Zombie Princess

Chapter 36

After returning from the village, and after two more days of snowfalls in Beijing on New Year’s, the cloudy days were over.

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  The sky was clear, the air was warm, and the snow had melted.

  There was even abnormal heat.

  Today Luo Fu was going to the palace to greet the Empress and a few palace ladies. There was a grand dinner there, commonly known as a palace banquet.

  After entering the palace, Luo Fu first went to the Empress Dowager’s Changle Palace.

  Inside the hall, it was warm, the banquet was arranged, and the fragrance was lingering. The emperor’s women were all there, sitting at their seats accompanying the Empress Dowager. They amused her with stories of their children and family. 

  The graceful Empress was seated in the lower left hand, and the charming Jiao Gufei, who was Wang Zhao’s birth mother, sat on the lower right hand. 

  Behind the two, the concubines lined up in order of rank.

  When Luo Fu came in, everyone who saw her for the first time was surprised.

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  “Oh! This is the Princess of War? I haven’t seen you for a while, and you’ve gained so much weight? I almost didn’t recognize you!”

  The princess in a rose-red dress covered her lips with her palm while laughing.

  Luo Fu’s smirked, ‘This is called fat? Sister, it is healthy and plump!’

  The Empress was the King of War’s adoptive mother. So naturally, she did not allow them to bully her, and chuckled, “How is she fat? She is exactly like the poem: ‘Face is like a full moon, the glow is like sun, color is like a lotus root, and the muscle is like condensed honey.”

(*Poem by Cang Yan)

  She turned to Luo Fu again, held her hand affectionately, and said, “You used to be too thin, now you’re just right. But don’t learn from those Xiaojia Ziqi, and starve yourself into a paper-thin person, who blows with the wind and looks like a yellow flower, what beauty. “

(Xiaojia Ziqi: Describe people’s manners as petty and narrow-minded)

  Luo Fu heard the call and looked at her with a beautiful and tender face, smiling like a sweet, soft candy bag, making people want to bite.

  The Empress Dowager almost couldn’t control her hand.

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  But even if she couldn’t pinch her face, she still rubbed it.

  Every time Luo Fu tried to pull her hand away, the Empress looked at her with a puzzled look. 

“A’ fu must be hungry? Try this lotus jade cake. You can’t eat it anywhere else.”

  She pushed the plate in front of her in person.

 The act could be described as gentle and perfect.

  Obviously, Luo Fu met her for the first time, and she wasn’t easy to be approached.

  Both the Empress Dowager and Empress were the same. The Empress Dowager was even more loving to her, looking at her eyes with satisfaction, “the seventh princess, daughter-in-law, is healthy.”

  Luo Fu smiled and didn’t speak.

  Originally, she thought that the time she spent in the palace before the feast would be more difficult for her. Who knew when she got fatter, both the Empress and Empress Dowager had a 180-degree reversal in their attitude towards her. 

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  The attitude was called an affinity. They fed her, fearing she was hungry. 

  She sat and ate and listened to a group of women gossiping.

  She even took a nap in the middle.

     Then the palace feast officially began.

  In the hall, there was a short table in front of everyone. A hot stove was placed on it. The thick soup inside rolled out a seductive aroma, and there were precious and beautiful small fruits.

  Luo Fu focused on eating, copying many foods that she had never seen before. When she was tired, she stopped to watch and listen to a song and dance performance and felt comfortable.

  The Empress Dowager saw her eating happily and felt relieved. She gave her a cup of bear’s paw from her side.

  Luo Fu was flattered. When she opened the lid, a smell drifted in the air. The bear’s paw was boiled as thick as juice, and the gelatin inside was boiled. When it was eaten, it was plump, soft, and tender. It tasted really good.

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  As soon as she ate it, the little maid next to her gave her a towel to wipe her mouth—

  Bear’s paw had too much gelatin. If one wiped their mouth immediately, the mouth wouldn’t turn sticky.

  Would it stop her from enjoying food?

  After the banquet, Luo Fu and the King of War went out together.

  The King of War entered the carriage with her, and it swayed slowly toward the palace.

  At the banquet, the King of War drank a lot of wine. With his breath, the smell of wine lingered in the carriage. Luo Fu wrinkled her nose uncomfortably and quietly moved away quietly.

  The King of War supported his chin, his pair of phoenix eyes narrowed as he looked at her drunkenly.

  “Princess, come here.”

  The King of War patted his thigh and motioned for her to sit there.

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