The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 9: The Invincible Full-Moon System C

The next morning,

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Rex wakes up early in the morning, the military routine that he used to do in the Noob Box is engraved into his daily life.

It's about five a.m. in the morning.

He goes to the bathroom to change his clothes,

Rex didn't forget to go to his roof to bathe with Moonlight yesterday.

Because of the transformation he experienced before, He started to do the daily quest that the system gives.

He washes his face and does his morning routine, he looked at himself in the mirror and gasps in surprise.

His chest area started growing hair, his arm hair also grows longer but not long enough to make people think he's weird, and his muscle also got bigger.

'Is this the effect of me becoming a werewolf and the system? I never had chest and arm hair before' he thought after playing with it for a moment.

He decided to not think about it,

Rex changes his clothes into sportswear, a black sweatshirt, and grey sweatpants that hug his body tightly highlighting his muscle.

Rex can be considered a big and buff guy even when he's still in Noob Box. Only a handful of people in the Noob Box is as big as him, that's why he's given the nickname 'Grumpy Brawny' because of his size and his temperament when talking about the supernatural.

'Hmm...Why not pass by the university while I jog' Rex thought.

Rex decided to jog, he wants to check out his new university before going there.

The university starts at nine a.m., so he got plenty of time before then.

Rex puts his phone in his pocket and wears his wireless earphone, his workout playlist starts drumming in his ear as he started to jog.

The sun is still shy, the morning street is still devoid of people.

Rex's house is on the side of the street, his home is not far from his university, Ochyra University. It is only about six kilometers away from his place.

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He met some people who are also jogging, some are elderly while some like him teens who want to be in better shape.

After making a left at a T-junction, a girl with black hair tied in a ponytail caught his eyes.

She's tying her shoelace bending on a street bench, She wears a white tank top and black legging that boasts the tempting figure that makes Rex's eyes glued on her. Her hair swayed by the morning breeze, her fair skin makes her shine this illicit morning.

Rex also notices a butterfly tattoo on her left back, the tattoo is enticing Rex more the longer he looks at it.

No man can resist her looks, all of them will at least glance at her.

She glances towards Rex,

Their eyes met for a couple of seconds, she started to walk in Rex's direction with a smile.

Rex's eyes widened in delight, he was stunned after the girl smiles at him. The bright rosy smile can even tear down the hardest heart of men, her hand takes off the hairband on her hair and she swayed her hair left and right.

Rex's throat feels dry, he gulps with a reddening face.

After the beautiful girl arrived in front of him, suddenly she leans forward and kisses Rex on his lips.

Rex is surprised and delighted at the same time by the sudden event, he was immersed in his kissing until somebody taps him on his shoulder.

"Boy, are you okay?" Ask an old man.

Rex snapped out of his daze and looks at the old man before he glances in the beautiful girl's direction again.

His face flushed red in embarrassment, 'I can't believe I daydream while looking at her! I hope it becomes true though' Rex thought.

The beautiful girl already tied her shoelace and started jogging again.

"Boy, you shouldn't force yourself to jog. Look at you, daydreaming in the middle of the street", the old man reprimanded Rex while shaking his head.

"Sorry sir, I gotta get going," Rex said and he darts off towards the beautiful girl's direction. He leaves the old man who is cursing him from behind.

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'She is so beautiful, I hope she's a student at Ochyra University' Rex thought before he shakes his head and started to run too.

Rex deliberately followed the beautiful girl, 'I'm not a stalker, I'm just curious' he thought trying to lie to his inner consciousness.

The beautiful girl takes a stop with heavy breaths, she then started to walk into a big majestic fence.

'Oh, She really is a student at Ochrya University' Rex thought in delight, 'I'm registering today, fuck resting'.

After going around the University, Rex still can't help to be amazed.

The university looked like an ancient castle, it is an England-style castle that spans as far as the eye can see. The university is so tall that makes Rex look up to see its peak, big wide pillars decorate the entrance of the university and a majestic 'Ochyra University' writing sign on top of it with a roaring panther symbol decorating its right side.

