Chapter 07: I will change my future

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"Now we were able to talk for a while, and that Mercedez saw by herself that I'm doing well. She's feeling more relieved so, we can go home tomorrow."

Said Master this morning to me while we were taking breakfast together.
When we came, she told me that she didn't want to stay long, but I suppose she was waiting to see Miss Mercedez cheerful face again before leaving.

Those words made me impatient, I had to ask Arnold everything I've doubts about before the end of the day.

I've been having a hard time sleeping at night because of thinking how to ask him and what to answer when he asks how I know about Elvira or the Fountain, or why I'm interested on that

Is it true what I heard of Master, that you are going to have a sister soon? No, it's a pretty obvious lie, I'll be discovered at the moment
I've heard you have a little sister very cute is it true? Or are you going to have one?

I had thought about it a million times but I'm not ready to ask yet.
But we're running out of time. --I had to do it now.
First, how can I get to be with Arnold alone, or it would be better if Miss Mercedez is there?

As I was struggling to come up with a good idea to get closer to the ideal situation in my mind and ask him everything, she suddenly spoke.

"Laura-chan, why don't you accompany us, me and Arnold to the medicinal herb garden in the center of the city?"

 I received an unsolicited help from Miss Mercedez.

I nodded to the invitation and the three of us went to the herb garden.
In addition to the fact that I can't get a good idea of how to start a talk with Arnold, it's hard to make him even answer a greeting, how I'm going to do to make him answer me?
But I exhorted myself that I couldn't leave like this, so I approached Arnold.

"Mr. Arnold..."

I mustered up all my courage to speak up.

"... What?"

It's been a long time since we talk, but he gave a response now. That means I can talk to him right?
Miss Mercedez told me that what he told me when I came, how he reacted when we first met and what he said last time, everything was because from the start he saw me as a rival.
Mmmm, no wait, thinking that he can see someone as me, as a rival is too smug from my part? Anyway, I'm sure he considers my existence in some way, this makes it a lot easier.
However, I don't know what to do now.
My voice is frozen from the tension, it was uttered in such a state was somehow hoarse.

"Mr. Arnold, do you perhaps... have a sister or something?"

I wonder what expression he had on his face after hearing my question. I can't look at Arnold's face now, because we're gathering some herbs sitting back-to-back.
I kept my gaze fixed on the medicinal herb in my hand, I continued talking trying to extract some kind of answer.

"I might have a sibling soon" I said.

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"But I don't know how to treat a little brother or sister... I've asked many other girls what it feels to have a sister, but-"

"I have no reason to answer that."

The lie that I had thought overnight so that I could hear about Elvira's existence, trying to sound as naturally as possible, was cut off in a stupefying manner.
After it, there was only silence between us. I don't have courage left to speak again.

"Oh! Arnold has a pretty little sister."


It wasn't me or Arnold who broke the awkward silence, it was Miss Mercedez.
Arnold's surprise at the sudden appearance of his master made him shout in surprise.
I was surprised, too, but more than that, my heart jumped a lot at Miss Mercedez' words.

"Arnold has a sister...."

"Yes! You have no reason to respond to Laura-chan, Arnold? Oh my! You're as shy as ever."


"You said yesterday that it was difficult to talk to her because of your pride was hurt, but you're just shy of people. It's kind of pathetic, for a boy of your age.... But I'd love it if Laura-chan would talk to me."


Miss Mercedez, who looked like an angel when I came, was now smiling mischievously as if she was enjoying teasing her young apprentice, while Arnold, who was so handsome with his poker face, turned bright red while couldn't talk clear anymore, just mumble.

--The two of you feel so different of what I've been thinking before. I wonder if I'm also different on the inside of what I look like on the outside.

Miss Mercedez, still grinning and laughing, pushed Arnold's back forward. With that push, the distance between me and Arnold's face is much closer.

"Now, now, now, we can talk better. Arnold has a sister who's 2 years old, right?"

".... She's almost five, --my soon-to-be five-year-old sister."

Ok, now "old me" think!
I was desperately trying to remember everything could be useful.

The future Brave Hero leaves the village just before his 17th birthday.
Lucas is now nine years old.....
That's about eight years from now....
Arnold's sister is now 4 years old....
By simple math, by the time Lucas leaves on his journey, she will be twelve years old.
Elvira was a girl genius, the youngest of the party members.
I don't remember her exact age, but from the looks of it, I'd say around 12 years old... More or less.

"W-Wh-What's her name?"

I asked in a trembling voice.

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After a moment's hesitation, Arnold's mouth moved.
Somehow, in my mind, the movement of his mouth overlapped with the image of the hero presenting her on the game.


The movement, the thoughts, everything stopped on my head.


Elvira Rocco.

One of the party members on "The Last Brave".
A genius girl with an enormous amount of magical power in her small body.
The boy in front of her who has a sister is Elvira's brother, who was rumored to have been shaved off the game, due to budget cuts.

Is he, after all, the dead character from "The Last Brave"? 
--no, it's too early to draw that conclusion.

Indeed, regardless of the true nature of the rumors, it's certainly he didn't appear in the story.
But it's also possible that he existed on this world but was just never mentioned or presented to the audience.
Maybe, while the hero and his little sister, were traveling and saving the world, he was alive.... somewhere.
I cut my thoughts off for a moment to continue the conversation, before they notice the shock I had.

