Chapter 08: Childhood friend of the brave hero and the future Royal Alchemist Master

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"Ok, if that's what you want"
"Do it! We will be cheering on Laura's dream."

--As soon as I returned from Sittenhelm, I confessed to my parents my desire take the exam when I turn 14 and to study to be a Royal Alchemist Master on the Capital.
My parents looked a little sad, but they didn't object what's more they said they'll support my dream and gave me a pat on the back.
To leave your parents at 14 might be not very filial from the point of view of this village's people.
They grow here, marry and give birth to children in this same place, and live taking care of their aging parents.
That's of common sense in this village, ruled by filial piety.
But... Now that I've talked with them, and they agreed I feel more secure about it.
I'm going to work hard and aim to become a Royal Alchemist Master in the future.
First, I have to pass the King's exam for Alchemy's Apprentices.

A day after the talk with my parents, I left home with the idea of asking Master to contact with Miss Mercedez and tell her that I've accepted her invitation to accompany Arnold, when he takes his exams to enter the Royal Alchemy Academy, so I get a better idea of how I've to prepare myself to pass it.
But, suddenly I heard someone calling my name


As was closing the door of my house front garden and setting foot on the street, Lucas came running to me.
I thought he was going to escort me to Master's house, as always, but his expression was clearly not the usual Lucas,
and I started thinking what could have happened.

He had a grim expression, and the impatience was visible on his gaze.

"What's wrong with you?"

He said before I could ask about anything.

"Is it true that you're planning to leave the village?"

I held my breath for a moment.

I haven't told Lucas yet, so how did he know?

"....who told you about that?"

"Then, It's true!"

The words I spoke because of my own impatience, affirmed Lucas's doubts. 

It's too late for you to try to hide it.

I've only told my parents and Master, about my dream of becoming a Royal Alchemist Master. 

Even if I've seen them exchanging greetings each time I went to her house, I know Lucas and Master don't have a deep friendship.

So, I don't think she was the one telling him the news.

If that's the case - the only person who would have told Lucas can be easy to discover.

Out of surprise or impatience, the words spilled out of my mouth before I could even think.


"Did my mother tell you that? I told her not to tell anyone...."

"...were you going to keep it a secret from me?"


I looked at his face, when noticed his voice has become a low mumble.

It was the first time my life, as Laura or my past self, that such a thing happened. 

My childhood friend looked very sad, yet there was a strong expression of anger in his eyes.


It seems that he is more impatient than I thought. 

He gazed me time and time again, without saying anything more. 

The true is I had planned to tell Lucas soon, but he went to me like that and told me what he has heard with such and expression... That caught me off guard.


I hurriedly said the following words, trying to amend a little my previous mistakes.


"No, Lucas. It hadn't been decided yet, it was just in the "what if" stage...  I was going to tell Lucas-kun when I was sure it will happen"

I was finally able to say something, but it sounded like a fake excuse.

If for me it sounded fake, I don't want to imagine that he thought of it.

"Laura's mother told me that Laura would leave the village when she turns 14, and that she wants me to protect and cheer on you until that day "

"That was Mother's mistake! It hasn't been decided yet. If you don't pass the exam, you can't become a Royal Alchemist--"

It wasn't a complete lie. 

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The true is I'm not sure if I'll be able to leave the village at 14.

However, I knew that no matter what I said, it would only sound like an excuse to him.

Every word that comes out of my mouth is going to hurt Lucas so, I decided to keep silence.


I was going to talk to Lucas eventually. 

There is no lie in those words, but I know that if I try to say it, he won't listen.

Also, I cannot tell him the complete true. Why, you may ask? I found it bothersome to explain it again, and I'm sure you understand.

From the beginning, it's because of his sake that I have to leave the village. 

--And ... I cannot deny that sometimes I thought it is his fault.


But, I know that I've been postponing it for a while, making excuses to myself to avoid telling Lucas.

When I thought of talking to my parents, I decided to tell him too, but when the moment came... I stopped on the spot.

Yes, there's no doubt I failed to handle the situation correctly.

I couldn't avoid my feelings interfering with my decisions, and now it's too late.

I couldn't say anything to Lucas, who was very hurt because of me.

I had treated my precious childhood friend so carelessly without even realizing it.


"I'm going to Royal Capital"

I'm not sure of what I've just heard.


Lucas' words certainly entered by my ears, but I couldn't figure out what they meant for a while.

--Do you want to come with me to Royal Capital?

Somewhere in my brain, a calm voice came up.

You already knew about it, if you tell him, he'll surely follow you there.


"I will also go to the Royal City, but I'll go to join the Knight Order. I'm sure if I get stronger I'll be able to protect you in the future"


His tone was undisturbed and filled with determination.

Lucas, whose gaze was fixed on the ground, started slowly moving up his head. 

