Editor: Eve, Closure, JD

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“It’s fever.” Liu Guoan said solemnly.


They were cautious with the zombies, but they never expected one of them to do this. And the school overseers were helpless.


Qiu Yinlan can either become a zombie or stay human. But they need her awake to find the culprit.


Liu Guoan became anxious. They only feel danger outside, the school was a safe haven. He never expected this to happened. How could his mind be at peace?


“This… recently the students do this to vent their frustation. Of course, it must be consensual.” Li Yun said awkwardly.


He knows that much. They’re all adults and free to do what they want. Moreover, he couldn’t resolve this problem.


Liu Guoan glanced at the disheveled clothes. 

“Did she looked consent to you?” 

He said while tying a blanket around her body. As his voice left, he noticed grass leaves and mud on her hair. When he looked back to the pillow, weren’t there mud marks around it?


Even if he’s naive, he’s not blind and stupid!


Grass and dirt… All gates are guarded. Even if they did it in the room, nobody would have noticed. But obviously they didn’t do it here. If he guessed right, it should be in the woods. So what if he guessed right? They still don’t know who did it.


With his lips shut tightly, Liu Guoan watch her solemnly. Apocalypse or not, he hates people that do this. 

‘ I hope Qiu Yin Lan can wake up, and not be a zombie!’


Li Yun looked at Liu Guoan’s dark complexion and dared not to speak.


After a long time, Qiu Yinlan wake up with a flushed cheek. When she woke up, she saw Liu Guoan. Immediately she found herself bound on a chair, with a blanket wrapped around her.


Liu Guoan felt relieved watching Qiu Yinlan wake up. When he reached his hand to her foreheads, her fever had obviously fade away.


When she looked at her clothes, 

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”I-I want to change my clothes first.” She said uncomfortably


Liu Guoan nod and went out with Li Yun. After closing the door delicately, Qiu Yinlan breath a sigh full of relief.


After changing her clothes, Qiu Yinlan awkwardly asked Liu Guoan, 

“ How did i caught a fever?”





Li Guoan and Li Yun exhanged glances then shook their heads.


“You was missing from the assembly this morning. So we searched around and found you on your bed with a fever.” Li Yun said.


After Qiu Yinlan wake up, the slap marks on her face and the kiss marks on her neck started to fade. In the time she took to changed clothes, all the marks have dissapear.


“Assembly?” Qiu Yinlan gave them a strange look then said, “who are you?”


Liu Guoan was shocked, he glanced Li Yun. How could Qiu Yinlan not know them?


Li Yun was shocked too, he looked at Qiu Yinlan apprehensively, 

“Mrs.Qiu, are you alright? you don’t recognize us anymore?”


“Mrs.Qiu?” Qiu Yinlan was confused. 


“Are you talking to me?” She closed her eyes, confused. However, her words has cause a storm in Liu Guoan heart.


‘Qiu Yinlan, perhaps, amnesia?’


He was glad that Qiu Yinlan was fine, and now she has the flame power. But this is worrisome, because now nobody knows what that bastard looks like.


“Mr. Li, go chat with Mrs. Qiu, talk about herself, see if she can remember. Then moved her to lived with the others.” Liu Guoan said with a dark face.

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“I understand.” Li Yun look at Qiu Yinlan with a complicated look. 

He never expected Qiu Yinlan to lost her memory.


Liu Guoan nodded and left. Qiu Yinlan looked at Liu Guoan whose leaving then asked Li Yun a bit anxious, 

“ Is he angry?” 


‘I know he’s angry, i can feel it.’


Li Yun just sighed. He know Qiu Yinlan know nothing. He looked at Qiu Yinlan, 

“how do you know you can use fire?”

He didn’t forget how Qiu Yinlan used a fire to burned the blanket tied around her. Moreover, after she break free, the flame didn’t spread and dissapear.


“Do you mean this?” Qiu Yinlan extend her index finger, and a faint flame flickered on her finger, like a lighter.

“I don’t know” Qiu Yinlan tilted her head, “at that time, i subconciously burn the rope. I didn’t know why i did it.”


Qiu Yinlan felt something from their conversation, but she can’t remember it.


Li Yun doesn’t know what to do anymore, Qiu Yinlan can’t remember anything. In the end, he left with a face as dark as Liu Guoan, he could only let the culprit go. At least, Qiu Yinlan had moved to another dormroom.


