Zui Xing Mai Shen

Chapter 28

Zui Xing Mai Shen Chapter 28

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That day after leaving Feng residence, he was straightly went to find Guo Han. He asked Guo Han to let the salt and iron deputy held Feng Ruo Chen's tea leaves boats and exchange it for the rice boat from Jiang Su and Zhe Jiang, as he expected, Guo Han's condition was to not let Guo family's business got any obstacle anymore.

He knew Guo Han was not a good person, his mind was full of sneaky tricks, but to wait for Big Brother to come back to discuss, it would be too late already, moreover, he didn't know when big brother will come back, after a deep thought, anyway, Fang family and Guo family didn't have business dealings, then promised him anyway.

But he absolutely never expected that his choice was straightly walking into the other party's trap.

"Surnamed Guo! Feng family's boats why still being held by the salt and iron deputy?"

Fang Jing Zai rushed into Guo family, saw Guo Han with that indifferent face, made him even angrier, smacked the table," We already dealt, as long as Feng Ruo Chen's guarantee contract already obtained then will release their boats, now the guarantee contract already obtained, why are those Feng family's boats still being held?"

He was seeing with his own eyes that Guo family announced the guarantee contract from Feng family, those businessmen were rushing to the Feng family's residence to ask for explanation, on the other side, Feng family's boats still not being released, if this went on, it would corner Feng family to bankruptcy, also trapped him as unrighteousness.

Guo Han leisurely drank the tea," Feng Ruo Chen doesn't even rush, what you rush for, moreover, the salt and iron deputy don't want to release, i am also not easy."

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"That salt and iron deputy is personally being risen by your family, and we already deal that time, what you want, what i want, then won't make Fengfamily difficult, why now you just break the deal?"

Guo Han smiled," Fang second lord don't even know that saying got no evidence? i was originally saying it that time, but there are always variables in the business field, this is also out of my expectation."

Cih! It was clear that you and that salt and iron deputy collaborate to took the tea, and also pulling down Feng family......

Fang Jing Zai felt angry and regret, a few days ago he took that bronze metal plat to the dock to pick the goods, Feng family's servants seeing that plat without saying anything just did what he asked, after moving the goods, they also processed the payment, Fang family's matter already cleared, but his impulsive action yet hurting Feng family, the so-called good deeds replied by hatred was perfectly describing him right now.

When he had something in mind, he just lost appetite, laying on the couch at night, also hard to sleep.

The three conditions he asked already done by Feng Ruo Chen, but those boats still being held by the salt and iron deputy.

"How would he think about himself?"

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Return evil for good? Didn't learn as useless bastard?

If he came here to punch and got mad at him, maybe he would feel better, but the other party seemed not to care at him anymore, he also heard from his father that Feng Ruo Chen because of this matter even rushing around, when passing by the Feng family's shop, at a glimpse, he couldn't believe that Mr. Ruo chen looked so haggard, and thus he felt more guilty.

Feng family's tea, he tried to negotiate with Guo Han for a few times, unfortunately, when saying he didn't set the credentials, now the other party was pushing the matter to the salt and iron deputy, and in the end Guo Han already not really care of him anymore.

Big brother sent a messenger back, said that the rice source matter had been resolved, in a few days he could come back. Fang Jing Zai thought, there was no way to ask for Guo Han's help, then he would ask big brother to help him solve this problem when he came back, big brother's reputation was very good, he also knew some people in the court, he would help Feng family for this matter, if he was being punished regarding this matter, if kneeling on the ancestral temple and copying the ancestral rules could make Feng family's boats released, even if he knelt and copied until die he also willing to do it.

Waiting for the day Fang Xiao Zai came back, Fang Jing Zai heard an issue, Feng Ruo Chen helped Mo Yu to release frm Qi Xiang pavillion. Some people said that he spent millions for it, some people also said that he was not paying a cent yet, how much exactly, Red Madam just kept silent, but something that could make Red Madam so easy to release a person, it must not be a small number.

At night, he was sitting at the yard alone while drinking, Fang Jing Zai think of it, it was really as the world said, Feng Ruo Chen really like Mo Yu, even under this Fang family's critical situation, Feng Ruo Chen still willing to spend heavily for his ransom, maybe it was not only love, more like righteousness. Then thought of this, came out another idea.......

'Don't tell me Feng family's tea really can't be released, that's why Feng Ruo Chen doing something like this, before Feng family broke down he must complete the promise.

Thought of this, Fang Jing Zai felt cols sweat  on his back, he just hated that he couldn't fly to take big brother back right now, only could expect these days not showing any big changes.

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And after messing with that matter, Fang Jing Zai didn't have mood to go to Qi Xiang Pavillion to have fun, most of the time he spent in the wine storage at his house, helping out, help for account book, did it like a decent guy.

"Second lord, this is for you."

Uncle Wang the manager of the wine storage mysteriously handed a small jar to Fang Jing Zai, Fang Jing Zai took and opened it to smell, he suddenly looked puzzled," Uncle Wang, why you give me this? you know i don't drink sweet wine."

Uncle Wang stroked his beard and leaned on him, quietly said," This is to let you give it to big master." Fang Jing Zai looked more puzzled, seeing him like this, Uncle Wang pulled him aside," Didn't you say that before big master go out you provoke and make him angry, when big master come back, just take this to please him."

Fang Jing Zai handed the jar back to Uncle Wang," Uncle Wang, i think you're really too old and confused, you also know that big brother rarely drink, It is better to take the sweet-scented osmanthus cake to please him."

"You dare to call me old and confused, little brat, i think you got itchy and want to be punched," Uncle Wang smacked his head," I look at both of you grow up, will i say it wrong? bis master is rarely drink, but he likes the glutinous rice wine, somethimes when coming to wine storage and seeing me not around he would secretly drink a little."

"Is it?"

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"You don't believe? I told you....."

The two of them stood in the corner, whispering to each other, sometimes even laughed out loud, just at this moment, Chu Jiu stumbled inside the room."

"Second...second lord!"

"What are you doing rushing like this?" Fang Jing Zai turned back and glared at him.

Chu Jiu rushed to grab Fang Jing Zai and then cried out," Big master, big master's boat got problem......hiccup.......encountered by the pirates that specifically rob merchant boats, the ship was being burned, big master, and all the crew on the boat, they all gone....hiccup."

"What did......you say?"

His hands got loose, the jar fell on the floor, made a big crashing sound.

to be continued....

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