Chapter 12 – Just cry to get a fan (3)

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“Uncomfortable…… Dad, I’m so hot……”

Chu Qiao coughed weakly for a few times. She looked like she was dying. She had to get an electric fan first. In this coffin-like room, she couldn’t live without an electric fan for a day.

Chu Yuanzhi also felt hot, he was standing still and sweating profusely. His daughter was seriously ill and still stayed in such a stuffy room. He really didn’t do well as a father.

“Dad will get you a fan.”

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It was rare for Chu Yuanzhi to have a conscience, he went to his own room to get the fan and placed it in front of Chu Qiao. The fan was a little old, the fan blades turned and rattled. But it didn’t affect the wind speed, the cool wind blew out, and her whole body became cooler immediately.

“Thank you, dad. Will aunt be unhappy?”

Chu Qiao looked at her biological father timidly. Her bangs had been clipped, revealing a beautiful face. Her appearance resembled her mother Sun Yinxiu 50%, 30-40% resembled Chu Yuanzhi. But in fact, she resembled the most of her nainai1, Chu Yuanzhi’s mother.

1奶奶 nai nai : paternal grandmother.

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Chu Yuanzhi was stunned. He hadn’t seen his daughter’s face clearly for a long time. He looked at it suddenly, it seemed like he saw his mother, an unspeakable feeling filled his heart. The long lost father’s love, came back.

In fact, when Chu Qiao was born, he was very happy and wanted to train his daughter well. That’s why he named his daughter Chu Qiao, hoping that his daughter would become the best.

However, this daughter disappointed him very much. She was weak, timid, and dull, only a little bit pretty. But after all, she was his own daughter, and he still hoped that this daughter would be well.

“She won’t, your aunt has a good temper.”

Chu Yuanzhi smiled and went out to eat. Behind him, Chu Qiao’s face turned cold and she laughed sarcastically.

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He Jihong only looked nice on the outside, secretly vicious, and able to do bad things without leaving a trace. Chu Qiao didn’t know if her father was pretending to be stupid or really stupid.

But now she finally understood that crying children had sugar to eat. This proverb was not wrong. In the future, she would not only cry, but also wanted to make trouble. She would fight for her good life.

“Where’s the fan in the room?” He Jihong raised her voice, she was dissatisfied.

“Qiao Qiao’s room is too stuffy, she’s sick.” Chu Yuanzhi said cautiously.

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“What fan are we using for the afternoon nap? Why didn’t you tell me about taking the fan?”

He Jihong was even more dissatisfied, Chu Qiao didn’t need a fan. She hadn’t used it for so many years, so ​​there’s no need to use it now.

“Just use mine, I’ll sleep in the living room.” Chu Peng suddenly said something in a very impatient tone.

As soon as he opened his mouth, He Jihong became silent. She glared at Chu Yuanzhi, then served food for her son, and asked about his studies with concern. It was just that she asked ten questions, but Chu Peng didn’t answer a single one, he ignored them.

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