Chapter 11 – Just cry to get a fan (2)

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He Jihong also fell in love with Chu Yuanzhi’s appearance. One of them was willing to pursue, the other was willing to accept, they quickly became passionate. He Jihong certainly didn’t want to be a lover of a married man, Chu Yuanzhi also didn’t want to stay in the countryside to suffer. Even if Chu Qiao’s waigong1 was the captain of the production team, he couldn’t compete with He family. So he had to agree to the divorce.

1外公 wai gong : maternal grandfather.

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Chu Qiao was left to her mother, but Sun Yinxiu was not good to her, and often beat and scolded her. Because Chu Qiao’s appearance took on the advantages of her parents, her eyebrows and eyes were very similar to Chu Yuanzhi. When Sun Yinxiu saw Chu Qiao, she thought of that heartless man. When she got angry, she would smash everything. In the worst case, she grabbed an ashtray and smashed it on Chu Qiao’s forehead. Chu Qiao’s head was broken and bleeding, but wasn’t sent to the hospital. Only used a piece of grass and ashes to stop it.

Fortunately, Chu Qiao was lucky enough to survive. But it left a small scar on her forehead, which was usually covered with bangs.

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Ten years ago, Sun Yinxiu met a southern man who was doing business. They were so close like glue. In less of half a year, she followed that southern man to the south, and never came back. Five years ago, Chu Qiao’s maternal grandparents passed away. Before their death, her waigong found Chu Yuanzhi. And after that, Chu Qiao came to live with Chu Yuanzhi’s family in Lucheng.

After working like a slave in this family for five years, she was treated even less than a nanny. At least, a nanny will still have a salary, while she doesn’t have a penny. In her previous life, she had lost a life while contributing the most.

Chu Qiao smiled with self mockery. Her body was sticky and hot. She had a fever last night, and was sweating all over. She didn’t have a fan, and she didn’t know how she had survived all these years.

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In her previous life, she had followed Gu Jianshe to be a rich wife for more than ten years. In fact, Gu Jianshe didn’t treat her too badly in material. The family was warm in winter and cool in summer all year round. The food, drink, and clothing were all good. Now Chu Qiao really couldn’t stand such a stuffy room.

She looked at the small room, there was only one bed, not even a wardrobe. She only had a few pieces of clothes, which were stacked on the bed. As for her current appearance, it was only a little better than a beggar.

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The most urgent task was to change the housing conditions, and then solve that bastard Gu Jianshe. In this life, even if she was a bachelor for the rest of her life, she would never marry him again.

“Qiao Qiao, are you feeling better?”

Chu Yuanzhi entered the room with a concerned expression and a little guilt, because he couldn’t stand up for his daughter. He Jihong had the final say in this family. Xu Bilian had no respect for her stepfather, and ignored him. How did he teach her a lesson?

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