Zui Xing Mai Shen

Chapter 11

Zui Xing Mai Shen Chapter 11

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Sleep until late at night, when he rolled around, he touched something warm beside him, use the moonlight through the window, found out that this unknown object was not another, but the almighty Master Feng Ruo Chen.

Fang Jing Zai raised his feet and prepare to kick him down, yet the thought of the wet floor might not very good for his injured body, in the end he gave up on this idea.

Feng Ruo Chen slept next to the bedside, he was so careful because he was afraid to wake up Fang Jing Zai that already deep asleep, then Fang Jing Zai moved inside a little, made a little empty space, and then turned around to face the wall side to continue to sleep.

But the more he slept, the more he felt weird.

The warm feeling behind him constantly wrapped up closer, Fang Jing Zai moved inside a bit, until the tip of his nose touched the wall.....nowhere to hide, the man behind already stick his whole body, breathing slowly, seemed like soundly asleep.

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Feng Ruo Chen's body were full of deep and shallow wounds, he had a slight fever when arriving at the straw house, the mountain was so cold at night, he must felt cold and naturally seeking for a warm place to stick. When he thought so, he was no longer moved inside again, and letting Feng Ruo Chen stick to him to warm himself, just after a moment later, he started to regret.

If this was called "given an inch, want a mile", then Feng Ruo chen already simply interpreted the words to the extreme. That restless hand, first just put on Fang Jing Zai's arm, little by little, finally moved to the front of his body, through the clothes touched his nipple. Fang Jing Zai's body slightly shriveled, being touched through the clothes made him felt weird.

"Hey! You're awake, right?!" Fang Jing Zai could not help but speak out, but only silence," Surnamed Feng, do you believe that i can kick you out of the room and let you freeze to death?!"

After the threaten, the owner of the hand was calming down, but still keeping the posture of hugging Fang Jing Zai from behind, Fang Jing Zai sighed, hug then hug, anyway whatever that couldn't be done already done by them, what else to afraid of, this time he was so sleepy, couldn't think too much anymore. But that hand only calming down for a moment, and began to presumptuous up, even put inside his clothes!

The fingers kneaded his nipples, like playing something interesting, caressed back and forth, held it and squeezed it, even viciously scratched with his nail. The strange feeling hit his whole body, Fang Jing Zai felt that his desire gradually up.

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"Feng Ruo Chen, You......Bastard!" Fang Jing Zai greeted his teeth and got mad, but when he said it, it unintentionally just seemed full of the taste of lust, this wass undoubtedly the agitation of that person, so the hand just got more and more presumptuous, caress through the chest, abdomen, slipped all the way down, and finally touched the already quite hard little brother.

"Where do you touch......ah!" The inability to protest eventually turned out into a whisper, Fang Jing Zai at one side wanted to stop him, but another side of him couldn't stand the need of the nature of a man, these two kinds of consciousness in the other side of the luster made him couldn't control his will, eventually kneaded into a ball, all the feelings are concentrated in the upcoming outbreak of desire, Fang Jing Zai was like a fish out of water, panting and gasping heavily.

"If too loud, we may be heard....." The man behind kindly reminded, move closer to his neck and biting his earlobe, Fang Jing Zai suddenly shivered, immediately reached out and covered his own mouth.

Due to turned back on Feng Ruo Chen, so he couldn't see Feng Ruo Chen's expression, but Fang Jing Zai Guessed he must be smiling proudly, because his teasing him even made him react to it, even he even giving up on resisting and directly fell into his own desires, he hated his disappointing little brother down there, Fang Jing Zai opened his mouth and bitterly bit his own fingers.

Bloody liquid was filling his mouth, the feeling of pain made him woke up a bit from the desire, Fang Jing Zai suddenly jumped up and pushed Feng Ruo Chen aside hardly, then slapped him in the face.

The moonlight lightly shone inside the room, Fang Jing Zai shrink in the bedside with eyes staring fiercely to Feng Ruo Chen, felt like a wounded beast.

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When he turned back he couldn't see Feng Ruo Chen's face clearly, the anger inside his heart still hadn't disappeared, seeing the other party already raised his hand towards him, he rushed up and pressed him down on the bed, yet pressed hardly on the broken leg, making Feng Ruo Chen panting in pain.

"Bastard!" Fang Jing Zai cursed lowly, if not because of that 'Sell Body Agreement', he didn't even need to avoid it and went to Jiang Ning, and even didn't need to face something like this, the more he think the more he got made inside.

Feng Ruo Chen being pinned till hard to breath, raised his uninjured leg and kicked on Fang Jing Zai's stomach, Fang jing Zai was in pain and let go of him, heavy breathing and moved to the side.

Feng Ruo chen sit up, there was only darkness around, but Fang Jing Zai could feelt that Feng Ruo Chen was looking at him, the other party slowly opened his mouth, his voice seemed a little bit husky," I won't play with you anymore, but....are you sure you're ok with your condition right now?"

Fang Jing Zai stunned for a moment, and then just understood what was the meaning of Feng Ruo Chen's words referred to, the desire that being provoked, after passing through those trouble just now, yet that little brother seemed still in high spirit. Fang Jing Zai decided to go out to pour cold water, although the room was dark, but he didn't want to solve it in front of him, yet It was even more impossible to sleep with this condition.

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"Because i am the who start it, then let me finish it, yet seemed apologetic." When he was done talking, Feng Ruo Chen had reached out and caught the Fang Jing Zai that planned to run away, his another hand already touched Fang Jing Zai's high spirit little brother, gently rubbed.

There was only breathing sound in the room, vigorous desire in the darkness, that up and down given by the hands gave a round of high stimulation, seemed very clear.

The lust filled up his brain, Fang Jing Zai that already messed up his sanity futile groping around, unintentionally touched Feng ruo Chen's chest, felt all sticky, Feng Ruo Chen's robe already loosen up due to the struggling just now, the other party's head droop on his shoulder, he increased the strength of the hand," Jing Zai, also....also touch mine."

Seemed like being enchanted, Fang Jing Zai's hand slipped down to touched Feng Ruo Chen's thing, Feng Ruo Chen's face stick to his face and slowly caressed, the feeling of that day in the inn that made him experience the strange feeling in the bottom of my heart overflowed again, what was it, Fang Jing Zai already didn't have that time to think about it.

They were comforting each other, a roar like a beast, a desire pent up inside flooded out, and then was like a tide receded, everything was got back to be as quiet as the first time.

to be continued....

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