Zombie Master

Chapter 31

Takumi sporadically suffered from a high fever of nearly 40 degrees over the past few days. The last time he had such a long lasting fever, is when he had influenza, but unlike that time where his high fever hurts his joints, this time he feels like his body is burning.

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When he became a zombie, Takumi was also afraid of getting sick, but there was no cloudiness of consciousness now, rather, he felt his senses were being sharpened. Before the zombies and apocalypse, there was also a lack of exercise and a sluggishness of body was beginning to worry a little, but now the whole body is tightened and the muscles are being toned. His entire appearance has become healthy.

But with the heat another impulse is lifted. After gaining this constitution, sexual impulses have increased, so he was collecting zombie women, but even now they continue increasing. At the time when the heat is subsiding, we saw when the Anbu was sleeping and went to the floor, holding hundreds of zombie women.

Takumi cums into the tenth vagina.

Not a woman who caught his eyes at random, because in spite of the growing sexual impulses, there are only a few zombie women who wish to have sex at that time. Moreover, its composition has changed every day. Takumi does not think deeply about whether he was refusing to do something consecutively with the same woman with the problem of getting tired/bored or if it was the zombie’s choice/desire.

And now in front of Takumi are twins of the fifth grade elementary school that he had captured recently.

Since they were wearing a name tag, he knew that Mori Hanano and Mori Akano are fifth graders of a nearby private elementary school. They are identical twins. It is a fine white skin that is suitable for the expression of a doll, a small round face, and a smooth long hair that has a back.

With looks like a Western doll, they have been dressed with frills like gothic lolly, which he brought appropriately from the gothic lolita store he found in the city. Hanano is dressed with a black dress with white frilled part, and for Akano it is the opposite. It is like trying to distinguish between two people by the color of clothes, but rather than to distinguish, he felt something that inspires the collection desire to put on a matching dress that turned the color to the same twin with the same face.

Takumi, while nude, holds a white moon (Tsukino?) with a left hand and a black star (Aino?) with a right hand. Both of them are petite as a fifth grade primary school student, and when he made two lovers up to now he did not feel bad about their nearly flat chest, so he decided to do sexual acts while dressing up.

As they seem to remember what they were ordered, the two immediately lick their teenage nipples with a small tongue, while Tsukino is a left hand and Aino is a right hand massaging what Takumi’s upright stood. Two tiny fingers moved to dexterity as if they were squeezing out twenty or few times, but moving as if they were pulsating strongly.

Moono rubbing the part of the stick little by little from the base while attaching strength with the thumb and index finger, gradually stroking, Akano gently caresses around the back muscle with the back of the middle finger.

“They should remember well”

He doubts whether the girl who became a zombie has remembrance, but Takumi praises the two people without thinking much of the feeling. On the other hand, they never change their facial expressions, but Takumi felt as though the heart was caressing their hands more carefully.

On the other hand, Takumi does not continue to be passive as it is.

They are long-sleeved, long-skirt dresses with little exposure at first glance, but no panties changes that. When Takumi scoops the skirt without care and keeps his hands crawling on the two thighs, he feels the liquid that overflows at the back. Leaving the middle finger behind while guided by its liquid will eventually reach the part like a small dent. There, they put their strengths at their fingertips in their vaginal opening, and their fingers are sucked in like a nuruli(no idea). As soon as the middle finger feels a strong sense of oppression and is likely to be pushed back, if he moves the middle finger in its stuffed state, the movement to tighten your finger changes to a complicated one.

The inside of their vagina was already ready to accept Takumi ‘s cock. As if to appeal it to them, they look up Takumi and lick Takumi’s lips and cheeks.

“I understood it, do not panic.”

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And when holding Mizuno hanging in Takumi for the first time, if you put the things that faced up in face-to-face attitude to the vaginal mouth of Mono, it will submerge by lowering Moono as it is.