A sparkle appeared on the gold crest in his left eye, I saw it.


--Oh no!! It's got to be stopped at all costs.


In the midst of all the confusion, I knew it.

Lucas has to be in this village until the King found him. 

The future brave hero will depart from this village when he became 17 years old.


I know that even if the location had changed, there is still a good chance that the power of Lucas, <<Hero's Bravery>> could be discovered by the King on the Royal City too. 

But from now on, in the not-too-distant future, the monsters' power will become stronger, because of this, Eme's village is attacked several times previous the departing scene.

I know it because on the game, the villagers thanks the player for all the times Lucas saved them from the monsters.

I cannot allow it, because of my selfishness, they---


I know it's also selfish to want Lucas to stay in this village and protect everyone while I want to become an alchemist just to get away from here. 

However, I want to avoid changing the game environment as much as possible.

Lucas has to leave this village later, and immediately after, meet the girl of ancient linage, and then together they will save the world.


If the story of Lucas changes drastically and the gears of this game's fate go on a different path - this world may fall into ruin.


"No! Lucas, stay in this village, please."

"Why? Laura's going to Capital, isn't she? Then I'll go too."


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The sound of his voice become irritating to my ears, I wanted to say something but when I felt that he have grabbed my wrist and brought his face closer...




In my impatience, I couldn't help but raise my voice... too much. 

I didn't notice what I was saying... I said something terrible after but I cannot remember what.

I only saw his blue eyes become more dark and the sadness covered his face, then I realized.

But I can't do anything about it!

I have memories of my previous life. So what? 

I know what will happen in the future on this world. So what? 

I'm just an idiot who can't even understand the feelings of my own childhood friend!

The one who I've spent nine years with.


"... Laura, you don't like me anymore?"


I don't know where those determined eyes had gone, but Lucas stared at me with eyes like an abandoned puppy.

I don't know what to say, but... yes, what he said is the true.

I didn't think that he would notice, because of the game I thought that he never knew about her feelings until her confession.


"Since that day, Laura has been avoiding me. She only plays with Petra and the others, goes to Granny's house every day, and she doesn't even look me in the eye when I'm talking to her."

"Well, I don't think it's lik--"

"She won't even look me in the eyes!!!"


My thought stopped at the words of Lucas.

I didn't mean to, not at all. 

In addition to the fact that I'm not same Laura that he used to know, I wanted to change my future.

To not become the losing heroine, to change my role as the "childhood friend who was forgotten by the hero and... end of the story!", I have been living since that day with the goal of changing my future.

I wanted to keep my distance from Lucas, but I suppose I also have been avoiding him, treating him coldly.


"Laura doesn't like me anymore! You don't like me because--? You're afraid of me? ....are you afraid of this power?"


His eyes were blurry.


Are you afraid of this power? 

--I've never thought of that.

That power is the power of the brave hero, with it, he will save this world in the future. 

And most of all, he awakened it just to protect me.


Those words that came out of Lucas' mouth means that he may have thought different of what I believed. 

Perhaps Lucas himself was afraid of this power.

If it had been the Laura that he used to know... If it had been the Laura of the game, I wonder if she-- I would have recognized those feelings early.


I was so shocked that I couldn't think anything else... nor say. 

As if the silence had been taken as an affirmation, Lucas let go of my wrist and ran off. 

When I felt that the warm on my wrist was gone, I wake up from my thought and understood what have happened.


 I started running after him.

I didn't want to hurt Lucas, nor to lose my childhood friend.

We have to talk about it. 

Somehow, I've reached finally reached him, and I held the hand that had moved away from my wrist between my two hands with all my strength.

"Lucas, please, wait!"

He kept running desperately, and I was following him but even holding his hand, I couldn't stop him.

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My breath...

My legs... I cannot catch up with him anymore.

Without wanting to, I left his hand escape and his back started to seem further and further away

No, don't stop! Keep running you've to reach him.


Finally, I stumbled and fell.

At my scream, the distant back of Lucas, stopped moving forward. 

He paused for a moment, turned around and looked back at me. 

As if, finally waking up from a dream, he started running to my direction and kneeled in front of me, trying to help me stand up again.


At the sound of his voice and the feeling of warm in my hand, I knew he was holding my hand.

The tears blurring my vision, started disappearing.

I rubbed my knee vigorously. 

"Ouch." But I can't worry about that right now.


I hold strongly his hand too, and notices the strength on his grip.

Even so, I hold to his hand, as if I feared letting it go and loosing my friend forever.


When I looked at him, my gaze met his, he couldn't support my gaze and rolled his eyes, fixing his gaze to the ground, avoiding me.

Even so, I can see the gold crest shining in his left eye.

Maybe, he was right... I'm scared of him, but not because of his power but what it means.