"It's a cute name, isn't it? Do you see her often?"


As if to hide his red face, Arnold looked at the ground. A boy of his age... so adorable, but I cannot think about that now.

"He's very fond of her, aren't you Arnold? You've been bragging to me that your lovely little sister has a talent for magic soooo incredible"

"Whoa! Amazing"

She has a talent for magic, there's no need for more information.
There's no mistake, Arnold Rocco's sister is Elvira Rocco.

As I understood it, I didn't know what to do.
One feeling on my chest started disappearing while many others questions appeared on my head, all at the same time.

Whether, Arnold is the dead character of the game or not.
Is he simply a character that existed on a parallel story, but was never mentioned in the main story?
Is the world of "Last Brave" as "the old me" remember it? Or the world I live in now is different?
Is there any possibility that my meeting with him will have any impact on the future of this world?
I'm not sure what's the right thing to do or what's not.
I cannot tell him directly everything either, what will I say to him? Be careful or you might die soon?

The unexpected sequence of events had left my head in turmoil.
I thought, and thought, and thought again.... and abandoned the idea of thinking about it anymore.

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It's not a question you can think about and find an answer.
Then there's no point in thinking about it.
I go the path I believe in and have chosen.
This is my life!
Laura, You only have one life!

... And let's stop relying on my memories.
A previous life is a previous life and a present life is a present life.
It's not surprising that there were some differences....
This's a world not a game anymore... it's not a bunch of data made with precision by human minds.
The future can change as much as we want it to, there's no defined path to follow.

I am here now to change my future.

"What are you talking about...!??"

"Oh, no? What's wrong with telling the truth?



I looked at the two of them, who were still arguing, with a strange feeling on my chest.
I've made up my mind and I'm not lost anymore, that's what I want to think.

The two of them were saying something to each other when they suddenly noticed me.
Then, Miss Mercedez opened her eyes as if she remembered they've been leaving me aside for a moment, and then she smiled benevolently.

"Fufufu, I'm sorry. I got a little carried away."
"You're losing your angelic appearance in front of others, Master."

From the words of Arnold, I deduced that the real Mercedez was the one from earlier not the one I met when I came.
The beautiful and benevolent Miss Mercedez that was the object of my admiration...
But now, she seemed to be easier to talk to, more like a friendly old woman.

This is what I was thinking of Miss Mercedez, while she was hiding her mouth with her hand and smiling with a giggle like a child found, who was found by his mother, eating the forbid cake.
But of course, there was no way I could say such a thing to her, so I responded to Miss Mercedez with another smile.

After an awkward silence, as if trying to break the heavy atmosphere, Miss Mercedez said, like some kind of matchmaking lady.

"Well, We're two girls and one boy... mmm, we still need a boy more..."

The silence was coming back again, so I spoke without even thinking, to avoid that uncomfortable situation again.

"Uh-oh! Has this herb garden been here for a long time?"

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I decided not to worry about it, but I couldn't forget about it so easily.

Miss Mercedez replied as she turned around to not let me see the curious look on her face, there was some kind of sadness on her gaze.

"Huh? Yes, I think so. It has been here even before I was born."

Elves have a really long life, so it's possible that she's even older than she looks like.
I mean, before Miss Mercedez was born, which may be a lot longer than I thought.

I don't know the exact date, but I am sure that this herb garden was not built a few years ago.

It was almost certain for me, but now I'm sure.
Sittenhelm city of the game The Last Brave and the actual Sittenhelm of the world I live in now, are different.... There is no Fountain Plaza.
Just as I was reviewing my thoughts, I noticed Miss Mercedez looking at me curiously.
She looked as if she was suddenly saying what's wrong with her, so I hurriedly continued talking.

"It's amazing, isn't it! Such a large herb garden in this city! I've never seen something like this before..."
"Yeah. It's a lot of work to take care of, though."

Miss Mercedez laughed bitterly, and slowly walked away without saying anything more. She left us alone, just Arnold and me.
I'm not going to be back on the same situation as before, two persons side by side picking medicals herbs, ignoring the presence of the another.
So, I stoop up and was ready to follow her, when I heard Arnold voice behind me.

"... I hope your little sibling is born healthy and without problems."

I froze half-way, almost standing up, never thought he would say such a thing to me, Sadly, it was just a lie... I'm sorry, I'm not going to have siblings soon.
The goal - the goal of finding out about Elvira - has been successfully accomplished.
So, I forgot about my imaginary sibling, but maybe Arnold has been waiting for his chance to say it, because he believed I was really worried about that.

He's a good big brother, I thought.

Miss Mercedez said that he was very attached to his sister.
I didn't think those words were a lie.... but I couldn't imagine it either, but the words Arnold just spoke to me convinced me that they were true.

"Don't worry about what to do. I'm sure you'll find out by yourself then. "

The black eyes and his gaze are intertwined, and naturally, he smiled.

I felt a strong sense of apology for lying.
But at the same time, I was happy, those words mean a lot even if I was lying he was worrying about me really.
The fact that Elvira, who will save the world one day, has so gentle brother, made me happy.

"Thank you."

--It's a good idea to get to know them better, maybe we can become friends and even if not, I'm sure, we'll be able to get along well.

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