Zombie Princess

Chapter 21

Luo Fu, who was waiting for the King of War’s hate value, “…”

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It was weird. She got the points before. The King of war’s hate value should have kept rising. Why did it suddenly turn down?
She was still waiting for a big wave of hatred.
However, after the meal, the amount of hatred drawn was also considerable.
Luo Fu lowered her chopsticks, wiped her mouth with satisfaction, and said, “Wang Ye, let’s go.”
Entering the Prime Minister’s Mansion, the King of War dropped Luo Fu and didn’t go back to the inner court.
When Zhengzhu heard that she was going to visit, he got up from bed early in the morning.
He already asked for her more than seven or eight times during the meal, “When will my aunt come? Why won’t my aunt come?”
Zhengzhu was sad.
This little boy did not show this intimacy to his mother. However, the little girl had always been good to him. She had taken care of him since he was born, and she was not more lenient than his mother. Naturally, he got close to her.
Just as Luo Fu crossed the courtyard, the little meatball rushed into her arms. His two little fat hands hugged her waist tightly. “Aunt, I missed you so much!”
She continued to hug him, just like the doughnut she raised.
Luo Fu picked up the little man and kissed him fiercely on his cheek. “Aunt also misses Zhengzhu these days. Have you eaten well? “

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“Yes!” Zhengzhu patted his belly boldly.
Luo Fu grabbed his hand., “You got so much energy? Aren’t you afraid your belly will crack.”
The aunt and nephew talked and walked to Pei’s yard, warmly.
When Zheng Shi saw her carrying Zhengzhu in her arms, She rushed forward to take him over, “Can’t you walk. What if your aunt is tired?”
Zhengzhu turned around and hugged Luo Fu’s neck, not willing to let go.
Luo Fu smiled, “Dasao, it’s okay, how much can Zhengzhu weigh? I’m not tired.”
In the past two months, her physical fitness had improved a lot. The shortness of breath and chest pain of the original body was resolved.
Not to mention she was just carrying Zhengzhu, she wouldn’t even mind carrying a few more kids.
Zheng looked at her with a little surprise . She saw that her complexion was much better than before her marriage.
After entering the main hall, Luo Fu did not put down Zhengzhu. She hugged him and sat down at the table.
“A’wei, take out the cake I brought.”
Cake? This word caught Zhengzhu’s attention instantly.

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“Do you eat it?” It was worth eating.
“Yes, it’s fragrant, soft, and sweet, but delicious,” Luo Fu squeezed his nose.
When Zhengzhu heard that, he couldn’t wait and watched A’wei open the snack box.
In order to avoid suspicion, Luo Fu made Liu Shi prepare the cake. And Liu Shi did not disappoint her. After Luo Fu pointed out the steps, Liu Shi made it a few days later.
After making it a few times, the taste was not worse than Luo Fu’s previous homemade cake.
Luo Fu let her make a lot and brought them to Zhengzhu to taste.
As soon as the cake appeared, it immediately gained a lot of attention.
The family in the hall was very happy, on the other side in the study, the two were very happy as well.
After learning about the King of War’s true facer, Luo Youqing recognized that he was not his son-in-law, but an enemy.
He handed the baby girl he held in the palm of his hand for more than ten years to the King of War, hoping that he would spoil her and make her happy and secure.
In the end, he left her, abused, and even used her!
He killed her with a glass of poison!

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He was so blind! Why did he choose such a person as a son-in-law?
But it was not too late to realize his mistake.
Of course, even if he never wanted to see the King of War, he must deal with him patiently.
He must create the illusion that this father-in-law would support him.
Therefore, at that moment, Luo Youqing and the King of War were happily talking to each other!
After the King of War got the confirmation that the Prime minister would continue to support him, he changed the topic and talked about the autumn hunt.
Tai-zu* emperor was a martial artist. So he left his ancestral teachings, and he wished that his descendants must never lose martial arts on horseback.
So the Royal family held several hunting events every year.
Spring search, summer hunt, autumn hunt, winter hunt.
They were excuses to hunt all year round.
When hunting, in addition to the Royal family, a large group of ministers would be invited. It was one of the most important gatherings of the year in Beijing.
However, hunting events had always been prone to conspiracy and deceit. At times frequent accidents occur.

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The King of War spoke with Luo Youqing about the layout during the hunt.
When the conversation was almost over, Luo Fang, the second brother, appeared.
“Brother-in-law, we two haven’t practiced for a long time, let’s take a walk?” Luo Fang held the King’s shoulders and took him away.
The two came to the bamboo forest in the south and got in their positions in the open space.
* Ring Pei Ding Dang”
Ding Dang is used to describe the sound a woman makes while walking. And “Ringpei Dingdang” extends this meaning to the most beautiful: using the most fashionable and fashionable accessories to create the most exquisite, most elegant woman.
*Zhu Cui, pronounced zhū cuì, is a Chinese word that means pearls and emeralds. It can also mean a woman
*Huarong Suona: Look and beauty of dynamic music. Suona is an idiom with the pinyin ē nuó duō zī, which means various light and soft gestures. Describe women as light and feminine.
*Mantou: Chinese steamed buns
*Tai-Zu- founding emperor

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