Qiu Yinlan now lives with Qiu Yingying in the same dormroom.


In the afternoon, a board with pricing list was placed at the door of Fu Cao’s. A while later, several large trucks appear from the distance. She could see them with mental strength even if her eyes can’t.


‘Weren’t Liu Guoan and the others driving the truck?’


Fu Cao was surprised. This was their first time scavenging, they wouldn’t scavenge much. Yet surprisingly, not only they scavenge a lot, it was a bountiful harvest.


The trucks passed the exclusive hotel without stopping. They drive straight into the school.


When she count the number of people with mental strength, Fu Cao understood why they could scavenge a lot yet Liu Guoan face remain dark.


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There were a lot of casuality.


Watching the trucks enter the school, Fu Cao sighed. They didn’t see the price list she made, not to mention they didnt bring any crystal core to her.


Liu Guoan heart wasn’t aggrieved by the casuality, but there could be a lesser number if someone didn’t act irresponsibly. There was even someone who pushed others into danger.


Although some of them act frantically, the training was helpful for the majority. That helps them scavenge a lot more.


On this operation, the 16th squad led by Lu Xun was the most impressive. Even Liu Guoan team couldn’t compare.


Several trucks were filled with food. One truck was filled with cotton wool and long-sleeve cloth.


As the sun set and the air cooled. Liu Guoan brought people over to distribute supplies across the cafetaria.


Everyone in the school helped distribute the clothes and cotton wool.

Even after distributing them, there were a surplus of clothes left. However, there’s still a demand for cotton wool. So Zhang Zhongmin ordered each dormitory to gather the bed, and sleep together to warm each other.


After distributing the food and clothes, Zhang Zhongmin face still look dark, never relaxed.


Feeling the tense air, everyone have a bad hunch.


“Bring him up!” As Zhang Zhongmin accumulated kills, his body naturally intensify his anger. 

At that moment, his face was full of intimidation.


Everyone was overwhelmed as they become breathless.


A person tied up with a rope was brought over and held like a prisoner. As he was pushed, his face paled while his feets trembled.


“Yang Zicong was a member of the fifth squad in a small team.” Zhang Zhongmin didn’t even look at the man approaching.

His eyes surveying the crowd below, eventually stopping at the five who didn’t participate in the scavenge hunt but trained in school. Specifically, class leader Liu Dazhi.


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“Liu Dazhi, is he a person you taught?” Liu had just took over two days ago, he feels wronged. 

But he didn’t dare to say it in front of Zhang Zhongmin who looked at him with a dark face.


Liu Dazhi is a timid guy, he’s afraid of Zhang Zhongmin. Especially right now, he doesn’t dare to ask what happend.


However he’s the leader of the class. Even if he dared not to ask, the backlash of not asking will be greater! He need to be brave to ask, or else he might be teached by Zhang Zhongmin himself.


“Squad Leader Zhang, what mistake did Yang Zicong do?” 

Athough Liu was scared, nobody noticed. Most of them think he was asking question.


“What mistake did he do?” 

Zhang Zhongmin scoffed at the crowd. 

“Didn’t listen to command, acting without orders, and when dangers come, he pushed out his teammates just to escape the zombies. Tell me, what mistake did he make?”


Liu Dazhi sucked a breath and looked at Yang Zicong in disbelief.


Even the whole crowd took a breath. Some of them watch the others warily. Everyone was afraid there would be another Yang Zicong, who pushed out his teammates just to escape danger.


Comrades who doesn’t trust each other will be disorganized.


Liu Dazhi was a scum, but he looked at Yang Zicong as the filthiest scum ever.

Yang Zicong body trembled, not because of Liu Yuan cold gaze. Instead he felt numerous gaze on him, and each of the felt cold.


In a moments heartbeat, Yang Zicong thew his body and cried, 

“Squad leader, squad leader. I was wrong. I was very wrong. I was so scared at that time. I’m not that kind of person. I can change. I can really change it!”


“I will never again……”


Yang Zicong cried miserably, his whole body trembled in fear, while his voice turn hoarse.


The author has something to say :”Thanks to Beibei little cute grenades ~ Mama Da


Editor’s note : it shouldn’t be Liu Guoan who’s driving the truck, since he’s at school and not participating in the scavenger hunt. I’ll leave it to your imagination for the reason.

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