Nupupu …

The secret place of Mino was greedily accepted of Takumi’s belongings, and it became deeply connected with almost no resistance by the overflowing love juice.

Because the body is still small, the head of the glans penetrates deep into the middle. In the first time, a part such as entrance was torn lightly, but the wound has already healed, but it is no longer enveloping things of Takumi like an adept whore. And, as educated in Takumi, move your waist up and down while stepping on both feet. One piece hides its body and few parts of flesh tones, but a girl wearing a gothic lolly like a cosplay wears a lust as if she was an experienced lady.

“Here, try harder and shake your back.”

Junpu, Junpei It sounds a nasty water tone from the joint.

He had been with dozens of girls of this age already, but because of the small body the impossiblility for these movements inevitably brings awkward movement. That is why Takumi’s desire to conquer is unnecessarily stimulated.

When you move your hips from Takumi, the glans are steadily pushed backwards, each time a small body trembles with a bikin. Sometimes drool from the mouth is sloppy, but if you thrust up from below many times without understanding, your body will warp greatly while holding out your tongue diligently.

“A … … AA, … Au … ….”

A groan like a scream that has not become word leaks from the moon. The swell of the vagina tightening your thing makes me think that the girl who is a zombie is feeling something like pleasure.

When lifting such a moon and pulling out the meat stick, he holds Hoshino next. If you go down from the bed as it is, Hoshino will put both hands on the bed and wrap around its back. And if you darken a black dress bigger, a small buttock jumps in front of you. To the thigh, love drooling from the crotch is attached, and when confirming it, he inserted the thing which had been in the vagina of Moono a minute ago into the vagina of Akeno and began to descend greatly soon.

“After all it’s narrow, children are”

Now Takumi can move with more than high school students as lovers, but at this age his dick will have a shallow feeling because he can not insert any more in the middle. However, its small and frustrating move also gives a pleasant pleasure.

Jutsu …… Ju … …. Ju … … Ju … ….Instead of having a short feeling of water sound, scrape the back of the vagina in small amounts with each movement. At the same time it gives pleasure to Takumi, it also brings change to Hoshino. The zombie girl wearing a black gothic lolly dress rotates her waist to left and right without being commanded by Takumi while pressing the buttocks. To the contrast of white skin and black costumes, Takumi ‘s things are led again to the apex.

“…… Cut, you cum!”

As if answering that voice, Hoshino intends to push Takumi ‘s thing to the vagina deep by pushing her ass high.

At that moment, hot things are blown out deep into Akano with sparkling pleasure.

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“Oh … … ah … ….”

The vagina of Akano swells before the beginning of the first spout has ended, and the momentum is weak, but it violates in the vagina and scatters whites. Hoshino just keeps catching them with greed.

When the sexual act with this twin was over, Takumi felt tired and decided to end libido.

[Not sure about the names of the girls since I’m only machine translating. Gets a little confusing as to whether it’s just the twins or a full on orgy with multiple ones involved in the middle. If you can figure it out, feel free to let me know and I’ll edit it so that it’s correct.]

When all the cleanup was over, the fever seemed to be rebounding again, regretting somewhat of sexual activity, while returning to her room trying to calm the rough breathing.

He cleaned my body’s dirt with a bath, but the hot water did not feel hot at all. Still feverish, he desire sleep. Takumi, while thinking him being sick unlikely, still drinks a headache medicine and enters the bed. Recently, desire to sleep has almost disappeared, but for now he is quite sleepy.


Takumi had a dream.

He lived in a certain state in the United States was a mediocre college student. He was caught in the zombie apocalypse and stayed home with his family for a while for a while, but the time has come when they must procure food.

While foraging, he accidentally made a loud noise while hiding from zombies. He was swarmed by zombies and died once, but when he woke up he realized that the zombies did not attack me because he was not hurt. Thus he was able to get the necessary supplies. Priority was given to delivering food as soon as possible for his beloved family, first of all, rather than thinking why he was saved or why he was not attacked.

