returned her to her memories of sanity in her previous life. There was absolutely no resistance to this scent, and her hungry belly constantly urged her to eat the delicious hot meat in front of her.


Fu Cao’s pupil shrank. She rushed out of the restaurant in a flurry. There were many people in the restaurant, but there were not many outside.


Fu Cao suddenly realized that she couldn’t feel the scalding heat.

Looking up at the sun in the sky, the intense light did not cause any discomfort to her eyes … 


She thought she was born again. That she was no longer a zombie, and her identity as a human being was restored.


She was still thinking that she must be careful when Doomsday arrived, she cannot risk getting infected and turning into a zombie. The experience of becoming a zombie, one time was enough for her.


She finally had a chance to make a comeback. She wanted to be a good person.


The existence of abilities obviously gave her powerful strength, strength to protect herself but alas all her hopes were shattered. She was not human anymore.


She was reborn again, but she still remained as a zombie.


She leaned against her flat’s door. Why is she still a zombie? Why was she reborn?


This body was the one from before the awaited Doomsday had occurred. How was it possible for her to become a zombie?


She put Dongpo meat aside, walked into the bathroom and looked at herself carefully. There was no sign of zombies-like features on her face. Was this the legendary tenth-order zombie?


She suddenly remembered that the man who killed her was a tenth-order zombie. She didn’t look closely at that time, but thinking back, the man’s pupils seemed black.


But she could still smell the familiar zombie scent on him.


Her delicate nose sniffed herself, but she couldn’t smell anything.

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It took a long time for her to come out of the bathroom and open the takeout box of Dongpo meat, eating while thinking. As soon as Dongpo Meat entered, Fu Cao’s face twisted again.


She really can’t eat human food.


The feeling of hunger made Fu Cao mad, and she vomited the meat,  irritated. Even the box was thrown out. Since she is a zombie, she can’t eat these things. Why waste her time and energy?


She remembered the last time she was curious about human food. Even  just  After eating a little bit of it , how  her stomach hurt terribly.


Now that she is sure that she is a zombie, Fu Cao will not dare to eat anything. But she was hungry, really hungry. So hungry that she could smell the delicious, mouth-watering scents outside.


Fu Cao swallowed hard, this kind of hunger that she hadn’t experienced for a long time, was really  uncomfortable .


Turning on the water dispenser and pouring out a glass of water, she took a few sips. This taste was too bland.


Counting the time, it was only the end of June now. Doomsday was in September. At that time she only had to eat  the crystal nuclei inside the heads of the zombies in her previous life.


But  it is obviously impossible to find crystal nuclei before September. Is she going to be the first zombie to be starved to death?


Fu Cao turned on the computer. She thought that since humans are also animals. And she can eat human flesh, she should be able to eat animal flesh too, right?


Finding the phone number of the nearest supermarket, Fu Cao felt her teeth starting to chatter.


“Hello, can you deliver goods here?”


“Miss, if you purchase 500 yuan for free delivery within one kilometer. Out of range is calculated according to the delivery fee of 30 yuan per kilometer.” A woman’s crisp voice came on the phone.


“That’s good, please help me send twenty pounds of pork and twenty pounds of beef.” Fu Cao said, and saliva began to secrete in her mouth. She swallowed down her saliva before reporting her address.


After hanging up the phone, she threw herself on the bed. She turned her head to the side, opened the drawer of the bedside table. There was a delicate little box inside.


Fu Cao opened the box, which contained a jade pendant 

kept carefully inside, white and translucent.


This jade pendant was on her body when she was picked up by the orphanage, and she often wore it on when she was a child, but as  she grew up she just set it aside.


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She used to carry it, in expectation of her parents coming  back to her, but then she gradually lost hope, and stopped wearing it.


Soon she turned into a zombie with no sanity, and it was impossible for her to take away this piece of jade.


Later, what had happened to this jade piece, Fu Cao didn’t know at all. Anyway, when she was conscious, she didn’t have this jade pendant on her body.


There was a Fu character carved on its smooth metal back, which was also the origin of her name.


Fu Cao touched this piece of jade, and suddenly frowned.


Her previous life’s ability was a dual system of psychic power and water control; after crossing back, the original ninth peak reached the tenth level directly.


Now, It is absolutely impossible for Fu Cao to be killed by the tenth-order zombie king so easily.


Fu Cao, who has reached the tenth order of mental strength, naturally felt the strangeness in the jade, and suddenly withdrew a trace of her mental strength to penetrate into it.


Soon, She was shocked but it was too late to retreat. In an instant, the scenery in front of her changed.


Vast, boundless grasslands greeted her.


The dewy scent of grass could still be smelled in the air. She sat down slowly and touched the grass on the ground with her hands. The touch was very real. The whole space was very quiet.


Even with mental power, she could not reach the edge of this space.


When the spiritual power she sent inside was drawn out, Fu Cao’s vision changed again. Back in the room, she still held Yu Pei, her jade, in her hand.


“That’s just like another world.” Fu Cao looked at the jade pendant in her hand in a complicated way. The world obviously had a relationship with this jade pendant.


And this jade was left by her parents who abandoned her.


Fu Cao, who used to write novels was familiar with this type of development, bit her finger. Scarlet blood oozed  out of her finger, not black like in previous life, but the normal blood red.


Is this the case of Tenth order zombies, or was she a special case?


 Fu Cao did not know, but it did not stop her from trying to drip  blood on Yu Pei.

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The jade pendant immediately absorbed the dripping blood like a sponge, and the white jade pendant became powdery-white in an instant.


Slowly, the characters Fu engraved on it, turned bright red.


The words flashed red, and then gradually dimmed. The bright red characters slowly turned into black-red characters, and she entered the space without any mental effort.


Unlike the vast expanse of grasslands before, this time entering the space has become different.


Because, the space recognized its Lord.


Fu Cao could clearly  feel that the space  now is closely related to her.


There was a small hut in the space, and a kitchen was built next to the small hut. Spoons, bowls, pots and pans were all available. Of course, these things were useless to her.


There was a big pond behind the little hut. She doesn’t need to go to see. She knew that there were a lot of fish, bullfrogs, eel, shrimps and crabs.


In front of the little hut, a field full of various vegetables welcomed her.


“If I didn’t turn into a zombie … would be so good …” Fu Cao sighed regretfully. If she was not a zombie, she didn’t have to worry about eating or drinking in this space.


She touched her hungry stomach and looked at the fish in the pond. She didn’t know if she could eat raw fish.


To the southwest of the small hut, there was a mountain at a distance of about one kilometer from the small hut, and the trees were a lush green. But the trees above were all fruit trees.


Fruits of different seasons hung on the tree. Just like the vegetables of different seasons, they have matured in the space.


These things will always remain fresh as long as they don’t leave the space. It won’t go bad or old, better than the fresh-keeping function of the refrigerator.


Unfortunately, she was a zombie.


In her previous life, she maintained goodwill for human beings, and tried every means to save them and help them.


However, she was never accepted truly by human beings.


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