Zombie Princess

Chapter 33

Luo Fang smiled, looking at her. He scooped a spoonful of thick soup in a small bowl and handed it to her, “There.”

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  “Thank you, brother!” Luo Fu thanked him and picked up her spoon to eat.

  The meat was crispy but not greasy. It was delicious.

  Luo Fu ate three small bowls one after another, but she was still not satisfied.

  However, she also had to taste the other dishes. So she had to put up with it.

  With this meal, she was so full and cramped that she couldn’t move without holding her belly.


  With the amount of food she ate, one could imagine her eating ability and capacity.

  If Luo Fang was shocked by her appetite last time, this time, he panicked. He feared overeating might disturb her health.   

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   Wasn’t she a delicate girl with an appetite for a bird? In the past, didn’t her meal consist of only one small bowl?

 When the maid saw the princess eating with gusto, she felt some joy.

  Especially when the girl next to the princess gave her a pouch with money. The joy in her heart reached its peak.


  The princess not only looked like a fairy but also had a good attitude towards the subordinates. She had done well and was rewarded. Where could she find such a good master?

  She decided that she must come up with better dishes for the princess! As long as the princess stays there for a day, she would serve the princess with dishes all day!

 She cheered.

  Luo Fu suddenly remembered Liu Wu, the Doctor who she picked up from the road.

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  “Second Brother, how is the man we rescued?”

  Luo Fang said, “He is unconscious. I asked for a doctor to see him. The injury is not serious. As long as the wounds are cared for, there will be no problem.”

  Luo Fu was relieved.

  In fact, as long as Luo Yiren was not the one who brought Liu Wu back, she would be successful. As for whether Liu Wu would wake up and help her, it was not important.

  In the evening, the catfish noodles made by the village maid were served with fried white salted fish, meat dumplings, and chili sauce. Luo Fu again ate with satisfaction.


  After eating and drinking, she finally arrived at the hot spring.

  The hot spring was behind her house, connected by a corridor, and there were fresh flowers and trees all the way. It was a rare sight in winter.

  When she arrived at the hot spring, the flowers bloomed even more brilliantly.

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  Such beautiful and harmless flowers could not be seen in the apocalyptic days.

  Luo Fu dropped her clothes and slid into the hot spring pool. There was a small table next to it. There was a bowl of peeled white tender soup, a pot of sweet fruit wine, and a plate of bean paste jasper cake.

  She poured a handful of water over her shoulder and asked lazily, “Bee, what are you doing now?”

  The system’ bee’ broke into rippling laughter, “I am also in a hot spring, bathing, hehe.”

  “Good,” Luo Fu smiled.

  As soon as the system looked at her expression, she knew what bad idea she was thinking about.

  “Go, we’ll talk later.”

 After about a quarter of an hour, Luo Fu got up from the water. She missed her step and slipped. She fell.

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  However, she did not feel the expected pain but fell into a warm and generous embrace.

  Luo Fu looked up. She was very surprised when she saw the person in front of her.

  “Did you peep at me?”

  Xuan Yi shrank his hands as if he had been scalded, and disappeared as soon as she was stable.

  Luo Fu almost didn’t stand still. She watched his back as he fled and raised her lips.

  “Bee, maybe we can use another method to gain hatred points.”

  “Huh? What can we do?”

  “Doesn’t the King of War do whatever he wants by using Xuan Yi as his substitute? If … the substitute replaces him as the Wang Ye, what would he say?”

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