To go around the university, Rex still needs about thirty minutes running at full speed. 'This university is just too big, does the war getting more intense?' he thought after resting on the sides of the street.

'Hmm, I'm can still run for a couple of miles. Since when can I run this long?' Rex thought, then he remembers that he leveled up so it increases his endurance.

Rex then got curious, 'If my Endurance got this good, what about my Strength? It increases tremendously since before. Let me try it out'.

Rex decided to go to the nearby park where he used to work out, the park is big and they have all kinds of workout machines just like brawn beach gym.

After running for a couple of minutes, Rex arrived at the park.

The sun is already peeking out of the clouds, the sky is starting to get bright, and the park has become a little bit crowded.

Rex looks at his watch, it shows 6:10 a.m.

'I still got half an hour' he thought after looking at his watch.

Rex goes to the workout section, he decided to test his Strength by doing deadlifts.

He didn't forget to stretch his body, then he places the weight on the bar. Before merging with the system, he can only lift up to 120 Kg but this time he put about 150 Kg to test the water.

After getting into position,

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Rex lifts the bar up and surprisingly it feels light, in fact, it is too light.

'What the? 150 Kg and still no sweat? I think I can go way higher', after realizing his current strength, Rex puts another 100 Kg on the bar and started to lift it up.

The bar lifts up after a little bit of struggling, nonetheless, his strength exceeded his imagination!

He adds another 100 Kg and this time he still can lift it up but it's hard, he does about eight reps. Each of the reps makes a heavy thud sound that reverberated to the surrounding.




The sound of heavy steel clashing with the sand catch the surrounding people eyes,

"What the heck? That guy is freaking strong!"

"He lifts that weight without using his awakened power? How scary will he be when he's using his awakened power?"

"I never see him around"

"He looks young, but his muscle is bulging out of that sweatshirt"

Low whispering chatter was heard as Rex was doing his reps, He still didn't notice the crowd of people that already makes a circle around him.

Rex is fully immersing in his newfound power,

After lifting for the last time, he let go of the bar with a satisfied expression.

'That feels really good, I'm going to get addicted to this' He mutters, He lifts his head up and notices a crowd of people surrounding him.

His face flushed, He then walks out of the crowd under the crowd's gazes.

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Just as he walks out of the crowd, he saw a familiar face blocking his path.

"You look well, Rex," said a girl with her arm folded.

The girl blazing blonde hair shone under the sun, her delicate face is stunning and her chubby cheeks add a cute taste to her face. Her blue eyes gleam under the morning light contrasting with the expressionless and cold demeanor that she is wearing.

After seeing the girl's face up close, Rex realizes who is this girl in front of him, "Laura..."

"You already discharged from the hospital? Why didn't you tell me?" Laura asked while still wearing her cold expression.

Rex raises his eyebrows, "Laura? I thought you didn't want me to. By the way, you're attending this university too? That's great!" He replied and approached her.

Laura looks at Rex calmly and said, "Don't come near me, Are you worthy enough to approach me? a normal person like you should get away from me. I'm just asking a question because you're injury seems to be life-threatening and here you are, showing off with that little strength you have"

Rex was stunned, cold sweat started to appear on his forehead. "Laura? You don't have to say it like that" He said after hearing Laura's harsh words.

"Face reality, we're on a different level. If you're fine then I will take my leave" She said before turning around.

Laura bit her lower lips, She lowers her head to look at the ground and started to walk away from Rex.

The crowd started to gossip after hearing Rex's conversation, some pity him, some just shrug it off, and some think that it is just how the world works.

An awakened will be destined to be a hero of humanity, while a normal person can only cheer from the sides hoping that someday they can become like them too but almost every time it will only be a dream.

Like a hump yearning for the moon, Don't yearn for someone who is out of your league they say.

Rex is stunned like a statue, 'If not for our childhood memories, I wouldn't believe that you are that cute little girl that I used to play with', Rex sigh and leave the park too with his head hung low.

'Haaahh, I missed the past Laura'

Unknown to Rex, the beautiful girl with black hair is watching him from afar with a spark in her eyes.

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