Zui Xing Mai Shen

Chapter 9

Zui Xing Mai Shen Chapter 9

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Fang Jing Zai stuck his head around, the cart that approaching was a simple decorated carriage, the horse walked so slow, he immediately recognized the carman was the servant of Feng Ruo Chen.

This road was opened by me, this tree was cut down by me (it's a common sentence said by mountain thieves)....Fang Jing Zai was learning this sentence inside his heart, he really couldn't understand why mountain thieves need to say this sentence....[the clattering sound wasa approaching closer, he aimed at the timing was ready to go out-----]

"Everybody, attack!!"

Some black shadow just jumped down from the mountain road, rushed in front of him.

"This road was opened by me, this tree was cut down by me, In order to leave, leave the money to pass the road."

There were five to six people approximately, each of them was holding a knife, the leader also said the sentence so smoothly, it looked like this goup of people was the real montain thieves.

It actually appeared the real gold robber on the halfway...Fang Jing Zai raised his eyebrow, he sighed inside, Surnamed Feng, you're very lucky! Fang Jing Zai took off the handkerchief on his face, squatting behind the rock to wait and see the situation first.

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"Ru Mo." The voice inside the carriage was so calm. As if seemed to be accustomed to such scene," Leave all the money, gold, and silver, everything valuable for them."

"Yes, Lord." Ru Mo listened to the order, take out the baggage and handed it over to the mountain thieves.

The head of mountain thieves took the baggage and opened it then passed it to the subordinate behind him. held the knife and asked," only the two of you? Who is the one inside the cart?"

"The one inside the cart is our Master, so only the two of us." Ru Mo told the truth.

That thief used the knife handle knocked the window of the cart," Come out, come out, not even a girl, why can't just step outside? What even you're doing inside the cart?"

Then, the curtain was lifted, the person inside the cart was walking outside, dark green coat, looked enchanted, looked so young, yet on the contrary of his youth, he looked steady and mature.

Those group of thieves even felt shocked, then laughed out loud.

"Master? hahahaha! hair not even growing all over yet already self-proclaimed as Master?"

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"Big brother, i think our chicken that we raised are having more hair than him!"

"Right! Right! Look at this fine tender skin, i bet he is still a virgin?"

Fang Jing Zai hid aside listening to them talking one another, he really wanted to laugh but he must held out his laughter. Who don't know Master Ruo Chen is what kind of person? And finally let him tasted the taste of being ridiculed. Fang Jing Zai felt so happy, if he could, he already laughed out loud, yet the situation there seemed unusual.

Those people approached Feng Ruo Chen, through the shadow of those people, seeing Feng Ruo Chen with flat expression and started to take off his dar green coat.

What was he planning to do?

Feng Ruo Chen took off his coat and handed it to the head of thieves, and another thief use knife to poke his chest yet didn't know what he is talking about, Feng Ruo Chen started to took off his outer layer clothes, then his inside layer clothes.

Through this process, Feng Ruo Chen's expression was showing nothing, asked to took off clothes then took off his clothes, after taking off he just stood there. The white smooth skin was like a good satin glowing under the sun, his nipples were following his chest up and down, showing a really great color.

Fang Jing Zai suddenly felt hot inside, his little brother between his legs was in spirit, he must have seen Feng Ruo chen's naked body, but that time he was so drunk yet can't remember clearly, and the second time he got so mad yet not even had time to look at it.....Today under the bright daylight sun, he saw it clearly, he just found out that Feng Ruo Chen was actually having such a tempting side, different from people that train it out, but more of the natural side, more of original.

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Those thieves rubbed their hands wickedly forced to approach, Ru Mo wanted to protect his master, yet so regrettable he was just a child, and already being taken care of those thieves on the side. Fang Jing Zai subconsciously wanna rescue, but the next moment he was being held up by by himself.

Why should i go rescue him? Saved him to let the world continue comparing the two of them again? Cih, He wouldn't be that stupid. That day when he said he was being forced by me, the next day he even showed up lively and tricked him into sold his body agreement, since he was so capable, then also let them rape him once, and then forced them to sign the sold body agreement.

Fang Jing Zai held an uneasy feeling squatting behind the rock, he was battling between the excited feeling of wanting to see Feng Ruo Chen being made like a fool, yet also condemned by conscience, but when he saw the head of mountain thieves began to dig the sleeve of the clothes, he felt like a bowl cold water being poured on his head. That person digging one sleeve after another, and then took out a piece of paper from inside, he felt something explode inside.

If he let those people saw the "Selling Body Agreement", wouldn't it be too disgraceful?!

Absolutely can't!



A loud voice from behind the rock jumped out, those people looked back, not surprisingly seeing all of them were surprised.

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"In a broad daylight, you all even....even...." Robbed a man, but he really couldn't say that sentence, Fang Jing Zai waving his rusty knife pointing at those fierce looking thieves, suddenly he had an urge to jumped back and squatted down behind the rock, at least it was better to lose face than to lose life. = ="

After seeing this situation, Feng Ruo Chen took off the wooden hairpin from his hair and stabbed severely into the snow white hip of the horse.

The frighten and in pain horse neighing and raised his forelegs, followed by the madness the horse jut hooves and randomly ran around, those mountain thieves being rushed around by the horse and ran away.

"Fang Second Lord, hurry hide away!" Ru Mo couldn't make the mad horse stop, seeing the horse already rushing towards Fang Jing Zai's direction.

Fang Jing Zai's reaction still can count as fast, step back to the side, yet seeing the horse carrying the cart passed through his face, just a very close distance rubbed through his face. When he was about to to breathe a sigh of relief, suddenly he felt his feet lose the feel of ground, yet saw sky and earth reversed the position.

"Jing Zai!"

Feeling someone grabbed him, but couldn't stand the strength of the fall, Fang Jing Zai only knew that when he fell he felt the time stopped and then the sky and earth reversed to the right position again, he just felt there was a person hugging together with him and rolling on the ground, and after that he already didn't know what was going on, the moment he lost consciousness, he felt a trace of fortunate....

At any rate he would drag that surnamed Feng down with him, if wanted to die then die together, I lost a little bit, just count it as that Feng Ruo Chen repay him of helping him.

to be continued...

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