Zombie Master

Chapter 34

“Damn! Do it again, zombie!”

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Second sergeant Owen belongs to the US Army and was using a light machine gun to kill the zombies running towards them.

Some of the zombies who had been walking like ordinary humans up to the previous time run when they notice their existence. It is not an externally applied leg strength like a zombie movie recently seen but at a speed corresponding to the appearance, it is visible only to a normal human being except that there doesn’t seem to be a light of intelligence in their eyes. That does not mean not only Owen, but also the morale of the soldiers are scrapped.

Although the operations to rescue the survivors of the urban area and the zombie sweeping operation are performed in parallel, since the operation target extends all over the United States, it is natural that the manpower is not enough at all, the few people who runs around the city area and the large amount zombies. They will fight the battle over and over again. The zombies are not aggressive during the day, and even if you look at the battle in the near future, there are not many zombies to ignore, so he can manage to fight somehow now.

“Okay, there are no other zombies that attack us, so please handle each person, please do not be alarmed.”

Although you can sink a zombie to the ground with a light machine gun, zombies will not quit that activity yet. For that reason, we must process it reliably. It is a situation that you can say that you do not know anything about zombies yet, and you can only take measures against infection from the source.

Therefore, first of all, take a picture of your face for later identification.

Then crush the head with a shotgun before securing the remains. This is because there was a case where a person who tried to secure the article left by a zombie ended up bitten. Until a while ago people are obliged to crush the heads of those who were originally citizens of the United States who should protect themselves if there is a strong mission to the importance of their duties.

And collect as much as possible as possible items. At that time, check the digital camera and put the piece of paper that wrote the time when you took the photo of the face in the bag where the article was collected. These are to make death confirmation more accurate on the day when someday regained peace, and also to deliver the remains to the bereaved family.

Finally, zombies without heads that have collected the items are gathered in a crematorium and burned.

Although it has been confirmed that the zombies who lost their heads have stopped functioning, they still can not wipe out the worry as to when they will start moving again.

Initially, there was concern that smoke generated by burning became a new source of infection, and a plan to bury deep into the ground was being considered, but a certain country burned a zombie using multiple death row prisoners A report saying that there was no sign of zombie formation even after one week as a result of using ash using a plurality of means is shared by several countries and the treatment of zombies can be done by burning so it is becoming a common disposal method.

“Oh … damn!”

While dealing with zombies, he remembers the dead eyes of the crematories who delivered the zombies last. The treatment of zombies is an important mission, but we have no choice but to sympathize with those who have decided to take such an important mission.

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Furthermore, this province was a province where cremation was relatively active and it was easy to pick up a crematorium. We are working day and night burning up the zombies, but we do not know how long we can secure fuel for that. Given the precious nature of fuel, if you are asked if you can continue to process zombies for a long time, you will answer “No”.

Furthermore, it is not only good that fire is effective.

There is no guarantee that there will be no country to think that missiles, in the worst case nuclear weapons, will burn zombies in other countries. Under this chaotic situation, he can’t laugh at the possibility of another country making the worst decision with temporary emotions. And once you have come up with such possibilities, there is no guarantee that the idea of ​​trying to cope with this preemptively will not come up against countries that can take such actions. Perhaps the idea that a nuclear missile from a certain country will fly overhead, etc could be made a funny story before the zombies / apocalypse occurrence, but now it is a realistic fear .

Zombies are monsters recognized around the world triggered by American movies and are very popular in America as one of the few major monsters from the USA. Owen did not miss out on that example, not only the zombie TV series drama that has been in season for many years, the famous zombie film, but also a minor kind of zombie movie was handed out.

However, when zombies and apocalypse become reality in this way, it is no joke. And, as one of the promises of zombie movies, there is something “the person who is the most scared is not a zombie but a human being”, and the fear of nuclear missiles coming flying can not be laughed at all in that sense either.

In fact, the threat of zombies is the infectious power that creates new zombies, its combat strength is not a threat to the army with modern weapons. A few variant zombies are a threat, but they have relatively few encounters and it can be killed without sacrifice if you deal with it calmly, even if they do encounter it. Even if zombies of all over the world are gathered in one place, the US military can easily annihilate it. Rather, he wished they were collected it in one place. If they do gather, then they can achieve victory by shooting a large amount of missiles there.

Owen quietly performed zombie treatment while thinking in such a way that there was no such benefit.

“In the end, only five survivors could be found today …”

Owen will return to the base before the day goes on. It is very dangerous to play against zombies at night, so the time to look for survivors that are supposed to be still many is limited. That is very frustrating. It would be nice if we could do zombie treatment in a shorter time, but we can not neglect processing zombies because it will also protect survivors’ safety and zombie proliferation.

At the entrance of the base tanks and armored cars are staring outside with glare. Heavily armed soldiers also patrol around the base at a change of 24 hours, and they are unwilling to let a zombie even one step inside.

“Owen, do it well, I guess you have not been bitten by a zombie”

“Once I was caught I was a member of them for a long time”

“Of course”

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I can speak to the familiar face that I am sentinel.

