Chapter 105 – Forced to join the Liangshan Mountain rebels. (2)

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Forced to join the Liangshan Mountain rebels (metaphor): was forced to revolt / being forced to take certain actions.   

He Jihong snorted proudly. The man had been grasped firmly by her, even a fly couldn’t escape from her Five Finger Mountain. 


-Five Finger Mountain / Wuzhi Mountain. 

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Chu Qiao did not know that there were many changes of story in this life. Although the house still belonged to Xu Bilian in the previous life, Chu Yuanzhi didn’t have such a huge opposition before. 

Initially, He Jihong was pretending to agree to give it to Chu Qiao. But since Chu Qiao didn’t have a city hukou, he had no choice but to give it to Xu Bilian. Although Chu Yuanzhi was a little unwilling, he didn’t make a fuss. 

In this life, He Jihong had been pissed off by Chu Qiao. So she directly opened her mouth to demand the house for her daughter. She even said some unpleasant things. No matter how useless Chu Yuanzhi was, he was still a man. So he naturally felt uncomfortable. 

Although he looked docile and obedient on the surface, a sharp thorn has planted in his heart. 

Chu Qiao, who was outside of the house, gritted her teeth. She really had no hope for Chu Yuanzhi. She definitely had to get this house. Her urgent priority for now was to solve the hukou problem first. In addition to buying a house, what else could she do to settle down in the city?

Chu Qiao quickly realized that getting married was the fastest way.

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As long as she married a person from Shanghai, her hukou would be moved to Shanghai too. And all of a sudden, Gu Ye’s bright smiling face and those big white teeth suddenly appeared on her mind. 

If she really wanted to find someone to get married to and settle the hukou, Gu Ye was the most suitable one.

But currently she still wasn’t into Gu Ye that much. If she did that, then she would be taking advantage of Gu Ye, which was really unfair to him. 

In the room, He Jihong was talking again, “From what I see, Chu Qiao couldn’t be kept here anymore. After she became older, if you just kept her, she would just become an enemy. Just look how she treats me now. Hmph, I don’t dare keep her here anymore. I have found a partner for her, and his background was also good.” 

“What is that man’s job? How old is he?” Chu Yuanzhi asked.

“Don’t worry, the one I’m looking for this time is absolutely in accordance with your liking. He is a relative from my mother’s side, named Xiao Wenjun. He was a capable man, and also a high school teacher. He was not too old, only 30 years old. His ex-wife died of illness and had no children. He was the only child in the family, a family of scholars, both of his parents are senior high school teachers too.” 

He Jihong talked about Xiao Wenjun’s family background, and Chu Yuanzhi was really satisfied. Although he was nine years older than Qiao Qiao, his family and his own conditions were very good. So he said, “Then just let Xiao Wenjun come to visit and I will have a talk with him.”

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Chu Yuanzhi wanted to see Xiao Wenjun’s appearance and talk to him. If they were suitable, then he would make the decision. Chu Qiao really couldn’t stay at home anymore. There were troubles everyday, and his head was going to explode because of that. 

“Okay, I will talk to my mother.”

He Jihong secretly sneered. Xiao Wenjun’s appearance and speech were very good. Chu Yuanzhi would definitely like it. If she didn’t know Xiao Wenjun’s details, she would have wanted to arrange it for Bilian.

“Go get me a popsicle, it’s so hot.” He Jihong yelled.


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-popsicle in 1980s

Chu Qiao hurriedly went back to her room. She was thinking about the name of Xiao Wenjun, which sounded familiar. She should have heard that name somewhere, but she couldn’t remember it for a while.

And Xiao Wenjun would definitely not be as good as what He Jihong said. How could it be possible for this woman to arrange a good man for her?

Chu Qiao thought about it for a long time, but still didn’t remember who Xiao Wenjun was. She was very nervous. Problems are coming altogether at once. The most important thing was the hukou. If Xu Bilian got that house again in this life, she would really not be at peace. 

If it was really impossible, then she would ask Gu Ye to discuss whether she could have a fake marriage to settle her hukou. Although it was very unfair to Gu Ye, she really couldn’t think of any other way. As she couldn’t trust any other men, and only Gu Ye’s character could make her feel reassured. 

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