The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 10: The Invincible Full-Moon System C

Rex walks home lazily, hearing those harsh words that come out of his childhood friend really punch him in his heart.

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Usually, Rex will not care about what other people said and think about him but when it's Laura who said it, it's a whole different story.

'Why am I so down for? I have the system, I will be invincible later on! We'll see about it then' Rex thought cheering himself up from the gloomy mood.

He runs back to his house and changes into casual clothes,

Rex wears his favorite grey sweater with a white undershirt beneath it, ripped jeans gripped his legs tightly and casual white shoes, He didn't forget to wear his necklace and a watch he bought not too long ago during his military break as his accessories, and he also one strap his bag that has his laptop in it.

With his muscular figure, he looks more manly than before.

Although his family is not that well-off, Ms. Greene's new husband is a pretty capable man so he bought a car for Rex to use. His mother's new husband Robert is a normal person that works in a company, He is pretty high on the ladder too so Rex rarely meets him.

Rex gets into his sedan car and set off to Ochyra University,

The traffic is not bad so Rex arrived at the university in just twenty minutes,

Arriving at the university, He gets out of his car and stands straight examining the surrounding.

The university is packed with students, the laughter of students fills the atmosphere as Rex glance left and right. Some students even play with their elemental control, juggling a fireball, pranking their friends by flushing them with water, some can even control wind elements to make a barrier for themselves to avoid bumping into people.

Yesterday, His mother told him that the Ochyra University is a school for Awakened. So Rex is a minority here, unlike regular universities.

Only one out of a hundred is lucky enough to become an Awakened, these Awakened get their power from an event called 'Awakening'. Awakening can happen anytime and anywhere, usually, it is triggered when the person is in a life and death moment but not always.

The passing girls glance at Rex in reflex, Rex can be considered good-looking so he already used to it. Contrasting with what Rex thinks, the girls glance because Rex seems to have some kind of magnet attracting the opposite gender.

Rex walks inside the university,

He asks around and finally found the administration room, It is a see-through room located near the entrance.

Rex sits in front of one of the receptionists, the receptionist is a woman wearing formal clothes with long black hair.

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"Excuse me, I'm already a registered student but I just got in this day", Rex said to the receptionist.

The receptionist furrowed her brows after observing Rex for a couple of seconds and replied, "May I know what is your name?", she said with a lazy tone.

"Rex Silverstar", Rex replied plainly.

After hearing Rex's name the receptionist's face lit up in surprise, She brings her forced smile and said, "Oh my apologies sir Rex, you will attend the first-year class 1-C. I will inform the class 1-C homeroom lecturer so you can go ahead and attend the class immediately"

"Can you tell me where it is?", Rex asked after he glances at this maze-like castle university.

The receptionist smiled and said, "My apologies, there is a computer map at the entrance of this room. You can just type the destination"

After saying his thanks, Rex left the administration room and find his classroom.

After Rex left, the other receptionist asks the woman, "Is that The Rex Silverstar?"

The woman nods her head in a daze, then she continues, "That is the guy who got two medals of honor, Although it seems that he is not an awakened"

"Really?" asked the other receptionists.

"I don't feel any elemental properties from him", the woman said assuring her assertions.

The other receptionist's face dimmed, "I thought that he will be cool and mighty, who would've thought the heroes of Dwight City is just a regular dude. What a disappointment"

After finding his class, Rex heaves a sigh of relief.

'What the hell is this university, It's too big. Even if I know this class before, I still need to walk for like 15 minutes', Rex screamed inside his head.

1-C Class is located on the eighth floor, It is on the corner of the floor with a more luxurious door.

'So this is the elite class I assume? Pretty nifty eh' Rex thought after looking at the majestic door with roaring panther symbol carved on it.

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Rex's heart started to beat faster, It's been a long time he's been in this kind of situation.

He takes a deep breath and opens the door,

A silent vibe greets him after he enters the classroom, the lecturer pause in the middle of explaining something as he glances at Rex.

All of the student's eyes lock on to him making him even more pressured,

"Oh, you must be the new kid. You can call me Mr. Joseph, Come here and introduce yourself to the class", said the lecturer. The lecturer signal Rex to comes closer with a gentle smile, he looks like a nice person.

The lecturer is a middle-aged man with a scrawny figure, He's wearing glasses and a foot shorter than Rex. Although he looks weak, Rex can feel his senses automatically becomes alert.