But when he came close to home, he was shot with a handgun. If you are paying more attention to the surroundings, you should have noticed that several zombies whose heads were knocked down are knocked down after being shot by a number of bullets. And a few more shots, he fell down on the spot, several young people robbed him of all his food.

However, he did not die. Young people who tried desperately trying to take away food for the family but who regarded him moving as a zombie no matter how many bullets were shot raised a shout of terror and bombarded more bullets , Crushed his fallen head with a bat many times. And his consciousness will cease forever.

Next he was a faithful soldier of Russia, he fought hard to control anyone infected with a mysterious illness that goes crazy in the street regardless of life or death. However, the number of infected people is overwhelmingly not afraid of guns, they are not afraid of pain, they will eventually be annihilated including his troops.

He awoke afterwards, although he was relieved that there were no infected people in the vicinity, he realized that the companions were wiped out and collapsed crying tears. But why was he safe? Although he should have been bitten by the infected person surely it is safe. Perhaps he had antibodies against the disease. He might be able to make this mysterious sickness silver bullet with his own blood or something. If that happens, he will also clear up the regret of the fellows who died for the country which is the hero of the salvation.

When he tried to contact the headquarters who turned around from despair and had hope of great hope, it appeared that something flew into his sight.

And after a couple of seconds an incredible explosion sound and incredible heat waves hit him and his consciousness ceased forever.

Then he was visiting for sightseeing in Greece and was attacked by zombies in the hotel.

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And when he woke up, the surrounding area was a sea of ​​fire. There was no fear of zombies right now, so he tried desperately to escape. However, his body was caught in the falling wall, and it became completely impossible to move. If it is normal, it should have been stupid with lack of oxygen, but for some reason he continued to burn without losing consciousness. Even when asking for help, his throat is burned out, his voice does not come out, his consciousness is not lost even in severe pain, but finally his consciousness stops forever when the fire burns the inside of his head.

After graduating from a famous university in China, he was a so-called ant-tribe who did not find a job corresponding to the academic career and was able to share the room as a group in an apartment. Zombies will grow at an astonishing rate in places with high population density like Ants, and he will of course be attacked by zombies. However, he wakes up without dying, and after a while he will notice his unique constitution.

He felt that he had chosen himself and had the opportunity to revenge against a society that had not appreciated himself until now. For that, he collects zombies and creates something like an army. He never get lost to greed/indulgence/laziness, focused on just taking revenge on society. However, before the revenge is carried out, it comes to hit the army which came for the annihilation of the zombies early, and it annihilates while giving great damage. Without noticing him who was in the group of zombies shells rushed down, his body was wrapped in a sea of ​​fire after his body became apart, his consciousness ceased forever.

Takumi woke up looking around such a dream at about ten.

He feel sweaty and stuffy. The dream that he had been seeing diffuses quickly like the sand leaking out of his hand, and the memory becomes ambiguous.

However, only great loss and deep sorrow remained in the mind.

He does not know why.

(Friends …… Friends ……)

Such a thought floats in his mind for the moment, but the meaning is foggy and he can not remember.

“… … Is not the fever still going down?”

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Takumi sleeps again after he drinks the water next to his bed.

And dreams.

It was also wrapped in the sea of ​​fire. However, the dream will not end there, learn the feeling that it will spread as far as becoming smoke that has emerged. Beyond being high, crossing the building, crossing the clouds, the earth and the sea will be visible soon.

Moreover, it does not go to such a place and it flows in the wind.

With the wind blowing everywhere, with fluctuations.

When Takumi went to sleep again, Azuri was slowly aiming for Takumi’s room.

That face was close to expressionless, but it got slightly red as if it was floating somewhere.

“Oni … … i-chan …… It’s a party(New Year?) … …. Ruri (box?) for child……”

Step by step, slowly approaching.

“Children …… Create … … O … … -chan …”

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