Chapter 106 – Working at the dance hall (1)

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Chu Qiao spent the whole afternoon anxiously, and she was not in the mood to eat dinner. She just took a few bites indifferently. It was getting dark outside. Chu Qiao looked at the clock on the wall. It was already seven o’clock.

“I’m going to work.”

Chu Qiao changed into a lavender-colored dress, which she made herself, tied a high ponytail with purple hair band, and prepared a fruit knife in her bag, just as a precaution. 

“What kind of work do you do at night?” He Jihong said in a bad tone. She didn’t want Chu Qiao to go out to work. Once she went to work, she would become rebellious and more difficult to control.

“A night shift in the garment factory, as I have already said earlier.” 

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Chu Qiao explained, she was about to take her back and go out. He Jihong rushed over to stop her, “Which garment factory is open at night time? I think you are going to fool around. You are unruly just like your mother. Come back, I can’t afford to lose this face!”

“You need to speak more properly. It is your daughter who is unruly. She got pregnant with a wild man. That’s why she got divorced by her husband. The garment factory was supposed to work overtime at night. Don’t talk nonsense, if you don’t understand anything!”

Chu Qiao stood at the door and said loudly as she knew that there should be many people eavesdropping. He Jihong always praised her daughter every day outside. Even if she got divorced, she would say that it was Gu Ye’s fault, and Xu Bilian had no responsibility at all. What she did today was to let everyone know what kind of people Xu Bilian was. 

“What nonsense are you talking about? Come back!”

He Jihong was so pissed off that she grabbed Chu Qiao’s arm, trying to pull her in.

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“I’m telling the truth. Xu Bilian is a shameless bitch. She got pregnant after messing around with men. Hmph, it doesn’t matter even if you don’t want to admit it. After all, that’s the truth!”

Chu Qiao pushed gently, and He Jihong was pushed back to sit on the ground. She could only watch Chu Qiao go. The pain she felt in her tailbone was as painful as the pain in her heart. There were also many concerns raised from people outside who saw this.

“Qiao Qiao, is your older sister really pregnant ?”

“That’s right, messing around with a man and getting caught by her husband, so they can only get a divorce.” Chu Qiao didn’t want to save Xu Bilian’s reputation, because she had already destroyed it anyway.

“Aiyaah, why is Bilian so confused? No wonder she doesn’t even come home after divorce.”

“Bilian’s husband seemed to have a good family background. Director Bi knows him. I’ll ask Director Bi.”

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Everyone immediately thought of Director Bi, who lived in the compound. She should have known the inside story. A group of people rushed to find Director Bi to inquire about the gossip. He Jihong was still sitting on the ground in the room, and the pain at her tailbone became even worse.

Chu Qiao, this little bitch, must be dealt with as soon as possible. Otherwise she would be angered to death by this beast sooner or later.

Chu Yuanzhi came to help her, and he didn’t dare to talk too much. While Chu Peng did not care about anything, he went back to his room after dinner. He actually hated this family very much. His father was weak and incompetent, his mother was selfish and vicious, as for his two older sisters, one was unrestrained and selfish, the other was stupid and weak, none of them could please him.

Fortunately, Chu Qiao has changed a lot these days. He hoped that she wouldn’t let him be too disappointed. 

He could not help this mess, even if she was his own older sister. But if Chu Qiao tried to climb out by herself, he was willing to lend a hand. 

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Tang Weiguo always said that he was cold-hearted and wouldn’t recognize his own family. Chu Peng did not refute it. He was indeed such a person. He had no desire for family, love and friendship, so there was nothing that could affect him.

The dance hall was located about half an hour away from the hospital. And it was only 7:30 when Chu Qiao arrived there. The dance hall had already opened for business. The neon lights at the entrance were colorful, and there were many ‘delinquent youth’ with long hair walking around the entrance, who looked like the 1990s style punk. These people were judged as delinquent youngs in the eyes of the elderly. 


-1990s style punk

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