The future... I was so scared of the shadow of the future hero's story on me, that I couldn't look at him as my "childhood friend" anymore.

"Lucas, I'm sorry. Maybe you were right, I was afraid of it..."


I sat up, without releasing his hand, letting the warmth of it convince me of holding him tightly with my two hands together. 

As he sat down on the ground too, Lucas looked directly into my eyes.

Unconsciously, I raised my hand and slowly move it closer to his face, as if knowing what I was going to do, he closed his eyes.

I touched his closed left eye, thinking on the gold crest, the symbol of <<the Brave Hero>>.... and somehow, of the sad future destined for Laura.

--It's warm. I can feel the warmth of his body through my fingertips.

I've never been afraid of "Lucas' power", but I was afraid of this emblem in his eye more than anything else.


"But, you know, Lucas' power protected me."


Yes, the brave hero's power... the power of Lucas was awakened to protect me from that monster. 

Even if he's going to leave me behind in the future, it doesn't change the fact that he saved my life.


Yes, that's right. 

There was no need to push Lucas away so coldly.

If I just avoid falling in love with him... It's enough.


No matter how kind and protective he is, I know the future!

I know his destined beloved person! 

Didn't you say to yourself that you wouldn't be foolish enough to fall in love with someone you know won't love you back... and got your heart broken? 

As I said, I should have treated Lucas as a childhood friend in the same way as before.

I hurt my precious childhood friend because I was stupid, stubborn, and was scared.


"I'm sorry I don't any reason to be scared of you. And… I'm not the only one... You can protect everyone! It's a very useful power."


Slowly, Lucas opened his eyes again.

But now his gaze was full of gentleness and the blue color of Lucas eyes was brighter than before.


A gold crest floating in the left eye. 

It is a sign that you have the power of the brave hero, the power to save this world. 

It's not a sign that you will forget everything about me in the future.

I should have known that.


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"I never hated Lucas. You're my precious childhood friend."

I stared straight ahead, smiled, and said so.


I wonder if he believed my words. 

The strength of Lucas' grip suddenly slipped away, but dissatisfaction in his eyes was still visible.


"In that case, I'll go to the capital..."" can't do that.""Why!??"

When Lucas became angry again, I squeezed his hands tightly together to calm him down.

"...can you promise not to tell anyone?"


I asked in a hushed voice. 

Lucas gave me a troubled look, as if saying he didn't understand the reason but nodded his head in agreement.


--I was going to tell Lucas just a little about what was going to happen in the future. 

I'm not sure if this is the best option. 

However, I cannot lie to him any longer.


"I heard that in the near future, the number of monsters surrounding this village will grow, and they will become stronger, attacking anyone who they find... That's why I want the powerful Lucas to protect this village and everyone here."


I doubt he will believe me, it sounds so strange and anyone who hears it probably think it's a lie. But there was no doubt in Lucas' eyes... not at all.


If I look him straight in the eyes and talk to him, Lucas will know whether I'm lying or telling the truth. 

--We're childhood friends, after all.


The reason why he still had a slightly disapproving expression on his face is simply because he thinks that he will miss me a lot. 

I let a slight bitterness slip through my smile as I continued my words.


"I haven't decided if I'm going to the Royal City yet, but if I do, I'll come back frequently. Besides, Lucas, if you want to come and visit me there I don't have any problem."

The silence ... His blue eyes stared at me with a little of sorrow.

"I'm definitely going to visit you""Yeah.""I'm sure you'll find a way to do that but don't think you will find me lazing around... You'll have to help me too! I'm just letting you know what to expect" 

Hearing this, he started laughing happily and seeing that smile, it made me smile too.

Thinking back, it had been a long time since I had laughed with Lucas like this.

There was nothing funny about what I said, but we finally started laughing out loud again, as long time ago.

--We've known each other since we were so little.


There were times when I was very resentful because of this role of "childhood friend" . 

But now I know, I was blessed having someone who understands me better than anyone else, someone I can rely on.


I'm the hero's childhood friend.

I will not change my goal to leave this village and become an alchemist.

But, it's a good idea to not leave this good things behind... my family, my friends....


I'll the childhood friend of the brave hero and The Royal Alchemist Master.


Who has decided that Laura can play only one role?

No one has ever decided that, nor has anyone ever forced me to think that way. 

In order to avoid becoming the future losing heroine, I have to avoid the old cliché of the childhood friend who always falls in love with the main character.


What's wrong with being the Hero's childhood friend? 

It's not like all the childhood friends fall in love, are rejected or abandoned, got their heart broken and become the losers of the competition for the love of the hero.

Why hadn't I noticed something so simple? It's true I'm 20 years old, but... What an idiot I'm!



--Once again, my goals have changed.

I'll be the hero's childhood friend AND the future Royal Alchemist Master !!

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