It is one of the promises of zombie things that collapses from the inside by a human who hides being bitten by zombies going inside to try to protect the body from a zombie and build a robust fortress is initially in the base There was a time when we were checking each other injuries nervously before.

However, it became a common recognition that becoming a zombie is within one minute as soon as it gets bitten by zombies, within five minutes at the latest, so now calling for confirmation is joking. Nevertheless, those who were injured should decide to isolate themselves for a whole day. Because the mechanism of zombieization is still a mystery, it can not be asserted that there is no possibility of infection from the wound.

“Fuu … ….”

After reporting the progress of today’s strategy, Owen got the right to sleep by taking a shower after caring for the accessories. In the sleeping room there are many previous people sleeping like dead already.Because now we are faced with the crisis of human beings’ lives, soldiers who are full of mission like themselves think that they will do something sparingly while sleeping, but keep resting moderately and taking physical rest is also important.

Owen is to engage in patrol tasks around the base tomorrow. Although the strategy of searching for survivors is more important and rewarding, there is also a challenge as their spirit is diminishing while they do not even recognize that. Just continuing the work of mechanically processing zombies, a relatively high mental burden is placed, so there are fewer missions scheduled to be in between.

In fact, few people suffer from depression, and members of the Battle Stress Management Medical Remote Team are fully operational. They have expert knowledge on preventive action against stress disorder and recovery of soldier who developed stress, including lessons such as war neurosis prevalent in World War I, PTSD which became a problem in the Vietnam War that was organized after. Although they were supposed to dispatch overseas, they must have never dreamed of using that knowledge in zombies / apocalypse.

Because it is also important to maintain mental health in the current crisis situation, regular counseling is obligatory. Owen has already received simple counseling without medication several times.

In this way, there are companions who prepare the environment to overcome the difficult situation and struggle towards it. In that, Owen felt encouraging and had a short sleep.

“… ……………………?”

Owen felt something and awoke. Everyone around me is asleep, only he got up.

When he checked the time, he felt thirsty while realizing he had already woken up in one hour before the scheduled wake-up time, so he decided to go to a vending machine.

Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam!

At that time, he noticed the sound of multiple gunshots.

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If it is only one time, it may be a mistake, but he was sure it was no mistake as the gunfire sounded again.

“Hey! Get up! It’s an abnormal situation!”

While raising a loud voice, kicking out the buddies who are sleeping nearby, they pick up a light machine gun that has recently become familiar with hands, even though there is no response. Now that it is an emergency situation, we are permitted to bring in firearms in these places.

The trained soldiers will listen to the gunshot sounds heard slightly, tighten the face and start action immediately.

Sooner or later, an alarm sounded throughout the base station, and with the announcement that the zombies had invaded, they were instructed to express to the site other than those who are in the patrol mission and to strengthen the entrance and exit entrance to those in the vicinity of the doorway.

Owen who occasionally ranked highest in the sleeping room, ordered some people to head to the entrance of the base, and decided to head to the scene with the remaining unit.

“Why did the zombies invade the base !?” Damn, what did the guard do !! “

“Because the site is not an entrance gate, perhaps did the walls break?”

“Either way it will be a hassle.”

While running with a bad mood, the appearance that corporal Alex, who shared action with today’s strategy, walking without having a gun into the field of view of Owen has jumped into.

“Hey, Alex! Alex corporal! It is dangerous to go without a gun, what are you thinking?”

When Owen said so, Alex stopped walking and looked back towards Owen.

Its eyes shine in crimson, the mouth is colored red with red blood.

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Contrary to Owen who struggled for a moment, Alex suddenly started running ……

“… … Shoot! Shoot!”

Owen screamed and shot a shoot. Other soldiers also start shooting a few seconds behind.

As a result, the zombies were knocked down to excessive bullets, and what they were Alex was no longer callable as a meat block.

“Damn it … …., Alex, have you been killed by a zombie?”

Soon after, broadcasting was done that all zombies that entered the base were eliminated, but none cheered as any one.

Originally, this incident was the invasion of zombies into the base and it seemed to be only a matter of establishing a more thorough patrol system, but the fact of the shock turned out by analyzing the camera in the base did.

We confirmed the eliminated zombies and all of them are soldiers belonging to this base and since we can grasp the trend of the day of the incident, it can only be thought that zombies occurred inside the base, As a result of scrutiny from him, it was asserted that it was the corporal Alex who became the origin of this case.

In a hearing from Alex and a good soldier, Alex was found to have been somewhat disinterested since the day before the incident. It was also confirmed that he had dropped in to the medical office and was seeking an antipyretic after the task on the day of the incident.

This will give a great shock.

The possibility of zombie formation actually not only occurred in a short time but also the possibility of sometimes going through a latent period of one day, perhaps even more.

They do not know where or when Alex was infected nor the cause. It may have been him being hurt by the zombies, but it has become very regretful that it is now impossible to confirm that. If it became a zombie although it is not chewed, it means that there is a possibility of being infected from the wound even if it is not hurt by a zombie directly, infection due to being hurt by zombie nails etc.

In addition, not only this base, but also similar cases worldwide began to occur. As a result, the existence of zombie formation through the incubation period is almost certainly ensured.

This will have a major impact on survivors all over the world.

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