Rex stands in front of the class under everyone's gaze,

He faces the crowd of students seating neatly in front of him and said with a confident tone, "Hello, I am Rex Silverstar nice to meet you all. I'm new here so I hope you all can take care of me"

After hearing Rex, the students begin to whispers among themselves. Suddenly, one of the students raises his hand to ask Rex.

"Are you the Rex Silverstar? If you are, How come you are not an Awakened?" He said.

Rex smile wryly, "Yes I am. Getting medals of honor doesn't mean I'm an Awakened, I just did my duty for the alliance", Rex replied calmly.

The guy scowled, "I am just saying that this class is 1-C, meaning it is for rank three privilege first-year students. In other words, all of us are an Awakened", He said with an unhappy expression.

"I didn't pick the class, I am assigned to this class", said Rex plainly.

The guy wanted to rebutted but the lecturer intervenes, "Jack, Don't go overboard. Rex is the wielder of two medals of honor, comparing to you he is way better"

The lecturer sent a piercing glance towards Jack and continues, "You may think killing a low-rank Supernatural such as ghouls is not a big of a deal but the war didn't only consist of high-rank Awakened, the majority of the military consist of normal people so by destroying the ghoul's den he just saves millions of lives. Besides Rex is right, He didn't choose the class"

Jack reddened and unwillingly sits back down, his is still fuming red in anger.

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After answering the guy's question, Rex caught a familiar face in the crowd of students. In fact, he saw three familiar faces.

The seats are in an ascending manner just like other typical universities so Rex can see all of the student's faces.

Laura and her brother Tom are here in this class! The beautiful girl from the morning is also here!

Rex looks at Laura but Laura avoids his eye contact, Tom gives him sharp stares, and the beautiful girl looks at him with furrowed brows.

'This is not what I picture university life will be like', Rex thought while sighing.

Rex then takes a seat on the top corner, The other students didn't even want to be near him as if he's a plague.

'Ahh, My university life... whatever, I just need to get stronger', he thought before focusing on Mr. Joseph's lecture.

Mr. Joseph explains to the class about Vampires, one of the pillars of the supernatural. Mr. Joseph turns on the projector and started explaining.

"As you know, Vampire is a humanoid night creature. Vampires are weak when exposed to sunlight, Silver is also a great way to hurt them just like any other supernaturals. But they are a deadly creature that can charm a person with their outstanding looks and also possessed great hand-to-hand combat skills", Mr.Joseph explains while pointing at vampire anatomy pictures.

Then Mr. Joseph continues, "Because of that, an Awakened have to have good close-quarter combat capabilities. Although magic is our main thing, using a weapon is also crucial in fighting supernaturals. Some supernaturals are immune to certain elements, Vampire for example. Vampires have a high resistance to water and fire element, you will die if you are a water or fire Elementalist that cannot use a weapon", He said with a serious tone.

"So today you will all train in weapons, Let's go to the training hall", he said before signaling the class to follow him.

The students get up from their seat and follow Mr. Joseph,

Rex cast a glance toward the beautiful girl that he met while jogging, She's easily the primadonna of this class or even the entire university!

The girl feels Rex's stare and looks at Rex, their eyes met. She frowns after looking at Rex,

After a couple of seconds of eye contact, the girl breaks it off and walks out of the class.

Rex then also packs his stuff when suddenly he caught Tom staring daggers at him, Rex was confused.

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'What did I do wrong? Anyways, I don't want to be antisocial like this. Let's try to talk to the beautiful girl', He thought.

Rex gets up from his seat and darted off towards where the beautiful girl left.

Rex can't find the girl until he arrived at the training hall, There are still a lot of students that are still not arrived yet.

He musters his courage and walks towards the girl,

The girl lifted her head up and noticed Rex walking towards her, her forehead creased in confusion.

"Hi, the name's Rex. Can I know yours?" Rex asked with a brimming smile.

The girl looks at Rex and replied, "Adhara Alpenore" she replied.

A sweet voice enters Rex's ear, "Oh that's a beautiful name, I give a bad impression so I'm kinda lonely now. Mind to be my friends?"

Hearing this, Adhara seems unfazed and replied, "Why are you two facing everyone?" she asked.

"Eh?", Rex was confused.

"I know you are angry at Laura, I saw you yesterday when you talk to Laura so that makes sense. But now you suddenly seem to be angry at me too, how can you smile despite the anger inside of you?", she asked with a spark of curiosity in her eyes.

Hearing this, Rex got even more confused.

"I don't know what you mean", He replied honestly.

Adhara smiles, "I can see people's emotional aura, So I'm asking you why is your aura so Red despite your happy face?"

Rex froze like a statue, 'Is this girl a freaking witch?!'

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