Zui Xing Mai Shen

Chapter 3

Fang Second lord bringing unlucky aura around him to came back to Fang Prefecture, as long as he walked in, he saw a boy servant was holding a big jar passing through him, then Fang just called him.

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"Chu Jiu, What are you holding?"

"Second lord, you finally come back." Chu Jiu held the big jar while running in front of Fang Jing Zai," Second lord, you don't remember? last year you burried a jar of peach wine in the corner of the yard, a few days ago you ordered lowly servant to took it out for you, just happen to send the wine to your room."

Fang Jing Zai after hearing "Wine", he suddenly got so angry," Throw it!"

"Ha?" Chiu Jiu looked puzzled.

Fang Jing Zai impatiently waved his hand," Throw it! Pour it! Smash it! As long as don't let me see it!"

"Lord, this wine consumed so much time and effort from you..."

"Throw it! Throw it! Throw it! Start from today, i quit drinking!!!"

"Ha?" Chiu Jiu opened his mouth while looking at his master walked away, he didn't even know why his master got so angry in the early morning.

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Fang Jing Zai put his hands on his back and walked back and forth, he murmured about something while walking in his room.

At that time, he glanced up and saw the sword (for preventing evil aura) hanged on the wall, and reached to take it down, the sword body emitted coldness, Fang Jing Zai laughed evilly while holding the sword, after laughing for a while, his aura dimmed down, sighed and put the sword back on the wall, then suddenly remembered about something, he was rummaging the box and pulled out a small paper bag, grinning and began to laugh again, after laughing, he hung his head down and sighed.

Chiu Jiu that waited beside Fang Jing Zai just felt timid,' Don't tell me the second lord got possessed? My life is more important,' so he quietly moved backward to the door, and moved to the porch, but because he didn't got eyes on his back, he just bumped into someone.

"Can't you walk properly?"

Chiu Jiu held his head while turning around," First, first lord."

Fang family’s first lord can’t be compared with the nonchalant second lord, although he was older from the second lord, but he had been following the big master to manage the family business these years, already showed a steady temper.

Fang Xiao Zai stepped in the room, seeing the room was in a mess, he frowned,” Jing Zai, what the hell are you doing?”

Fang Jing Zai stood there, his heart mixed indescribable annoyance and trouble, how can he told his big brother that he was causing trouble and felt worry, he moved his lips, and said,” Big brother, Why you come here? Is there any problem?”

Fang Xiao Zai nodded,” Tomorrow I will go out to Jiang Ning to collect debt, this trip will take months, although father and Uncle Xia are home to take care of matter, but it’s better if you try to help out.”

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“Oh, ok, I got it.” Fang Jing Zai nonchalantly answered, he murmured inside,’ Big brother, you are so dependable, what else you want me to do.’

When he realized, Fang Xiao Zai already disappeared from the door.

‘Big brother is always like that, after he received a big part of the family business, he already hardly met him, how long they two brothers already not having a good talk? Two months?......Six months? Aih, this is not the time to think about this.

Fang Jing Zai started to walk around in his room again, he must think of a way to prevent Feng Ruo Chen. Murdered, burnt and made him disappear were impossible; one million also not a small amount, if he let his father knew about this, he will peel his skin off and dry it under the sun; The contract showed his name and sign, even if he wanted to cheat, that’s not even possible, if he can steal the contract, then only verbally said no evidence, so that surnamed Feng can’t do anything. This was a good idea, but………….how can he steal that contract?

When Chiu Jiu got dizzy to follow his mater walking around, his master suddenly asked something,” What date is today?”

Chiu Jiu thought for a while, and said,” Second lord, after 3 days, it’s fifteenth.”

“Three days?” Fang Jing Zai opened his eyes widely, after a pause, he walked out like a wind.

People said that if can’t defy, then just hide away. Fang second lord personally tried prove this interpretation.

After persuading for a long time, Fang Xiao Zai finally agreed to let him tagged along to Jiang Ning to collect debt, after that he gave his big brother a big hug and only took some clothes, not even took Chiu Jiu along, already rushed to depart at night to leave the town.

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Fang big master felt comfortable inside, his second son finally can be a little bit promising. But if letting this old man knew that his second son was attempting to hide from ‘Selling Body Debt’, not even sure what he will think.

From Bian Jing to Jiang Ning, Fang Jing Zai chose the fastest waterway. Along the way, the scenery was so beautiful, Feng Jing Zai quiet proud of himself, he would stroll Jiang Ning, and then visited Huai Ning, after travelling Huai Ning, he would visit Fu Ning, after he travelled around, he will let that surnamed Feng angry and upset!

If talking about Jiang Ning, then can’t forget talking about Qin Huai river, and talking about Qin Huai river, Fang Jing Zai’s mind will be filled with good scenery and beautiful woman. Fang Jing Zai got a free personality. When he grew older he became more unrestrained. The family business not even be a matter in his mind. Because he was so carefree, all he did was causing trouble or go to brothel and gamble, this will be like a mouse fall into a jar of rice.

Since ancient times, Jin Ling has the beauty, no matter how much dust and wind, all kind of people were stopping here, hang around but can’t express the sadness. Fang Jing Zai stop and go, stop and play, until he arrived at Jiang Ning, he already forgot what was his purpose to come here.

People were coming in and out from the restaurant, the waiters were running around busy.

Fang Jing Zai was sitting in the window seat on the second floor, his hand was holding a cup of wine, ponder of something, later it would be good to travel Xuan Wu Lake or Mo Chou Lake? Or rent a whole boat to travel along from Qin Huai river, let the classic music filling up the ears, lotus breeze flowed gently through the wind, won’t it be very interesting?

There was someone standing in front of the restaurant door while wearing plain long sleeves robe, with a hood, looked like a decent gentleman, the waiter walked forward to greet.

“Mister, you are jumping the queue or want to stay overnight?

“Jumping the queue.”

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“You see now the restaurant is full.”

That person glanced at upstairs, then smiled,” I know that mister upstairs, I will share a table with him.”

“Done! You can follow me.”

Fang Jing Zai just made up his mind and planned to call the waiter to pay the bill, yet seeing a person slowly coming upstairs. His back suddenly got cold, he couldn’t help but reached out his hand to severelypinched his thigh, he shivered in pain, it meant he was not dreaming right now.

“The restaurant is full, you don’t mind I share a table with you, right?”

Fang Jing Zai not even agree, that person just came straight to him and sit, looked at Fang Jing Zai’s stunned dumb face, that person’s mouth curved and making a beautiful smile.

“Temporary got something to take care in Jiang Ning, yet thinking about that contract….i need to change the time.” That person poured himself a glass of wine, took to his mouth, then made a pause,” I did not expect to see you here….” Shallowly drank the wine, lightly praised the wine, the whole process was making Fang Jing Zai hypnotized, not even moved.

That person put down the cup, that person’s smile became unclear,” It looks like I have misjudged Fang second lord, second lord is keeping the promise, then can this count as…..”

“Deliver, goods, to, my, door?”

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